Did you see them eating burgers in the diner? "Stretch" Roberts joins us to tell the story of how he got on Gilmore Girls and how it made this podcast possible!!
I am all in.
I am all in with Scott Patterson, an iHeartRadio podcast.
Hey everybody, Scott Patterson, I am all in podcast. I'm going to be appearing at Columbus Galaxy Con on December two and three.
So I hope to see you out there.
We have a very special pair coming on and Amy kind of shocked us with thiseenth anniversary surprise. A couple of fellas who were, you know, the reigning champions shock Jocks Morning DJs in the La scene who came to us on this exact date eighteen years ago on the set of Luke's.
Years Ago. Wait you guys.
Okay, So, for everybody who is just joining and maybe didn't hear our last episode, basically we're recapping, Oh my gosh, Suzanne, you're gonna have to say the title of this episode. Let me hear your bella lacas ringing out. So I'm so Scott and I have been buddies for a long time, but I couldn't place exactly when we met.
So I'm watching the episode last.
Night and I had this vague memory like this is familiar. The scene comes on and immediately I see you, Immediately I see Jack immediately and I'm like, oh my god, and like everything came back to me being there with you guys. So stretched do you remember how it all went down?
So basically for people listening, they're eating in the diner. It's very focused on Scott slash Luke and you guys are very clearly in the scene.
As you're in there.
They're in the background at the table behind the cash register if you're looking down the counter.
And uh Luke is there with a it's like a team of little girls, like a baseball team or whatever, a celebratory dinner. And all I remember about that that actual scene was there having problems with the girls, and we weren it was late at night. We were getting to where they couldn't film with kids anymore, and they were trying to get.
That scene done and it was a nightmare.
Right, Gosh, I don't remember any of that. So, yeah, so we were having some struggles with the kids.
Huh. Yeah, it's you know, it's it's it's hard even if you have a table full of adults. It takes forever, you know. Yeah, you know, those scenes are populated at tables and you got to get everybody's coverage and it takes forever. It just takes a long time. Table scenes are takes a long time and there's multiple people. But yeah, what else can you tell us?
How did it go down stretch? So explain what you were doing at the time, Like.
Here's what happened.
We had the Jamie and Danny radio show which was on Star ninety eight, and Jack and I were the producers, and Danny, being Danny Bonaducci, was a fun guy to work with who liked the undercut Jack and I on like sponsorship opportunities and try to like swipe money from us. So Danny's biggest love in the world was to be on television and to be famous. So one day I was talking to Amy, who booked all of our talent, and I go, Amy, can you get us on some of these shows? And she goes, well, what do you mean, I go just anywhere on these shows? And then Amy starts killing it and getting us on all of these television shows as extras. And we did it just to aggravate Bonaducci. That's the only reason we did it.
And I'm not kidding. We were doing like one a week.
And what was cool about Gilmore Girls is like Matt Zooprie was a real good friend of the show.
He used to come on the show a lot.
Matt was a really good guy and we were friends with Matt, so we had a We had a great relationship with him.
And then that happened.
And when Amy called the people at Gilmore Girls, They're like, sure, come on in, and they put us in the Lukes Tigers seat.
Oh that's funny, you know what.
It all came back to me. I was like, I can't even believe this is happening. I recognize you guys immediately.
And I have to say, first of all, Jack got a lot more screen time than you because of the way the sea was shot, and he was excellent, Like he was eating fake eating the burger, and like the server comes up to the table and he does like the nod like yeah, I'd love some work totchup or whatever, and then you see you and YouTube dudes are just fully in the scene, like very prominent.
It was so weird about that is because obviously if you're an extra, you can't speak because the microphones are picking up the real actors in the room, so they tell us have a conversation, but don't say anything, so.
We're like, what how do you do that?
So Jack and I are saying they're eating the food and then like having a conversation with no words coming out, very unnatural for non actors such as ourselves.
Yeah, people tend to overdo that and make their mouth movements are too big and their expressions are too big. And then they got to cut and they got to talk to him saying, listen, just tone it down. You know, it's hard. It's a hard thing to do. It's not an easy thing to do. You know, it's clanking silverware. They tell you to stop clanking the silver warre and you just you know, they're just trying to do a good job.
