In this installment of In Harmony with Piedmont Opera, we're graced by the presence of Richard Ollarsaba, a baritone whose voice and presence command the stage. While awaiting his role as the Count in "The Marriage of Figaro" in March, Richard shares his journey from an eager student at UNC School of the Arts to an opera singer of international acclaim.
Richard reflects on his deep-rooted love for music, nurtured by a supportive family who saw no alternative to his passion. He recounts the serendipitous decision to attend UNCSA sight unseen and how it shaped his career, leading to a profound connection with the Piedmont area—a place he now fondly considers a second home.
As we delve into his daily routines, Richard reveals his approach to vocal athleticism, akin to an Olympian's discipline, and his simple yet effective tricks for maintaining vocal health. His anticipation to return to Winston Salem is palpable, not only for the joy of performance but also for the community and culinary delights—like the irresistible shrimp and grits at Sweet Potatoes.
Richard's insights extend beyond the stage as he contemplates the future of opera, balancing innovation with tradition. He champions a return to the grandiosity that defines opera while embracing new narratives and platforms that expand the art form's reach.
Buy tickets to The Marriage of Figaro: