Town Meeting: It’s the Dress (Season 1 E9 “Rory’s Dance”)

Published Jan 21, 2025, 5:00 AM

A surprising confession from Tara about Dean in this episode. 

And, a red flag on the monkey lamp for Baccarat candlesticks - NO WAY! Hear the surprising amount those candle sticks cost. 

Plus, a few familiar sightings in this episode! Amy Sherman Palladino’s mom to Caesar (before he was Caesar). We will tell you where. 

I Am all in again.

Oh that's just you.

I Am all in Town meeting with Suzanne French and Tara suit An iHeartRadio podcast. Hey guys, welcome back to another episode of I'm All in Town Meeting with myself, Tara and Suzanne.


Hi, we are back and we are on season one, episode nine. Rory's Dance, which aired December twentieth, two thousand. I feel like this episode, I'm gonna keep saying it. It came up so soon. I was like, we're already here, I have a dance.

Yeah, this was a great episode. I thought, this is it's said so much about all the different mother daughter relationships like Emily, Laurelai, Laurlai and Rory. Just a great episode all around.

I thought it's funny my mom. Usually my mom's seen Gilmore Girls many times, but usually when I'm watching these for work, she doesn't really watch with me, but she watched with me last night and she was like, it's so funny because my mom was like reciting the lines. I'm like, yeah, I'm definitely your daughter, because like there was like little things where she's like she was off by a word, but she knew exactly, like Tristan and stuff like that, like we were all was like, oh my god, like, yeah, we watch it together. I will say this episode made me realize why I don't like Dean, and I feel so bad saying that because I love Jared Pedalaki and I feel like Dean has some great qualities. But the one thing that bothered me, and I guess we'll get into like the nitty gritties, but just overall, the one thing that bothered me was like you could tell Rory was wanted to go to the stands next site, and he just showed zero enthusiasm and kind of like, well fine, like I guess I'll have to wear a to or have to do this, and she's just being so like polite, and he was kind of like rumpy about it.

Yeah, I noticed that too. I did think that Rory's awkwardness around Dean and trying to like ask him to go to the dance and then when they were in the car they're like should we go in? Should we not go in? I found her awkwardness a little annoying, and then combined with Dean being a negative nelly about the whole thing, I'm like, you know, these two are together are just annoying this.

Maybe that's it. Maybe it's like because I kind of I think I've already accepted that Rory can be annoying, Like I like it more in the earlier seasons. But I feel like I just like appreciate and respect her a little bit more than Dean. And so then maybe that's it. Maybe it's like they bounce off this like weird energy from each other.

Yeah, and then it's gonna be repeated again when she has her coming out the debutante balls.

Oh yes, yeah, like gets.

All whiny about having to wear a text Like, I mean, I get like a teenage boy isn't super excited about wearing a texedo. But yeah, but for a couple hours and do something nice with your girlfriend.

Yeah, which, speaking of to get into the nitty gritties, I was looking at the outfits at this dance. This was not like high school dance attire. Maybe it's private school Chilton dance tire, but I was like, they all seem like they were at a debutante with the way they were dressed.

Yeah, the styles have definitely changed. So having you know, kids that age myself, I see like all my friends are posting their kids like homecoming pictures and things like that, and the styles are definitely different than they were twin.

Yeah, definitely the hair like like what I can't remember off top of my head, but her hair was it like one of those like headbands or was it like little on each you know what I'm talking about. How you can like the headbands that pulled back or it was like little beaded like each piece of hair was like pulled back.

Yeah. I didn't think she was wearing a headband. I thought it was like I have to go back.

Or like little like clips, like not betterfly clips, but that style, yeah, which I did, like, I did like that. Yeah, and I love the outfit. Laurel I did a great job.

Yeah, I thought she did. She did a good job too, And I liked kind of as usual jumping all over the place. But I loved that Emily acknowledged that because at first she was like, oh my gosh, don't make her a dress. You know her typical you know, kind of being mad at Laurel I for just her existence. But yeah, then she's like, you did a really good job, like when Laura told her she made the dress. You know, Emily had been fooled. She said, I'm glad that you bought her a dress, and then yeah, yeah, Laura I says I made the dress. And so that was a nice moment where she Emily actually paid her a compliment.

