Did you know that some schools are ditching their annual swimming carnival? We thought it was the perfect time to reminisce about our own swimming carnival memories and they are WILD!
It's the podcast what a show Today, moon't She?
We checked in with one of our favorite Irish comedians. His name is Killian Sunderman. What's he doing? Saint Patrick's day was still alive and thriving when we came to work this morning.
I missed the news last night for I reckon about three minutes.
I was just doing some chores.
But thank goodness you're watching it because I wouldn't have been made aware of this story.
It was one of the more unusual stories I've ever seen. A woman stole something from her school, from her place of work, from the rubbish spin at her place of work. They were two human toast. Anyway, we'll tell you. We're talking through all of that.
Kanye West has a new song. I don't care. I think it's dreadful, well do.
That's why Rapping with Munsie is here. And speaking of Kanye, he's feuding again with his wife Kim Kardashian. Emma Gillespie's going to dissect all of that with That's Entertainment.
The tribal drama will beat his World Tale of the School Swimming Carnival.
Who enjoy the podcast.
About a miracle of recording We have so many requests for them to do it.
Again, Mistress Amanda and Miss Amanda doesn't work alone.
Friend in the broom making the tools of the train.
I've heard them describe him as a drunken idiot, the legendary part Jonesy and Amanda the actress.
Congratulations, man, we're there right now. Jersey and Amanda, you're doing a great job. Anyone but Silki.
Good radio.
Sorry but it's a tone tongue twist set idiot.
And Amanda shoot timing.
We're on there.
Top of the money is going. I've got some show and tell for the class.
You know how I like to go for a paddle each afternoon on the board. I was paddling a lot up near bundeen Away and I found a drone underwater.
It was like shallow water, shallow water, probably about.
Two and a half feet down.
I had to get my paddle and scoop it out.
And now I found this drone. And I don't know. I don't know anything about dryings. Do you know anything about drones.
I've seen them used, and I know they're used in filming your TV shows, all kinds of.
If you shoes at them when they come calling at your home. Yeah, I've just dropped it, but it is it?
How old do you think that is?
I don't know, as your boy told you? You did you dealing this stuff?
It looks pretty near has it corroded much?
Got a little bit on the camera but not much elsewhere.
Looks very good. Would it be an expensive drone? It needs to be like a thousand bucks on thousand dollars drying?
What are you hoping to do with it, Brendan? Not meaning you can't resell it for thou.
It's got like a little it's got a little card, did it? Little SDI card? Is it called an SDI? I'm not st that's okay, that's a veneural disease, a st car. Maybe we get digital Jenner on this.
Oh you know that's someone's private stuff.
To return it to its right folowna.
Yeah, but you don't need to look at this stuff first too. There's a woman in a red Bikinian review that's you is my number?
What do you being like this for?
I like to return stuff to its right fall Oen, I know, but there might be precious memories or what if it's covering up a grizzly murder what if it's seen.
Something Harold hold underwater.
It's exciting. We'll give that to Digital Jenna.
Don't make a face, Digital Jenna, just do it.
It's fun. It's fun.
It's fun for us. But if it's some you know, if someone's lost their precious memories, I know.
They'd be I like to return those precious memories. Now it happens to be flying over of.
Sydney Sweeney while she's on a jet ski in a bikini, So be it.
We've returned it to its right fl ownA. I'm happy to give that back to her.
You're a citizen of the world.
I am a citizen of the Ward.
You know, today is the eighteenth of March, and I've found there's other things. This is Jonesy Show and Tell my Diary from two thousand and five.
Well, for those of you who need to know, Jonesy is a prolific diary keeper for our radio show. So you write down what we do this day, little news clippings from what happened, So what's happened on this day?
And also this is our twentieth anniversary, So twenty years ago on the eighteenth of March, we were an evergreen radio.
Show I just started that year.
It was a Friday and looked team meeting at ten am.
Where's the last time I had one of those?
Twenty years ago? But on this day, you know we spoke to Sandra Bullock, could we? She was out for mis congeniality too.
I don't remember.
Talking to see they come out, the big stars come out to promote movies that aren't great and miscontinuality one brilliant, misconjeality two challenging.
Here's some some of the questions. Your boyfriend Jesse James is a real car head. Are you into cars?
Remember what happened with that relationship?
He ran off with Bombshell McGhee. If someone comes to you your life, if.
You're looking to fire an no pair for example, and her name is Bombshell McGee, don't do it.
Did you pick up any beauty secrets from the first movie?
Double sided tape and the like.
Oh, big questions, big question.
Hemorrhoid ointment? Under your eyes? Remember that I went through that because I was in Kerry Anne's show.
So that's what you were using retinal or something. Weren't you under the eyes?
Or in your soul?
At work obviously not I did, oh set up?
She speaks fluent German. I've got about it. I forgot about Do you remember talking to her?
Very vaguely? It was I'm sure she remembers talking to us. Yeah, the guy I kept talking about and your soul.
What jobs do you still do around the home that you just can't pay someone to do?
You say, asking Sandra Bullocks.
Yeah, bombshell McGee yeah, well service your partner.
Well, it takes the pressure off you, doesn't it. Really. We're got an action pack show today. We do.
So you're stopping there and suddenly it's my turn to talk.
Well, I've been talking too much, I know.
Only because you don't know what's coming up. But I do. I do know what's going We've got Emma Gillespie. There's a whole lot of stuff going on with Carnyate at the moment. There's actually my son sent me Krnye's new song last night. The lyrics are challenging as always. We might have a rapping with Moncey on the rail, but Emma Gillespie, our entertainment editor, is also going to look at he has hurt their daughter North on the song, along with Sean Combs, Yeah, So there's some controversy there as to he says the daughter's wearing makeup and having a life with the mum that he doesn't approved of. She's saying, what the hell are you doing with her daughter in this context? I wonder what's going to happen there?
Also Instagram makes is return and we can't do anything till we do the Magnificence set.
Question one a witch upcoming event? Can you find wood chopping show Bags and fried Treats.
Thirteen ninety seven, tomschelle McGhee.
