This is The Zone of Disruption! This is the I AM RAPAPORT: STEREO PODCAST! His name is Michael Rapaport aka The Natural Born Disruptor, The Gringo Mandingo aka The Charles Oakley of The Jews, The Monster of Mucous aka Captain Colitis aka The Disruptive Warrior aka Mr. NY aka The Inflamed Ashkenazi aka The Smiling Sultan of Sniff aka The Flat Footed Phenom aka Milk aka Mitzvah Mike is here to discuss: Last few days of January 2025, Super Bowl is Set, The Empire State Building Lighting Up For The Philadelphia Eagles, The Kansas City Chiefs are not boring, 4 Hostages released from Gaza, watching Emilia Pérez & a whole lotta mo'. This episode is not to be missed!
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But the players, entire fan bases, the front office of all other teams in the league want to be the Kansas City Chiefs. It's easy to say they get helped out by the referees because they do. They do get helped out by the referees. And yes, we all want to say we want to see somebody else win. But who I was rooting for Jumbo Josh. I was rooting for Jumbo Josh and the Buffalo Builds. But just like heartbroken Jumbo Josh Allen said, in order to be the best, you gotta beat the best, and they have beaten Josh Allen four times. Patrick Mahomes owns the Buffalo Builds and I hate saying it because I like Buffalo. Boom Have No Fear The Iron Rapports Stereo podcast is here. Beginning Boom Have No Fear of the Iron rapp Reports Stereo podcast is here. The super Bowl is set. Patrick Mahome boy, Patrick, He's not just my homeboy, He's the world's home boy. And the Kansas City Chiefs are going back to the super Bowl and New Orleans burst the Philadelphia Eagles. I talk about that. I make predictions. Do we love Kansas City? Are we sick of Kansas City plus the Empire State Building? Why are you lighting up the building in Philadelphia? Eagle Colors? And I watched Emelia Perez and so much more on a hard hitting, fully disruptive, brand new banging the Iron Rapports Stereo podcast coming up right now. Miles Jeordane aka the Bleached Brothers aka the Dust Brothers. Start this puppy off it Tip real nice said he start this puppy off its tup, real love, but most importantly, start this banging, fully disruptive, museum quality Rapport stereo podcast off with something real funky. See I Am Rapport Stereo Podcasts. Biggity, Let's go boom, have no fear of the Iron rapp Reports Stereo podcast is here. Bigny Boom, have no fear of the I Am Rappaport Stereo podcast is in the place to be. It is a super Bowl, a super duper I Am a Rapoport Stereo podcast. Welcome to the Iron Dome of Disruption. Welcome to the Ziggity Zone of Disruption. My name is Michael Rappaport aka the Inflamed Ashkenazi Ak, the Saltan of sniff Ak, the Gringo Man Dingo Ak the Disruptive Warrior aka the Raging Bullshitter, and you are now rocking with the very very best. The I Am Rappaport Stereo Podcast is in the place to be one two three as it is playing to see. If you are watching on YouTube, subscribe or rate review, turn your alerts on. This is the I Am Rappaport Stereo Podcast on YouTube. Oh yeah, if you were just listening to the im Rapaport Stereo Podcast. How do I sound real good? Anyways, Michael Rappaport, hope everybody's feeling really really really really really good as we head into the last few days of January twenty twenty five. Oh my goodness, Oh my goodness, what a month it has been. But we're here, We are here, and you gotta think you're lucky stars that you even have the opportunity to listen to watch anything. I think, my lucky stars, that I have the opportunity to be here with you guys to do this podcast. What a blessing. I have to talk about the the super Bowl. It's set. It is set. We all knew inevitably it was going to come down to two teams and inevitably, it has come down to two teams. It's the Kansas City Chiefs and the Philadelphia Eagles. They both earned it, they were the two best teams and now they're going to duke it out in two weeks the Super Bowls two weeks away from now, the Super Bowl is on, I believe, February ninth, which who the heck knows all the comings and goings, the highs and lows that are going to happen between now and February ninth. But it is the Kansas City Chiefs and the Philadelphia Eagles. And I don't know who controls the lighting. I don't know who's in charge of the Empire State Building lighting schemes. You know, the Empire State Building will light up for this event, for that event