Vision Australia Radio's Midsumma Festival Carnival Day Broadcast 2025

Published Jan 24, 2025, 6:14 AM

On Sunday January 19, 2025, Vision Australia Radio celebrated our return as access and inclusion partner to Midsumma festival by staging a live outside broadcast from Midsumma Carnival Day. 

The program was hosted by a range of Vision Australia Radio presenters. 

You can learn more about the festival and our patnership with it, via the following link: Vision Australia Radio returns as Midsumma Festival Partner in 2025 | Vision Australia Radio


This is Vision Australia Radio's midsummer Festival. Carnival day live outside broadcast.

Are coming up, so you better get this party started.

From Alexandra Gardens in Melbourne across the Vision Australia radio network. Visit midsummer for more.

Welcome to our two music interviews and news coming your way. My name is Sam Colley and I'm here with an absolute icon of the community, Karen Negrini. For the next hour on Vision Australia Radio, joining us for the live Midsummer Outside broadcast from the Alexandra Gardens. So, Karen, it's so great to be here with you. Sam, did you just call.

Me an icon?

I did.

Wow. Okay, I think I'm going to get that as a tattoo. That is incredible. Thank you. I'm so flattered and so humbled at the same time.

Ah, no worries at all. But, um, Karen, I think, um, let's have a bit of a chat before we, um, you know, get into things. Um, let's, um, go a bit of an overview of your journey from, you know, from day one right up to now where we are today.

That's a really loaded question.

I know.

Right? Because honestly, I do not recognize the person I was before I started my work as an advocate. I was so timid and shy. And, you know, I often refer to it as being in the disability closet because I just wanted to hide my blindness as much as I could. And then I reached a stage where I could no longer do that. And after a lot of work, I really embraced my blindness. And it's a funny thing to say, but I feel like the blinder I got, the better I started to see myself. And now, like I said, I just feel like a different person. And I feel so. Look, I'm not going to lie, being blind is not the best thing, but I've learned to live with it and make the most out of life. And I just want other blind people to know, you know, if you're struggling, I promise you it gets better.

Oh, it certainly does. But, um, what's it been like to be an advocate over the past few years?

It started by accident, to be honest with you. So I have a background in marketing and communications and graphic design, which was a strange career to pick, knowing I'd be going blind. Uh, but it's when I had to retire and I say retire in air quotes because I had to retire because I was making mistakes, not because of incompetence, but just because I couldn't see things anymore. And I just started this Instagram account as a little way to release some pressure that I was, you know, internalizing about not being able to do this as a career anymore. And then little did I know that, you know, people started to follow me, and then they wanted to hear more from me. and that that's essentially how it all started. And now, you know, I feel blessed to say I've got thousands of followers from all around the world that actually want to listen to a blind person and want to see what a blind person does every day.

And finally, Karen, before we head into our first song, what's your role going to be across the Midsummer Carnival?

That is a beautiful question. So this is my second year as the community ambassador for midsummer. What that means is my job is to help midsummer make the festival more inclusive and more, uh, more at home for people that are blind or live with a disability in general. Obviously, I can only represent people that are blind or hearing impaired, but that is that is. The simple answer is to make midsummer a beautiful, safe, loving place for people that are blind.

And I must say, it's been, you know, quite a range of stand out moments having you on talking vision over the years. It's, um, it's been very exciting to, um, you know, chat to you before you headed up to the Blind Australian of the year awards. People may have heard you, um, emceeing the awards up there. That was quite amazing to have that opportunity and head up to Brisbane and all that sort of thing.

I know I feel like you and I are buddies, like, even though we haven't met in person that often, but I feel like we've spoken so many times, but it's such a fun feeling to be on the other side for a change. Like, normally I'm the one being interviewed, but today I get to interview with you and you're here to help me out in case I stuff up and I get to learn from an expert.

Well, you're not going to stuff up at all, Karen. I don't think that's possible. I think you're an absolute pro. And, um, you know, it's coming up to, I guess, six years of being involved with, um, radio and talking vision. So, you know, that's that's been an absolute pleasure to, you know, have so many important conversations on Vision Australia Radio. Um, especially with our, um, community of interest in mind, people out in the world with print disabilities and people who are blind or have low vision. So, you know, what does that sort of, um, mean for you to have those sort of, um, services for, you know, for yourself as somebody who is, um, legally blind and needs to sort of, um, access, you know, services in, you know, different ways and, you know, read the newspaper or stay up to date with all the news out there.

Look, I'm not just going to say this because I'm here with you guys, but I feel like Vision Australia, organizations like Vision Australia are life changing for people like us. Because growing up, you don't really think you know, at least back when I was younger, I didn't really think that someone would care enough about a blind person to do things like this. And now to be here with an organization that's doing that, helping people, that struggles, I can relate. It's just it's a beautiful feeling. It's just a beautiful feeling. Now.

I think what we're actually going to do is head over to an interview with Karen and, um, you know, Karen. Karen, take it away. I'd love to hear from you both.

Hello, Karen. Thank you so, so much for being here.

Thrilled to be here.

Well, let's let's start things off, because you're a really busy, busy person today. So I just want to ask you first. Well, firstly. Happy midsummer.

Happy midsummer.

Thank you, thank you. How many years has midsummer now been going for?

It's been going for 37 years. So it really is an iconic event in Melbourne's calendar and the nation's queer calendar. Um, and I just think every year it gets stronger and stronger.

That that I can second that. Look, I've only been in Melbourne for about two and a half years now, and I can just see everything you're saying. There's there's so much merit there. Now, look, I'm going to ask this question on behalf of every blind person. Why? I mean, obviously I'm so happy that you're doing this, but why is midsummer doing everything it can to make the festival safe for blind people? And the reason I ask you this, Karen, is because in the disability sector, I guess blind people often feel ignored. Sam, I don't know if you agree with that.

Mhm. Can't happen.

Yeah. So, Karen, tell me what what has made midsummer do this.

Um, I'm going to give you two answers. The first is and it's a general one, but it's true. Um, midsummer, um, believes really strongly in making sure that we're creating a festival that is as welcoming and accessible to everybody. Um, and our communities are incredibly diverse. And so, you know, we want to be a festival that's all ages, all cultures, all faiths or geographical locations. So we've reached out more to the regions. All, you know, life stages. And so that that's sort of a starting point for us is how we can include everyone. But then we also, um, eight years ago now, we identified a range of strategic priorities, which was who was missing. So we did a bit of a, you know, a look around, talking to lots of people who wasn't coming, um, and prioritize those groups that weren't, um, to try and actually find out why, but also to put in place strategies for how we would deal with that. Disability was one of those. Um, and of course, as you would know, disability itself is multiple different intersectional communities. Correct. So we then um, rather than try and take a scattergun approach, we really tried to partner with certain parts of the community so that we could do so in a really deep and meaningful way. And we also wanted to make sure that we weren't, um, you know, going, oh, well, we'll deal with the deaf community this year and next year we'll we won't do with them. We'll do with the blind community, which is.

What happens.

Normally. Right? So we kind of went every every time we reach out, we need to be going, okay. This is a long, long term community engagement that needs to continue, and we need to find the resources to add one every year. Absolutely. And so I think that that's really enabled us over the last couple of years. Blind and low vision has been a priority at one of those that we've really partnered with and and looked at how we could expand. You're a very big part of that. Oh thank you. And, you know, and that's a multi-year commitment from us to to make sure that, you know, not only are we finding out what we need to do and doing it, but that we're making sure that people know that that's going to be there and it's not going to be taken away, and that they can trust that, you know, that the experience of of going to an event and having the support structures, we know we don't get everything right every year and we'll continue to learn. Yeah. Um, but it's it's something we're incredibly passionate about.

And Sam, I was there at the launch, the program launch that took place. And Karen's not just saying this. They actually practice what they preach.

Oh for.

Sure. Every person that got on stage described it, described themselves. It was room descriptions. There was Auslan. It was just it felt like such a beautiful place to be where everyone felt included, no doubt. You know, and the theme this year is collective identities. And that's exactly what it felt like. Yeah.

And the beauty there I was actually reflecting on this the other day because I was at another event which I was talking at, and of course, nobody there. It wasn't a midsummer event that nobody there was describing their clothes. And of course, when I got up to speak, the first thing I did was describe who I looked like, who I was, what I was wearing, and it suddenly made me realise that the more we do that, the more like I will do that wherever I go now, whether it's midsummer or not, and so will other speakers who have we've engaged and then people who hear me do it ask, why did you do that and explain it? So I think it cascades out.

Yeah. And the fun thing, Karen, is like, you can get up on stage and be like, I look like Cindy Crawford. And people will just believe you.

I wish I could get away with that.

You can. You can get.

Away with anything. Now, for those of you that can't see us, obviously, because we're on the radio, that wasn't a blind pun. Uh, Karen, I would love for you to describe my cane to our listeners.

Absolutely. And it is incredibly amazing. At the moment, it's all folded down. Um, and so, you know, it's one of those wonderful canes that is easy to carry around because it folds down into not quite a matchstick, but almost. And then, um, when you fold it out, it becomes, you know, the practical, uh, instrument that it is. It's full of sparkles. There is not one part of it that isn't sparkly, other than a little white knob at the end, which is for touching the ground and giving you some stability. But it's got a red section, a whole lot of silver sparkly sections for the majority of it, and then a black handle.

Wow, what a beautiful description. I'm actually concerned, Karen, that there will be drag queens out here that look at this cane and they might want to steal it from me.

I want to steal it from you. That possibility.

That actually brings me to a fun question, Karen. What would your drag name be?

Oh, now, you know, I have never been asked that. And so I don't have an answer for you.

I'll give you a minute to think about it. Sam, what would your drag name be?

Oh. Wolfgang Funke.

Well, my husband David has given me my drag name, which is, uh, caramel latte or potato spice, because I love potatoes and spice because I'm really spicy and feisty sometimes.

I'm going to turn the challenge around because when I started doing some work with deaf communities, I first learned very quickly that a deaf name has to be given to you. Yes. So I'm going to charge you over the next week to come up with my drag name.

Ooh, ooh.

I think well, considering your name is Karen, which is, you know, I love you, Karen, but it's an unfortunate name in today's day and age to age to be called a Karen. But how about we call you Karen, but not a Karen?

Okay, excellent.

Yeah, I think that's a good one.

It's a.

Start. Yeah.

Karen, you are when you're not a Karen. Yeah.

That's it.

Oh, well, I think, um, you know, there's been an absolute pleasure to chat with you today, Karen. Now, Karen, did you have anything else you wanted to say to Karen before we, you know, continue?

I just want to say a massive thank you, Karen, on behalf of every person that lives with a disability. And I'm not just saying this for the sake of it, I can't tell you how heartwarming it is to see, especially as a gay person. You know, like, I never felt welcome back then when I was single, I was ashamed to use my cane in public. I would not want to enter a bar or a club because I was so scared to be judged. And now we've got the biggest LGBTQIA+ festival here doing things like this. So on behalf of every queer person that has a disability, I just want to say a massive, massive thank you to you.

Oh, and thank you. Um, I'm thrilled that we have you as a community ambassador, and I'm looking forward to that relationship continuing for many years.

Likewise. Thank you so much, Karen. Is there anything you would like to say to our listeners?

Uh, just that if you are listening and you want to come on down, please come on down. We've been officially open for about 15 minutes. Um, there's lots of resources there to help you understand what you can expect. Um, in coming along to Carnival. I'm sure visit in Australia can talk a bit about that sometime this morning. Um, and we're here to welcome you and make sure you have a fabulous day. Um, we'll be here right through till 9 p.m..

