Brian kicks off our last hour to cover his game of New Albany vs. Evansville Central with New Albany getting the win. The score of that game was 76-68. Jackson Williams joins the show from Greenwood Christian Academy and their win over Covenant Christian. This would end up being a very close game but they were just able to survive that game with some big shots from key players. Brendan King gives us the close out for the Indiana college playoff game tonight and who was able to win. Brendan King also reconciles some college memories being “King of the Dog Pound” and his role for their legendary Butler basketball game. David Deaton comes in to talk about a Coridan Central team who gave it their all and ultimately got rewarded. He praised their play on both sides which drove them to win tonight and most likely some success down the road this season. Len Clark jumps back in to talk his closing thoughts from an in person perspective for the Notre Dame win and what it was like being at the game.