Tom Shell McGhee, What if she's on that drone footage?
Gam Nation? We have the Magnificent seven. There are several questions?
Can you go all the way and answer all seven questions correctly?
If you do that, Amanda will.
Say, do you give the drone to Jenna?
Gave you the drone to Jenna.
She's taking out the little card in it.
She's working on that as we speak.
And when you stay working on it. She's taken it out, seeing if it's corroded and trying to find out what's on it. Putting face.
Yeah, right now, she's just turning it over in her hands like a little monkey. That's discovered something, all right, so I would imagine that she'll be on top of it right right.
So we'll let us know if we see Sydney Sweeney on a jet ski. Why the jet ski?
If you just joined us?
I found a drone while I was out paddling there yesterday and I thought, well, hang on, look at this.
That could be you know, return it to its rightful owner.
But first of all, we want to look at the images.
Well that's how we find out who the rightful owner, unless you want to ring up and say you lost to drone?
If it will we find a Bundina?
Did you say, yeah, bundina? So main bar deep and spit.
Okay, Well, if it's yours, please get in touch with us to save you the ignomy of us looking at your pictures.
In the meantime, we'll play the Magnificent seven. Hater is in bass Hill? Hater?
How are you?
I'm well, thank you guys?
How are you?
You haven't lost a drone?
Question one? Not your thing? At which coming event can you find wood chopping? Show bags and fried treats? And you can also at the show by the Jones in Amanda show bags just saying it's the.
Best bag hater. Honestly, it's the best bag we've ever put together. Which country invented salt and vinegar chips? Oh?
Oka, Australia.
No, No, Rachel's in Wesley, Oh, Rachel.
Do you know which country had invented the chips?
Why Australia. It's not America. Think about think about it for a second.
A country that likes its fish and chips, I'd say put salt and vinegar on them.
Podcast we are into the Magnificent seven where startling question number two.
It's going to Michael and Liverpool. Hello Michael, good morning. Which country invented Sultan vinegar chips? We've ruled out Australia, We've ruled out the United States.
I think it's the United Kingdom it is.
They're invented in the UK in nineteen sixty eight. They're my favorite chip, by the way, has in the world. You can try out the inventors winning formula. His name is Jim Connell. Pay homage to him by buying our jones in a Man of showbag, which has a big packet of Sultan vineer chips.
You just wove that in there, didn't you? Nicely let's play a lyrical assassin.
Remind me how this goes?
Is where we.
Quote lyrics from a song, and you have to get where the lyrics are from.
But I do it in a conversational.
FACI conversational Pretend we're sitting around.
A fire, Michael, what am I wearing? Where have you gone?
Joe Demaggio? Our nation turns its lonely eyes to you?
Woo, And I'm leaving this room.
It's got Michael, I can't think of it.
No, it doesn't sound familiar.
Frank's campbell, Hello.
Frank, let me have a crack at THEO. Hello. But ten minutes chatting at the shops and I just look over to you, Frank, and I just happened to say, where have you gone? Joe DiMaggio? A nation turns its lonely eyes to you. Woo woo woo?
Are you pitching?
Very much so? But what's the song?
Where have you blamed?
Yeah, Simon, you're not a fan ag I like a Lemonhead's version of you better doubt put hero.
What decade was the first disposable plastic water bottle used? Was it a the nineteen forties b the nineteen sixties or c. The nineteen seventies, seventies.
No, I would have thought it was.
More recent, but no confident, but no.
Virginia is in Putney, Hello, Virginia. Do you know Hello, Hello? In which decade was the first dispose? Will water bottle used the forties or the sixties?
It was the forties.
You don't need a water bottle, a plastic water bottle, because a beautiful drinking container, a metal water bottle. Let me get in our showbags. As is a cap. You know we're talking about Simon and garf uncle and Joe DiMaggio, he were a baseball cap. All of these are linked to our showbag in some way, true or false.
The deck of playing cards represents a calendar year.
Is a deck of playing cards in our showbag?
Is that true? False? Virginia?
True, it is true.
I didn't know this. Fifty two cards for the weeks, four suits for seasons, thirteen cards in each suit for thirteen lunar cycles.
Question six, What does the word tote mean in relation to a tote bag? If you've got a tote bag, say Jones and Amanda showbag, that's a tote bag. What's the word tote mean apart from tote? School is without the stretch? No? Is it doing word?
Yeah? Nixon box Hill, Hello Nick?
What's the word tote mean?
Hey, guys tell you.
I'm going to say, is it to carry?
It is to carry?
And if you were to get one of these totals, you're not to say these to show to carry these things in?
They right? And what sort of bag would that be? What type of ride? What type of ride do we have? Is to show this year? We have a ride?
No, Malcolm's in Ginelle. Hello Malcolm. What kind of ride do we have? We've had it the last few years.
It's based on the way Amanda.
Drives, dodging of course.
Yeah, well that's a bit of a giveaway.
Congratulations to you, Malcolm. You've won the jam pack.
You've got one hundred and fifty dollars to indulge at Otto Restaurant Day for reservations, visit Ostro Otto Restaurante dot com dot a you a family pastor Toarronga Zoo. Bring your herd to to Wronga Zoo's el ebrations and make family memories. Also, Jones and demanded character choice, feed the color in and some state out of pencils.
I say, Malcolm, anything to.
Add gold one seven point one?
Oh well, thank you, Malcolm. He's taking your job for doing better.
And half the announcers of this.
Radio you're doing well Jonesy and Amanda Podcast.
I enjoyed hands Brendon working with Flower frigid Ze Idiots somewhere.
Coming through the Germanic A big book of music facts.
On this day.
In nineteen seventy seven, the Beg's released their smash hit Night Fever. You know, the one from the iconic movie Saturday Night Fever. Yes, the movie was originally called Saturday Night and the boys weren't happy.
Were They went to their manager.
Robert Stigwood, and said, Saturday Night is a movie, is no good, and so they changed it to Saturday Night Fever. That's a movie for the second movie.
Yes, Saturday Night Fever. The soundtrack sold over thirty million copies.