Is there anything you'd like to share about accessibility or just just letting our listeners know if you're blind, you know, you come here. This is what we've got on offer.

Yeah. Look, there's a lot of, um, a lot of advice here, and I'm sure that is something that Vision Australia will be talking about this morning. But we also, if you do get here, um, and need any support, um, you'll see lots and lots of people in midsummer t shirts, you'll hear, you know, you'll be able to ask for some support for that. You know, please, you know someone who's in a t shirt that's or security, um, who can actually call us? We've got an access number, um, that we can then call and have somebody meet you and provide you with some additional support. So we are going above and beyond where we can to make sure that everyone has a great day.

And I can say this because I was part of this, uh, thing that happened. All the volunteers have been trained on how to interact with a blind person. So you're not going to feel like an alien here. Come. Come see us. Come have fun at midsummer.

Please do now, Karen, um, what's been your favorite midsummer memory over the years that you've headed along to the carnival and to the festival more broadly?

Oh, look, I don't have one favorite because, um, it literally changes every day and there's so many different things. Um, I'm always absolutely astounded how many people fit in to see the dog show in the afternoon and and to hear about the dog show and, um, and, uh, I think it's just the variety of people who are here and the variety of experiences and, um, and going back to that, all ages or lifestyles or cultures or faiths, um, this is a day when I think all of our diverse communities take that to heart and come together.

And what's it been like to be involved as, um, you know, some of one of the chief people involved in midsummer over the years, having that involvement and making all these wonderful things happen and being such a, you know, central role in that. What's you know, what what's that been like for you?

Uh, at times it can feel really relentless because there's, there's there's never enough hours in the day to do all the things we really want to do. But I feel really proud of what we've achieved and what we still want to achieve. There's always so much more to do. Um, and I think what really makes it worthwhile is every year, having so many people participate and reach out to us. Um, that you realise that that's why we do what we do is it is a, you know, we don't do it for ourselves. We do it. Although I'm sure we feel really good about that as well. But you, you're doing it for all of our diverse communities. And um, and we every year we hear from so many people, individual stories about what it's meant to them. Um, that makes it worthwhile for sure.

And we're going to do something a bit, um, exciting. We're going to go from Karen to Karen. Okay. I'm going to interview you, um, for a very brief moment. What's been your favourite midsummer memory?

Well, this is my second year. It genuinely is the fact that as a blind person, I feel not just welcome, not just celebrated, but embraced. That is by far the best thing. Um, and I, you know, it's little attention to detail, the way the staff will interact with me, the way someone will come and help me when I'm at an event without making me feel like, you know, sometimes I feel like a lot of people, uh, mean to help you out, but, you know, it just gets awkward and uncomfortable because they're not sure how to deal with a blind person. But at midsummer, it just feels like I said, it just feels. It feels like home.

Oh for sure. And, you know, um, Karen, we'll go back to you. Um, you know, if people are heading along to midsummer. What, uh, you know, a few unmissable things that they should head along to. What's, you know, what should be right up the top of their priority list if they're heading down.

Uh, well, of course, we have three big outdoor community events. This is the first of them. We have another one on our final day on the 9th of February. Um, right in the middle. We've got Pride March. So they're the like, really, really big, um, you know, hundreds of thousands of people events. Um, we have a range of events that we've curated under what's called queer imaginings that we're really excited about, which also has a number of disability led projects in it. Um, it's sort of main project that's sort of the biggest one of those is called honour. Um, that's a really big free event on the 31st of January at Fed Square. So we're saying to everyone, please, um, come along to that. Um, you know, a couple of weeks ago that that venue was filled for Robbie Williams. We'd like to challenge that number of people coming along to that one for sure. Absolutely. Fill Fed Square and show just what queer communities can do.

I believe we will have, um, somebody from honour, um, in a couple of hours time. We're going to be chatting to someone from there. So that'll be quite exciting to, you know, have them on, um, on the program. And you know what? What does it mean to be involved in that sort of intersectionality like we're talking today about, um, the, I guess, crossover between, you know, queerness and also blindness and low vision, but there's also so many other, um, elements out there, be they, you know, people who are POC, people who are First Nations, people who might have other disabilities, who have talked about what sort of, um, what's that been like for you and the midsummer team to have that involvement and, you know, welcome those sort of people into the fold? Yeah.

And a lot of that is about finding ways to partner with groups and effectively hand over the keys to parts of the festival to those communities. Um, obviously, honor is a, as a Bipoc, um, project. Um, and, you know, people of color communities are really important to us. Um, we also look at all ages. So, you know, we've got the women's circus, um, doing a show this year. Uh, which is been created by and with women and, um, who are in their 50s, 60s and 70s. Um, we also have a project this year, which I'm really it's called it Uncertain Time. Part of our Queer Imaginings programme that's actually been created for members of our communities with babies who are 12 months old or younger. Um, because people in our communities, when they're having children often find that a lot of the services that they're interacting with, it's a really, you know, exciting. But it's also a challenging time. And a lot of the services that you're dealing with just haven't been set up for the challenges of a queer rainbow family. Um, and so we're really excited to have that project, um, for, you know, those members of our community who are in the early stages of having a family with a really little baby, um, to be To be able to share the festival with them. With us.

Sam, that reminds me, when I interviewed Karen at the red carpet, we were talking about babies and I asked Karen if we could have an event where people get to drag their babies up, and Karen said she'll think about it. So, Karen 2026, what do you think? Drag baby competition.

Always happy to talk to the community about any idea that they come up with.

I just want to see babies with eyebrows.

Oh for sure. Oh, but, um. Karen, was there anything else you wanted to, um, chat to Karen about before we wrap up?

I feel like I could talk to Karen all day, but she's a really busy person today. I think we should let her go because her head's probably spinning in every direction.

And you got a line up of other people that I'm sure you want to talk to.

Oh, for sure. But, you know, it's just getting started here on the midsummer broadcast from the Alexandra Gardens. I believe we're about to head to a song. Um, so this is remedy with. I'm fine. And we've got the meter remix for you today, so please enjoy.

Thank you.

You're listening to Australia's Midsummer Carnival Day broadcast and that was I'm Fine, the metre remix by Remedy. Emma Coultry, known by her stage name remedy, is a Melbourne based artist who brings not only incredible talent to her music, but also a powerful message living with an invisible disability herself. Emma advocates for greater acceptance and self-love while supporting other artists with disabilities. Her debut EP, last Summer, released at just 22, blends soul, R&B, hip hop and pop, and through her platform, Emma encourages artists to prioritise their health and avoid burnout in an industry that often lacks accessibility. More to come from Alexandra Gardens in Melbourne. And, you know, speaking of that. It's great to be joined by Vision Australia radio and audio manager Conrad Brown, who's with us right now. Conrad, welcome. Thanks.

Happy midsummer guys.

Happy midsummer to you. Now, firstly, Conrad, for any newbies tuning in today, could you share how long Vision Australia Radio has been broadcasting and when was the first broadcast?

Well, Sam Vision Australia Radio has a really long history within the community broadcasting sector. We've been going in different kind of guises over the years, but we originally were what was known as an RP station and launched just over 42 years ago. Um, so yeah, we've been around for a while doing what we do, which is providing access to information, news, current affairs and specialist program for people with a disability.

Karen. So, Conrad, this is quite a controversial question, I guess. Do you still think we need print radio? Because assistive technology continues to advance. So what do you feel about that?

You know, it's it is. It's not controversial so much as what I think. It's kind of like it's an evolution of what we do. So I agree that there might not be as much need for the reading type radio programs that we do, but I do think that there's still a lot of people who technology is still a barrier. There's still a lot of, um, areas, I guess, where they may not be able to utilize the technology that potentially they could that would help them to be able to get access to information. So in that regard, we're still a really valuable service there. But as a radio service, we're evolving. We continue to do the reading programs, but we're really leaning into more specialist programs that are delivered for and by people with lived experience of a disability. And I think that's where we're heading towards in the future. And I think technology is actually our friend. You know, a lot of people are really scared of AI and things like that. I see it more that we embrace it to do the things that make what we do easier and gives us more time to do things that are creative and I guess more outside of the box.

Mhm. And Conrad, why did Vision Australia see the need to get more involved with Midsummer Festival.

You know it's been something that I think has evolved again using that word again in a way that felt like a really great partnership and a meeting of the minds in lots of ways. Um, midsummer is doing so many great things within the queer community, and a part of that queer community is people with a disability. So it's really important that they look at, you know, access and inclusion. And they've done such a great job at reaching out to organizations like ours and others within the the sector that can help them connect with people and also make sure that they Can be doing what is actually needed for people within the community, rather than just trying to figure it out as they go. So I see it as a really great partnership. And just to be present and visible at an event like Midsummer Carnival, I think speaks volumes as well.

And this is not your first midsummer, is it, Conrad?

No, it's not my first rodeo.

So what brings you back?

You know what I love? Midsummer. I was the general manager at Joy a few years ago. I've been with Vision Australia radio for nine years. You know, community broadcasting is in my blood. And I was at Joy for ten years working there and volunteering as well. So midsummer has always been a part of that station, but it's also a community event. As someone within the queer community as well that I've really gravitated towards. It's just so great to be in a space that is all accepting and, you know, a place where we can all come together. We don't get to do this often, so it's really nice that we get to make the most of it.


And yeah. And following on from that, Conrad, I think, um, the official community radio listener survey results suggest that about 25% of Vision Australia Radio's audience identify as being part of the LGBTQ+ community. So, you know, is that a surprising figure for you?

Do you know what? I think for some people, they probably would think it is. I feel like as society is starting to understand more the spectrum of sexuality and gender, that a lot more people are identifying with the LGBTQIA+ community in a way that they can feel connected to it. So I think, um, self-identifying as part of the community has become potentially easier for some people because they can see themselves represented in other In other ways that potentially weren't there, you know, even like 5 or 10 years ago, it was very much kind of a much more fixed idea of what the queer community looked like. And I just think that, you know, the disability community is so diverse as well. It makes a lot of sense to me that they make up a big part of the queer community as well.

It's also so niche, you know, because, uh, most, most people that are sighted will not meet a blind person in their lifetime. So blind people are quite rare. You know, it sort of affects some people. They're like, oh, I feel so alone. For me, I love it because I feel like a celebrity, but within that space, like it's such a niche group. And then within that niche group, identifying as LGBTQIA+ makes you even more different in a way. You know.

The minority within the minority.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

So it's so great that we are acknowledging that our community is so much bigger than what we are told or what we, you know, what we see on social media or whatever. So it's. Yeah, it's really great.

Absolutely. And Conrad, you've been involved with or you've had, you know, senior positions in a number of community media organizations now, you know, you've been here for quite a while at um, Vision Australia Radio. But, um, people may also be familiar with your work on Joy 94.9. So, um, Conrad, what attracts you to this kind of work in these communities?

Oh, Sam, some people might say I'm a sucker. Um, but.

Look, I never say that again. No, no, never say that.

So. Yeah. Yeah. Retract that. Um, look, I think what it comes down to is I've always had such a strong passion and affinity for community broadcasting. I love the way that it is inclusive, and that it's about accessibility and bringing people into a space for them to be able to speak to their community and to the broader general population as well. But, you know, it's a real privilege for me to me to be able to work in these spaces as well. Melbourne has such a strong community radio sector and you know, the opportunities within it are really wonderful. And I, you know, as a volunteer at Joy still, I work there for ten years. I still volunteer there now. I have done for the last eight years. And I've worked at Vision Australia for coming up nine years as well. Um, it's just really important to me. Um, you know, as cheesy as it sounds, I do like giving back. And I like being able to be part of something that actually does a lot of good.

