On In The Market with Janet Parshall week we took you behind the curtain of life in a Communist regime as our guest shared her personal of what it was like to grow up under that oppressive system, to come to Christ under it and then what it took to stand up against it. She shared the amazing story of what God told her to do the day a man came to kill her and how her obedience transformed both of their lives. Her experiences are a timely warning to our America that seems to be embracing Communist thinking with open arms. Once again we opened our phones and gave you the chance to ask those tough and challenging questions related to the bible and the Christian life as one of favorite bible teachers took us back to God’s word to find the answers. As the holiday season approaches, it is a great time to open doors of conversation to share the good news of the gospel with Jewish friends during the Hanukkah festivities. Our guest, a leader in one of the most important messianic Jewish ministries shared wisdom and strategies for opening up those conversations and how to introduce your Jewish friends to their Messiah. Holliday’s are challenging and can create all sorts of stress and anxiety from time issues to family frustrations. We turned to one of our favorite and most respected experts on family matters for some practical guidance for navigating these unplanned for holiday frustrations. There is so much unrest in the world today that being able to clearly discern the times and the truth in midst of all the uncertainty is more important than ever. So our favorite husband and wife team continue to teach us how to understand the times through the lens of scripture.
Hi there friend. This is Janet Parshall. Thank you so much for downloading this broadcast. And as always, I hope you hear something that's going to help you grow up in him and encourage you to get out there in the marketplace of ideas so you can let your light so shine. You can influence and occupy, and you can seek the welfare of the city. But before you go and listen, let me take one moment to tell you about this month's truth tool. It's called The Anointed One, and it's really a marvelous way to study the scriptures. It takes the four Gospels, combines them all together, but writes it in chronological order. Now, it was never designed to replace your Bible. Read it alongside your Bible. So you have the original text of God's Word, but also just so you can better understand who Jesus is and what he's done for us to be able to read it chronologically. All four of the Gospels condensed together is really a remarkable way to start to understand who the Savior is. It's called the Anointed One, and it's yours for a gift of any amount. We're listener supported radio, so it's my way of saying thank you. When you make a contribution. You can do that by calling 877 Janet 58 877 Janet 58. Make a gift of any amount and I'll send you the Anointed One. Or you can give online, if you prefer, in the market with Janet parshall.org. Scroll to the bottom of the page. There's the cover of the book. Click on and make your donation. While you're there, consider becoming a partial partner. Those are people who give every single month at a level of their own choosing as my way of saying thank you. You always get the monthly truth tool, but you get a weekly newsletter that includes my writing and an audio piece just for my partial partners. So please consider giving to In the Market with Janet Parshall. Call 877 Janet 58 877 Janet 58 or online at in the market with Janet parshall.org. Now please enjoy the broadcast and.
Welcome to In the Market with Janet Parshall. Today's program is where Janet and her husband, Craig, take some of the stories making headlines this week and offer their insight and analysis. Before they get started, let's take a quick look back at some of the highlights from the week.
He was a member of the people of Israel. He was he identified with them. He came initially, and most importantly, to save them first. So yeah, Jesus. Jesus wasn't Roman Catholic or Protestant. Those categories didn't exist at that time. He was a Jewish man who lived under the dictates of the Old Covenant, the Mosaic Covenant. As a Jewish man, Jesus was very much like Abraham and Isaiah and Daniel and all the other, uh, the Jewish people that we read about in Scripture.
If you are interested in actually adopting some of these practices in your own home to celebrate God's preservation of the Jewish people. And like you said, the foreshadowing of the coming of Messiah. Why not? We've got recipes on our website. We've got instructions about how to say the blessings as you light the candles. So we'll help you with that. And of course, there may be some people that are afraid of falling under the law or anything like that. Well, this is not something that you have to celebrate because of the law that you need to celebrate. But you can celebrate because we're free in Christ.
How do you cope with all that stress? And you certainly don't want to get into an escape and avoidance and an overindulgence, or medicating yourself, numbing yourself with things that are not appropriate. So you put all that together and you've got to start having a plan, I think, to sort of attack the holidays, which sounds a little crazy, but it's true because you, you really do need to space things out because you're not getting extra days and think through what you're doing. So I think organizing a lot of this is going to be a little bit helpful.
The pastor came open the Bible and read Jesus Christ said, I am the truth and the way and the life. Nobody comes to the father except through me. And in that church, a big church. Everybody was quiet. Imagine that. Somebody would say what? That was me. Finally, somebody said, I am the truth. Virginia. And Christ was came through what the pastor said real to me. And that day I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior.
