This is how Jonesy & Amanda spent their holidays!
And Amanda jam Nation big things. We've been on air for twenty years. We've shared so much of our lives, so much stuff. And something amazing happened to you just in the last few weeks.
Yeah, I got a bunch of carpet of in the house. Some I was good. I did a bit of painting.
When I said I wasn't a softy.
My daughter got engaged, brilliant.
My grandfather and yes, Morgan and Zoe had a baby boy. Well, how do you feel you was a grandfather? You know the image we have of grandfathers, you know it's on popular culture, is an old bloke smoking a pipe in a rocking chair. You're not that, and I'm sure most grandfathers of these days aren't. But how do you feel being a granddad?
That's pretty cool? It is pretty cool.
And I saw a fabulous photo that you sent of Helen holding the baby and you said it reminds you of when all those years ago, when she was holding Morgan in her house. It must be an extraordinary thing.
It's uncanny how much the little guy looks like Morgs. It's uncanny really, and.
Probably looks like you as a baby. That's genetics. At work.
But he said, to your mom, you're holding him a bit too tight. I said, mate, I've done this before.
Every grandparent has this same discussion where the new parents are allowed to say, oh, don't do this, don't do that. But I've been here before. And so it begins as.
I'm smoking a pipe over.
It's wonderful news and great news at Romany. Your daughter and Michael got engaged. That's a big family things.
The potential son in Laura's moved up a night. I know absolutely, so it was all happening.
It was all happening, a big couple of weeks for your family. Congratulations all round.
Thank you, And now look at us. Here we are doing this.
Here, we are doing this and they were little babbies when we first started.
That's true, isn't it.
It is true, And yet we've aged backwards. Like Benjamin Button, I'm in a nappy. I'm hoping that's because I'm young.
He's an engagement in my family. Little bit maybe came into the world. I'm now grandpa. Enough about my holidays.
What did you do for one of the weeks of the holidays. I went with my sons Liam and Jack to Tokyo and I've been traveling to Japan for over thirty years. I used to go Beyond two thousand and it's one of my favorite places in the world. And the boys have been there before, but to go with them as adults now I saw such a different side to Tokyo. It was actually I was in tears before I left. Actually, the morning we went, I bought a new suitcase and I thought the man in the shop had shown me how to lock it. And I've never in my whole life locked a suitcase, so I thought I'd better lock it. And then half an hour before I was about to leave the house early in the morning, I couldn't unlock it. All my things were in there and I couldn't unlock it, and I was so fraught I started to cry, as you can imagine, because I thought, what do I do? Do I send my bag to Tokyo by a standing knife and slice it open? But they're built so sturdily these days, would that even work? And Harley was saying, look, they're not going to let you fly with a suitcase that can't be opened. Someone at the airport would be able to help you. And it's a samsonite and I was trying to phone the twenty for our helpline and a tsa lock on it that only an airport can unlock. Well, that's what I read. That twenty for our helpline didn't quite exist, and it was so early in the morning that no one could help me. Finally, on the way to the airport, I got hold of the Samsonite shop at the airport. You know when you see those suitcase shops, you think, he goes in here when you're about to fly. That was me. It was me and a lovely man. I think his name was Brian. He was so helpful. I said, I can't unlock my suitcase and he got a little implement and he said, have you put the code in zero zero one? I said no, why would to do that? And he said, that's exactly what you've put in here. And I must have, just thinking I hadn't set the code yet moved it because it's always zero zero zero when you first get it. Something had happened so fine. That was before I even left. I had that tension.
That's why you should have a duffel bag.
Oh, that's why she should have a lot of things. That's why she should drink more gin and tonics. But you know, I had a great time and everything. I love everything about Japan and I have for years and years. And with the kids, as I said, we went bar hopping. We went to one small little bar just us. It was an anime bar. It's just us. Actually. There was an English guy in the corner who was unusual, and the barman who doesn't give a rats whether you're there or not. And there was a snake in a jar of alcohol and we drank shots from that. Oh and that was early in the evening and the next day the end of the even would want school or didn't you think? And I've become obsessed with the bide. I've never really been into the bid a before the toilet in the hotel and Liam and I were discussing this. He and Jack had a separate room. But when you walk towards it, it opened up and you'd sit down and the seat was warm, and then the bid a would kick in and you had to remind yourself you had to turn it off because you just could sit there there for hours and when I and then it would flush the minute your step stood up. So I've come home, I just walk away from the toilet, expecting it to be flushed. But Lean put me off because he said it freaked him out a little bit. It was like a greedy toilet, like hungry, hungry hippop or cookie monster when just to consume things. But another great Barbie went.
Sounds like an only fan.
But you know, I would have gone to the end of the street just to hang out with the kids. I wouldn't mean if they want to hang out with me, I would have. I don't care where we are. But it was so great to spend that time with them as big grown men, and they're so big with big heads.
Of early hair.
They stood a head above everybody, so I could find them anywhere.
It was just and they're on your dime.
Of course, of course mums opening the wallet and the toilet.
Who wants some snake drinks? English guy in the corner, so good