Nothing wrong with being cheesy. And also, cheese is delicious.

It is very true, I can agree. So I guess what.

Are the different ways people can access this radio channel? Um, are they podcast offerings? What would you like to tell people that are listening or haven't listened before? How can they access these amazing services?

Yeah, vision Australia Radio is, um, very much like, I guess a guess a lot of stations now we are everywhere. So you can listen to us on our Am, FM, digital radio signals. Wherever you are, you can go to VA to find out more about that. We have a really fantastic selection of podcast programs. A lot of them are specialist programs that are interview based. A lot of them are produced, presented and delivered by people within the blind and low vision community as well. Um, we also have some really fantastic, um, content that's available, um, across multiple platforms of special projects that we've done, one off series that look at things like employment, sport, um, yeah, we've got a lot of stuff. Our podcasts are on all the usual platforms. Um, but you can also go to VA radio org to find those as well. But yes, um, if you look hard enough, you will find Vision Australia Radio in all the corners of the internet.

Including talking vision. I've got to get that little plug in.

One of our.

One of our flagship shows.

Yeah. Full disclosure, I, um, I've got a bit of a vested interest in here, so, um. But anyway, um, during midsummer, Conrad, um, you know, we've spoken with, um, Karen and Karen before, um, about the intersection of disability and queerness. Um, for those who have, um, such identities. So do you think society's becoming more understanding of this crossover, or are we still trying to fit people in their individual boxes? Now, you did cover this a little bit before, but let's dig into that a little bit more.

You know what? Sam is someone who doesn't have a disability. I can only talk about what I've seen in my position, um, at Vision Australia Radio and in my time in the sector as well. And I do see better representation, more effort and, and actual consultation going on to make sure that people with a disability are included as well. But I still think we've got a long way to go, and it doesn't mean that it's not, uh, we're not doing well, but there's always areas for improvement. So I'm really, um, I think the future is, is going to be quite bright in how we can see representation of people with a disability, um, improve and increase. But there's work involved in that. And I'm sure, you know, both of you know, that to allow people into a space, you actually have to make an effort to do that and get the people that you want in there telling you what they need as well.

Now, Conrad, Sam's going to be asking you all the intellectual.


Serious questions. I'm going to sort of mix it up.


What would your drag name be?

Oh, um, that's really good. Well, I'm a Kiwi. Um, originally, I've been in Melbourne for 25 years, though, so I feel like I need something that encapsulates that as well. I really can't think of anything.

TV, food. Cake.

Yeah, that's a good start.

Bring to the.

Stage Kiwi fruit cake.

I love it, yeah, yeah.

That's it. I'm done.

And what's your favourite pride anthem?

Oh, um, you know what? I am quite, uh. I do lean towards kind of some of the classics. Um, I'm a bit of a Kylie fan in that regard. Um, but there is. Oh, man, there's so many. Um, yeah. I'll say Kylie. Uh, a bit of the devil, you know.

And what about you, Sam?

What's your pride anthem?

Oh, um, I think, um, there was, um, one last year. I want to, um, highlight, but I can't remember the name of it. It's terrible.

Karen, you might not know this, but Sam and I were at a party recently. A karaoke party? Oh. That's true. And Sam was one of the standout talents. Ooh. Karaoke party. He can actually.

That's right.

He can hold a tune.

Sam, can you.

Give us a little.


Um, maybe later, but I think, um, you know, you can't go wrong with a good boy band, I think. Yeah. Yeah. No. Huge, huge.

And I think, I think we did a good version of a Queen song we did off the top of my head. Yeah, yeah. So Freddie Mercury, I think we did, um. Oh, God. Don't stop me now.

Ah, don't stop me now.

But there's also, you know, classic like, um, ABBA and the Village People. I mean, those those transcend, you know, things. And, um, you know, ABBA had given me gimme, gimme a man after midnight.

So I think that might be, uh, Miss Kiwi fruit cakes.

Yeah, yeah. Hey, I'm going to.

Take royalty for that. I think we've given you a good name there.

I know I.

Have to, I'll owe you. I'll credit you in my first show.

So if your.

Kiwi fruit cake.

My husband David.

Calls me potato.


Yeah. Oh, there you go.


Well, that's an amazing note to end on. Thank you so much, Conrad. That's Conrad Brown there and audio manager, and he'll be back in our final hour to co-host with our great friend Tess Herbert, so we're very much looking forward to it. Conrad, thank you so much for your time today.

Thanks so much, Sam. Thanks, Karen and happy midsummer to everyone and to everyone a happy midsummer.

See you later, fruitcake.

Up next, we have True Colors by Inclusive, Melbourne's pioneering hip hop crew, composed of talented young artists who not only excel in rhyming and breakdancing, but also navigate the world with disabilities. For over a decade, they've been creating original music videos and performances, making significant impacts on both local and international hip hop scenes. Inclusive uses their platform to challenge societal perceptions of disability, addressing themes like discrimination, human rights, and independence through their powerful lyrics. That was true colours by buying cursive on Vision Australia Radio. Bit of a feisty anthem there. Love it. But, um. Yeah. You're listening to our live broadcast from Midsummer Carnival Day, where we celebrate the intersection of disability and queerness. Now to next up. We've got Oliver Ayres with us. Oliver is a disabled chance theatre maker, actor, writer and director, living and working between Naarm and Eora. Graduating with a BFA in Theatre from the VCA in 2021. He has performed and presented work nationally and internationally. Oliver joins us now as the director and co-writer of monster, the Demon Twink of Smith Street, showing at Chapel off chapel from January 20th 9th to February the 2nd as part of Midsummer Festival 2025. Oliver, welcome. Hello.

Thank you so much for much for having me. It's such a pleasure to come on down. What a beautiful.


I'm so glad you're here, Oliver. Because, um, part of the mid midsummer community ambassador role, I was always asked, you know, I get asked, what are the events you want to go for? And I'm browsing through the program and I see this, this event called the Demon Twink of Smith Street. And I was like, okay, I have to go here. So first things first. Where how on earth do you come up with a name like that? I love.

It. Oh my goodness. I think it's just natural if you know Florian at all, which hopefully you can come to the show and get an idea for who they are. Um. It's pretty. Yeah, it's just naming exactly what is in the tin with Florian Wild. Very much demon twink energy.

Please tell me more, because my brain goes everywhere when I think of demon, demon twink. Like, just tell us more. Tell our listeners more about it.

Oh goodness me. So, um, the story of Florian Wild is that it's a persona, but it's also a true story about, um, uh, Louis, uh, who is Florian and how he is a transgender man? He is a drag queen. He's also a high school teacher, so he kind of encompasses the intersection between, like, these three, really, um, controversial identity points and kind of coalesces in the middle of all of that. So it's a really campy, fun, cabaret. Entertaining look at some actually quite serious, like, intense trans issues to navigate in the world. And his role as a teacher and also as a performer.

I look, I love that personally as well because as a person with a disability, I feel like disability can be quite a heavy and dark subject for some. So try and lighten it up as much as I can, you know, add a lot of humor. So I totally get what you're saying about having a meaningful message there, but making it fun at the same time.

It just needs to be. You have to.

Laugh. Yeah, you have to laugh.

It's so funny because I feel like the people that get offended by disability and queer jokes are the ones that are not queer, not disabled because we love laughing, right?

We love laughing at ourselves.

Yes, it's how we cope.

So how did you get into writing something like this?

Oh well, it was funny. I actually started off this collaboration. I work as a theatre maker and an actor director, writer. I've done so many different roles throughout my career as a performer and as a maker. But I came onto this project because Florian was looking for a trans queer pianist. Wow. So I played the piano. I'm self-taught and I'm not very good. And so it was just kind of like.

Still better than me.

I'm like, I'm okay. I can learn things, but it takes me a lot.

They all say, Sam, I'm sure he's amazing.

No, no.

Absolutely not.

Well, probably a lot better than me these days. So I can totally, totally think, um. No, I think you'd do a wonderful job.

Oh, look. Well, so I started off coming on board as a pianist, helping with the arrangement, and then I kind of just got chatting with Florian, more about the script and about the story that, you know, we wanted to tell here. And we're both transgender men. We have a lot in common. We're around the same age and things got flowing. And then in the initial season that was in, oh, geez, 2023.

Um, you make it sound like it.

Was ten years ago.

15 years ago.

It feels like it was ten years ago. We were talking about it at rehearsal yesterday. It's just like, oh, geez, how long have we been working together? It's been about two, two years now. And, um, we ended up kind of coming into a space where we reworked the script together to just kind of elevate things and get things into a more personal place with keeping the entertainment factor alive. So our collaboration has evolved so much, and this is the third time we're putting it on. So the first time it was very much like, I'm coming in, I'm trying to play the piano. It's just the two of us pretty much working together. And then in the second time we took it to Adelaide Fringe last year, and that was with a reworked script that was really met. The reception was incredible. It went to places that the first one was a little bit scared to go to, and we're just stepping it up again. Love that one, which is great.

Is it a kid.

Friendly show or is it.

Absolutely not? Absolutely not. 18 plus. I'm glad I asked.

I'm not going to take my friendships with me.


Well, yes. No, it's, um. It definitely is. It's a bit of a sexy show. Um. It's like, I don't know, it spans. It's very difficult to describe. And I'm still working on my elevator pitch for it.

I get it, I get what are the key?

I know there's some deep messages there, and we want to do it in a nice and fun way, which is always amazing. But what are the key messages people will walk away with after watching?

I think it's just that, um, trans people are deeply human. I think that is one of the key messages which I think cannot be overstated. Yes. I think it's something that we sometimes in the community will take for granted. It's just like, oh yeah, we're all on board with this concept. And it's, you know, the same principles can so easily be applied to disability. But it's like we want to bring this show to audiences who might not be familiar with trans identities at all and kind of, you know, have a fun, quirky way of talking about how, like, yeah, we are like parts of your community. Yeah, we are like, these are people who are drag queens and they're teaching in your schools and they're educating your children, and they're a safe person for the next generation, which is a super controversial, like hot topic. So it's very timely. Yeah, I think that we're talking about these things and it's still it's still sexy. It's still fun. It's still cabaret.

I love that you said, uh, you know, the message is that trans people are deeply human because I feel like It's the people that don't think other human beings are not human. They are the monsters.

Yeah, 100%. And it's this idea of monstrosity exactly that we're exploring, which makes it sound very highbrow, but I.

Promise it's it's.

It's it's a it's a romp. It's a very fun show.

Nothing next to me is highbrow.

Let me tell you.

Sam. May be.

Yes. No, no.

No, I'm not highbrow. Trust me. No, no. But, um. No, we've, um, we've talked a little bit about, um, a range of things you've been doing over the years. You've written, you've directed, you've performed, you've done the whole shebang. So what's your greatest passion? What do you wake up and be like? Oh my God, I'm doing this today.

Oh my God, I was so scared of this question.

I know right? I asked the hard questions. That's my job.

Unfortunately, you're not shy about it. I love that about you. But it's just like, I just. I feel like my greatest strength is being able to look at a project, no matter what role I have in it, and go, okay, how can we make this more true? How can we bring truth to it and vulnerability to it? And that's the same as a director, as a writer, as an actor, and as a theater maker. And I feel like because of my background, not only as in my study of theater making, but also just in my experience of being a maker, you learn to look at all of the parts of something, as opposed to dividing it up into, you know, you're the producer, so you can't have an opinion and you're the actor. So you just read the lines. It's like, I love working in a very non-hierarchical kind of space where everybody can feed into the thing. Yeah, they all.