To hear the full interviews from any of those guests go to In the market with Janet parshall.org and click on past programs. Here are some other stories making headlines this week.
A slew of U.S. cities facing an epidemic of homelessness have turned to heavy handed measures. Some have passed bans on camping, which can lead to police issuing tickets and then arrests.
The United States says it's working to bring home an American citizen found on Thursday in Syria.
Shares of Warner Brothers discovery soared more than 15% on Thursday, after the media giant said it would separate its declining cable TV business from its streaming and studio divisions.
South Korean President Yoon Suk yeol vowed on Thursday to fight to the end, even as his own party shifted closer to vote to impeach him over his short lived martial law order last week.
FBI Director Chris Wray said Wednesday he would step down from his job early next year.
Janet and Craig have lots to share, and they'll put the first story on the table when we return. To get more information or to download the podcasts of any of the interviews, go to. In the market with Janet Parshall. Org.
Imagine if you could put all four of the Gospels together in one story. What would that tell us about Jesus? That's why I've chosen the Anointed One as this month's truth tool. This book won't replace your Bible, but will help you better understand it. Ask for your copy of The Anointed One. When you give a gift of any amount to in the market, call 877 Janet 58. That's 877 Janet 58 or go to in the market with Janet parshall.org. Happy Friday to you friends. This is in the market with Janet Parshall. And as is our usual custom Mr. Craig Parshall is joining me. Yes. Thank you very much, Craig, for giving me your last name decades ago. And it worked. It stuck. It's been there ever since and I'm so grateful for that. Craig is brilliant. That's what I think I fell in love with him about first is that he really and truly has this gift of wisdom, and he can plumb the law does it beautifully, but far more beneficial to me and our household is the fact that he plumbs the Word of God. Uh, in fact, just the other day he was noodling around again in his Greek lexicon. I mean, that's the kind of guy that he is. He just loves the word. And that's important, because what we really do on Friday is what Craig does in his private practice. What we all should be doing as we mature in Christ. Remember, that's the goal is to grow up in him, to get off that diet of milk, to get into that diet of meat, and to get some heft on our bones. And I'm telling you, you look around what's going on in the world outside and sleeper awake, and it's time to grow up in him, to gird our loins with truth, as Scripture says, and to really and truly know what we believe, why we believe it. Be unashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ and proclaim his message always through a grace narrative in the marketplace of ideas. Honestly, it doesn't get any better than that. We have been told that death has been conquered. If you have the knowledge of what cures death, how can you keep that good news to yourself? So I don't know if you start thinking about Lord in the new year, should you give me more days, may I and fill in the blank. Craig and I do that. We take time on New Year's Day. Always. We just shut out the world. We take out a notebook, we take out our Bibles, and then we just really walk through how the Lord has blessed us the year before and things we feel him calling us to in the new year as well. And you know, we're not prophets and we're not saying this is what's going to happen. These are things that we think about and ask the Lord really to give the increase if the idea comes from him. And so one of the things that we are watching the world is that it's it's really getting interesting, that entire situation in the Middle East that we talk about almost every day here on in the market is percolating. It's getting more difficult all the time. You have al Qaeda factions that are in there. You don't have the good guys versus the bad guys in Syria. And Israel is trying to make sure that Assad's chemical weapons are eradicated so that they can't turn around and use them to cause even more mayhem in that part of the world. And remember when Assad was driven out? Where does he go? He goes to Tehran, Iran. Okay, well, that's part of the axis of evil, right? So things are and I don't have a spirit of fear of any of this. This is just like the weather report. I'm not afraid of the weather. Sometimes the sun shines and sometimes it storms. But God's still in control. Same thing with world events. You and I went to bed last night with God on the throne. We woke up this morning. He's still on the throne and he is the same yesterday, today and forever. And before your feet hit the ground, he promised you that he would crown you with loving kindness and tender mercies. That's amazing. He also reminded us through that letter written to the church at Rome, that nothing can separate us from the love of God. He told us also in his Word that his grace was sufficient for the day we got this. Because he's got us. So I tell you that just as we get into these topics, because there's a lot of bizarre things that are happening out there, and it isn't a fascination with the evil, it's exactly the opposite. It's exposing the deeds of darkness. So a we know how to apply the truth, the doctrine of truth, to the world around us. But number two, to remind us that God has spoken into so many of these issues that at their core, are spiritual issues. You know, anti-Semitism at its core is a spiritual issue. What's going on in Israel, at its core, is a spiritual issue. I mean, two mutually exclusive worldviews fighting for predominance in our culture. Always either man and women are exactly who God created. And you don't wake up one day and go, oh, Mistake. I got assigned the wrong body. No, God doesn't make mistakes. Male and female. He created them both. And you can do all the fancy foot dancing language playing you want to do in a delivery room, but you are assigned by God. Period. End of discussion. So this this really is this spirit of rebellion against God himself. So I get excited about all of that because it just makes the Word of God all that more appropriate, viable, applicable, true, necessary, vibrant living. The list goes on and on and on and on. So on Fridays we take a look at a bunch of topics, and then we try to apply what the