fourth of July Hanaka World Cup. When the Yankees win, it'll do things everything under the sun. I don't know who's in charge of the lighting board of the Empire State Building. One of the crown jewels in the world, the Empire State Bold. And we all know the Empire State Building. If you haven't been there, you've seen it and haven't done the tour. You've seen people that have done the tour. It's the Empire State Building and it is a staple of New York City. And yes, New York City is a melting pot. And New York City, in my opinion, still with all of its flaws, with all of its flaws, I will still say that New York City is the greatest city on Earth and we welcome everybody. But why is the Empire State Building lighting up for the Philadelphia Eagles when they make it into the Super Bowl? With the Empire State Building light up for the Boston Red Sox if they made it into the World Series? Does the Empire State bolding light up when the Dodgers make it into the World Series? Does the Empire statefleolding light up when the Boston Bruins make it into the Stanley Cup Finals? Does the Empire staflelden light up when the New England Patriots when they were good when they make it in Why are you lighting up the Empire State Building to celebrate the Philadelphia Eagles? The Philadelphia Eagles. The Philadelphia Eagle fans don't even want the Empire State Building lights up when they make it into the Super Bowl. If you respect the fact that the Philadelphia Eagles have made it into the Super Bowl. The last thing you're gonna do is celebrate them in New York. That's how you show your respect. You don't show your respect by lighting up the Empire Stapleton. Do you think that the New York Giants made it into the Super Bowl this year and beat the Philadelphia Eagles or didn't beat the Philadelphia Eagles. You think there would be anything celebrating the New York Giants in the Super Bowl in Philadelphia. Of course, not because it's Philadelphia. Why would they celebrate the New York Giants being in anything, or the Yankees, the Mets, or the Knicks or anything. I don't understand who's doing the lighting at the Empire State Building. Show some respect by showing no respect to the Philadelphia Eagles. That's how you show your respect by showing no respect to the Philadelphia Eagles. They did this once before, and I thought it was some sort of you know, gentrification or some gen z and we learned from our mistakes the last time they made it into the Super Bowl, and you do it again. You do it before the Chiefs Bill's game was even over. It was like they were waiting at Gay Eagles. I don't know who or what if that's it's a government thing or if it's the city thing. I know that Mayor Adams wouldn't approve that he's a New Yorker. Any New Yorker, even the most politically minded New Yorker, would not go Yay yay. Philadelphia Eagles. Show your respect to the Philadelphia Eagles by being completely disrespectful and complacent. Not only in the Super Bowl. They're in the Super Bowl with our guy that they gave away. Saquon Barkley is out there on some earl Campbell, Walter Payton shit. He doesn't just run for like nine yards every game. It seems like somehow, some way, Saquon get your weight on. And I love Saquon. I've always loved Saquon. I'm happy for Saquon Barkley, but I'm not happy for the Philadelphia Eagles. I'll never be happy for the Philadelphia Eagles. And I'm performing in Philadelphia February fourteenth at the Filmore in Philadelphia. And I've said this once, I've said this a kazillion times. I love the city of Philadelphia. I love their sports culture. I have loved the Philadelphia seventy six ers from the Allen Iverson teams, to the Doctor J teams, to the Moses Malone teams, and so forth and so on. I've discussed this. I even love Randall Cunningham, Harold Carmichael B. Dawkins. There's players that, of course you love, But I don't love the Philadelphia Eagles. And as happy as I am to see Saquon kick ass and as happy as I am to see Saquon thrive, I'm in a conundrum. I am in a conundrum because I don't know. I have mixed feelings about the Kansas City Chiefs. They are the entire envy of the NFL and beyond this year, and have we seen too much as a getting boring. That's not a boring team to watch. It would be hard to sit there and watch a boring team with a boring quarterback that doesn't throw the ball, that doesn't do exotic, weird, totally unique, one of a kind offensive schemes. But they