Blur and.

It's just like.

You know, people cross over. If people have an opinion, they're like, hey, blah, blah, blah. And that's, you know, people are receptive to that, I love that. Yeah. So, um, what sort of perspectives do you offer in your work that are perhaps unique to you? You know, things that are unmatched by other writer directors? The second hard question in a.

Row, I'm very hesitant to say that I'm unmatched in any regard, but I.

Will say it for you.

Okay, cool. Thank you for the for the permission, I appreciate it. I feel like in terms of, yeah, what I can bring to a process is, um, living with a disability. I live with recurrent, like chronic illness. Um, I have a hyper awareness of accessibility that I bring to all of the projects that I work on so that it's a part of the inception of the making. So it's like, I think so much of accessibility in live performance is something that is tacked on to the end, whereas in reality, um, to be truly inclusive and accessible, you have to think about these things from the outset. You have to think about the lighting for the Auslan interpreter. You have to think about how accessible it's going to be to people who are blind or low vision. And it's just kind of like, um, how can we make the sensory aspects of this, um, inclusive for more audiences so more people can get the benefit of. I think the best thing about this show is that it provides an opportunity to be radically seen and reflected for other trans people as well, not only to educate cis people, but for other trans people. So I think that's the thing that I kind of, yeah, bring to a process.

Definitely. I mean.

Since being such a deep and meaningful zone and like I said, Sam is the one who's asking all the heavy questions. But I'll ask you a heavy question now if that's okay.

Yeah, please.

What would your drag name be?

Oh, that's so heavy. What am I going to do with that. Okay. So I actually. Okay. All right. Okay. Um, um, it was either going to be areola granola. Ooh.

Or pasty.

Yeah, there was areola granola. My friend came up with this one, so she she owns it. But Shania Pain.

Mhm. Is great.

But she, she totally.

That's a wrestler. Trans wrestler. Oh my.

God. Trans wrestler. Exactly. Bringing the Shania pain. Oh my god. I think though I'd probably be something like Boo Boo the Fool. Like, I think I'd be a very, like, Jimbo clown esque drag queen.

I love Jimbo.

Yeah, I love throwing the ham.

Would you get the big boobs as well? Absolutely. Wait, am.

I allowed to say boobs?

Absolutely. Sure. Okay.

Look, it's not.

My radio show. And I was like, yes.

Yeah. I was like, oh my God, am I going to get cancelled? That's fine.

But, um, I think my favourite we've asked this question a few times and granola is the winner. Really? So far, I think that's, um, that's that's that's that's the front runner.

I may be biased.

But I think kiwi fruitcake is the best one.

Oh, Kiwi fruit is cute.

It's not bad.

I like that.

But I'll go with Sam.

The rhyming, the rhyming. I'll say kiwi fruit was my boss's choice, so I'm sort of, you know, you kind.

Of have to say.

Well, no, I'm sort of putting my. I'm throwing myself in the deep end. Conrad, please don't be listening. But, um. I'm sorry, Conrad, but areola wins out.

Yeah, yeah.

Who's Conrad? It's Kiwi fruitcake. cake.

Oh. That's true. Yeah.

That's great. Oh.

Thank you. Yeah. Um, so how can we all book tickets to the show and head along to the. You know.

Best way to go is either through the, um, midsummer festival page. Just search monster. It'll pop up. You can also book tickets through chapel off chapel. It is running from the 29th of January until the 2nd of February. And on the 29th of January, we're having a community night for the gender diverse trans community. So come along. We've got cheap tickets for 25 bucks. So it's yeah, we're really hoping to start off with a bang and just have a big, lovely group of people to welcome monster into the world.

And can I just say, I was at the chapel of chapel for the Dolly Diamond roast last year. Oh yeah. And their staff were really helpful. Yes.

Blind people. Yeah. So if you.

Know, to our blind listeners, if you want to go, I highly recommend that the staff will take good care of you.

Yeah, absolutely. And I would say that in terms of the accessibility rating for blind audiences, it's fairly accessible. Correct. And it's like it's a cabaret. It's very, um, auditory. Yeah. It's like that we do some stuff on stage, but like it's very much like, yeah, it's something that you would really enjoy. I think listening to and absorbing that way. It's a lot of storytelling 100%.

Well, thank you so much for your time, Oliver. It's been an absolute pleasure. Both ways. It's just been wonderful to have a chat with you all about your writing, performing and directing journey. And all the best for Demon of, um, Demon of Smith Street and all of your upcoming productions, which I'm sure are just as good. Thank you.

I'll see you at.

The Demon Twink show.

Yes. Come and see.

Karen's there.

Karen's there.

Front row. Yeah, absolutely.

Come along. Thank you so much for your time. Best of luck. It's been great to have you.

Thank you. Thanks, Oliver.

Happy midsummer.

Happy midsummer.

Happy midsummer. You're listening to Vision Australia Radio's live broadcast from the Alexandra Gardens on the banks of the Yarra for Midsummer Carnival day. It's been an absolute pleasure to be with you for this hour. I've been Sam Culley. I'm still Sam Culley. That's not going to change. And also, we've got Karen Nagrani with us for the past hour. We've had an absolute ball chatting to you.

Introducing Vision Australia's Mindful Minutes podcast series where we explore the emotional impacts of vision loss, share inspiring personal stories and highlight ways to stay connected, active and mindful. Each episode is guided by experts with practical advice on self-care, mindfulness and more with guests from Australia, Mindspot Blind Sports Australia and our own Vision Australia experts. Mindful minutes is your companion to Better Wellbeing Sundays 2:30 p.m. on Vision Australia Radio or search Vision Australia Mindful Minutes wherever you get your podcasts.

Midsummer Victoria's Queer Arts and Culture Festival kicks off 19th of January with Midsummer Carnival and A taste of Things to come, then take to the streets for Midsummer Pride March in Saint Kilda. 2nd of February. And last but definitely not least, Victoria's Pride Street party on the 9th of February. The full day block party to end all block parties on Gertrude and Smith Street in Melbourne's north. Visit midsummer for the full program. Vision Australia Radio is an access and inclusion partner to Midsummer Festival.

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This is Vision Australia The radios. Midsummer festival. Carnival. Day. Live. Outside. Broadcast.

Coming up. So you better get this party started.

From Alexandra Gardens in Melbourne, across the Vision Australia radio network. Visit midsummer for more.

This is Vision Australia Radio's midsummer festival. Carnival day broadcasts live from Alexandra Gardens in Melbourne. You're with Ali and Lachlan for this hour. It's a pleasure to be here with you. The gates have been open for just an hour, but streams of people are coming into the space now and there is plenty to see and do. A reminder for those that have booked a tactile tour of the carnival space, that these commence at 11:30 a.m., running through till 1 p.m., designed to support the needs of attendees living with blindness or low vision. Coming up, we'll be interviewing Ben Harrington from Travellers Aid, who knows all about accessibility and mobility support. But for now, I'd like to introduce my co-host, Lachlan.

How are you?

Hello, Ali. It's great to be here. I'm here and I'm queer. So also my first mid-summer, as we were talking about a while ago. So yeah, it'll be great to check out what's been going on a bit later as well. Yeah, that's great.

And it's the sun is out. It's just beautiful.

The sun is very much out. Yes, it's a costing, but we'll make it through. We'll make it through. Lots of water bottles here.

Yes. Keep hydrated today.

Yeah. There we go. So look, we are joined as well by another guest. This is Ben Harrington from Travellers Aid. Ben, we're going to talk about the work that you do. But I guess, you know, I just got here and it's my first midsummer. So what's been going on so far today? What have you been up to?

Sure. Yeah. First, thank you for having me on. I rocked up with a few people from Travellers Aid Organisation a few hours ago to to set up at the stall that the PTV, the Public Transport Victoria, is hosting a bit further down from where we are currently. It's very, very busy and it's great and there's people of all ages coming through. We've got some drag queens at the stall that we're at performing and encouraging people to get up and be part of a talent show. Yeah, it's a really, really encouraging sort of scene happening everywhere around here.

So some good chats so far with with the people who've been coming through.

Good chats. Um, yeah. We're just trying to make sure we have a visual enough presence so people can can actually see where we're at. Um, so that's our current uphill battle, given how busy it is everywhere. Um, but yeah, excited to to talk with more people as we get on through the day.

Yeah. Now, Ben, for those unaware, how long has Traveller's Aid been operating and what are some of its big achievements? Yeah.

So most people would be unaware that Traveller's Aid has been operating for over 100 years. Um, it started off sort of as a, um, an organisation, early days helping people, and particularly women who were impacted by displacement with. Family going up to. To war. So women and people in Melbourne generally helping them navigate and get around and give them some support in the city over time, that's evolved to what it is today as a, you know, disability support services. But predominantly it's it's helping people with mobility challenges navigate, um, public spaces and public transport. As we know, it's, um, there's a lot of work to be done to make things more accessible for people. And sometimes that requires human intervention. Um, and that's sort of where, where travellers aid comes in as far as achievements go. Um, in the last year we won the Melbourne Award for um inclusion, accessibility and inclusion. Congratulations. So I can point to that, but I feel like, yeah, recognition only goes as far as, um, it can. I think what's, what's more of an of an achievement for the work that Travelers Aid does is the, uh, you know, the messages we get in from people saying how, you know, how much more confident and capable they feel and, um, giving them a new sense of independence to travel by themselves if they've got a bit of a safety net or a helping hand that they know is out there. Um, so that's that's the biggest achievement I think I'd point to.

That's fantastic. And it must be a very different organization now than it was, uh, 100 years ago, as would be Melbourne.

No. Exactly right. You know, um, Melbourne evolves and everything evolves with it. Um, and we've evolved into such a, um, a great, a great city. Um, but as I said, you know, as that evolution takes place, you're still dealing with the needs of, of people and the requirements of people who need support to be able to engage and, and connect with their communities. And so, um, I think, yeah, organizations like this are always going to be pretty, pretty necessary in that.

So I guess bringing it back to today, um, what are some of the of the services that I guess Travelers Aid is providing? Can you tell us a bit more about that?

100% yeah. So it's a it's a pretty wide ranging and expansive set of, of services on offer more generally. Not so much just to do with um with midsummer today, Travelers Aid stationed at Flinders Street Station and Southern Cross Station, as well as out Rurally up at Seymour and also Ballarat, um, providing connection assistance to people coming through who might need a bit of assistance to get from A to B. So for instance, if you if you rock up to Southern Cross and you know, whatever a maze that is, particularly when you're low vision, um, that, you know, getting off a train and onto your next train can be really, really difficult and overwhelming, particularly when there's time pressure. Um, and so just having that helping hand to either give personal assistance or you can hop on a buggy if you've got other mobility requirements, if you're in a wheelchair or use a scooter, or you're an older person who just needs a bit more support. Um, so that's happening. Out of the stations, we offer companion service. So getting people who come via one of those main transport hubs onto their next destination. So, for instance, I'll use the example of someone booked a companion service through us recently to get to the Vision Australia store in Kooyong. Um, so I'm just giving a shout out to the Vision Australia store.

You know where you want.