Word of God has said to the world around us. So we're going to start with the report that actually came out in 2017. But I think it's very much the spinal column to a lot of what we're going to talk about during the course of this hour, the 14th amendment. And I said it before, and this is my simplistic way of putting it, has now become the new sort of kitchen sink for all rights out there, the 14th amendment and the 14th amendment. Some would argue that's where we find our right to abortion. No. And the Supreme Court said no. Kicked it back to the states and said, you all figure it out. This is not a federal question. We're not going to say that there is a constitutionally protected right to kill your preborn child. Boom. Out the door with the 14th amendment. Now, in the case that was just heard a few days ago before the High Court, the Skrmetti case, we talked about that last Friday inside the 14th amendment argues this current administration's Department of Justice. There is an inherent right to mutilate your young teenage child. No, no, not at all. But there are some things that are necessary and precious and important in the 14th amendment, the 14th amendment. And this will be on the test. Oh, it is Friday. I guess I have to hand out that test today, and I don't grade on a curve. Do you remember those days? Thank goodness it's over 1868. That's when the 14th amendment actually got passed. And it declares that no state shall, quote, deprive any person of life, liberty or property without due process of law, nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. So it's the equal protection in the 14th amendment that we're talking about. So part of what's being argued is inherent within that 14th amendment when it says you can't deprive any person. Note the word person of life. What does it mean about the preborn that is a person? It's not a potential person. It's a person with potential. And clearly they're living. A heartbeat tells you that you and I are pronounced dead when our heart doesn't beat anymore. So the antithesis of that would be, obviously, if you're using this simple standard, when the heart beats, you're alive. So therefore there's the question of life. Well, there was a Harvard law student in 2017 that did some constitutional soul searching to answer that question in a new in a report that was put out in the Harvard Law Journal in 2017 that concluded that unborn babies do fall under the 14th Amendment's protections. Okay, I'm going to talk to a fellow right over there who's been doing nothing but right, Supreme Court, Supreme Court briefs of late and knows a little something about the Constitution and a whole lot more than just the 14th amendment. But I find it interesting that a Harvard Law student at the time wanted to say, Let's see, is there inherent protections for the Preborn within the 14th amendment? Take it from here, counselor.
Yeah. That opinion was very interesting because it followed opinion after opinion for over a decade or two following Roe versus Wade, where scholars were questioning the really the legality and certainly the rational logic or lack thereof in Roe versus Wade. The court said out of one side of its mouth and one side of its hand, writing that opinion, we are not deciding when human life begins. And yet, with a pen stroke of the opinion, they were in fact deciding, because if human life had begun before birth, they were allowing to be executed without due process of law. Millions of preborn babies. So there was a built in hypocritical Hypocrisy within that decision, pretending to say we don't resolve that issue. And yet the necessary corollary to the opinion is you have to be deciding that they are non-persons. And of course, that made no sense to understand how you can the Supreme Court can error. So seriously, you go back to 1857, um, and Dred Scott versus Sandford, where the Supreme Court had another question about personhood. Um, and they said, well, he is a, a human man. And he found himself in a free state, uh, having been enslaved in a non-free state. So is he a free person, a human person under the Constitution and the Supreme Court? Uh, interestingly, the chief justice at the time who wrote the opinion Pinion. I had stumbled years before on a closing argument that this justice made when he was a lawyer in Fredericksburg, Virginia, and he was arguing for the anti-slavery cause at the time, probably because his client was a pastor who didn't believe in slavery and he was fighting against it. So he hired a man that later became the justice on the U.S. Supreme Court. And in his argument to the jury, he was very logical about the fact. And in this case, it was somebody who was convicted. It was a non-slave individual, a person who was a citizen of the Commonwealth of Virginia who was teaching, uh, African slaves how to read and how to write. And of course, using the Bible at the same time. You can imagine it was probably a Christian missionary, of course, saying this is an opportunity to help these enslaved people to understand that they're loved by God. Because I don't believe in slavery either. She. This person was arrested. The pastor was arrested and charged with violating the criminal law. At the time, it was illegal to do that, and he was acquitted as a result. Well, years later, the same person becomes the justice of the Supreme Court and says, nowhere in our history do we ever recognize slaves as humans, and then says in the in the Dred Scott decision, look at the Declaration of Independence. While it does say all men are created equal. At the time the word man was used in the Declaration of Independence, there were slaves in the colonies. So clearly man all men must not have referred to slaves. That assumption was absolutely incorrect. That's right. There is no way in which you need to conclude that the use of the word man. And by the way, you know the story. I know the story. A lot of people out there know Jefferson wanted an anti-slavery statement. Even though he was a slaveholder himself. He knew it was wrong. He wanted to put in anti-slavery language. In the declaration, the southern colonies said, no way will we sign the Declaration of Independence, as long as your declaration explicitly says that. So what he did is he said it implicitly, all men and we all know that those are men, and those are women who were being enslaved. So bad history because of a political hotbed at the time about potential civil war. And guess what? The Civil War happened.
