If I'm Honest with Julia LandauerIf I'm Honest with Julia Landauer

Ep 52: Do Emotions Drive Better Decision Making?

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If I'm Honest with Julia Landauer

Join Julia Landauer, champion racecar driver, motivational keynote speaker, and advocate for STEM education and women’s empowerment, as she tells you  
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This episode of If I’m Honest with Julia Landauer dives into our first topic around the mental side of human performance: emotions and emotional intelligence. Historically, emotions were seen as a hindrance to success, and only recently are we shifting that ideology. Prompted by a David Brooks op-ed that explains how we actively need emotions to make good decisions, I dive into the benefits of properly processing and regulating emotions. I share Marc Brackett’s RULER Method of emotional processing, explain why I think it’s important to lean into negative emotions in order to drive change, and I share a potentially-controversial Instagram post from Dan Koe.

Articles Referenced: David Brooks Op-Ed: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/15/opinion/emotions-feelings-intelligence.html?searchResultPosition=1

Carroll Izard Research on Emotions: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2723854/ Dan Koe

Instagram Post: https://www.instagram.com/p/C-0J3_PP6SY/?igsh=NTc3dmV5azFuNTV0

Learn more about Julia Landauer at https://julialandauer.com/


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If I'm Honest with Julia Landauer

Join Julia Landauer, champion racecar driver, motivational keynote speaker, and advocate for STEM ed 
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