To plug while I'm here? Um, a great place to be, but yeah. So, um, you know that that extra bit of support to to make sure you know where you're going and you can feel like your, your journey is safe and you're comfortable. Um, obviously. Yeah. As we know, it can be really daunting to to be out there on your own, particularly when you know you can't see enough or you can't see a whole lot that's going on around you. Um, where Travellers Aid is at events and very proudly at events. Where at the Australian Open currently. Um, which is obviously ongoing and have been a range of other events around Melbourne helping out, providing wheelchair assistance and personal guidance and, and the same sort of buggy services in order to make sure everyone with any type of mobility requirements can can get around and feel like they're engaging and connecting with where they're at. Um, and disruption services to to help people when there's disruptions in public transports to to get from A to B. Disability awareness training I could continue on, but I feel like my my answer has gone on a bit long.

We will we will get into all of that a bit later. I'm very keen to hear more about that. But also, that's a mystery solved for me that you're behind the buggies. There we.


Yeah, yeah. No, my my family was visiting from Queensland a while ago. And of course, you know, they get off the bus at Southern Cross and as you say, it is absolute mayhem. So you know someone from Brisbane, a bit like a country town. Um, that's definitely a bit of culture shock, so.

No, it is to.

Have you there.

Yeah, for sure. And, um. Yeah, you'll see us hooning around the, uh, the concourse on the buggies and beeping people out of the way. But, um, yeah, I'm glad that that can be of assistance to anyone who needs it.

So let's let's bring it back to midsummer and Hooning today. Or I guess, how are you helping people around midsummer.

Today has just been a presence to clue people into the services we offer. We're not here with our usual set of volunteers to help out around. We were just asked to come in order to to be here and provide a presence. So it's really just yeah, letting people know what services are around. And I suppose that's a big part of that's because we sort of understand, and I suppose you guys would too, that there's such a an intersection between LGBTQIA+ community and disability communities. And so sort of bringing that together and understanding that, you know, those needs meet at certain points is is important to make sure, you know, that we're we're communicating what services are out there in case you need them.

Um, our participants are a bit nervous when they get started. And are they concerned that they perhaps don't have the knowledge or skills they should?

Yeah. Interesting. Are you talking are you talking about.

Your your disability awareness training there? We've jumped a bit ahead. Um, that was my fault. So yeah, we're very keen to hear more about that though.

Sure. So yeah, we run a few disability awareness trainings. One's called traveling in the Shoes of Others, which is sort of designed or co-designed by people with disability, facilitated by people with disability, including myself. Um, and it's sort of targeted at transport providers and giving them a more holistic understanding of what it's like to use a mobility device on public transport. So getting people out there on buses, trains and trams using wheelchairs and mobility equipment, you know, vision impairment, simulating goggles, just to get a bit of an understanding, you know, even if it is a bit brief about what that experience is like. We understand that, you know, disability awareness training can be a bit fraught. You don't want to, you know, put someone in a wheelchair and let them have fun because that's not really what it's about. And that you can you can often get to that point. But I think by having it run by people with disability, um, and having our voices centred is sort of what we designed it to, to be about. And it's also, you know, um, accessibility awareness workshops that we run side by side with, with travelling in the shoes, and that's more so catered to whatever organization's needs are so helping them understand public space around their building, if that's what they're interested in, or training up their staff to understand how they can better support people by giving them an idea of what it's like to to have a vision impairment, even if it is just for a brief amount of time. So, um, yeah, really keen to, um, to, to have that continue because the more awareness you're building, the more, um, you know, safe you feel in the community that you're navigating, I suppose.

But, um, have you had a chance to follow up from those groups who have participated in your training, and you've heard any positive examples coming out from those learnings, um, that contribute to a more inclusive Melbourne?

Yeah, 100%. It's a great question because that's really what the whole thing is about, I suppose, isn't it? You want to make sure that people are coming away with, um, a greater understanding of what those what the challenges are and what the barriers are, um, for people who are navigating spaces with a disability. And I make that clear that it's not. It's not so much a challenge on the end of the person with disability, but rather a barrier presented by public transport and public spaces. And that's what we're trying to communicate to, to the participants who come through the training. So we have surveys that run before and after that, that main sort of activity that's using public transport. And so we always get a pretty clear indication of what the outcomes that have come out of it. And it's been um, it's been really inspiring. I don't I don't really use that word often to say to be a part of something where you see people having a light bulb moment about, okay, so someone with a vision impairment can't actually read that signage or, you know, audio on on a train or a tram is so important because otherwise you wouldn't have access to that information and the list goes on and on. Most people don't know what tactiles are or you know how to use a cane. Um, you know, so all the perspectives that a wheelchair. You know, you're, you're a lot lower to the ground. And so how the built environment doesn't really work to, to, to accommodate that. And so yeah, it's really, really encouraging to see just all of the outcomes that have that have that have come out of that and how, how much of an impact that's having. That's awesome.

Now, look, anyone in Melbourne knows that the Australian Open has taken over this city at the moment. And we've got a couple of events coming up there with All Abilities Day next Tuesday, then Pride Day on the 27th. Yep. What are you working on? How are you going to be supporting the open?

Yeah, thanks for asking I suppose. Um, in previous years I've been approached to join as part of Abilities Day. The the blind or Low vision tennis. I can't say that I will be doing that. I'm interested to hear if there's any, um, input from from Vision Australia and any staff getting involved in that, but I hear it's a lot of fun. But from a traveller's aid perspective, um, yeah, it's providing, uh, connection assistance for, for people who are entering the venue. So if you're coming in by yourself and you're a bit unsure if you come in for either of those events you mentioned. You can be sure that once you get off the tram or out of the car park or wherever you're coming from nearby the venue, that there'll be a Travellers Aid trained volunteer to help you get from A to B, to help you get from outside into the venue, around the venue and to where you need to be, which has been really encouraging to hear from other people with low vision who've used the service and really recommending it to others that, you know, there's a safety net there for you. You don't have to feel like you're going in, you know, blind to, to, for lack of a better word, I suppose. Um, but yeah, it's really, really important for, for people to know that service is out there.

There you go. And is there anything else coming up in 2025 from Travellers Aid?

Mhm. Um, yeah. Just continuing to to grow and think about um, all the different people we can, we can help out. We understand that, you know, the public consciousness of disability continues to grow, but so does an understanding of what it's like to live with a disability. So that means that on our end for for training, for example, we need to look into how can we be more representative of a greater diversity of disability experiences. So including, you know, um, hearing impairments and chronic diseases or whether it comes down to intellectual disabilities, more than than what we've got currently. And, um, yeah, we understand that what we've got represents a really small area of, of disability. So it's about, yeah, understanding what we can do in order to, to represent a greater community that that exists here in Melbourne.

There you go. As a training officer, Ben Harrington, thank you for your time this afternoon. Before we let you go, you've told us about this disability awareness training, the corporate training, and I guess everything that Travellers Aid offers. How can people listening at home find out more about that?

Yeah. So there's a variety of ways to get in contact. I'd recommend visiting the Travellers Aid website at Travellers Aid. Um, if using a website isn't Really most accessible for you. You can give the head office a ring, and I'll pulling that phone number up in front of me now and zooming in so I can read it and explaining this, because we're purely an audio medium and you can't see what I'm doing. There you.

Go. But that bringing bringing midsummer to the listeners.

At home, of course you had to. I think that number is 9654260. You can contact info at org training at org. Um, but yeah, if you're if you're interested in seeing what else is out there to support you in, you know, as we can relate to, this idea of confidence and independence is so key to traveling with the disability, traveling with a vision impairment. Um, and that's, that's what Travelers Aid is, is able to sort of, um, to, to put out into the community. So get in touch if you'd like to learn more.

Thank you, Ben, for coming in today and chatting with us. Um, it's been really eye opening to learn about what, um, Travelers Aid do. And yeah, hopefully everyone can go onto your website and find out more information on it.

Okay. And yeah, Lachlan, thank you so much for for having me on.

Thank you. Now that was Ben Harrington, Travellers Aid training officer. You're listening to our Midsummer Carnival day broadcast on Vision Australia Radio. Here's Robert Cini with Selfish Alley and Lachlan coming to you from Alexandra Gardens. That was Robert Cini with his track Selfish on Vision Australia, Radio Alley and Lachlan with you live from midsummer Carnival day. Come down, say hello. We are broadcasting until 2 p.m. now. Robert Cini is a multi-award winning singer songwriter from Innisfail. His music seamlessly blends genres such as folk, blues, rock, pop and country, showcasing his soulful voice and intuitive guitar skills. One of his notable compositions, Different Road, inspired by his personal experience with vision impairment, earned him an Australian Songwriter's Award. His live performance of the song also secured the Pca's Best Live Performance accolade. Check him out on Spotify and Facebook.

Now we have another Midsummer Festival organizer welcoming Josh, Lindsey or Lindsey. Sorry, we literally just discussed this. Access coordinator of midsummer. Hello. Thank you for being here. Thank you.

It's very exciting.

We've been working with Vision Australia Radio to program, you know, and to support programming the broadcast today. And really excited to see it here or happening.

Here we go. And I guess how do you what's your relationship to the queer community?

Um, in terms of my identity, my. Yeah, yeah. Well, I'm a gay man. Um, pronouns he him um, uh, yes. Well, that's the answer to your question.

Okay. See, I would say estranged, but.


We'll get into it. So I guess access coordinator at midsummer. Josh, what does that mean? Yeah.

Good question. Um. Access coordinator. Um, so I focus just on the major events at midsummer. Uh, this is This is the second or so, uh, carnival today. Midsummer pride march, uh, Victoria's pride street party. It's the second role, that second year that the role has existed in Midsummer Festival. Um, uh, it sounds like, um, I'm in charge of what happened with all of the access service provision and the access inclusion and stuff. That's not exactly it. Um, the role is requires, I suppose, a knowledge of festival processes and coordinating the flow of information between people in the festival. Um, so that we can get access to service provisions and inclusion programs up and running. Yeah. Um, and the actions that midsummer takes in terms of becoming more accessible and inclusive. That's, that's mainly based on consultation that we do with our, uh, service partners and members of the of the community that we consult with.

There you go. So look, two years into the role, I guess was last year a bit of a baptism of fire. What have you learned so far? Yes.

Definitely a lot more calmer this year. Um, uh, what was your question? Yeah, I.

Guess. What have you learned in the role so far?

Oh, yeah. Yeah. Um, I mean, it's about, uh, it's just been great seeing relationships start to happen. Um, and the culture of the organization develop. Um, one of the new things this year that I'm noticing is that, you know, you're in the office and you hear the word access. Um, people are talking about it around the office, because I guess.

You are that champion of of access.

There's someone. There's people in the organization. Yes. Um, it's really interesting, you know, within organizations, is it useful to centralize all of the that knowledge in at one point in one person? Um, what excited me about working with midsummer as an organization that already values inclusivity and community and connection and belonging, is that there might be the potential for, uh, an excitement about access to be held by everyone that, you know, for that to be spread through the organization rather than being centered on one person's shoulders. And that's happening this year. Um, and I'm really excited about the future.

That's exciting. Yeah. Um, Josh, what are the various ways people can access the Midsummer Program Guide and so they can suss out and plan their attack for the festival?

Yeah. So if you go to midsummer. Access, there's. That's midsummer. Access. You can access the PDF of the program. Um, there's a audio guide to the program, which has been really fun, um, helping to prepare with Vision Australia Radio. Um, there's a program overview video on that page. Um, also, if you scroll down on that page, you'll be able to find links to all of the shows in our open program listed by Accessibility Feature. So you can find a list of shows that have tactile tours, or you can find a list of shows that have audio description, relaxed performances, uh, free shows, anything like that? Yep.

Awesome. And what are some of the events or shows that you would encourage our blind and low vision listeners to consider at this year's festival? Yes.