don't do that. You never know what the fuck they're gonna throw when they're gonna throw it. You never know how they're gonna blitz. You never know what they're gonna do when they're in the red zone. You never know what's gonna happen. With the Kansas City Chiefs. That's why they keep winning. They pull player at a player, at a player at a player, some of them meaning't men know they're in the NFL. P Ryan last night versus the Philadelphia Eagles. P Ryan, who used to be in my fantasy football team. I didn't even know he's in the NFL. And he gets the biggest catch to seal the game. They got Juju Shuster, they got this one, they got that one every year, the Xavier this one, Rashi Rice. Who's I mean, it's just the DeAndre Hopkins. They pulled him out of the fucking the grave. And like I said, it would be boring if their team was boring, But they're not boring. They're not boring to watch. If you've never watched football before, you turn on the Kansas City Chiefs, now you go, what is this? This doesn't look like any other thing out there. They're fun to watch. Their quarterback has great hair. Their quarterback sounds like Kermit the front and has great hair and is just that dude. But the players, entire fan bases, the front office of all other teams in the league want to be the Kansas City Chiefs. It's easy to say they get helped out by the referees, because they do. They do get helped out by the referees. And yes, we all want to say we want to see somebody else win. But who I was rooting for Jumbo Josh. I was rooting for Jumbo Josh and the Buffalo Bills. But just like heartbroken Jumbo Josh, Alan said, in order to be the best, you gotta beat the best, and they have beaten Josh Allen four times. Patrick Mahomes owns the Buffalo Bills. And I hate saying it because I like Buffalo. I like the people of Buffalo. I like Dian Dawkins. I like the movie Buffalo sixty six. Excellent movie. If you've never seen that movie, Buffalo sixty six directed by Vincent Gallo with Christina ricci Angela Houston, watch Buffalo sixty six. Great movie. But the Kansas City Chiefs will now be in the super Bowl for six times in seven years. We've never seen anything like this. We're never going to see anything like this. It's unprecedented how they've been able to kick ass year after year after year after year, staying healthy and the only time they didn't make it into the Super Bowl was verse the Cincinnati Bengals crazy comeback with the field goal in overtime. Otherwise, who knows what would have happened they didn't win, Joey Burrow. It just goes to show how hard it is to make it into the super Bowl. Remember when the Cincinnati Bengals made it into the Super Bowl and they didn't win. And the Chiefs keep doing it. And I'm not like some Chiefs fanboy, but we can't sit here and say it's boring. It's sick what they're doing. The only time they lost in the Super Bowl was to Tom Brady in the Pandemic Super Bowl, which seems like decades ago. Tom Brady with the Buccaneers, they've beaten the Niners, they've beaten the Eagles in twenty twenty three, and then they beat the Niners again last year. It is hard to win a super Bowl. It is hard to get to a super Bowl, and they keep doing it. Podcast. Do I want to see Taylor Swift crying? Do I want to see if Taylor Swift's Muscara will leave tears dripping muscaret tears down her face? Of course I want to see it. I wanted to see it versus the Bills. I wanted to see Taylor Swift in her Gucci suit or Louis Vatan sweatsuit, crying tears of mescarrat. I want to see how much you really care, how much you really know about the game, Taylor Swift. And that's no disrespect to Taylor Swift or Travis Kels. How could you not like them? But they're going for the first three peat in NFL history, It's never been done. And like I said, I wanted to see them lose. I wanted to see Taylor Swift. And I don't know who she's up there with. You never who's in the booth up there with Taylor Swift. Is it her mom? Is it the Kelse mom? Is it Patrick Mahomes mom? She's up there every week as a new person standing next to her. I'll tell you something right now, Swifties, I'll tell you something right now. If you love seeing Taylor Swift at the games, if you love seeing Taylor Swift in the booth, you should be rooting for the Philadelphia Eagles because that is the only chance you have. That is the only chance you have for Travis Kelce to definitely come back if they lose. I can't see Travis Kelce