March 17, 2025 10AM - It's Your Agri Business with Bill Zortman

Published Mar 17, 2025, 4:38 PM

Blog---March 17, 2025—10-11—It’s YOUR Agri Business

   Ag Appreciation Day---actually set as March 18th---but it is too big a day for us not to include—March 17th as well. So we did.

   The reason—The Governor and Lt Governor doing the first of a Open for Opportunity Tour in Sioux Falls. Other communities will follow---but we were very happy to have Governor Larry Rhoden and Lt Governor Tony Venhuizen answering questions Monday afternoon—looking at the future. 

    WE brought on three guests –big players in ag start the show—Darren Hefty—AG PHD, Danita Murray—South Dakota Corn, and Jerry Schmitz---South Dakota Soybeans—to set the stage for why saluting agriculture with an Ag Appreciation was so special. 

    Of course our friend Mr. Hefty talks with us frequently—is well known in this area and nationwide with the Sirius 147 Radio Show done from their Baltic home-stead—nationwide. 

    Nolan Clarke—Plains Commerce Bank talked about the planning they do—whether it be the young or old, those in ag or those in business--- they have 8 or is it 9 locations---that they truly do PLANNING. We enjoy having them with us in our Monday and Wednesday shows.

    Sarah Heinrich---KFGO Fargo—has the Growing Harvest Network---she provides a drop for our sister stations here in Sioux Falls---and we truly appreciate it.

    Matt Swenson—shared the commodities on this St. Patrick’s Day—the grain, the meat, the energy and yes the Big Board on Wall Street.

    Geri Eide—who shared a Star in Ag Finalist in our 9-10 show---was able to share Ridge Roduner—from Wessington Springs in our 10-11 Show. Very impressive students we talked to----and Ridge instead of going to a 4 year school plans to do 2 years at Mitchell Tech. He is a 5th generation member of the this farm family. 

    Coming up on April 3-5—is the State FFA Convention---and while we most likely won’t be allowed to make the trip---we’ll communicate what they are doing and interview more of these excellent students. It’s what we do—is tell their stories –regardless of where they are---we find a way to get them on the air.

     Rock Nelson on Monday’s does the Rock Report. Today it included Shannon Nordstrom—President/CEO/Owner of Nordstrom’s Automotive Inc in Garretson. 

     Scott Lawrence—the MC for today’s event with the Governor and Lt Governor—in their stop in Sioux Falls---shared all of the insights for the event today---and we set the stage for the Leader of the Band show on Tuesday 9-10.

     Our It’s YOUR Agri Business Show is designed to keep you posted on the ag issues of the day-week and beyond. Norm Anderson will post the Podcast for the show—my job is to write the show—schedule and interview the guests and write the blog. Questions for me—feel free to call/text at 605-728-2455 (BILL) or email me at