Hands up, who didn't have it? No one?
The boys pocketed two Grammys, But with fame comes jealousy.
Recently, Barry GiB.
Revealed it wasn't all smooth sailing with his bros.
I understand now, I understand a lot more. I understand what made them unhappy.
They were right.
That's why were they right?
Because she was a group and we should have all been supporting each other much more than we did. I got too much attention, Robin didn't get enough, and Know certainly didn't get enough. I never understood their feelings until a couple of years ago.
Do you think they shared their ditches?
That's all well and good, but the boys are all dead and Barry's the last one stack.
I get it.
And Andy wins it live.
Let's put this on.
The stereotypical music to be getting on with. Well. Many of us are waking up feeling maybe a bit dusty this morning following Saint Patrick's Day celebrations across the city. Our friends in Ireland are still going hard. So I thought we check in with our resident Irish comedian on the ground, Killian Sunderman.
Hello, Hello, how are you guys getting on top of the good Australia, top of them even in here, top of the evening.
We're all Yesterday we were annoyingly saying, to be sure, to be sure, do Irish people hate it when people do that?
They do? Yeah, that's not really something I don't think we've ever said, But I mean we do like repeating ourselves, so saying it twice is quite accurate. But just you can just say it, say it once and it's wrong.
And what's the mood? What's happening? Is it is Patrick's Day? Massive in Ireland? I'm imagining it's bigger in places where the expats go crazy, like Australia in the United States. Is it big in Ireland? Or imagining that?
Oh yeah, it's big. Do you want to hear do you want to hear the crew? Here we are, We're on Australian radio. No, don't we about that. I don't even know myself. That's just a room full of people in their thirties were full of guinness. That's what's happening there.
So that could just be any day of the week.
You're right, you are, you are right there. But actually that Jonty, that's not the offense. That's actually no.
So is it just a big drinking What happens do you chase snakes around? Anything interesting?
Actually they do really nice kind of like festival stuff for kids around the city. There's a big, massive parade that runs through Dublin City and they do it all over the country. So there's loads of different little parades. But you're right in saying it started as an XPath festival. I think it started in New York City in the mid hundreds, and it's kind of like an Irish Pride march, and they used to do that, and then somehow it just kind of casts back to Ireland and now we do it as well, and it's a big, massive festival here too. But I think it is big. And you know, places where there's lots of expats, like Sydney, Melbourne and New York and Argentina and all these places where there's loads of.
Irish people, I think everywhere in the entire world is filled with our people. That's how it feels to us living here in.
The whole world was filled with Irish if.
Only we're good at getting around.
You've got relatives in Sydney, haven't you.
I do. I've got my brother Neil's and my sister Carla. They are both carpenters in Sydney. They're building the floors that you guys are walking on at the moment, or I mean, I don't know exactly if they built those exact floors, but the good quality. My brother actually built a door that was in a film with Ryan Goslink. Ryan Gosling broke through a door I think was the one with the stuntman the Stuntman movie The Fall Guy. Yes, yeah, my brother built the door that Ryan Gosling broke through. And you know, if Ryan Gosling broke through, it had to be quite a strong door. That's a strong man. Yeah, so you know they're building good strong door.
Did he make the door to be meant to be broken or was it just paul workmanship?
You know what? I I don't know. I don't It feels like you're going after Irish people's workmanship here. But yes, it was intentional, thank you very much. No, no, yeah, he meant to make it blinter into a thousand pieces. But then obviously Ryan Golshin's the mass strength. It was completely exploded. I wants to say I've never had the joy of listening to Australian radio before, but I always assumed that you guys would just be listening to the Beg's all the time. So I was delighted to tune in and just hear the Beg's. I was like, its ACDC next.
I don't know, always either the Begs or rock said kill, one of the great we have.
Well you look after yourself. How be you too, Kayley?
How many guinnesses are you deep right now? How many of your heads so far?
Well, I'm ashamed to say I'm pre Guinness deep. I've got one in my hand here and I don't know how many more I'll have. But it is a Tuesday tomorrow, so I've got to be back to work. I think most of the guinness was drink over the weekend, so hopefully there won't be too many sorts. I don't think much work gets done tomorrow. I think we can all agree there's just a mass nationwide. Everyone can have a bit of a long lion. I think that's the rule.
That's the truth.
Well, I know you're about to hit off your haird on to through Ireland, but please bring your shadow with streategy not to see you.
I will, I will, of course I'll be over. I know a lot of my good friends were over at the Melbourne and Sydney comedy vestals that are happening, so yeah, I'll be over there soon. Hopefully next year that'll happen and I'll be able to bring some Irish comedy over because I'm sure you guys have never had any of that over there.
To be sure, maybe you could break through a door that your brother's made.
Amanda Joanne, your producer, was saying that you may have a slight cross on me that oh I'm.
Going to have I'm going to have her murdered. I've been following you on your social media for some time and I just think you're hilarious. But that's mortifying.
Well, I'm just here to tell you there's plenty of other great I mean, you're picking the wrong one. There's Palm Mescal, there's Andrew Scott. There's a plenty of better bunds that you'll be picking from. So I'm telling you you're choosing the worst one. But thank you very much.
I like to aim low, no offense.
Okay, seems there easier to get.
Yeah, I didn think it's returned into a spade work session.
But here we are. Killian Sunderman, thank you for joining.
Thank you so much. Jos and a man to have a lovely day. Everyone has Dney and also I've got a good friend in Melbourne, Zoe, so shout out to her as well. I don't know if there's a Sydney and Melbourne.
Think yeah, and I'm off now to Killian our producer.
Okay, thank you mate, regard to yourself.
It's happening as we speak. Digital Jenna is working on the drone that I found.
And they say working on it trying to find out.
Who who owns it?
Or is it just you trying to prove into their lives?
Not at all.
I want to return it to its rightfle owner. What I've established so far, it's expensive drin them.
I want to back. I don't know if it works. She's out on the case.
You found it underwater. I found it underwater, and so do you think you can buy You think you can give it back to somebody saying, hey they're wearing red speeders or something.