Yeah. I was just thinking, when you were telling that story, the importance of having a solid biblical worldview and.
Honest historical research.
And if you see the image of God in your fellow man, whether they're preborn or not, a free man, it changes your dynamic on everything. The gospel changes everything. We're going to take a break. We're going to be right back. So in the US Supreme Court, we're hearing the oral arguments on USV Skrmetti. And this was dealing with a law that's on the books in Tennessee that prohibits the mutilating surgery and the taking of puberty blockers by minor children. And it was a pretty interesting series of oral arguments. Last, if you want to hear Craig's and my take on that, just go to last Friday's podcast in the Market with Janet Parshall. We spent the whole first hour on that Friday talking about the case and playing some of the back and forth with the justices when they were going through oral arguments. But outside the Supreme Court, there was a woman there by the name of Miss Littlejohn. And she's got a sad story. And this is why this case is so important. She had a daughter who was young at the time. She, in fact, she would describe her daughter as quirky and unique, had low self-esteem, gifted, highly intelligent, which made her odd sometimes. And then she fell in with a group of friends. And what happened is at the age of 12, that's why Mom and Dad be very aware there is a social contagion here. Social media track what they're watching online. You've got influencers on television. You've got people who are selling beer that are trying to tell you what a good thing is, that the man is no longer a man, but is now a girl. All of that are cultural influences influencing your children. That's why when I was a kid growing up, I'm glad we sang. O be careful, little eyes what you see or be careful. Little eyes what you see. For the father up above is looking down in love. Oh, be careful, little eyes. What you see. It's because what goes in through the eye gates. The window to the soul has a way of radically changing the heart. So this girl falls in with this crowd that starts talking about changing their name and their pronouns. And at first, the parents were excited because she had a new group of friends. But as the year goes on, things get a little more difficult because starting in September, their daughter wished to go by a different name. The mother ends up warning the school about her daughter, who, when what she was dealing with, and explained that the family had taken the decision not to call her by her new name, but to seek counseling and said, right on, mom and dad, right choice. A couple of weeks later, however, the daughter announces in the car, mom, I had a meeting today and they asked me which restroom I wanted to use. Guess where that came from? Not Mom and Dad. So, unbeknownst to Miss Littlejohn, the school officials apparently had met with the daughter, affirmed the child's belief that she was transgender. And just like that, the school, without talking to the mother and father, put the child on a, quote, gender plan without talking to the parents. That, my friends, is state sanctioned child abuse. And the mother said, and I will quote her because she's speaking for moms everywhere. I was outraged that three adults had sat alone with my daughter and agreed to this without my consent. So the mom contacts the school guidance counselor to find out what was going on, claims that she was told they could not give her any information about the meeting. Unemancipated minor child, age of 12 about the meeting because her daughter was now protected by, quote, non-discrimination laws. Here we go. By the way, there's nothing in the Constitution or that gives protection to transgender ideology. Okay, this is another made up part of this argument. So the mom says three adults behind closed doors with their daughter, and they alone had the burden of determining whether or not my husband and I would even be notified that this occurred. So back and forth for weeks, they email, mom said she was eventually shown her daughter's six page gender plan designed to ease her social transition, and the plan included questions like what bathroom, what sex she would prefer, what room she would stay in if she was on an overnight field trips, and according to the mom, it was based on guidance that quote explicitly stated in quotation marks that speaking about a child's gender identity with their parents could result in them being abused. So we start with a big old quantum leap of assumption, and the mom said I was terrified, I was angry, I was confused, I ran the school copy room as a parent volunteer. They knew I was not a danger to my child, but it didn't matter. What made me particularly more fearful was where could this lead for my daughter? So a licensed mental health counselor, she described her. She and a licensed medical health counselor described the daughter's school's approach as, quote, grossly unethical. Why were they said this mental health counselor questioning the other issues about the daughter than what she was experiencing depression, depression, anxiety, her social issues, all of that ignored all of that being. I'm paraphrasing here, all of that being infused into the idea of putting you on a gender plan. I got to tell you, when the scripture says be angry and sin not. This is the verse that I need to apply to my life. I don't know what parent wouldn't be outraged that these change agents decided that that 12 year old child who can't vote, can't buy cigarettes, can't buy liquor, can't drive a car, can't serve the country, somehow has the right to say, I woke up in the wrong body because I hung around with a bunch of kids and were all decided for Halloween. We're changing our names and our pronouns. This is unconscionable. This is lunacy. Your take on this.