So I've got a number of shows here that I really, really, really want to talk about. Um, all of the details are in the audio guide. Um, already in terms of dates, times, etc.. Um, but I want to talk about the content of these works. One work is called Mystery Call by an artist, um, called Alex Craig, who's come down from Sydney. Alex Craig is a blind artist, and this work has been designed for blind And some sighted people alike. So it's an equitable experience for anyone who comes. It's called Mystery Call. I don't want to say much more about it because I don't want to give anything away. I don't really mystery the mystery. Very mysterious. But the values of the work aims to offer an experience that connects you to your body. Um, it's about your own embodiment and spirit as a person. Um, another work from Forest Collective called labyrinth at the Abbotsford Convent, based on the myth about the Minotaur and Theseus Forest Collective is a it's a music collective. Yeah. Um, the audience travels along as the performance progresses. You get up right up close to these opera singers. You can kind of feel the sound, you know, reverberating through your body. And then the work finishes with this massive, um, kind of almost concerto like piece played on, played on this massive piano. And the piano represents the Minotaur. So you meet that character at the end. Vita Veritas are running a tactile tour and audio description for that work. And I believe in the tactile tour, you'll be able to meet some of the artists at the beginning of the work. Can I talk about one more shot?

Of course. Absolutely. Off you go.

It's a wonderful show. We're really excited about it. Um, it's called honor. Are you interviewing Samuel Gaskin later on in this program? Um, I'm going to tell you a little bit about it now. Yes. Um, anyway, um, I'm reading this directly from the artist's description of the work. Um, it's a live performance. It's free. It's in Federation Square, which elevates and celebrates the true royalty of First Peoples communities. Queer POC, elders and Honor will introduce audiences to some of Melbourne's most iconic legends in a celebration and ceremony of love and recognition that slays the house down. We're really excited about this event. It's a pop music concert. Um. There's projections. There's design. Um, and Veritas are offering audio description for this event as well.

Incredible, incredible. So, look, I want to get a little bit more, um, from you on, I guess, how, um, people can kind of get familiar with the space and kind of, you know, where where they can go with midsummer. You mentioned tactile tours. I guess for those who don't know, that sounds a bit like the average Saturday night on Smith Street. What is it in this context? A tactile tour.

In the context.

Of Carnival? Midsummer.

Yeah, yeah. Or midsummer Festival? Yeah. Um, I mean, we've got a couple of tactile. Is your question about tactile? Yeah.


Yes, yes. Um, we've got a couple of tactile tours. I mean, there's some in the open programme. Um, for, for theatre events, for example. And they function as they usually do, often going backstage, meeting artists, being able to experience sets and costumes. Um, but our tactile tours for our larger main events like Carnival today and Victoria's Pride Street party are a bit more curated. You know, we've got guest artists often, often involved that you can meet. Um, Dolly Diamond help helped us lead the Tactile Tour last year at Victoria's Pride Street party. Um, uh, you know, there's a lot of activations in shops where we went. We visited a perfumery last time. Um, and at the end of our tactile tours, there's sighted guides available to assist if you want to go off and choose your own adventure.

Yeah, I understand those are running until 1:00 today. Is there, I guess, any other way? I guess you'd say the website, um, for, I guess, people to understand, you know, how their accessibility needs can be met, you know, mobility restrictions, that kind of thing.

Yes. I mean, I mentioned them in some access website before. Um, you can also if it's about access specifically, you can also email me.

There you.

Go. And the address is. Oh, um. It's a seasonal role. So if you email me before February the 14th, I will reply. Um, but for general inquiries and for ticket bookings, you can also call 03929660. That's 0392966. Double zero. And we'll be able to assist you with any enquiries that you have.

That's great. Now thank you, Josh, for coming down. Josh Linscott, the access coordinator at Midsummer Festival. Hello.

You're listening to the Midsummer Carnival, broadcast by Vision Australia Radio on the Vision Australia radio network. That's 1197 1179 sorry, am in Melbourne and also across Australia on VA radio and the Community Radio Plus app. I'm Lachlan Patrick, your resident twink. I'm about to pop out, but that's okay. I'm passing the baton to Tess. Tess loving the look, By the way, just for the people at home, we've got some glitter. We've got a headband.

What's a tiara to be?

Tiara. There we go.

Oh, God, what a princess. Can you believe it? Hello, Lachlan. It's wonderful to be here. Um, no. And my cane is a veritable rainbow flag. So, so excited to be here at Carnival. I just I could not be more delighted to be back here again.

Fantastic, fantastic. So, look, not your first time. My first time.

Yeah, well. Well, I mean, yes, it's not my first time. I was here last year and I've been looking forward to this for so long. It just it means so much to me as a queer person with a disability to be here at this event, which is so, you know, like, really crosses the intersection between queer people and queer community and people with disabilities. And it's just wonderful. It means so much for me to be here.

Absolutely. Yeah. So what's the highlights of midsummer for you?

I think it's it's something more intangible. It is literally just being surrounded by people who are all about celebrating, supporting the embraces and sorry and embracing the diversity within the queer community. Just just all these people who who not only accept difference and diversity, but celebrate it. And, you know, that just means so much to me. Um, and obviously, you know, just the fact that I can be part of this broadcast, that's a highlight in itself.

Absolutely. There you go. I mean, we had to we had to have the princess. The Queen. Part of Vision Australia's midsummer broadcast. Queening out. You'll be queening out with Conrad.

I will be queening out with Conrad I can't wait. It's going to be wonderful.

Yeah, it'll be great. I'll step out. I'll have to. I'll have to take a look at what's what's around.

Absolutely. I hope you enjoy that. There's lots to see.

I will, I will. So there we go. Look, stay with us. Here on the Vision Australia radio network. Tess and Conrad queening out over the next hour. So Reece Howard as well coming up I understand. So that'll be great. Yeah she's involved with the Melbourne Queer Film Festival, so lots to look forward to um, after this short break.

This is Vision Australia Radio's Midsummer Festival. Carnival day live outside broadcast.

Coming up. So you better get this party started.

From Alexandra Gardens in Melbourne, across the Vision Australia radio network, visit for more.

What a day for Midsummer Carnival. The sun is out in Alexandra Gardens in Melbourne and we are here live and having we are slip slop slapping. We're being nice and sun smart and we are here. And how wonderful is it to be here at Carnival Day 2025?


Yay! And as Lachlan pointed out, I am queening out with Conrad Brown and I. Conrad. Hello. How are you doing? How are you enjoying Carnival?

It is so good. And Tess, I'm so excited to be on with you for the whole hour. We've got a lot of great stuff coming up.

Absolutely. Now, Conrad is not only Vision Australia Radio's managing network. But network manager, I should say good lord. However, Conrad is also, I hear you're a bit of a you're a bit of a movie buff, Conrad.

I am a.

Man of many, many interests.

Yeah, I've got a show that I do with a couple of really amazing co-hosts on Joy 94.9 here in Melbourne, um, called outtakes. And we look at queer film and television. Um, always looking at it through a LGBTQIA+ perspective.

How wonderful. I mean, and honestly, as a as a joy listener, anything to do with joy, I think has got to be absolutely fabulous. Um, have you had what have been some of your particular highlights on outtakes over the years?

Conrad you know, for our little show, we get some really amazing guests. Um, over the years we've had, um, Barry Jenkins, who was the Oscar winning director for moonlight, um, which was one of my favorite queer films from a few years ago. We've had the Italian director Luca Guadagnino, who did challenges Call Me By Your Name. Um, he's got a new film coming out called queer. We've had him twice on the show, but some of my favorite interviews and, um, guests have been, uh, local queer film makers and actors from different productions. Um, there's a really great show called deadlock, which is done by, um, the two Kate's Kate McCartney and Kate McLennan.

Ah, yes.

Yeah. And it's, uh. It's a very queer, positive show. The first season was set in Tasmania, and we had, um, Tom Ballard, uh, on with us to talk about his role in that. And we're very excited about the second season coming up. But yeah, we really love talking to queer filmmakers and people within the industry behind the scenes and the ones that are on camera as well.

And who doesn't love Tom Ballard and the two?

Kate. Hello.

Hello. Great talent. Oh, absolutely. So you should. Definitely. Anyone tuning in to this should definitely listen to outtakes on Joy 94.9 because it's fabulous. And Conrad, I know that you're speaking to Howard from the Melbourne Queer Film Festival later in this hour, is that correct?

Yeah. That's right. Cerise is the program director for Melbourne Queer Film Festival, and I got to catch up with her earlier this week to find out about the fantastic Midsummer Movies program that she has curated for the festival. So yeah, really looking forward to sharing that with you all.

Well, that is certainly not one to be missed, so stick around if you want to hear the download the lowdown on that. So now we have another track, another fabulous track, so many fabulous artists. And this one is by the group Altar Boy. Altar boy is an indie electro pop band from Perth, so very local. It challenges the status of music being experienced through sound and hearing. They embrace the idea of that music can really be whatever we want it to be, and are dedicated to developing innovative ways for deaf and hard of hearing individuals to enjoy and access music. And in a 2021 interview for Higher Up, Alter Boy said that, you know, they like to flip the tables between deaf and hearing by performing and releasing music without sound. So this is going to be very, very interesting, very exciting. They're a very talented and interesting group. And here is their song Glitter on Vision Australia Radio.

For me.

All you that you just heard. The fabulous altar boy with glitter. I mean what a great song title. Who doesn't love glitter right? Conrad. Amazing you are listening to this Midsummer Carnival Day, broadcast live from Alexandra Gardens with Vision Australia Radio. Yay! Uh, now, Conrad, uh, we're here until 2 p.m.. Which is which is which is wonderful. So we've got some wonderful interviews and guests coming up. And a friendly reminder that A is your destination to know what's happening at this year's event, so definitely check that website out. And of course, don't forget to keep listening to Vision Australia Radio for more news, reviews and interviews about midsummer across the next couple of weeks, we are going to continue our support and to celebrate Victoria's premier queer and sorry premier queer arts and culture event. Uh, now let's move to an interview. So from Friday, January 31st to Sunday, February the 2nd, the Melbourne Queer Film Festival proudly presents an exciting series of queer film screenings for midsummer 2025. Conrad Brown recently spoke with Melbourne Queer Film Festival program director Cerise Howard, and to get the full lowdown on what's on the agenda for this year, uh, Conrad started out by asking how she put together this selection of films for Melbourne's premier queer arts and culture festival.

Gosh, it's not actually the easiest question to answer because while this is a sort of out of season event, it's still a very significant event. And there's a rich history of the of midsummer and NKF being intertwined. Mkf was born out of midsummer, so it still needs to be a big deal. Fortunately, there's a little bit of a window between when programming has to be locked down for the November event and this mini season at the very, very end of January into the very start of February, in which time there are some festivals and more films enter circulation, and there are some opportunities to nab some things that haven't been screened at all in Australia, or at least in Melbourne yet. Sometimes there's also just some films that, while they weren't in the November festival. They were in consideration for it, and were certainly of a suitable caliber to have been programmed in that event as well, but didn't quite fit in amongst the rest of that programme, or would benefit from a special spotlight being given them in a smaller programme like this, where they can really shine and bounce off another film or two in that same programme and that that linkage be clearer. So, for example, in this mini festival, there are two documentaries centred around queer life in Greece and there are two documentaries celebrating queer photographers. And so having those clear sort of double bills, they could get lost in a big festival. So it's a really good opportunity to have them positioned in something smaller, like the Midsummer Movies programme.