So what she's thinking if that, I don't know what.
I think it is having a fruriant look something. If you're filming stuff with your drone. It's not someone who Ogiz saying I live in this street and his most.
The problem interested people are interesting. You're one of those people that would just go through and say I have nothing to see.
Sorry for thinking about people's privacy. You're quite right. Is this what you say when you look through people's windows at night. I'm an interested person, as makes me interesting officer.
Making sure they're jem jam nation. And Amanda's with great sadness that I announced this.
No great hello, Then let's get on down to the jonesy demand of arms for the pub test used to film me full of Dread when I was a kid.
The school swimming carnival.
Here's information this morning from the Royal Life Saving Australian organization that one in four schools around Australia have abandoned the annual swimming carnival. Oh, I would be so relieved if my school never had a swimming carnival. But having said that, the ones that are participating, only fifty percent of students are competing in them. That's this decline and in swimming lessons is a big deal where actually last year drownings jumped fifteen percent last summer.
So there are repercussions as it.
Is due to a bigger migrant population, not.
Just that schools aren't having. Schools are saying it's expensive to have swimming lessons and it takes up a lot of time for the kids, etc. So those things are dropping off in a school curriculum. I used to hate, hate the swimming carnival, and my mother would always write me a note saying that I was unwell and didn't go because she knew how much I hated it. She knew that I knew how to swim, so you know, I had had swimming lessons, but it was a waste of my time to go swimming canta. I hated it. And also to stand around in your swimming costume at school. Stand around is swiming costume anywhere? Yeah?
Fine, I didn't have any choice. My mother was a swimming teacher, so I was always in the pool. Having said that, though I was of an era where everyone swam, you know, we did our Bronze Madayan and all that sort of stuff. And yet the Bronze Medaian, well you had to swim fifty meters.
They're saying that kids can't do that any moment. Forty eight percent of year six swimmers can't swim fifty meters or shred water for two minutes. Thirty nine percent of year ten students can't each meet those year six vices. That's alarming for.
A land that's girt by sea.
But we're also far more aware of kids and the uncomfortable nature of making them stand around near naked.
Yeah, well, what do you think the.
Pub test today? School swimming carnivals do they passed the pub test? Share Nation podcast. It was a story that was promoted at the head of the news last night. I was watching Peter Overton on Channel nine and I thought, I'm going to watch that story. And they knew it was juicy because they kept promoting it and promoing it, and it never came, and I thought, have I actually missed it?
I missed the news last night. I was doing some chores.
Well, you will be sorry, because finally, when that story dropped right at the end of the news, it was the most extraordinary thing I've heard in a long time.
A mother of five has avoided jail after she fished human toes out of a wheelly bin to sell them online. The toes were thrown up by a dog, police finding them at the woman's home with an alligator claw and a bird scarp.
Are there any questions of friends?
Are just you usual?
That old genre?
I go on?
Joanna Kinman stole two human toes from a wheely bin at work, planning to sell them online. How much did you think.
You were going to get for those toes?
Why did you do it?
Can you come on?
The forty eight year old told her daughter she had researched it and thought she could get about four hundred dollars for them.
As an avid.
Contributor of a Facebook group called bone Buddies Australia, a page that describes itself as a resource for Australians to ask questions, offer advice and buy, swap or sell specimen. The mother of five was working for an animal shelter when two dogs found with their dead owner became ill and coughed up human remains. Those remains were placed in a bin which miss Kinman searched.
At the end of her shift.
She found two human toes and placed them in a jar of fromaldehyde, which took home and kept on a shelf between a guinea pig trotter, an alligator claw, a bird skull and teeth belonging to her children. Fort heard miss Kinman has previously sold specimens of stillborn puppies and kittens. She has since lost her job at the animal shelter and pleaded guilty to mischarge, hoping to be spared jail. She was sentenced to one hundred and fifty hours of unpaid work as part of an eighteen month community corrections order.
And this little piggy went to court. Are you obsessed with human remains? That's how the story kind of went.
How much? How much? How much? Four hundred dollars?
I'm not sure?
Is that patou? If I want it as a job, lot tell him he's dreaming? What's wrong with me?
It's interesting, interesting world to dip your toe into, isn't it, jam Osis?
When God, now.
Go on your windows, sit.
Your head on a yell, now.
Down to the Jonty demand a arms to the pub test. School swimming carnivals do they pass the pub test?
One in four schools around Australia have dumped the annual swimming carnival and only fifty percent of the So the ones that are holding their swiming carnivals, not every student has to participate. Only fifty percent of students are competing in the swimming carnivals. This decline has threatened lives. Is saying that we've had a jump in fourteen percent last summer in the number of deaths we've had due to drowning.
But the swimming.
Carnival is a perversely disastrously terrifying event. It wasn't for kids.
Do you remember as a kid, all you do is you'd sit there and watch. And I was a pretty good swimmer as a kid, but I was back in the seventies.
There were kids that were like ten times better swimmers.
Like everyone swam, but we'd end up just sitting on hot ash felt watching the good kids swim.
It's one thing to be in a running competition and not do very well, but if you're pretty much floundering in a pool, there's humiliation, and you're wearing a closet. You've got to get in and out of the pools. And we're more aware these days of how kids feel about their bodies. We're more sensitive to all that. Having said that, look at the downside, kids aren't learning to swim anymore. Swimming carnivals, do they pass the pub test?
Not really well.
I think kids are forced into water when some of them can't swim, or they don't know how to diet. That I want to be embarrassed, that I want to be made fun of, you know what I mean.
I think they should have them. I think they're important because kids need to learn how to swim I'm a school teacher, so I see the kids go off to swimming lessons and then like the swimming carnival is kind of like, do you see what they've learned in their swimming lessons?
Know that I'm past the pub test.
Especially for young kids, you've got to drag them there and back.
It's a really big day to the parents.
I think that every school should have swimming colivuls because some kids have been training their whole life to these things which are some other kids met like cross countries athletics carnivals. Some kids have been focused on swimming carnivals, and I don't think they should take it away from them.