ending it with them losing. Or maybe he just might be done. He might be finite though, like, yo, I've done this. I'm that dude got his new haircut. Who's in the supermarket the other day. I'm looking at there, him and his brother. They got a serial hurd. It's good. It's like a mix between Captain Crunch and frosted flakes. Those two baboons used to eat when they were kids, giant baboons. The Kel's brothers charming, nice, likable. You can't not like the Kelnse brothers, just like you can't not like Rober Gronkowski and the Gronkowski brothers. I want to check the parents, the father of the Gronkowski brothers and the Kel's brothers. I want to check the father sperm. It should be in a bottle. Shake that bottle up and be like, yo, what kind of sperm you got to make these kinds of goons. Two NFL players, Gronkowski's of course, Rob was the one who was the star. But they have goon after goon after goon. I want that that sperm in a little test tube and I want to check it. But the Chiefs exude greatness. Patrick Mahomes exudes greatness when they need something to happen. He's like Michael Jordan. He's at that point where you're like, yo, this fucker is going to do something and make it happen. They the fumble, Rooski, the tush push if he needs to run it in, if he needs to take a hit, if he needs to give a hit, he gets it done. He's a He's that fucking guy. So I don't know how that's boring. You might not like to see it, but it ain't boring. It certainly is not boring. And Patrick Mahomes wasn't even the number one overall pick. Neither was Travis Kelce. But they have acquired dude after dude after dude after dude, after free agent after unknown, this person, unknown, that person. They've overcome injuries, they've won ugly, they have won pretty and all we could do is salute them. So you gotta salute them and enjoy it. I cannot sit here and say I am rooting for the Philadelphia Eagles. As a matter of fact, I'm gonna say on record, I'm not rooting for the Philadelphia I love you, Saquon. I respect the people of Philadelphia, and the way I show my respect to the fans of the Philadelphia Eagles and the city of Philadelphia is to tell you, I can't stand you, motherfuckers. I can't stand the Philadelphia Eagles. It's the Boston Red Sox, it's the New England Patriots, it's the Philadelphia Eagles. I can't stand you motherfuckers. The Boston Celtics. I respect you, I respect your franchises, I respect your history, but I can't stand you motherfuckers. So I'm gonna sit there and I'm gonna root for my home boy. I'm gonna sit there and enjoy the game that weekend, the sixth, seventh and eighth. February sixth, seventh and eighth, I will be in San Diego performing at the American Comedy Company in San Diego. February sixth, seventh and eighth. I will be flying back early the ninth, and I'm gonna sit there and watch the fucking game. I'm gonna enjoy it the American way. That that's Americana, Kansas City is Americana, Philadelphia is Americana. This is an American event. Kendrick Lamar, I was thinking, this is by far the most hip hop super Bowl ever. Yo, Kendrick Lamour is straight hip hop. I don't care how popular he is. He is a hip hop dude. He's not pop. His music is himpop. It is pure, straight up hip hop. It is pro pro, pro black, pure hip hop. Whether you're a ginormous fan, kind of a fan, loves some songs, don't love all those songs. Kendrick Lamour is a hip hop dude. He loves hip hop, he respects hip hop. He's a hip hop and cyclopedia. You can tell from his lyrics, his references that motherfucker knows and loves hip hop. And he's performing at the super Bowl. And you could say, well, what about Snoop? What about Doctor Dre? They're hip hop also, but they're also older and they're more pop culture. We've gotten used to. Snoop has been around for years, fifty cent eminem Doctor Dre's been around for years, decades. Not Kendrick Lamar. He's a hip hop dude, hip hop, pure hip. It's crazy to quote the Great Biggie Smolves. You never thought that hip hop would take it this far. Kendrick Lamar performing at the halftime of the Super Bowl. Is you never thought that hip hop would take it this far? So I cannot wait. I cannot wait for Super Bowl Sunday. And yes I have the Chiefs beating the Eagles. I just don't see them losing. I don't see them losing. I just don't. It's just hard to bet against them. The motherfuckers just figure out a way disgusting, sloppy, ugly or pretty tony. They give it to you nice