It's the first I mean, obviously, I know we've seen the series, but at the first time in the season, in season one that like Emily showed some sympathy and kindness towards Laura Lai. Yeah, and obviously at the end that just all went out the window, but we got a little bit.

Yeah, she definitely that's her kind of her mo like she's as soon as she does something nice, than you know, a couple hours later she somehow ruins it by.

Like one step forward and five steps.

Back exactly exactly.

Yeah, I was because there was a lot happening in the house. I was like looking around and no clown pillow, right, I did not.

See the clown pillow, But the piano was still there.

The piano was still there, and there was a little ballerina like the statue. So my one call out is Emily was looking for the Baccarat candles and she bought a monkey candle. Do you know how much those candlesticks are.


I knew it was expensive, and I was like, I need a price point. I knew it was over five hundred dollars. It currently runs for seven hundred and fifty dollars. Now, I take it back because yeah, they're Bakarrock candlesticks. Take it back twenty five years ago. Let's say they were like four hundred. Nah, I don't know how much. Let's say they were five six hundred dollars. You're telling me she replaced five hundred dollars candle sticks for that monkey lamp.

Yeah, I hope that there was some cash.

Back on that, or did you buy like a full kitchen set. Like I literally was sitting there like doing the math, and I was like, all right, let's say it was like a two hundred dollar lamp. She still had three hundred dollars credit somewhere, and I was like, there's no way.

I didn't even think about that. That's a good point, though.

I literally was sitting there because the one I never caught that it was bok Rock candles, And I was like, because Bakrock perfume right now is very, very popular and there's like dupes of it. But I was like there's no way that she bought her bockrock candles and she got a monkey lamp. It was one of those things that I was like, no way.

Yeah, I didn't even think about that. But you're right, because you know, Laurel I would have just gone to a thrift store or something like that. Totally.

She wouldn't spend that money. Yeah, exactly, and if she exchanged it, she then knew the value of it. Right, So anyway, that's just.

Yeah, wasn't the right word, because I don't know.

She could have said I got like a monkey lamp and some other like some pillows and some other stuff for the house. Like Also, the lamp was just so so Laurel I.

I loved the way that Emily described the lamp. She said, Yeah, I had to write it down because it was so funny. She called it a semi pornographic leering monkey lamp and then also called it a ridiculous slightly sister barroom decoration.

So good, so awesome. Yeah, I also know not that there is there behind behind the couch. So when she's sitting up on the couch when her back hurts and she's facing towards the kitchen, yes, is there a door behind her or is it just a window that looks like a door.

There is a door there, Okay, that's the door that goes out to the side porch. But they sometimes use it to pretend to be the kitchen door.

Oh, got it, And they.

Actually do in the episode coming up. I don't remember what number it is, but it's I think it's first still first season, the episode where they go to the Bengals concert, suit walks. Suki and Lane both walk, I know Lane does. Somebody walks in that door. So they actually use it a couple times in the early I think just in season one, but they didn't use I mean, it was always there all seven seasons, but they only used it I think in the first season.

Got it. Yeah, I was like for the first time, I was like, huh, there's a door or maybe it looks the window that looks like a door.

Yeah, there is a door that goes out to the side.

I also, did you notice me being nitpicky in this living room? So Rory when she's getting the hairspray in her hair, she puts the taco the bag of tacos under the table. Oh, and then she leaves and comes back with a taco.

So how did she do that? I didn't even catch that.

Yes, because I was like the tacos were in a white bag and then she came back with like a bib and like the taco. Yeah, she never took the white bag with her.

Oh how funny. I didn't even notice that.

Unless there was another taco sitting in the kitchen. I don't know, but I you know, their.

House could just have random tacos. I mean that would be that would be Loreli to have taco everywhere. One thing I noticed at the dance itself that looks like it was the Wilshery Bell Theater in Los Angeles. And that's the same room. They used that room several times for another party, right, yeah it was, well, that's where they had Richard and Emily's vow renewal.

The one hundredth episode. Yes, okay, yeah, and.

That was also where speaking of the debutant episode, that was where they had the big debutant ball and they came down the girls came down the stairs when they were announced, and they used it in the revival too. That was where Emily had the dar meltdowneing that.

Yeah, yeah, I did not I was thinking it was it the hundredth episode. I forgot about what it looked like at the Debutante ball, but.