Any opportunity we have to get more queer films in our life is a good thing. And Midsummer's movie programme definitely hits all the the targets that we love. You just mentioned the fact that there's two films from Greece. There's also filmmakers and films from Brazil, Finland, Poland, Czechoslovakia, the United States as well. Was that a conscious choice for you to have this mix of international films, or was it just the way it landed?

Oh, a little bit of both. Serendipity always plays a part in programming what's actually out there, and what will play nicely with the other films in a program. There's also a need to put on a diverse program. So it's not just about the sources of these films in that respect, either the countries of origin, but also trying to make sure there's something for as many elements of our very broad community as possible that speaks directly to them, as well as hopefully attracting people from across the LGBTQIA+ spectrum to each of these films. But yeah, I'm pretty happy with the balance here. We've got ten, 1010 films, and it does cover a lot of terrain.

Yeah, terrain is absolutely it, both from a, yeah, geographical perspective and a thematic experience as well. We spoke with you in November in the lead up to the Melbourne Queer Film Festival, and one of the films that you loved and highlighted again in our end of year roundup was Scarecrow in a Garden of Cucumbers. I feel like you've spoken about that one at length, but the fact that you've included it again here, I think, speaks volumes. Do you just want to add another reason why you're giving this one another run?

Well, not everyone got to see its premiere screening in November, and it's the sort of film which is certain to develop a cult following. There'll be people who will have been blown away from that experience in November, who will have said, you've got to have seen, got to see this. And and I was able to secure a second screening in those initial negotiations anyway. So it just had to be in there. It's just such a hoot. It's a fabulous film to see with friends, strangers, just. It's a film that really plays wonderfully to an audience. It's so much.


It's a perfect inclusion for for midsummer. Looking at some of the other films in there, obviously you've picked them because they're all really unique and interesting films and ones that you wanted to showcase. I'm always interested in the hidden gem. You know, there's eight films across the weekend, not including opening and closing as well. They're all really great films. Can you highlight a film in the program that for you is a real hidden gem, and one that you think people really should make a note of to see on the big screen?

I mean, I think all of these films will be difficult for people to access outside of this festival, so I would urge people to see as much as they can on the big screen. Just as a general rule, if I were to hone in on one that I think the big screen will especially bring out the best of the Polish film Woman of is so exquisitely shot. It's from the directing team of Malgorzata Szumowska and Michal Englert. They've already produced some very interesting films together. This is a really interesting film that sort of spans about 40 years of Polish life, and a huge amount of cultural change that happened in that time as a backdrop to a trans woman's very gradual. You could say coming of age, but a belated coming of age. It's a very moving film. It's. And there's just a certain. Yeah, it has a measured tone and pace, but throughout it is sometimes you'd almost say unnecessarily beautiful. Every shot is so composed. The colors are so gorgeous, it's going to look stunning on the big screen.

I'm fortunate enough to see one of the films that's part of the Midsommar Mkf program, which was Headmaster The Legacy of George Platt Lynes. Such a really wonderful documentary, and we love a good doco here at outtakes as well. And a really nice companion piece it looks like to I'm not everything I want to be. You said it was a nice synergy that there was two docos about photographers in there, but what is it for you about those two films in particular that made a really good inclusion for this program?

Well, they both celebrate photographers who are not household names, but should be. It seems like George Platt Lynes certainly did have a period of great fame and influence in the arts world and in glamour and fashion magazines, but then just fell into the margins of photographic history. I love a film that excavates a hidden history, and when you see the caliber of his work and we are we are absolutely spoiled in this film with so much stunning imagery. Then there's part of that experience of seeing a film like this is marveling that and almost feeling a little outraged that someone with such extraordinary talent could ever have been marginalized. And I get it that there's this whole part of his work that even in 2025, is still getting used to. Saying that in 2025 is difficult for some people, because the male nude is not commonplace in galleries anywhere to this day, it's somehow still a taboo. But his work, whether it is his male nudes or his often quite surreal fashion photography, or just his snaps as a happy snaps of the extraordinary company he kept throughout his adult life in the 30s. 40s 50s. It's an incredible body of work, so it's just astonishing getting acquainted with it and with the film about the photographer. I'm not everything I want to be. Her career is. It's a bit of a different story. She's still alive, but fame has come to her very late. She has assembled a huge body of work without a real sense that the world might ever see it. A lot of it made behind the Iron Curtain from the 1960s onwards in Prague and in Berlin, and then traveled farther afield and some time spent in Japan. And again, there's this story, this sort of parallels nicely or dovetails nicely with Womanof as well, even though that's a fictional story. But Yaakov's story also spans about 40 odd years in a period of behind the Iron Curtain under totalitarian rule and then freedom, but also complexity. And that came with the arrival of democracy and capitalism. And her body of work is just extraordinary as well. More, more in the documentary vein. Extraordinary insights there into queer life under communist rule in Czechoslovakia. It's also an extraordinary documentary, and we see a lot of her work in that as well. And it's revelatory.

As you said, it's so wonderful that we're going to get the opportunity to see these in the cinema, which not always the case and not always easy to find these films as well. So the tickets are on sale now at mkf. or via the Midsommar website as well. Midsommar. So we're going to finish with the beginning and the end, I guess. The opening of the Mkf Midsommar movies is going to be kicked off with a screening of To Wong Foo, which I think, you know, if someone hasn't seen that film then yet, they definitely should go along and check it out at the screening at Bunjil Place in Narrow Warren. But I'm also loving that the closing of the program is a free event at Federation Square, and it's featuring a movie musical that is loved by many, but for a lot of people, they may not have seen it. What was the decision behind putting The Wiz on as that for that free screening?

Yeah, I think.

There's a few things in play there. And actually it was programmed before the passing of Quincy Jones. That seems only more of the right moment to screen it. Since his passing, he was extremely heavily involved in the soundtrack of this film. Sort of an afrofuturist Wizard of Oz. For anyone who's not clued into The Wiz, they're pretty extraordinary cast, inclusive of Diana Ross, Michael Jackson and directed by Sidney Lumet, who was such a very important figure in sort of the New Hollywood of the 70s and whose previous films include, for me, one of the landmark queer films of the 70s. Dog Day afternoon. This is kind of a much hipper, more civil, rights minded, groovier version of The Wizard of Oz. It's an all singing, all dancing sort of affair for people who might first have seen Afrofuturism manifest on screen in a blockbuster way with Marvel's Black Panther. I think this will prove revelatory. There's just so much there that that links with queer iconography in The Wizard of Oz is a film so beloved of queer folk, you know, even giving us such phrases as being a friend of Dorothy. It's all it's so many linkages there to queer culture. And look, it's a free screening. It's in Fed Square. It's a G-rated family fun. It's a lovely way to see this little mini festival.

I wholeheartedly agree it's such a great choice, and definitely one that would be really fun to watch with a big crowd as well. Cerise, thank you so much for giving us your time again and talking about this great program and happy midsummer.

Thanks so much, Conrad and Happy Midsummer to you too.

That was Melbourne Queer Film Festival's program director, Cerise Howard, with the full lowdown on the Melbourne Queer Film Festival's Midsummer Program for 2025, which is very, very exciting. Now for full details, visit mkf.

Thanks, Tess. Now here is G flip with her triple J Like a Virgin cover of Lady Marmalade. This is Virgin Australia radio live from midsummer Carnival day.

Hey sister go sister. Soul sister flow sister.

Calling all aspiring writers. The 2025 Brimbank Readers and Writers Festival with Vision Australia Radio. Want your stories from the 1st of January to the 2nd of February 2025. Vision Australia radio listeners are invited to submit micro fiction stories of up to 200 words inspired by the phrase no one chooses for us. Hundreds of prizes are up for grabs, and you could submit your stories as text or audio. TS and CS apply. Visit. Org to learn more. RVA radio org.

This is Vision Australia Radio's midsummer festival. Carnival day live outside broadcast.

Are coming up so you better get this party started.

From Alexandra Gardens in Melbourne, Album Across the Vision Australia radio network. Visit Midsummer Orgo for more. This party started.

Hello again, I'm Tess Herbert. I'm so excited to be here at the Midsummer Carnival Day live Vision Australia broadcast. Woohoo! Woohoo! And as you just heard, I am queening out me and my tiara. Me and my tiara are queening out very happily with the fabulous, fabulous Conrad Brown. How are you doing, Conrad? I'm doing.

So good. It's so lovely to be on the radio with you today.

Yes. I mean, it's quite warm where we are, but we're kind of hoping it might get. We're hoping it might get a bit overcast. Uh, so, you know, that'll be that'll be lovely.

But, I mean, we're we're so hot here, so we're kind of like, the thermometer is going up just with us talking.

Yeah, we're just sizzling it. Totally. Um, but it's a fabulous day and there's lots of people and events happening, so come out if you like. Uh, now we have another wonderful interview, and we are very happy to. Welcome to the microphone Anastasia Lee, board member at the Victorian Pride Centre. Hello, Anastasia, and welcome.

Hello. Hello. Thank you for having me. Ah, it's a pleasure.

Now, firstly, would you mind sharing with us your pronouns, your preferred pronouns and vision status with us?

Um, yeah. So. Anastasia. So pronouns are she her? And, um, I, I do have like ten out of ten vision.

Ah I see, I see. Well that's that's fantastic.

One of our sighted friends. Yes. Joining us as well. Um, Anastasia, it's wonderful to have you on Vision Australia Radio. I've been told to take a deep breath and allow you to share with us the various roles you have at the Victorian Pride Centre.

Um, so I am one of the nine board of directors at the Pride Centre. Um, my focus, um, well, I co-chair the community referencing community engagement working group with Doctor Judy Tang. And then, um, my focus, um, is people and culture, people development, um, as well as um, sort of stakeholders engagement. So yeah, so that's what I do usually and about a bit of PR and communications. So yeah. So those are my background.

Keeps you busy I'm sure.

Yeah. Yeah.

With that scope.

Yes. Absolutely.

A woman of many, many and varied talents. Uh, now, for anyone who might not know what is the Victorian Pride Centre, how did it come about and how long has it now been operating?

Oh, thank you for asking that question. Um, so it was quite a journey to get the Civic Pride Center to open. So the Vic Pride Center is Australia's first purpose built, um, centre for, um, um, the LGBTQ plus community. They. Oh, after years and years of, like, you know, um, advocacy, um, and hard work from the community because we are built by the community, for the community. And the door is open from, I think, July 2021. But then a lot of work had been put into that years prior to that. Um, and, you know, we are located in Saint Kilda, and one of the things that, um, not many people know about is, um, the reason why the Price Centre is there, because, um, the City of Port Phillip graciously gave us the, the, the, the title of the land. Right. So it's actually now owned truly by the community, and we're not renting that space or anything. Amazing. Um, yeah. And so at the Price Centre, we house, um, all kinds of services, all kind of LGBTQ plus also from Australian queer archives to -18 to Thorne Harbour Health, Joy media. Um, a whole lot and, um, you know, and, um, it's a space that, you know, we hope that, you know, we can create a safe space where community Members can connect, collaborate and and getting access to services.

It's such an incredible, um, site. And as you said, it's full of all of these amazing organizations that contribute so much to Victoria's queer community. Can you just let us know some of the regular activities that are also hosted there?

Um, so we do have many arts events. Um, the Pride Center hosted, um, well, I mean, it's part of who we are, right? Because we are built by a very diverse community. So inclusive events have always been at the core of our operation now. Um, we, um, we, we have hosted a few, like, you know, order, audio, description and tactile, um, tours as well.