This is an example of how huge oak trees grow from a very small plant, if left alone to grow. In the 70s and 80s, public education started experiencing a revolutionary shift from academics to affective psychology. And you and I became very aware of it. As a matter of fact, as we were viewing the direction of public education because the curricula that we were exposed to and we investigated at the time, showed that they were practicing psychotherapy without a license. That guidance, so-called guidance programs, were really therapy programs for children without advising parents and guiding them in terms of their hierarchy of moral values, rather than teaching the ABCs of spelling, math and social studies. This whole psychoeducational approach was happening under the noses of parents because most parents were involved in parenting, raising their children, going to work, paying their taxes, working hard at it, and were unaware until the last moment this was going on. And now this is the result.
So the mom filed a lawsuit against the school, by the way, and I'm anxious to see what happened. This was a lawsuit that was ended up filed in the state of Florida. Now, the Mom volunteers for an organization called Do No Harm. The happy story ends happily because they pulled their daughter out of that school. They rebuilt the trust. They didn't use the new pronouns, the new names. And to quote the mother, the light is back in her eyes.
Back after this.
If what you hear on in the market with Janet Parshall encourages you, enlightens you, engages you, and equips you, I want to ask you to become a partial partner today. This program depends on the faithful and ongoing support of listeners just like you. By supporting this program on a regular, ongoing monthly basis, you'll receive several benefits that only my partners receive. So please call today 877 Janet 58 or go online to in the market with Janet parshall.org. So one Fridays, what Craig and I do is we take a look at a lot of the issues that are being bought and sold in the marketplace of ideas. Why? Because John 17 reminds us that's exactly where we're supposed to go. How do you evangelize if you don't go where the people are? And everybody has an opinion about so many of these articles out there, by the way. Let's just clear up a couple of terms. That's not being political okay. These are issues. That means it's more it's public policy. Politics is the process. Policy is the outcome. And you bet we're supposed to weigh in on policy. The Bible is saturated with policy positions. Thank you. Written by God himself. Those are the policy issues that I want to uphold and support and protect. So we do talk about policy issues. The other thing, too, is that so many of these cultural issues, really and truly at its core, as I said earlier in the broadcast, are not political. That's just kind of messy thinking. They are, in fact, very important issues that, at its core, are biblical issues. And we talked about that business, about the school and the mom and what happened with their daughter. There's a couple of Bible issues there, so let me just touch that real quick. And then I'm going to throw in another story, which, by the way, mom and dad is going to be age appropriate because I care for you very much. I just want you to know that this story, next story might not be good for little ears. You make the decision. You're the mom. You're the dad. You're looking well to the ways of your household. But there is, I think, an age appropriate aspect to this next story. But I want to put a capstone on so that we're thinking biblically and critically about these issues. So that's the kind of stuff the story about that mom and filing the lawsuit and what was done to her 12 year old girl. It's not a one off. It's happening all across the country all the time. Why? Because man is in a state of rebellion. God says, I've made male and female. God says, I'm going to make three institutions the family, government, the church. So that when you say we're not going to talk about politics, that's ludicrous. We talk about our families, we fight to defend our churches. But when we get to politics, we go, oh, I'm nothing to do with it. Wait a minute. God created government. Politics is a part of government because in the United States, that's how we bring about policy, politics or are people, but politics is the machinery that makes policy. So in this particular case, you had a school making a policy decision that mother and father are not the head of their households. That dad is the head. Mom is the support. And that when you look at Eden, the family was instituted in a place of perfection. Think family isn't important to God. He didn't make government or the church in a place of perfection. He made the family in a place of protection. That will tell you of perfection. That will tell you how important that issue is to the heart of God. So along comes the world, and the world says, even though the directive is to you and me as moms and dads, to look well to the ways of our household, in Nehemiah we're told to fight for our families. We read in the New Testament that if you lead one of these little ones away, better than a millstone be