Yeah, I think they shot it from different angles, like sometimes you see the stairs and sometimes you don't see the stairs, so it doesn't look like the same room every time, but it was the same.

Definitely felt like somewhere Chiltern would have a school dance.

Yes, even comments when they He's like, oh it looks historic, like yeah, he fits with yeah, East Coast Private Prep School.

Yeah, Tristan. It's funny because like, I love Chad Michael Murray and I obviously love him as Tristan, but Man, Tristan's annoying in this episode. I'm like, just get a grip.

Yeah, I do not like buzzwords generally, but this is like the definition of toxic masculinity. Like she was such a complete jerk, and he's like when he when Rory starts to leave and he steps in front of her like he's the big.

Man, Like yeah, like go away.

And when Dean said something about like it's it would be like fighting an accountant, that just it just made me laugh because that was.

What teenager is saying that well, but.

I thought it was. It was funny though, because that's like Tristan's true guy, but he's not really a tough guy. He's like a rich kid.

It was a funny line, but I was just like, I don't know if a sixteen.

Year old would say that, that's especially Dean, Like maybe maybe a prep school kid would say.

Right. Also, we haven't really established that we kind of like Paris. We as of right now, we really really don't like her. And specifically when she was like, Tristan, are you okay? And I was like, really, like, I just I didn't really need that there, but I thought it was funny because you can just tell she like does not get a crap about.

Right well, and she's so she's so desperate to get Yeah, you get Tristan to notice her. Then she's like, oh my gosh, are you okay, like fawning over him.

And the part where she made the whole speech about being there with her cousin and Rory's like, I don't have to tell them, you just said I love that. It was so it was so perfect, like and Rory's response was so like.

Yeah, she totally beat Paris at her own game, which, yeah, that was a great scene also at the dance if you you have to look really quick. But Aris Alvarado was in that scene. So he played Caesar in later episodes.

Oh at Luke.

Steiner, but he was just for a split second. I am not even sure if I can catch the exact second, but you can see him in a shot at Chilton, like the camera yeah, past him and then cuts to a different angle.

There's also something I caught just to go back towards the beginning of the episode. So, I mean, obviously we just went to stars Hollow right before Christmas, and so we kind of got the lay of the lands of where everything was. And I remember, okay, the day we were there for people listening was probably the hottest day in December, like it was cold all of Christmas. It was the one day we were at the Warner Brothers lot. It was like eighty five degrees and everyone was sweating. It was insane and in the open and maybe also not the opening scene, but it's when she's walking with Lane through the town. Yeah, so when she's walking with Lane, Okay, it's a really cloudy day and it was like obviously it was like snowing, but if you look up it's cloudy. No, it was like I wonder if they actually got like a cold day to film. It seemed like that because Scott has told us so many times that like didn't matter if it was hot or cold, like if they had to wear those jackets to pretend it was fifty degrees and forty degrees in Stars Hollow. But if you look back, it actually really does look gloomy.

I noticed that too, actually because I noticed that it was overcast, which you don't see that often, especially see if this was episode what was.

This nine yet air December twentieth, so I would I want to say they were they had to film but in September.

That's what I'm thinking. Yeah, and September in la is usually hot. So if yeah, yet an overcast day, like.

Unless it was really early in the morning, like that was like six am, because sometimes you know it could be a little gloomy.

But it did accidentally look like winter, which.

Yes, it was the first time, and the season is the part I'm like, oh, it looks cold. I didn't really have a lot I feel like this episode because we were like at Chilton and at Miss Patty's, Like I didn't have a lot of like call outs for little things I had.

I had two minor things. And again, this is just like my nitpicky brain that just notices things like this. When they were at Lorelei's house and Lorelei and Emily were watching the Barbara Stanwick movie and they were talking about, you know, her sexy voice and all that, this is where I noticed the clown pillow. But also when Emily stands up to go in the kitchen, there was a piece of green tape on the couch. Oh okay, And I thought about how, like Scott told us before, you know, on the floor, they'll use tape so that the actors.

Know, like the markers, right, they know where.

They're walking, they know where to stop, and they know where to stand, and they use a different color for each actor. You know, who's is who's. I thought it was weird that they would do that on a couch.

Yeah, I didn't know.

The scene opened with her already sitting on the couch and she got up and walked away. It wasn't like, I don't know, unless it was like set up.