and proper, however it takes to get that w What else is going on on? Over the weekend? Four hostages, four hostages, four female hostages were released and made it out alive after four hundred and seventy nine days. These are some of the girls that were IDF Lookout and that would taken. The images have been shared all over the world. Four girls made it out, paraded around. I don't know if you saw. The footage is unbelievable. I want to make sure that the dumbfuncks from a mosque, the animals, the terror propaganda sickos. If you think anybody believes buys these propaganda videos, these contrived propaganda videos with these girls that were held hostage, and so many of these pro terror people be like, well, they look good, they look like they were taken care of. Why are they smiling? They must have been taken care of, you fucking animals. Number one, Why were they taken in the first place? Number two, we saw what was happening the day they were stolen. They were beaten up, bloodied. You think that anybody thinks that because you give them a bath and you pump them up with drugs and you put some makeup on their face, that we think that they were well taken care of, you idiots, you dumb dumbs. And then they parade them out there, and these goons, these gorillas, these savages, these subhuman apes in their pristine terror outfits are standing there. You got some lady throwing glitter and they all got nice care. Their cameras that they use for these Hamas propaganda videos are better than the camera that you're looking at me on right now. You think that we're dumb? Even the sickest, most pro Palestinian idiot must must I hope you think that you know that that ain't real. Why were they taken in the first place? You're throwing glitter you're celebrating. You're making them sign things in front of the Red Cross, the American Red Cross, the International Red Cross is an embarrassment, the International Red Cross. Shame on you. You haven't fed treated one of these hostages. They have camera men with better cameras than what you're watching me on right now. They got that shit in four K long lenses. The nicely they got the lenses like you shoot sports on, like nature, like you could from thousands of feet away, you could be in the woods like you know, capturing like bears and stuff like that. In these Hamas videos making these girls smile. They should be happy to get the fuck out of there, the worst thing that has ever happened to them. If they look happy, it's because they're getting out of there and they know they're finally getting out of there. But we know that that's not the case. We know we can tell they're pumped up on drugs. You drug them, you plump them up on steroids or who knows what. So they look like they're healthy. What were they down there doing CrossFit? Were they eating good? And it just came out that out of the twenty four, there's twenty four hostages in this hostage deal. There's ninety left. I believe it's ninety. There's ninety left. But this ridiculous, insane, crazy hostage Yielder's eighteen out of the twenty six, I'm sorry, eighteen out of the twenty six are alive and eight of them are dead. They're gonna return hostages that are not alive, which is insane to me. They're gonna return hostages that were either killed in captivity, killed on October seventh, or who knows what. But eighteen are alive, eight are not. And this is just going to continue with these events and these parades with Glitter Lady, and it's dragged out and it's drawn out, and they do it on Shabbat. The new thing that I get asked is about the Elon Musk thing, this ridiculous Elon must thing. Why don't you say, First of all, I've said a bunch of things about the Elon Musk, a phantom N word salute. And when I say N word, I don't mean the original N word. I mean the other N word because he can't say nazi. Uh. You get you know, deplatformed. Make sure you subscribe, rate and review if you're listening to this podcast, make sure you subscribe, rate and review, turn on all alerts if you're watching this podcast. If you're listening to this Ion rap Port Stereo podcast, make sure make sure you're aware that you can now watch the Iron rap Port Stereo podcast on my YouTube channel. But this entire Elon musting, you're so so so upset. So many people are continuing to post about Elon Musk and this phantom N word salute. And like I said, if you are so upset about Elon Musk and you think that he's actually an N