You know.
Well, you guys, I think Jack was really eating because I saw him take an actual bite of that burger, Like it was really.
No, they gave us real food, I'll give them that.
We did shows where they didn't give us real food, like they'd give you the ice cream which is really mashed potatoes, you know. But but on Gilmore Girls, we got real food. It was like cold French Friesenbergs. We weren't eating the real food, we really were, But I love.
What we loved.
So we discovered this in our last episode when I told I was freaking out because I just watched it late last night and I was like, oh my god, it's amazing and all these memories are coming back to me. And Scott remembered it like Scott got to approve you guys.
So well, thank you, Scott.
They know they were nice.
They were kind enough and respectful enough that they were coming into my workspace and they wanted a favor and they asked my permission and I said sure, you know, yeah.
Why not?
And it was definitely James Pettitt because we were so tight with him. Wait, I can't even remember. Can you remember what other shows you were on as background actors?
Yeah, okay, we did a somehow on Mad TV.
We ended up doing a whole sketch like with dialogue and everything, which was weird. And then we were on Queens, and then we were on that soap opera that got canceled on NBC. I don't remember the show, soap opera Passions. Yes, we were on Passions, and then there was another one and we did uh.
And the movie was separate.
When we did we did a scene in a movie that got cut and we never even made the outtakes.
No, I was telling everybody is like, because people obviously are listening all over the country that you guys were like big radio guys in LA. But the thing that's so interesting about you, Stretch, and it's another full circle moment, is we do this podcast, which Scott's Stretch. When I first I didn't have your number. I had your wife's number, so I had to text your wife. Although then the crazy thing is you've had the same number since we did this.
Yeah, it never changed. I think this is an iheartphone still.
So what's crazy is Stretch. If you wikipedia podcasting and like the origins of podcasting.
You're in there.
Yeah, so you had one of the first What was the deal you guys were doing podcast?
What year was that?
Well, two thousand and seven we started doing a daily podcast.
We got canceled on Star.
They pulled the plug on us, and then we're like, we'll just do a podcast, and we did a subscription podcast for thirteen years.
We did that.
Jack and I and then Jamie was with us for a little while and then I pulled the plug on the Jack and Stretch show only because I went and started doing a streaming thing and I did that for three and I literally just stopped that in June, and now I'm doing another podcast by myself.
Like it's so crazy. If you wikipedia podcasting there, you guys are. It was like way ahead of its time, Like, wait, Scott, how long have we been doing this show?
Three years?
A couple of what?
I haven't been doing this three years?
I think so we've been doing this three years already.
If we're in season six, oh mon, it's like two seasons a year.
Yeah, basically we will over three hundred episodes.
Yeah, I'm stretched because I literally called him. That's why I look like a wreck, because I've called him.
I had to take a shower. I had to get to you, and I said, I do.
This Gilmore Girls podcast with Scott Patterson.
And he goes, oh my god, okay, and I go, and millions of people.
Every wit and stretch.
You want to know why Scott is stuck with me, Tara and Suzanne and Danielle Romo, who you might remember as the co host.
Because we didn't have any money.
We're able to do a deal with Scott, but we're like, we don't have any money for.
You to talk to anybody.
Yeah, I sucked up all the dollars, didn't I. Yeah, I said I sucked up all the money, didn't I?
No, actually not no, that's not true at all.
So you know, the one question want an ask a stretch, yeah, is what was the the reaction from Danny Bonaducci. Did you get to enjoy his reaction?
Too, So tell us about the first time he realized that you guys like because you're playing kind of a practical joke on him almost right, So you were doing this to get under his skin.
So tell us how it got under his skin.
Oh, it ate him alive because this guy just wanted to be on you know. He he would be the guy that if they want to do a bit on like the Tonight Show or whatever they need, like a joke on the street, they'd call Danny.
He'd be like, I'll do it, I'll do it. He'd do anything.
But all of a sudden, we're getting on real shows, like real shows.