My only my only guess is if it was like to make sure she's in the same spot and for every camera angle, so that if you need to cut like take like take away what are they called cutaways, like cutaway shots like to pick up. But yeah, I didn't. I didn't know, So that's funny.

That was what I was thinking too, that it must be for camera set up purposes.

I also did like the way that when it's the next morning and she just got a call from from Patty and the way the camera walks from the living room to the kitchen, like it was so like that that camera work there was very like, I don't know, it was really good.

Yeah, And then in that right around that same time, Oh, actually, I have something else I wanted to point out too. I didn't highlight it in my notes, but when Rory when they're running out of Miss Patty's and Rory's like running down the street, So that again was that was a nice camera shot. It was it was like a single take from Miss Patties all the way past Luke's past Yeah, like all the way down the street. But I had to kind of think, now, wait a minute, it's five point thirty in the morning, it's supposed to be snow on the ground, and she's running down the street and pantyhose.

Well, not only that, why was the sun fully out of five am? Like when the shed the whatever, the Patty's studio door opened. It's fine. I'm like, where is it five am? Where this Like, I have to say I woke up at five forty five this morning. It was not like that in winter.

Yeah, yeah, that's true. That's a good point. So yeah, I thought that was funny. I'm like, I don't think she would run very far in ice ground in pantyhose.

Like at five am, the sun is supposed to be downstill or at least like peeking out a tad.

And then just one other shout out when they were in Miss Patty's and Miss Patty comes in with her whole yoga class and they're like, oh my gosh, it's Laurelized girl.


The older ladies is Amy Sherman Palladino's mom.

Oh no way.

They used her a couple of times in the show.

Oh that's so cool, that's sweet. I did think it was funny when in that scene they're all huddled and they're like, Patty, come here, and there's a complete wide opening at the end, like of the all the ladies. But she had to like scuffle through them. I was like, I'm sure, like on the right side there was like wide open shop for you to like stand there. But I think it was like the.

Gist, it's like everybody crowd into this three foot area.

Don't get fine, but you can see the space, which is so funny. I'm like, how do you could have stepped like two steps to your left and see it. Also, there's no way you could sleep on that bean bag for like six hours comfortably.

Right, they would have woken up. I don't think that they were.

And also it would have been freezing. The door was open. Also, it's not like there's air conditioning in that thing, right.

It's just a shed. Yeah.

So I mean, and like I can't remember was was Zane's jacket on her? No, she just had her dress.

Yeah, I think it was just her dress.

She would have been like free like having hypothermia.

Yeah, we have to just use our imagination that that's how it.

Now we're getting picky.

So one last note on that scene at Miss Patty's was when they first walked in and Dean says he asked Rory the question, says, are all these pictures really of Miss Patty? Rory says, yes, you know, and then talked about her career, how she's done everything except l like the hoop on fire or whatever.

She said, those.

Pictures actually are pictures of Liz Torrez, Like she's had a super long career. She's been a dancer and she's I mean, she's very much parallel to Miss Patty's career. Yeah, so I always thought that was kind of cool that those were actual pictures of her.

I love I lovely do that, And I wonder, I mean, as we go on, if they use anyone else's like childhood pictures, like Lauren Graham or anyone. I mean, I'm sure we'll have to look, but.

I am almost positive that there is a childhood picture of Lauren Graham on the mantle at Laura Leis house.

Oh okay, her school pictures from which that's sweet. Okay, Well now it's something else.

And there's actually now that I said that, the picture of her and Richard at their wedding is actually like younger pictures of both Ed Herman and Kelly Bishop.

Oh and they just put it together.

Yeah. When 'i's looking at the photo, I think it's when Rory's looking at that photo album.

Wait, when she was staying at the house.

Yeah, in that episode, it was like a few episodes ago or one.

Yeah, it was when she was stuck there because of the snow and the snow. Oh yeah, it's interesting. That was their younger pictures, so it's kind of fun that they do that.

All right, Well, that's gonna wrap this episode, and next we'll be watching season one, episode ten, Forgiveness and Stuff, which aired December twenty one, two thousand. Oh so it aired back to back.

Oh yeah, look at that one day. Yeah, one day apart, so they got like a bonus episode that week.

Yeah, Merry Christmas.

All right, guys, we'll see you next week meeting adjourn.

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