No, because seeing you three to six they don't have swimming carnivals and then in year seven they have you carnivals. It's not good for body chain. The girls a bit funny about their shape with their bodies at their age, and boys are not very nice. So no, it doesn't pass the subtext.
I'm a teacher and anything that the teacher students report outside of the classroom has to be positive.
Yeah, I don't know, standing around your cozy all day, are you with you one piece?
Standing next to mister.
Made of chain mail.
Mister Carnivals work for me German teacher.
Thank you for all your calls.
Mister, I was distracted because Digital Jenna I've just seen she's had a little Eureka moment at the top of the show.
I found a drone somewhere.
Near Bundena underwater, a little underwater drone, and I've brought.
It designed to be an underwater drone.
No no, no, it's fallen from the sky and I want to return it to its rightful.
Owner by looking at their pictures.
Well that's that's the only way is and then you're going.
To describe them in enormous.
I'm not going to describe anything, but Digital Jenna has a breakthrough gam Nation.
Lady Bars, you chomped through in the.
I'm giving you Lady Pass started the show.
I found a drone and by the way, we're not doing lost and found the good old days of hands and No.
If I find something, then that's fair enough that it's interesting. If Johnny Normal finds it, we named care.
But I found a drone while I was paddling, and I've brought the drone back to the radio station, given it to Digital Jenna.
What and Digital Jenna, you've had success.
Yes, so I've accessed their steakhard and.
Looked at the footage.
I can tell you that the first video was recorded on the eleventh of March.
So really recently.
Yep, at six fifty seven pm yep.
And then the last video.
Was the thirteenth of March at nine to twenty five am.
This drone, is it an expensive drone?
Yeah, it's a Dji drone, which is the best drone on the market, but it's the beginner's option, so it usually retails for like around eight hundred two thousand dollars.
So why do you think it crashed?
Probably lost battery.
And let me ask you this. What's on it?
What's on it? Okay, So so we can return into it's rightfu Lena.
Well we'll see.
So basically it it's just footage over Lily Pilli yep, and then the National Park and then it returns to the owner who's waiting on his balcony in Cronulla. Can you see him, Yes, you can see him his shirtless and pants though well yes, yes, okay, I don't want to reveal too much.
If your shirtless in Cronella, you've lost your drone, anything else on there.
Actually there was actually some really interesting footage of somebody on a jet ski.
Oh no, who Sydney Sweeney, Yeah, Jokie Yeah.
Jonesy was going on this morning. But I won't know if it's called that on it. If Johnny Normal found it, that would be different. But I'm Johnny abnormal. Jenny, well done, Thank you, Jenny. Really, if this.
Does shirtless is shirtless of?
You're shirtless of Cronella.
You lost your drone after two flies.
We don't think it will work again.
We have it.
It's corrupt. I've tried.
Isn't everything in Cronulla corrupt?
Jonesy and Amanda podcast.
You know, I'm not much of a rap for rap and hip hop music, but I appreciate that it's out there.
It seems to be around a bit, seems to be a lot of it.
Seems to be a lot of it, and you're into it.
You threw your sons Jack and Liam, particularly Liam.
He likes his rap and hip hop. That's why we have this segment rap them one.
See she's a sexy Flores sixty six, She's a sexy sex and sexy.
Kanye West is in the news at the moment, he's feuding with Kim Kardashi and his ex wife over their kids and a whole lot of stuff. Emma Gillespia Entertainment Report is going to cover all that shortly. But I thought, let's have a look at some of his new music. He's been He's released teasers or some of his new songs. And yes, my son Liam sent this to me. E Eezy's teases. This one he's teasing us with. There is a song called Rari, which I assume is short for ferrari. You speak street, have a listen.
She want to happen, I said, I look you race. She want to happy away. I said her, you're ready to die. I say, you're ready to die. They're telling me that I'm a burly.
I'm I hear the Bahama, Can I hear them?
Well that's.
So, let me just decide for what's going on here. Okay, you want to hop in a rari, which means late. If she wants to ride in a prestigious.
Car ferraries, which would be nice, then this is where it gets a little fruity.
They tell me I'm a bully, I'm anti Semitic, fully, and I've got to make sure I beat myself here. They say I'm acting like Hitler, But how am I acting like Hitler When I'm an fing in word? They're telling me? Get off Twitter. I voted for Trump, not Biden. I know some inwards that went to that island. Why the f would you go to that island? That's Epstein Island.
Talking about great Keppel. There are words in the world.
He goes on.
It was just understand.
Me, guess because nazis reading Culton chapters.
For cold sleep.
Let me break that down for you.
Where's the rock?
Went to the dentist and gave me some nitrous, went to the dentist and put on some diamonds. I didn't ask for N words to try me. They just don't understand me. I'm that N word that's going to urinate on Grammys rocking swastikas because all my N words. Nazis reading Mind Camp to chapters before I go to sleep.
There's two chapters, just the two.
Well, you're not off after world, don't you have to reread chapters one and two the next day? Because you sleep?
Come on, either you struggle, we get it, Oh, we get it. We get it, mate.
So anyway, Kanye is using his daughter musically a whole lot of different things like that that Kim's not happy. He's saying, well, I don't like her wearing makeup. All of this stuff is playing out in a very dramatic fashion.
He doesn't like her wearing makeup or clothes his daughter? Oh, is that his daughter?
No, that's his wife?
Who you are?
I'm talking about that woman, not the anchor He's miss about his daughter.
Is this about his daughter? This is a love song to his daughter.
It'sn't about his daughter. But he's including his daughter in some of his music with p Diddy and all this stuff, and Kim saying I'm not happy what I don't want my daughter to be wearing makeup and promoting products like you're using her for God, those poor kids stuck in the middle of all that and having to read mind camp before they got a bit dreadful. Anyway, Emma Gillespie our entertainment before who's going to drill down?
You listen to it so I don't have to because podcast entertainment, put.
On your dancing shoes.
Don't give me your best shot.
From the daily as the editor is he Emma Gillespie.