And he it was eating him alive and driving him crazy.
It had every response that we wanted because he did not like that we were all of a sudden on these real shows and you know, we were just having fun.
We weren't trying to be actors.
We were just you know, having fun on shows that we liked and people that we had his.
Guests on the radio show.
So it didn't be a great, great experience for us, and it absolutely.
Achieved its goal of getting undertakin.
And it's where my love for Matt Zuker comes from, because he was really like an up and comer, like he was sort of just starting and he would come on all the time and we all just loved him. He's exactly because he's the sweetest guy ever. Asked Scott, like, is he not?
We were mean to him? We were mean, Let's be honest. Matt was dating uh Kate Bosworth at the time.
Or he had just with them and went with Orlando Bloom and he would come on with us and we would make fun of him constantly about it.
Personal life.
But that's why.
But that's why you love Maddie is because he's just such a good natured guy and he doesn't take it personally and he just you know, he's just a good dude.
Man, such a good dude.
Oh, he was such a good guy. And I was like, man, where not nice to him? Why is he so nice? To us.
The craziest thing is at the time stretch. I don't know if you know this, but this episode is directed by Kenny Ortega, who is like really has gone on to be quite prolific and like did high school musical, Like you had like an award winning director directing you how to Eat that Burger?
I looked at the cast, like right before we went on, I go, I get to see everybody was on there.
There's a lot of people that were on that show. Yeah.
It's a real proving ground for me.
It was like a launching pad the way Seinfeld was a launching pad for a lot of unknown actors.
Yeah, because Mila, Melissa McCarthy, Scott Patterson was on there.
John Ham, oh sure, Adam Brodie, oh Adam Oh gosh, we love Adam Roady.
Yeah no, it was like amazing. I don't know how I got you ont.
Well, And what's crazy is this is a kind of an epic episode because there's scenes in this episode that are totally viral on TikTok. Not your particular scene, but other scenes that have just been played over and over again. And you were on you know, you were on in two thousand and five people have continued to watch the show.
Now, Like I said, there's a million people.
That listen to this, you know, it's funny on the reruns. Every now and then someone the screenshot and be like, there.
If you know you guys, you immediately no, it's you, Like it didn't take me but a blink. I was like, oh my god, and just everything came. Do you remember if so, I remember being there that night. I definitely came. And what I can't remember is if Jamie came or if Robert Lyles came. Because James Pettitt, while you guys were doing the scene with Scott, we went on a tour of the set.
It was Robert. Jamie wouldn't show up because remember Jamie was the true evil one. She was the one that was really mean, the Matt and everyone else she came across, so she wouldn't dare step foot at a place like that. But it was Jack and I and then Robert came to make sure Jack and I behaved because if I believe The Gilmore Girls was probably the first one we did when we started this mission to annoy Danny.
Oh my gosh, and it was late like it was late.
It was late because we get up at three o'clock in the morning. It seemed like it went way into the night. But I know it couldn't have gone too late with the kids, but it was. They were up against the time with using those children, I know, and they were really trying to get that scene done.
The kids out. They can't be there.
Oh my god. And Scott totally remembered. I love it.
I love it. Yeah.
So this is when I met Scott, either the first time or second time that I met Scott. And like, look at us now, Like, poor Scott has to talk to me almost every day.
Poor Scott.
That's why I get the big bucks, Amy, why I get him.
Oh, it was a fun time though. It was a real fun time. And you know what was so cool about it. Every show we did, everyone was so nice to us. And you know, we were just extras where they could have just ignored us, but everyone was always super cool to us. And it was fun and and Gilmore girl said, I'm pretty sure it was our first one and it was a great experience.
We loved doing it. It was a blast.
A lot of people tried to get on that set. You know, a lot of a lot of a lot of people. Man, we had requests all the time. They just wanted to watch in video village or can be an extra, And it was just gosh, we're just flooded with requests like this.
You're lucky. You're lucky.
Scott approved you.
I love it.
I know it was crazy. Is we just did it? We don't. We don't think about that.
You know, we have our behind the scenes, but we don't know what's going on in there, behind the scenes to make it all happen, to get it in there.