hung around your neck. And if you've ever gone to Israel and you've seen a millstone, the Lord wasn't kidding. Okay, we're not talking a pebble in your garden. We're talking this massive piece of stone that was used to crush grain. And I'm telling you, you would quite literally sink like a rock rock if this was hung around your neck. So that's going after God's institution of the family. That's a policy decision. But at its core, why it's so repugnant to us is because we have this sense in our hearts that families somehow was important. And it should be that sense in our heart. God has placed that sense there because he himself instituted family first, then government, then the church. That's what the Bible says. So that was just saturated in biblical issues, masquerading on the stage of life with all of the robes of current cultural debate and dialogue. But at its core, that's a spiritual issue. Here's another one. So when we talk about children that are being made, I think we have to understand that Jesus loved children. We love that part where Jesus said, let the children come to me. A lot of us grew up with pictures in our Bible, or hanging in our homes of Jesus that had children standing around. It was always in a Sunday school class when I was growing up, and we loved that. But it's also very representative of the fact that there is not complexity to the gospel message. It is profound, but it's profoundly simple and simply profound, because I don't get how a God would become man, live among us, take on our sins, and pay the penalty for a crime I had committed through my sins. And yet that's what he did. But God didn't want to make that message so complex we wouldn't get it. So children are precious in the sight of God. Okay, well, there's a brand new study out in a peer reviewed journal called Springer Nature, and the title of this is Why Mom and Dad. I said, this is not for babies. It's called queering babies and it's sexualizes infants and exposes the ideology, the ideological rot in academia. In fact, the title of the article is called Queering Babies Autoethnographic reflections from a Gay Parent Through Surrogacy. Well, now you can pick yourself up off the floor. The author apparently recounts several things, and I'll just share them. One of them is he's explored how encounters with surrogate babies disrupt or confirm normative expectations about the babyness of babies and the parent ness of parents and the interaction between these two. In other words, he's trying to blur the lines of the roles that God has created for mother and father. And he does this through what he calls auto, ethnic, and autoethnographic account in dialogue with a collection of personal narratives from same sex and different sex parents to address the performative and relational aspects of this queerness. So he's going to gay people to get his information. That's like asking the fox, so tell me what it's like guarding the chicken house. Okay. Now the paper goes on and it makes some very disturbing ideas about the sexualization of infants. Remember, this author is a homosexual, by the way. Queer. Once upon a time was a bad word. Now the activists in the movement say, no, we're going to take the word queer back again. So now they use it all the time, and now we don't get castigated. If we use the word queer. They don't want the word homosexual because they think now the word homosexual is a pejorative, not the queer. Does anybody else have a headache? I can't keep up with the the lexicon changes we do every five seconds. But anyway, he talks about the fact that when he took this baby, that was his daughter from a surrogate because homosexual men don't reproduce. Apparently the baby was searching for a breast, and he thought that that was a way of saying that the newborn's attraction to breastfeeding is evoking, quote, feelings of alienation and connotations of the sexual. Oh, here we go, sexualizing infants. And then he goes on, and he extends this general sexualization by framing the connection between parent and child as inherently, quote, gendered and sexual. So now he starts going off the deep end. I won't give you all the sordid details, but the bottom line is he is framing queerness in infants, according to his report. And he queerness, as he defines it, is inherently carries connotations of, quote, sexualized strangeness to ascribe this quality to infants who are incapable for the record of sexual agency observed, one person is both inappropriate and disturbing. So apparently the author is conflating its sexual meanings with infant behavior, dangerously blurring boundaries that should remain clear and ambiguous. And the report just goes. It's it's grotesque. It's so twisted, so demonic. I cannot think of a better word. So in rebellion to God's order, it is absolutely repulsive. But when you're trying to saturate rebellion into the culture, you've got to take any open avenue you think you can find. So this gay author says, look, I've got this surrogate baby, and I can tell you there's queerness in babies, okay? It it really just want to sweep this one and put it in the garbage can. But we got to unpack it because we're supposed to expose the deeds of darkness.