Hello, well, hello, it's the new music nobody asked for. Controversial rapper Kanye West has released a new track. It's called Lonely Roads Still Go to Sunshine, which might have been okay if he didn't release a song featuring Diddy.
So and so this is why would he do this? I mean, he lives outside the rules, He has mental health stuff going on. Yeah, no one tells him to stop, and he thinks it's a good idea to include Diddy in his music.
Well, not only has he included Diddy in his music, he's also included his daughter, his eldest daughter, Northwest on this song. And we know that sheese wanted to kind of crack into the industry. So it's this really weird thing where he's released a song. It doesn't sound terrible, but it's got these connections that it's instantly going to tarnish anything that Northwest does. Sean Combs Diddy, who is of course a waiting trial on you know, horrific sexual abuse and human trafficking allegations, And it's more of the kind of support that Kanye gives Diddy in this song. It opens with a kind of voice memo or like voice note exchange between the two of them, and it's kind of Kanye thanking Diddy for supporting him during the time when the world shut him out and looking after his kids. We've got some audio from yeah, exactly, he's really picking aside.
Here, We've got some audio.
This is the part of the song that features Diddy apparently ready.
Said get on your Modre Champagne has been and in the same Boss looking.
To had visions the same posts about will power copper colored skin came from.
That's the real power kingdom we've built, how.
It was built different, what.
The problem is.
That's not terrible, that's dreadful.
The credits of the song Sean Combs did he his son Northwest and Kanye West And the song was posted on x formerly Twitter and deleted almost straight away, so people aren't really sure. People are dissecting it trying to figure out who's who, what's what. Diddy and his son sound pretty similar, so it's not entirely clear. It's not entirely clear who wrote it. There are all these question marks because it disappeared from the internet so quickly, But that was because something I just learned recently is at Northwest the daughter of Kim and Kanye. Her name is copyrighted and Kim has the rights to her name until she turns eighteen.
So Kim, apparently we've got leaked text.
Messages because Kanye, whenever Kim messages him, he's known to screenshot stuff and put it online, So we can't verify one hundred percent these are real, but he has been known to do it. He has shared these screenshots where Kim's saying, you have to take it down. You can't use her name. I have the copyright. He says, I'm never speaking to you again. You need to hand over the rights, and Kim kind of defends herself and says, I asked you when she was born. I asked you at the time, can we trademark her name?
You said yes.
When she's eighteen, it all goes to her, so stop. And then Kanye is demanding the paperwork. So there's this other kind of fallout happening over there, which is awful of for the kids involved. It's sad for Northwest because she has really.
Wanted a career in music.
We've got a.
Little bit of her rapping on the song as well. Here's what that sounds like.
Join everything I wanted.
Then the light.
Whatever she's happy to get out of this has been underscored by.
The fact.
Is it's really overshadowed by this controversy, which is so unfair, I think for the kid, for all of the kids, and it's just I don't know, it's another saga in the Kanye West.
But he's we just heard some lyrics from his songs before. He says he's an anti Semite, he talks about reading mine Camp, he says he's pro Hitler, He's all these horrific things. Now he's making songs with with p Diddy, and his daughter's dragged into this. If I was Kim Kardashian, I'd be hugely concerned, right, you would have.
To be concerned because not only is the daughter dragged into this, probably under the guise of thinking, you know, she's going to get a big break in music, but there was also an emergency court hearing with the mediator to discuss North being on the song, to discuss the song being released, and all these threats from Kanye about never speaking to her again and going public with all these allegations against the Kardashians. He posted a horrific tweet with some anti Semitic stuff as we used to implying that the Kardashians are controlled by the Jewish community.
Just he's clearly a very unwell man.
But it's when that plays out so publicly and when there are children involved, you really have to worry.
And is this because no one's told him to stop? Stop?
Just freaking stop mentally ill? Why do we give this knob any freaking traction?
That's it. He's gone from our shops.
Because normally we put him on our playlist all the time.
That's the end. No more Kanye on this show. Why do we pan to this guy?
Honestly, well, it's called discussion and the look of course he's a flog that's what we mocked this song before it.
He's one of the most famous people.
He's one of the most famous musicians in the war, whether you like it or not.
He's tied to Kim kardashi in, one of the most certainly one of the most photographed women in the world. They're in the public conscious.
Like saying, maths, you talk about it every day, I know.
But the more that kind of spouts off, the anti Semitic stuff, like there is a direct correlation in the rise in hate attacks in.
It, so people listen to him. We've got to counter it.
Yeah, people voted for Trump, like we have to remember this is the world and you.
Want to talk about maths.
I do I know, because I can't understand stand what Adrian the Mumbla is saying.
And even so, they've.
Got a translator from Maretive First Sight that does all the subtitles they gave up on lunch.
We'll have that for you.
Thank you as much wine at the party.
Instance Amanda's.
Ten questions sixty seconds on the clock. You can pass if you don't know an answer. We'll come back to that question if time permits. You get all the questions right, one thousand dollars and you can.
Make it two thousand dollars by answering a bonus question, but it is double or nothing.
Lee is in hornsby Hello.
Lee, Hello, How are you're not too bad? Let's see if we can give you some money today. Hey, I hope. So ten questions sixty seconds say pass if you're not sure, Lee, and fingers crossed, because here we go. Your set ready?
Question number one, Well, holiday is associated with the easter Bunny. Easter Question two ten plus plus plus five equals what.
Was that?
Ten plus five?
Question three? What type of animal is a woodpecker?
A bird?
Question four? Sugar comes from which plant? Sure?
Question five? True or false? Butterflies taste things with their wings?
Question six? What motors board event was held in Melbourne last weekend?
Question seven Acute, right and obtuse are types of what angle? Question eight? Curtis Stone is a famous What chef? Question nine? What's the fastest land animal?
Question ten? Benjamin Franklin discovered what.
Back to question five? True or false? Butterflies taste things with their wings?
No false?
Question nine, what's the fastest land animal?
Question ten Benjamin Franklin discovered what.
Oh no, oh, you just after the buzzer?
Was electricity?
It was electricity.
You're after the buzz We're just having an adjudication.
