Olivia Rodrigo calls in to talk to Shannon about the whirlwind of success of her song "Drivers License".
She talks to Shannon about why she thinks the song has done so well.
Olivia finds the assumptions funny and only set out to write a song and put it out in the universe hoping that someone would relate to it.
She talks about balancing work and school, and talk to Shannon about her favourite and least favourite class.
Olivia talks about the many Tik Tok trends she's seen around her song, and how much she likes the POV videos.
She tells Shannon about how much she doesn't like her #DriversLicense photo.
Finally Olivia tells Shannon about who she would want in her #GirlSquad!
Listen to #OliviaRodrigo on the iHeartRadio App: https://www.iheart.com/artist/olivia-rodrigo-31351268/