Our special guest today is Brenna English-Loeb, a literary agent for Transatlantic Literary Agency and the founder of BEL Tower Editorial, a developmental editing business where she helps authors craft rich, compelling stories across multiple genres, including of course fantasy.
Brenna English-Loeb was kind enough to answer a bunch of questions from our community and beyond, like how to know when it's time to do a developmental edit, if TikTok is "ruining" books, and how to set your query up for success. She also gives helpful advice on book titles, magic systems, dealing with criticism, and examples of genres/pitches she would like to see more of from fantasy authors.
Email your show feedback and/or advice prompts to fantasywritingforbarbarians@gmail.com or join our Discord.
Fantasy Writing for Barbarians‘ host is Jon Negroni, author of The Pixar Theory, Killerjoy, and more. Our producers are Natalia Emmons and Bridget Serdock. You can find all our episodes and various podcast app options here.