The buzzer had gone off. Nook. No, sorry, Lee, it's not our powers to be saying after the buzzer. Lee, that was so close, And thank you.
Heartscing your heart's racing. Come on, you're going to do it?
Thank you Lee, Thank you Lee?
No, thank you?
Podcast. Well, we heard this morning that a number of schools one in four of ditch the swimming carnival and that where the swimming carnival it does exist in schools, only fifty percent of kids participate in it, and of course that does have an ongoing effect of more drownings we've had this summer. But the swimming carnival was fraught with anxiety, and at least now it's kind of being recognized that kids don't want to hang around the swimming costumes. You know, when you're in your teens, when you're any age, but past the age of about ten, oh.
My god, how horrendous, dreadful, and you had to wear speed as. Back in my day, you had to wear speed as. There's known as board short business. Yeah, speed ays. Remember my mum sending me off to a swimming carnival. She bought a pair of Budgie smugglers. But they had like this, they had like news print on them, so they looked like underpants. It didn't look like speed ays.
Well, what could be one.
Ridiculous? Just underpants. So there are might standing and someone said he's.
What can you ford speed days? Well, Harley was terrible.
Harley was a very serious swimmer when he was younger, and he was head of the boys swimming team, and there was ahead of the girls swimming team, and they were sort of friends in a flish kind of a way. She was standing at the end of a diving board and he went up and was just pretending to push her. He said, his hands went by mistake, right inside the lower part of a cozy as she went and awkwardly fell off and did a belly flop. You know it's he's one hundred years old, and see it in his memory. See it in hers too, I'm sure was it front or back? Front?
Now, see it in your memory?
By the look.
Tragic, you're a weirdo. But the swimming that maybe maybe you met the love of your life at a swimming carnival. Hard to imagine it?
Yeah, did you? When you?
You have?
Mumy is too much? This podcast is to write me a note saying I didn't have to So you never went well the early years and then after when I hit, when I hit the mortifying.
Years, No, which ones? Was this before you blossomed?
The mortifying teen years where A I didn't like swimming. I knew how to swim, so obviously the school had given a swimming lessons. I knew how to swim, but I did not want to go to swimming carnival. Mom thought it was a waste of time, so I didn't have to. And there's also the ignomy of if you can't run very fast, at least you can, you know, go in a race to flounder in a swimming pool. Yeah, fifty meters absolutely dreadful.
Yep, you might as well be swimming to New Zealand.
It might as well be holding a rock and just floundering away.
Well, let's do it.
The tribal trouble beat for these thirteen ninety seven thirty six is our number of tales of the swim in carnival.
Just that sound, just that sound fills me with dreads.
The kids these days, they won't have the joy of the swimming cardible.
Well, the we're hearing that this morning, that one in four schools aren't running a swimming carnival. And the compulsory participation that we all had to have.
You had to enter an event or your mother sending you off to school swimming carnival in swimming costumes that look like underpants you don't live that down.
He's wearing underpants. No, they made a fabric. Look, have a look, have a feel, They're not underpants.
You had a challenging day tails tales of the swimming Carnival.
The tribal drama's beaten for this, but hearing that fills me with horror. Rhiannon has joined us.
Hello Rianna, and what happened at the Simmin Carnival.
So I had almost had trouble keeping straight in the lanes when I did join the races, and I tended to be to the right, and fortunately I was wearing sleepy earrings and it got caught on the lane dividers and lipped out, and I had about five centimeters skin hanging out the back of my ear.
Oh, because you have the chlorine around.
Floating past that you could use that just.
By I did.
One boy offered it jump in the pool and find my earring for him saw me.
In the clo that was not and a person of your ear nice one, thank you.
Have you got an invisible scars?
Now, I've got a weird hole on that year, so I had to let it heel up. So I've got two holes on the.
Back of it.
Never really healed up. It's only little, but it's.
A bit at least it's on the back.
You can't say it.
I know that story has made me hugely squeamish. Thank you, thank you. Simon's with it, Simon, what happened at the swimming carnival?
Okay? I think back to the seventies. I was about thirteen, fourteen years old. You know, back then everybody had to compete. I'm on the starting block. The cat can goes off. I dive into the water to the fifty meter freestyle. I get to the other end it. Oh, it's a bit brief. I look down. My swimmers are still back at the starting block.
You must just swimmers, so the force of your entry field them off.
Yeah. And my dad said, if you make a mistake, like yeah, just own it. So I just stood up, walk back to my tawel.
Yeah yeah, did you cover yourself.
Riding with my hand?
I was only a fluky. I was only a little boy at the time.
I want to show up now I wouldn't be able to, so yeah, thanks, Simon. We don't was this phone topic a good idea?
I don't know.
Tales of the swimming Kina, We're going to take more of your call. Jonesy and Amanda Podcast.
Jonesie and Amanda, Well made radio great again? Just wrecked me out?
I rich.
You are.
Thrown English language out in the windows.
The kids will never know the delight of the school carnival.
Is delight The swimming good is delightful. Word swimming carnival is fraught with body embarrassment, with skill embarrassment, with all the rest of it.
He traveled rummers beating tales of the swimming carnival.
Oh, just that sound, just that sound will do it for me. Hello, Danny, how are you?
I'm good?
How are you very?
What happened at the carnival?
Thankfully it wasn't me.
It was a girl I met from the States. And this is going to make you cringe, Amanda, I'm ready.
She was about twelve or thirteen, I think, and it was that time of the month and she and she had to go on the swimming carnival and she didn't know too much about anything, and she could spar had and she dropped in good a thing hopped out. She thought that wasn't too bad. Did everyone start pointing and laughing at said, oh, no what her pad had made its way out of her swimmers and had stuck to her arm.
Also would have swelled.
Imagine that you didn't want.
Oh god, you know these are things you said. This will make you you cringe, Amanda, but it makes me cringe too.
These are things that stay with you for dreadful Thank you Danny.
But she lived that down.
No one ever mentioned it ever Again.
Luke has joined us.
I Luke, what happened at the carnival top of the morning Love the show?
Thank you Luke.
So I had no an summers, so I had to wear my white underwear. Went for a dip before the relay, so they went see through. And before my relay started, I had to go to the bathroom for a number two and I had skid marks. And then after that I had I climbed the pole with a couple of friends with eighty cents in my mouth and the swallow you sent Queen, you.
Become a slapish at the end of it.
Why did you clip climb a pole with eighty cents in your mouth?
I had it on my tongue and I thought I'd just look up and go.
Up the pole and down my throat and how did it come out the life?
I came and bashed me on the back and it flipped out. You chew, Yeah, hold one blue.
Like just paying out when you're wearing wet, skid marked underpats. That's still not the important part of the day.
But you're still with us now, Yeah, all good, all good, good is it? We'll take one more?
Hello, Andrew tell us about the simming Carnival.
Hey, guys, when I was in primary school, well, my mum works, so we couldn't have any days off. So I had gastro and my mom said, you're going to the swimming carnival. So obviously I wasn't a good swimmer. And you know, I did my race and everyone had finished and I was still halfway in the pool and I was pushing really hard and and I pushed and I thought I fared, but actually I shouted and were brown in the pool and then I got called pool boy from now on without the l and I had to change school to you the truth.
Wonder how you can say shar you don't want to say pooh.
Pooh pooh boy?
Yeah, yeah, kids don't leave that down, you know, and you know it's probably a good thing that they don't have swimming carnivals anymore.
Well, after all these stories. At first, I was saying the kids these days, I.
Think of those hard working filters. Thank you, Andrew, Thank.
You Andrew, and thank you for all your calls.
Sham Notion podcast Married at First Sight has gone into the flogging the.
Dead horse stage.
Tell me what that means.
The couples are over it, the experts are over it.
Even the subtitles person is over it, particularly when you've got Adrian the mumbler. Adrian has provided as many many great bits. Last night was a piece of yours is done so.
To just ask some questions. You know what, God works in mysterious ways.
So for whatever reason we're supposed to be, will always be regardless of that situation, is what it is.
It's like you guys see the way you see, and I said the way I did.
I definitely think Adrian has a way with words.
He does.
So I can understand absolute cliches.
I follow Math's funny. You know that's funny.
I love it.
It's one of my favorite sites.
So have lo.
This is a this is what the subtitle person had to put up for Adrian.
Give me a piece of paper, got a hand out. Here we go.
Just read the underlying bit that the subtitle person had to put up on the screen.
What is sister Cleo done wrong that day?
There you go?
Is that a favorite presentation of what we think he said?
And that's your next host of mastermind.
Jam Nation.
Twenty thousand dollars for our favorite ghoulie of the year, or you have to do his winge and you can win yourself twenty grand What.
Have I got?
You know?
It gets my girlies when I pick your garbage bins up. When you pick it up, put it back where you picked it up from, not two doors down on the next door neighbors.
It's that simple, my Garbo.
He does it with military precision.
It's a work of art to watch him do the garbage red bin, yellow bin, green bin.
People now stand outside and watch him do it.
Really because he puts it exactly back on. It's just a smooth operation.
But how would you feel if it went like two spaces down, not two doors down.
I'd blow up?
He went twenty centimeters off because he literally puts it back.
He loves his work. He's very good at it. I applaud him for that what else have we got?
I live in my campo then, and I'm pretty high up by as level as a bus. Anyway, I show that some lights. I had just a glance down and these couple were doing a hanky panky with their handies in the front shiend of the car.
Oh my goodness.
I don't want to be seeing what she had for breakfast. Gosh, that's why I stop.
Along in the bedroom. And you know, ironically she's driving her own bedroom.
Yeah, you know that makes a question? Can you have it off in a camper van?
Of course you cannot because no, But I can you have it off in a car?
If you take the car down to a spot? Can you have it off in a.
Car asking for a friend?
Just curious because no, if you can have it off in a camp a van.
Because if people can see in, and if you drew curtains, that look weird. I think if you're in public spaces, you can't. But a campa van is classified as accommodation. Then can you have it off an a tent if you're camping, Yes, you're to set up a tent at the beach.
So if you set up a tent down the beach like a circus tent. I've pitched me in your face. Come and see the three circuits.
Anyway, that's something we can look into after the show for various rules out of the bad with the good of egypt at you can always contact us fire the iHeart Radio.
I can see how produces gambling? Can you have sex in a specific law against harvy sex and the carent austrader. But engaging sexual activity in public space or where it can be seen from a public space could leak to charges of obscene exposure. Okay, right, well, so have what's underneath that a beginner's guide to car sex. Well there's Jonesy's day gone like a flood. Beginner. Are you interesting?
But I ride a motorbike. It's six to nine.
Our favorite email ies the front Brendan or Facebook friend wins is Sydney Royley is to showpack. You get a family pass, you get Jones in Amanda showbag tickets to ride the Dodge ands that's a happy place for everyone at the Sydney Royals to show April eleven to twelve, eleven to twenty two. It's very short this year. Grabbed the early bird tickets today and save at eastershow dot com.
You're rattled by the carsacks. That's what's happened here, plus the Jones. You demanded tea towel, you get that as well.
We were talking this morning how there's been a decline in the Great Australian School Swimming Carnival. Not every school has it anymore. Trouble John was beating for tails of the swimming carnival. Luke from Lane Cove said that he'd forgotten his swimming costumes, so he had he had to wear his white underpants. He'd gone in the water and they become a bit sea through. Then he had to go to the toilet and certainly they were even more see through with a skiddy and you think that was where the story would.
End, but no, And then after that, I'll climbed the pole with a couple of friends with eighty cents in my mouth, and the swallow.
En you become a small machine at the end of it, He's okay, He's okay now right Au two, that's enough.
She was due for Little Chain.
Go one.
I won Seven's fame.
As five continues with Rob Duckworth, they are bon Jovi, Madonna, Robbie Williams, John Farnam and Pink We play, we pay, and they play.
We're back tonight for them Nation. We'll see you at six o'clock.
Good day to you. Well, thank god that's over.
Good good bye. Wipe them you're right.
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