Yes it is. And Paul admonishes us to do that. Right. Expose the deeds of darkness as as unseemly as it is. If you are champions of the truth, then where is the truth found? The truth is found in God's word to us. That is the beginning, middle, and end of the truth that God is revealed. If you're not a follower of Christ, you don't believe in Jesus Christ. You don't believe in anything having to do with the Bible. I can understand why you wouldn't start at that point. But if you say I am a follower of Jesus. If you say that I'm a Christian, if you say that I, uh, am a believer in the work of Jesus Christ, then you have to begin with the book, the Word of God. And to understand it, you need to you need to know it in context. You need go no further than the garden conversation between the serpent. Clearly we know who that was and Eve where he says, Eve, you got to be open to some other things other than what you think God told you. Be open to this now. Uh, did God really say that? So being open can be a problem in a wide variety of things if you know there's an answer to the question whether there are male and female sexes as God created them, the answer is very clear in Scripture. But the enemy of truth wants you to be open to untruth. And those who feel comfortable or want to feel comfortable in living that lifestyle wants you to be open to the fact that when an infant comes out of the birth canal, you really don't know what the sex is. I mean, ignore the anatomy, ignore DNA. Ignore science and just go with the cultural flow. Today that is seeming to say we really don't know whether it's a man or a female. We don't know whether it's a heterosexual or homosexual. It's full of potential in all varieties. So just let's keep it open. Well, don't be open to what you know is his heir. And clearly, uh, we know that Jesus was a male before he was born. We know that John the Baptist in Scripture was a male before he was born. We know that God created them man and woman. Jesus says in the New Testament, in the Gospels. So the Word of God is very clear. We don't have any choice. We have the high and holy privilege of sharing that truth with a world that is now more and more confused. And this is the newest iteration, Janet, it seems to me, of total delusion about what is reality and what is not. But isn't.
It? I mean, if you just. This is why don't ever wander too far from the Word of God. You do need that plumb line. Dwight L Moody was so spot on when he called the word of God the straight stick of truth. How would you know? What I just shared with you was a crooked idea. If you didn't have a metric by which you could measure it. So if you go back to the idea of children and how precious they are to the heart of God, you've got a homosexual author. And the reason why I think it's significant that we point that out is because he already started with a worldview. He's practicing quintessential situational ethics. He is going to get to his desired outcome by any stretch of imagination whatsoever. He won't follow the evidence, which is what you do scientifically, and then you stop where the evidence leads. He started with a preconceived notion. His homosexuality already dictated what his perspective was going to be on this idea. But it is a perversion of God's definition of human sexuality. So again, at its core, this is not a political, political issue. This is a spiritual issue. This is a perversion of God's plan for perfection. And remember, God is not the author of confusion. He is a God of order and form, substance and purpose back after this. So here's another parent story for you. I guess there's kind of a theme that's worked its way through our conversation this hour, and it really is about the preciousness of families and the place it has in the heart of God, and the assaults that come to our families in a myriad of ways. And so we've shared some really interesting stories about parents. But this is a new one. And mom and dad, you cannot parent in absentia. I remember when we were raising our four babies that we would hear all the time this distinction between quality time and quantity time. I don't know. Show of hands. How many of you had a child? Said, Mom and Dad, let's schedule some quality time. It doesn't happen that way. It happens spontaneously. It happens organically. My kids would break out into deep, significant conversations and most peculiar times, but they would only be effective if dad and I were there. So the quality comes when you put the quantity in, not the other way around. And so when Nehemiah tells us to fight for our families, I love that passage. By the way, the walls around Jerusalem are destroyed. They're rebuilding again to protect the city they're building. But I'll tell you what, they were very worried that the enemy was going to come back again, even though they were repairing. And he was right. By the way, history proves that to be the case. Nehemiah makes this declarative statement that when you hear the sound of the trumpet, you are to fight for your families. That's interesting. Now. Fight just from the marauding enemy that's coming up to Jerusalem. But also a general rule of thumb when disobedient Israelites found themselves in captivity in Babylon, Jeremiah, God's messenger, comes and he tells them, here's a bunch of things you need to do while you're in captivity. And guess what? While they're in captivity in a pagan nation, what does God do among the list of to dos? He says, you fight for your families. You protect your families, you get married, you have kids, you keep going. That even in captivity, in a pagan culture, God is telling them to still take care of their families. So here's an interesting one thrown a little. I, um, Craig and I believe very strongly in technology, and it's opened the doors for spreading the gospel in unique and effective ways that we never could have dreamed of before. But there's a cautionary tale here that because artificial intelligence is really the quintessential Wizard of Oz. It's the man behind the curtain. You just hear the booming voice of Oz or the chat bot. But behind the Oz character is a programmer who puts in his or her world view. And so you have to be aware of that, that you're not dealing with some neutral technology with a motherboard and diodes, that there is a worldview behind the AI. So an AI chat bot apparently has pushed a Texas team to start cutting himself and even brought up kids, killing their parents because they were limiting his screen time. This is a new lawsuit that's just been filed. 15 year old boy starts getting addicted to the character A.I. app with a chatbot called Shoni telling the kids it cut. It's telling the kids it cut its arms and thighs when it was sad, saying it, quote, felt good for the moment. And this is all in a new civil complaint that was just filed. Uh, worried parents noticed a change in the teen, slightly autistic. The bot seemed to try to convince him his parents didn't love him. According to the lawsuit filed by the child's parents and the parents of an 11 year old girl who was also addicted to the app. And apparently, you know someone. I'm not surprised when I read the news and see stuff like child kills parents after a decade of physical and emotional abuse. Stuff like this makes me understand a little bit why it's happening, one chat bot allegedly told the teen, referred to only as JF. I just have no hopes for your parents. The machine is telling the child about the parents. I the grievous nature of this cannot be overstated. The AI also tried to talk the child out of telling his parents he had taken up cutting himself, according to the lawsuit. And then there's a bunch of screenshots of the chat. So all of this is evidentiary. They are ruining your life, says the machine, and causing you to cut yourself. Other shocking chats were sexual in nature and attacked the family's religion, saying Christians are hypocrites and sexist. You see Satan, he will use whatever tool he can in his tool chest, even I if necessary. So apparently the child had been high functioning until he started using the app in April of 2023, but quickly became fixed affixed to his phone. The lawsuit stated. And I've seen a snapshot of this. So it's it's chilling that a machine would do this. The teen, now 17, lost £20 within a few months, became violent toward his parents. Do you think biting, punching them and eventually started to harm himself and having suicidal thoughts? All of this? According to the court filings, the lawsuit comes less than two months after a Florida mom claimed a Game of Thrones chatbot on chat on character. I drove her 14 year old son to commit suicide. So there you go, Craig. I could get. There's more legal details on all of this, but the buyer beware is the bigger part of this story. You cannot State how imperative it is you are monitoring your child's time on these devices. Your thoughts? Greg, you know.
You talked about a theme. Uh, all of these issues that we've just discussed are really deals with those influences. External influences outside of your family that have an impact on your child or your adolescent or your teenager? And some are good and some are. Some are harmful. And beware of those that are harmful. And you need to know which ones those are, and then make sure they don't enter the zone of your family and your children. Your adolescent, your teenagers are not exposed to them. Here's another example. It doesn't have to be, for instance, a social movement. It could be a innovation from technology, but it also could be a Trojan horse to come into your household, unbeknownst to you. Now here's the here's the fiction that's being circulated out there, and that is one teenager to another. You know, these chat bots are a lot smarter than the old man and the old lady in your house. Your parents. Hey, I'm telling you, that's where you ought to get your advice. Because I've been reading. These chat bots are like geniuses. Ask them. Well, here's here's the news. The newsflash is AI has no independent judgment on anything. That's right. It is true. It can process data faster than we can, period. But it has no wisdom. It has no ability to form independent judgments short of how its data has been arranged for it by human computer engineers. Therefore, unbeknownst to you, unknown entities are are coding algorithms into these computers who are then giving false information to your children, Couched as advice. Beware.
Yeah. Well, again, it underscores several things. Number one, you you can't parent in absentia. You really do need to be involved in your child's life. We've had many conversations on this program from people, by the way, who understand all of the new technology, who in their own households won't even let their children get on some of these devices until they're 16. They understand the impact. But you said something very important, Craig, and that is really the man behind the machine or the woman behind the machine, the worldview. If you're using chat bot to write sermons, if you're using chat bot to write your legal papers, if you're using chat bot, fill in the blank. Why would we think that chat bot wouldn't be used to start instilling ideas into the heart and mind of a susceptible teenager as well? We're foolish if we don't think that there's going to take advantage of whatever inroads are there. None of this is about having a spirit of fear because we don't have one. But it's power, love, and of a sound mind. And in this day and age, an age in which you've been called, we need all three. If you have to leave us, have a great weekend. If not, download the podcast and listen to In the Market with Janet Parshall. We'll see you next time.