Um, again, I am saying this because, you know, we are, um, you know, interviewing, you know, with Vision Australia. So we have to share this. Yes. Um, and, you know, um, we the thing is, like, you know, we would love to have, like, a vision specific event in the future. So hopefully this can open up for future collaboration. Amazing. Because, um, we do have a collaboration with Dementia and Memory Lane Cafe, and we do gathering and social connection for those with dementia. Um, you know as well. So now we just hope to expand our inclusive spirit to that, to, to this space. So.

Well, we have a very good connection with a lot of the organizations. And they're including Joy as, as our one of our community radio, uh, siblings.

Shout out to Joy 94.9.

So wonderful.

We would definitely be keen, um, for one of those collaborations.

Yes. And I mean, as we know, you know, we're becoming increasingly aware of the intersectionality between people with disabilities and the queer community. So, you know, making the Victorian Pride Centre an accessible space for people who are blind or have low vision is so important, isn't it? Yes. Now, have you ever or do you plan to host events that on this subject that speak to the low vision community?

Yes. I mean, um, the Pride Center, you know, um, I mean, from a governance and leadership perspective, we plan to maximize all of the features we have at the Pride Center. As I said previously, um, we do have some programs, um, like, you know, audio description programs, but we would like to expand that, to create, like to sit with you and your community, to then design programs and events that cater specifically for those, um, you know, with, um, low vision or vision impaired. Um, now we do in the building because again, um, through lengthy consultation process with different parts of the community, the Pride Center has like tactile ground surface indicators. We have high contrast, um, signage as well, and all your wayfinding systems. So we are looking at ways so that we can maximize these sort of features for the For the community.

We love hearing that.

Don't we, Tess? Absolutely.

The more accessibility and public spaces, the better. Certainly. Um, Anastasia, you've been a board member of the Victorian Pride Centre since April last year, so almost a year now. What's the experience been like for you? Has there been any surprises?

It's really interesting, right? Because first of all, like how often do you see a woman of trans and of colour experience and being an asylum seeker and refugee and all of the fun things. Um, being trans to be on a board. Right. Um, it's, um, it's been a pleasant experience from a from a, from a, from a team work kind of perspective, like my, my board colleagues, uh, we we are high functioning. We have a very high functioning board. We came from a wide range of life experience, professional background, because my background is in social procurement and socio economic development and culture. Whereas like my other board members, we we bring all of these different perspectives. And now we're diverse in gender. We diverse in age. And it's been quite a pleasant experience working together. Um, there are some challenges because you have such a big dynamic team, but we manage to really create a safe space for each other. Um, the only I think the, the surprises would be, I think from a governance level, um, it can be it's this landscape here. The LGBTQ plus landscape has been constantly challenged. Yes. Socially, politically, environmentally. And I think that's, um, that's that's the challenging part of it because how are we going to navigate this, this heritage building, um, to make sure that we grow and then we to make sure that all parts of Victoria is connected to us and navigating through all of these landscapes. So that's that's the that's the surprising.

Part I.

Could imagine. I mean, inclusion and representation is so important, and to have your voice in that conversation is obviously incredibly wonderful. And at that level, I'm on the board of the Pride Center is fantastic. So yeah, it's it's it gives you it gives us, I guess, as the queer community, a lot of faith in the fact that it's going to be something that's for everyone, which is really exciting. Yeah.

And that's our goal.

Yeah, yeah.

Now let's get on to midsummer. How has the Victorian pride? Sorry. Let's get on to midsummer. And how the Victorian Pride Centre will be involved this year.

So, um, I think this year we. Well, last night we just launched our Victorian Pride Center midsummer program. So that so that would mark our third, um, third consecutive sort of collaboration together. Um, and as an official hub for the midsummer team. Amazing. Um, now, so this year, we host 33 diverse events across January and February. Um, it's a hub. We we really amplify the queer voices through artistic expression, um, and celebrate diversity through all of these exhibitions we have. Um, we launched also events and we also part of our summer program this year. We have some family gatherings. We have some, um, tours, which is again being audio distributed, um, again for everybody. Yeah. Um, and um, some music performers, live music performances at, at the Price Center.

Fantastic. I know, uh, one of my co-hosts on a show I do on Joy is, uh, having a screening of her film and also doing a live music and film event for, um, her Love Rewind film. Dimitra.

Yes, of course, we know Dimitra. She's very.


Gotta give Demetria a shout out. Um, those events are on sale right now. So as all the great things that are on it this summer, head to mid-summer to find out more. Anastasia bringing you back to your role within the Pride Center and as part of the board. How is success measured for the Pride Center in terms of has it been a good investment for the LGBTQIA+ community now?

Yes. Um, we have so much potential. And again, just to remind everybody, the center has just opened its doors since July 2021. Um, so, um, strategically speaking, um, the first few strategies, strategic strategic plans have been just about getting the door open. Yeah. So now we really like with our current strategy, we really hope to maximize everything and really sort of like bring it to to make sure that, you know, it's truly built for the community. Now, um, we measure our success by But through social impacts, through community impacts, how many voices we have uplifted, how many people we have sort of connected to different resources, and how many sort of connections we have fostered as well. Because we are a very diverse community. We are growing. Right. And so we hope that we can keep serving that purpose. Um, so so yeah, now we we have so primarily speaking, primarily speaking, we have been hosting events, but we have a few plans in place, um, to then really making sure our people are being looked after, our culture shifted accordingly to the very challenging landscapes ahead.

Um, yeah. Yeah. That's so exciting. It is such a wonderful space, and I really hope, Tess, you get to visit it and give it your stamp of approval. Um, it's got this incredible staircase that goes right through the middle of the foyer, which is, um, even for someone like me who prefers to take a lift. I can't help but run up that staircase because it's just. It's kind of fun.

I wear heels all the time, and I. When I get there, I still want to walk that staircase.

Yes, the.

Staircase is a feature. I think it's a very queer feature as well. Very much going coming down it, I think, would be a lot of fun.

Well, I look forward to that, and I sincerely hope that I can come and visit you. And that sort of brings me to my to my final question. Where can listeners go to learn more about the Victorian Pride Centre and your midsummer events for this year?

Um, there's um, now we let me have a quick look. I do have a lot of prompts here for today.

It's a lot of information. Anastasia. We get it.

Like, um, you know, we need to, um. Let me see. Well, at the moment, through the midsummer event, um, you can. Well, first of all, you can go on to presenter for midsummer 2025. Um, and then you can find all of the events we have in there right now. Um, we, um, I like to really highlight one of the key sort of shows to promote at the center is called Tell It with, um, telling it with Pride Speakers program. So, um, it's free so the participants there can share their personal stories showcasing the public speaking skill and also storytelling through different formats. Um, and, um, you know, hopefully that, you know, through the Pride Center, we can elevate the voice. So then. Yeah.

Wonderful. We love hearing that. Anything anything that like. Yeah, uplifts and shares our stories is it can only be.

A good thing.

And I think like through a partnership with Joy as well. We have a um the big camp countdown. Countdown on on January 24th. So, um, yeah. So taking you through the top five queer anthems of all time and voted by our listeners.

Amazing. Wow.

Yes. So, please look at.

Something we can get behind. Oh, God. Yeah.

I vote go west by Pet Shop Boys.

That's my favorite.

Nice. Aw. Everything possible. Sung by Judy Small. That's pretty good, too. Uh, now, we've been speaking with, uh, Anastasia Lee, board member at Victorian Pride Centre. Uh, Anastasia, we just can't thank you enough. Thank you for joining us. It's been a fabulous chat.

Thank you for having me. Thank you everybody.

Thank you. Midsummer Festival, Victoria's premier queer arts and culture festival, takes place across 22 days from the 19th of January to the 9th of February, with over 200 events in 150 venues. Choose from a massive lineup of emerging and established artists including comedy, music, theatre, visual arts, film, sports and more. You better not miss out. Visit midsummer for the full program. Vision Australia Radio is an access and inclusion partner to Midsummer Festival.

As a Vision Australia client. You can request up to 360 print pages in your preferred alternative format, each from personal letters to recipes, music magazines, and more. The service covers braille, audio, large print, textual graphics, and etext conversions from print materials for a client's own personal use. For more information on this free service that is funded by the federal government's Print Disability Grant. Email print access at Vision Australia. Org or call one 384 746.

This is Vision Australia Radio's midsummer festival. Carnival day live outside broadcast.

Are coming up so you better get this party started.

From Alexandra Gardens in Melbourne across the Vision Australia radio network. Visit midsummer for more.

Conrad and Tess live from midsummer. Carnival day for Vision Australia radio. Tess, the hour has literally flown by. Right.

I know it really has. I mean, it just feels like it's getting warmer and warmer and the crowds are gathering and, you know, it just seemed only 10s ago that we were here chatting. And it's a bit sad. I feel a bit sad. I don't really want to leave. I'm having such a great time hanging out with you, Conrad.

I know.

And I think we've agreed that we're going to have to do this again. So put us both down to do this again in the very near future.


As Tess said, it is warming up down here. So please, if you're coming to Carnival, bring your sunscreen, bring a hat, bring lots of water. Or actually you can refill your water for free here as well. So, um, but yes, it's the crowds are picking up. It's going to be such a fantastic day. And it's so wonderful for Vision Australia Radio to be a part of it.

Yes. I just, you know, and I've said this before, but, you know, as a queer blind woman, it just means so much. It's like the two intersectionality intersections of my life are kind of crossing over, you know, in a way that celebrates disability access and the LGBTQ plus community and all its diversity. It just it's one of the highlights of my year doing this are.

I love that test and I really love that I got to share this, um, opportunity with you. It's been such a pleasure. I also want to thank our wonderful presenters from earlier today, Ellie Bowie and Simon Whitehead, who kicked us off this morning with an hour long reading program. Also to Sam Coley and midsummer ambassador and community advocate Cara Negroni for kindly giving their time. And also Lachlan Shannon and Big Pat on the back for us. Conrad Brown and Tess Herbert aka Tess Rad aka The Dream Team. Um, this broadcast would not be possible without the incredibly talented guys behind us. Literally behind us working the buttons. A huge thank you to Nick and Brian King, who are an absolute asset to the community radio sector and also to our very own broadcast technician, Dale Simpson, who has been ensuring that Vision Australia Radio can broadcast us here in Alexandra Gardens and all of our regular reading programs on the other channel. Plus, keeping our Australian Open Radio simulcast going over on V Iris digital. Dale Simpson, the hardest working man in community broadcasting.

Over to you, Tess.

Well, and also thank you, Dale. And special thanks for the team at Midsummer Carnival for being such good sports. Thank you. Harriet. Josh. Karen, we deeply value our partnership with you. And thank you for being willing to entertain our wild ideas. Could we have a lot of them, don't we, Conrad?

We sure do. We sure do.

Thanks to our wonderful listeners. There's just no point really doing this without you. It'd just be like us talking to the wall. If you have any feedback on today's broadcast, please email radio at Vision

A huge thank you to Jason Gibbs for producing today's outside broadcast.


For managing our midsummer partnership. He's he wrote this. He's a nice guy.

Give him a call.

And share how you can support our community radio service. Sponsors are always welcome. I work with Jace every day, so I can vouch he. He's a pretty nice guy.

He's lovely. I mean, you know, we just couldn't do this without Jace.


Now we're going to go out with a track by another blind recording artist. How fabulous is this? It's Conner Wink, who you may remember from The Voice Australia, for those who watched that. Uh, now this is unison. So, uh, no, it's not unison. Sorry. Uh, so we have Conner wink. Uh, sorry, I just stumbled over my notes. So this is Vision Australia Radio for. Thank you for joining us.

And take care, be safe and have a happy midsummer. Bye for now.

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