word, that means you are concerned with Jews, and that's great. That means you are concerned for Jews. That means you care about the sovereignty of Israel, which is the one and only Jewish state that exists. That means that you support the right to Israel exists to exist. That means you don't support anti Jewishness, anti Semitism, anti Zionist behavior that's going on all over the world, and that's fantastic. So if you're so offended by Elon Musk, you must care about Jews. But I don't see any of the people that seem that are articulating how much they are upset about Elon Musk, concerned about Elon Musk being a Nazi. You're concerned about Elon Musk being a Nazi, but you say nothing. You have said nothing for four hundred and eighty days about the attack in Israel. You said nothing about the violence on October seventh. You said nothing about the hostages being taken. You said nothing about the docum minuted sexual assaults on October seven. You said nothing about the fact that Israel is under attack since October seventh, up until last week, on seven fronts, every single day since October seven, you said nothing about that. So I'm going to give you another opportunity if you are so offended and concerned, because you're concerned, like, oh my god, one of the most powerful people in the world, he's a Nazi. So if you're so concerned about that, I'm going to give you one more chance right now to say, free every single hostage today, leave Israel the fuck alone. Starting today. Israel has the right to exist, period. And the kamenie the Kameni, the leader of the Iran regime is an old fat bitch, says an old fat bitch looks like a lonely lesbian and he wears diapers twenty four to seven because he shits himself. If you're so concerned about Elon Musk, I want you to say that right now. I want you to say that Yah Yah Sinmoar sucked big fat elephant dick. I want you to say that the leaders of all terrorist groups suck big fat elephant dick, and the KAMENI wears a diaper. It is an old bag of shit. Say it right now, leave it in the comments right now. You won't do it. You don't give a fuck about Elon Musk. You don't give a fuck about Nazis. You don't give a fuck about Jews. You don't give a fuck. It has something to do with something to do with something else, And I don't care about any of that. You know who does love in words? You know who idolizes aid off Hamas. Hundreds of books that they find in civilian homes in Lebanon and in Gaza. You know what book they find moncoumf munkomf the Nazi Manifesto written by Adolf Hitler. Why the fuck would you be reading that in twenty twenty five, Why the fuck would that be in house after civilian house after innocent civilian house in Gaza. Those are the people that love Nazis. Those are the people that idolize Nazis. They've always idolized Nazis. They met with aid Off back in the Dizza, the leader back in the Dissea met with aid Off. It's documented. They love it. Don't worry about Elon Munt. But if you are worried about Elon musk, I, will you give you one more chance to say right now? Hamas sucks big elephant dick and the leaders, all leaders of the Iran terror regime also suck big elephant Dick and KAMENI is an old bag of bones that shits himself. Say it right now? What else is going on? I watched Amelia Perez, which is up for a bunch of Oscars. Amelia Perez, which came out on Netflix. You could watch it on Netflix, and I had heard a lot about it, and it has been presented in a way that I don't think helps sell the movie. I really, really really liked Amelia Perez. The director is I don't know what he's done before. The other films that he did I've never heard of. I didn't see them. They might be great but this is a visionary director, and I never get excited. I still have not watched Wicked. I cannot watch Wicked. My wife still hasn't gotten through Wicked. I know that that's we're in the minority. We are in the minority. I was very resistant to Hamilton, and I turned. Remember when I said about Hamilton, I said, Hamilton was this, that, and the third. Then I saw it and I said I was wrong. I like saying I'm wrong. I'm wrong all the time. I'm used to saying I'm wrong. When you're a fuck up like myself, you apologize I was wrong about Hamilton. I have been wrong about a lot of things. I like admitting when i'm wrong. Of course, I like admitting when i'm right. I like to rub it in your face when i'm right. Oh yeah, I like to stuff it in your face when