🐦 Man Had A PIGEON Living On His HEAD!

Published Aug 21, 2023, 9:20 PM

In 1969, BBC News spoke to Mr Glynne Wood - who had a pigeon living on his head.

Jersey and Amanda jam Nation.

You know, I do look at the BBC News archives and I saw this story from nineteen sixty nine. It's a man called Glynn Wood. He's wearing a suit, looks like your average kind of man. I think he's a tax accountant. He was walking home one day and a pigeon landed on his head and refused to leave. So this pigeon has been living on his head. He's being interviewed. He's wearing a regular suit and tie. He's being interviewed and when he's had a listen to it.

But picture the picture.

What's going on. He's sitting there with a thing the size of a small chicken, a pigeon walking around on top of his head as this exchange takes place.

Did it seem a fairly friendly sort of bird.

It's very friendly, very friendly to me, that is, and doesn't like my life.

Do you think it recognizes you?

I think it must do, because on Friday evening, out of about fifty or sixty people, it picked me out.

But how do you even tried to push it off and get rid of it?

Oh? I did it in the first instance. I did, yes, about four or five times, and it just flew around and came back on ahead again.

Where did it go with you?

It goes everywhere. Everywhere I go, the pigeon goes. I got the road in the shops being gross.

But what happens when you want to go to work in the morning.

Well, if night I put it in the garage and lock the doors, and then the following morning, when I'm welcome out of the house, my wife opens the garage doors and it flies off.

And what happens when you come home at night or when I come home at night?

Is waiting for me?

Isn't it a problem when you want a meal?

It was at first, but I've learned to live with it, and when I'm hungry I eat.

Don't you find it rather messy keeping a pigeon at the top?

Yes, I've gone through three suits and about half a dozen shirts to know.

Do you think there's any answer to the problem.

I don't see one. If it was all in my mind, I could see psychiatrist and that would be the end of the matter. But this is real.

It's like a body python.

It sounds like Moudy python. And weirdly, when that story aired on BBC News, someone said they recognized their pigeon and went and claimed it. It was their pigeon and it had flown away and had lived on top of mister Wood's head for over a week. And then they said no, they recognized Charlie on the news, yep, and they found it and Charlie went home with them again. So the story just got weirder.

Whenever you see a dude walking around with a bird on his shoulder, you think, okay, it's always says.

Or rat on you shoulder.

Yeah, you know, snakes, rats, birds, any of that stuff. I guarantee you it's some sort of weirdo.


It's like when you see a grown man riding around on a BMX bike.

You do that?

You do that?

They shirt on He was jealous. I'm just saying, unless it's Jonathan the Parlia, he can get away with it. But if I do it, I look like I belong in a caravan. Part Well, what.

About though this animal though picked him out, It wasn't that he got a pet and carried it around with him, and that sometimes happened. The member Chris Brown did a story for the living Room The living Room for the living Room about an emu was behaving really strangely, and the farmer said, I don't know what's going on, and Chris deducted that the emu was in love with the farmer. It was nesting season and the emu was fixating on the farmer.

Brandy has had with all the birds they or just come to me.

Yeah, they're all draped around his neck. Like any solution, I don't see one.

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