So what did you what did you think about the whole process of making a scene? Did you guys ever get bored at one point, like, god, how can they do this? And it's like so many takes and yeah.
Because the one camera shoot thing.
So they would shoot it, move the camera, shoot it, move the cameras shoot it right, Are you serious?
It was that one little scene all right? Yeah?
Like, how did you do an hour long drama? Like it doesn't seem like you could do it in a week.
Well it's eight d eight working days.
Yeah, but you know you're it takes you know, twelve to fifteen hours a day. Yeah, of that moving the camera round yeah, that's how they do it. I always thought there might be a better way if they just had like tiny little cameras set up all over the place and then they could just sort of edit all that same shot together from different angles.
But what do I know.
I mean, we're coming from radio world, so here we are like we just turned the microphone phones on a wing it every.
Day, right, exactly.
We do here.
It's it's it's the lighting. You know, the lighting is the issue always, right, So they've got to move the camera and then got change of lighting, make sure you're lit well. And that's why they can't have multiple cameras. So sometimes they have two cameras going at once. Sometimes I don't know if they ever had three going, but two you know, one camera will get a medium shot from your waist up and then the other camera, B camera will get a close up.
Well, they didn't really do close up on Gilmore's, but on this Sullivan new show I'm doing, they do.
Close is your show now? One camera.
Sometimes it's two. No, no, it's a single camera shure. Yeah, But I mean they do have when they pop in to do the coverage, they'll set up two cameras a lot of the Times, so they get two pieces of coverage at the same time with different sizes.
It's different lens size.
So yeah, you have one more question before we go. Would Kenny be in that diner or is he in video Village?
No, he's in Dozies.
Okay, So he was in Dozies when you were shooting in the diner and the video village.
Yeah, video village is set up in Dozies or actually behind Actually it's behind Dozy's Market.
Okay, well maybe.
Yeah, yeah, it's behind Dosi's Market, and there's the there's just an area that's not you know, it's not a set, it's just sort of like kind of a dead space, and it's where they have craft service and the video village sets up there.
But it might might be in Dozies.
But and then would he come into the diner to give you notes or whatever or if you need it?
It was awesome.
Where was the mastion bock? That's what I was wondering.
Wherever he was, he was probably upside down.
Oh oh my god, Stretch, you're the best.
Thanks for coming on.
Literally blew him up.
Oh my god, I did realize was so good at my job.
I blew him up this morning, like at the crack of dawn.
I'm like, oh my god, call me, Sawan.
Know this could lead this could really really piss off Danny Bonaducci.
This really could get under his This is.
Eighteen years later, Stretch is still.
Still still still aggravating the gut.
You could go on multiple like Amy could hook you up with all the podcasts you can really just look, we're glad we can help you. Annoy Danny vana Ducci for some reason.
And wasn't he in the park He was in the Partridge Family, Yes.
Yes, And what was his character? He's what he's a child star gone really wrong.
I think he's gone right again though, I think he went wrong and now he's right.
Well, yeah, now he's health issues. Last I heard, he's been out. But I haven't talked to him in years and years and years.
But do you still talk to Jack?
Yeah, still talk to Jack. It's still just touch base with Jamie, all of them. They're all good and you know, rolling along doing a regular thing. Jack's not doing any podcast or anything anymore. I'm the only one doing a podcast, and Jamie's doing radio in Denver.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, Oh, I was just happy you're still married, because I said, I Maria, your beautiful wife.
I text him, I was like, can I get your.
Husband's Is he happy he's still married?
It was like a surprise. I can't believe he's still married to you.
It's lucky because eighteen years later you just never know. Eighteen years later, I was like, hey, you still got that guy you were married.
She's like a buttoned up, professional business lady. And then I was always just a clown for money, so it didn't seem right in the first place.
Oh my god.
Well, we'll call you when we go around and rewatch the whole thing again a couple of years.
Right, Well, good to talk to you. Nice to hear from you, Amy, Good to see you guys. Thanks for having me over.
You're thanks for coming on. Good seeing you stretch.
All right, hey everybody, and don't forget
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