i'm right. And I'm right most of the time. But I'm wrong a lot. And when i'm wrong, I'm wrong, and I love to say it. I was wrong or I thought this before, but now I think that. Let's go being a grown up a man. I'm a man's man. I got hair on my chest, and I'm one tough cookie. The great Big Daddy Kane said, got no hair on my chest, but I'm one tough cookie. I say, I have hair on my chest, and I'm one tough cookie. When I'm chest naked, I'm like Tom Selleck, Burt Reynolds, Teddy Pendergrass, Teddy Pendograss, he'd be chest naked, nappy chest here. That's me anyway. I didn't even know what I was saying. Amelia Perez on Netflix. Very good movie. And like I said, it's not a musical musical. It's not like they're like boom boom, the musical numbers come in and out. It's shot beautifully. Zoey Saldona is excellent. I don't know how zoe Saldana is getting awards and being nominated for Supporting Actress because I feel like she's on screen more than the lead actress who is up for an Academy Award in Best Actress category. And lead actress is a very openly tran woman. It's a trans woman. It is a woman that used to be a man. And I'm saying this with all due respect. And she's great in the movie. And I'll tell you what the movie is about, which is bugged out this is what's bugged out about the movie. The movie is about a Mexican cartel, murderous killing, scary drug lord. And this drug lord approaches Zoe Aldana's character and says, I want well sings it. It's all singing. But that particular scene is like bugged out. It's like in the first ten minutes and you're like, yo, this is this is bugged out and it's good. I mean bugged out in the best way. It's a good scene. When the actress who's playing Amelia Perez is playing the drug lord as a guy. It's good. It's like this like crazy looking, like you know, Benisio del Toro, but it's it's bugged out and he's singing it but it's like rapping. It's really really good. And he tells Zoey Saldana, I want to be a woman. It's a very good scene and I really like it. I really like the the entire film. I like the story and like I said, the drug lord transforms, gets the surgery to become a woman. And you know who's excellent in it, My former only murders in the building. Co star Selena Gomez is awesome. Selena Gomez is dope, and she speaks Spanish most of the time, and she kills it. Selena. I'm surprised Selena Gomez also didn't get nominated. She's excellent. Selena Gomez kicked asked. Zoe Saldana kicked ass. The lead actress kicks ass. The cinematography is dope, the musical numbers are dope, and I am not a musical person, but I really liked Amelia Perez. And it's getting a lot of flak because people are saying that this actress who was born a man in real life, who has become a woman transitioned to a woman, should that person be allowed to be nominated as an actress? And bapa ba ba bah all that controversy and is this a woke left film and is it getting its accolades because it's woke? Luft. I'll tell you one thing. The character that the lead actress plays, who is the LGBTQ woman, is not a good character. It is not a good person. The film is dark and as far as showing you know an LGBTQ character on screen, this is not a good representation of the character. The character is flawed. The character is bad, and I think as far as showing characters you know in a truthful, honest way. This is good for the LGBTQ community because every LGBTQ character in every film shouldn't be this unicorn, great evolved person. Because the lead character, Amelia Perez in this film is a piece of shit. Really, at the end of the day, he's a piece of shit. She's a piece of shit. Starts as a he. She's a piece of shit character, but very well played by the actress. And like I said, Zoe Saldana kicks nast and Selena Gomez is awesome. She's speaking Spanish most of the time, and she's singing and dancing, and they're all good. And I give two thorp. I give two thumbs up to Amelia Perez, which, like I said, is not the kind of film that I watched simply because it's a musical. Anyway, I'm done. Came Saw Disrupted, Came Saw Disrupted. I'm rap. Ports stereo podcasts. Make sure you tell a friend to tell a friend about the world's most disruptive podcast. Miles Jordan aka The Beach Brothers aka the Dust Brothers. Take me at her with something real nice, Take me at her with something real out, but most importantly end this puppy with something real funk I am rap Port Stereo ponkas. I'm out.