Let's play a little game!
And Amanda gam Nation, you have a game for us. I've got a new game. Before we get into the nuts and bolts and the injur I've made an intro for this game. I think you're what's that smell? No, it's not. You're a really strangely bad about what's it pertaining to? Well, it's pertaining to Donald Trump and you may. I saw this in the Tudor. So the Tudor advocate did this, and I think it's so brilliant. I'd like to test your knowledge. So you know how Donald Trump talks? Yeah, I know how Donald Trump, which you can do either through the skinner in some other way. And think you've always enjoyed the way he puts a sentence together. And you know you may from summer height time. A school that bands Farml's is a school that bands life fastly. Farmlds can give hope. They give people something to live from. It's true. And so I've got some quotes here, and you have to tell me whether it's Donald Trump or you may. And you said you had an intro. Get ready, you are fake. She's like a massive sick. We have the most beautiful piece of chocolate case in those particular positions. I just don't want a poor person. Sorry, I decided to go through my bisexual phase. Ready to play under the show. Oh what's your name? Guess this smell? I'm going back to Danie. All right, here we go. Here is quote number one. I promise not to talk about your massive plastic surgeries that didn't work. Is that Trump? Or is that Jermay? It's Trump? That's Donald Trump? No, it's Donald Trump. When did he say that? You would be surprised? All right? Number two? You ready? What do I win? By the way, nothing? I love peace? Are you into peace? Is that Donald Trump? Or is that Jermay? It's you? Be ashamed of yourself? All right? Number three? I think when when they were choosing people, they wanted someone who was good at pretty much everything, and like, because it's going to be on the news and on TV. I think they wanted someone decent looking. Is that Trump? Or is that Jerma? It's hard? Isn't it? Trump? Ashamed of yourself? I've never seen a thin person drink diet coke? Is that Trump? Or is that Erma? That's you May? That's Trump? No, You've got none right to be blunt? People would vote for me. They just would Why because I'm so good looking? That's Trump. That is Trump. It's a dumb thing. I think a lot of public school people are dumb. Is that Trump? Is that what I'm saying? Now? Okay, ready, here's the last one? And what do I win? A giant pass from Tom? Okay, here we go. People love me, and you know what, I've been very successful. Everybody loves me. Is that Trump? Or is that Jamae? Oh? I reckon? Okay, that's Trump? Yes, it is Trump. You came home under a wet sale. Brendan saprise is a wet sail, and you can Tom's going to put on his Millennia Trump hat and you can try and kiss him. Can I get a kiss?