Lorelai gives a sad drunken toast to the whole town. It was not good. It's all a mess. Did Christopher do the right thing by staying the night in the bedroom chair?
We discover why Grandma was so upset with Mrs. Kim.
Michel's dancing is iconic and we don't blame him for bailing the wedding for Celine Dion.
Lookin' good Gil.
I am all in.
I am all in with Scott Patterson an iHeart Radio podcast.
Everybody Scott Patterson. I am on the podcast one of them productions. iHeart Radio, I Heart Media, I heart Podcast, I Heeart Book, Golfart.
I Heart Sidekicks, iHeart Skiing, Ski Mountains, Heart Skiing.
All right, guys, I'm gonna be in Tupelo, Mississippi, Comic Con two Blue Mississippi, the birthplace Elvis Presley, March sixteen through eighteen. So come on out there.
They write songs about they.
Write a lot of songs about to blow. I'm good, I'm excited. I'm gonna be in Memphis. I'm gonna be in Tooplow. I'm gonna buy some guitars while I am there, that is for sure. Anyway, I hope to see you there. And also, if you want to get the new line of Warner Brothers and Scotti Pea's Big Mug Coffee co branded collaboration coffees, the Luke's Diner Blend, the Stars Hollow Signature Blend, or the Dragonfly In Talk Fast Blend, go to Warner Brothers Studios Hollywood and or Burbank and go to the studio store and you will be able to purchase as many bags as your heart desires. And also if you want my coffee, email support at Scottipea dot com. And seen six episode nineteen, I get a side kick out of you?
Who had a sidekick?
I did?
I did.
I was so jealous of the sidekicks. I was so jealous.
Nipping it open was the best part, Like it was just so like. The thing that I.
Liked was the keyboard. You could really x because it had a full keyboard.
But it was just like flipping it open. You seem so cool.
What show did they have sidekicks?
Like wait and Gilmore Girl?
But was sidekick before Blackberries?
Okay, yeah I had the razor. You know I had a razor too.
Yeah it was a razor.
It was a really really thin like phone that.
I have one in this episode? Did you see it? It was on It was like she had it on her belt.
I saw that.
And then when she was at the Dragonfly, Yeah, she had a pink razor.
Did a razor have a full keyboard or like?
It was the teen nine text.
Oh and as everyone can hear, my intrepid crew is here with me. French Daniel Amy Sugarman, I'm sick. Everybody was under the weather.
Yeah, I'm a little sick, but I'm toughing it out. The good people listening will grown because I'm still here. But I love I just won't even get into it. I just won't. I see you, I hear you. We're all friends, just so everybody knows.
We all love each other, love love.
We're all like fully friends. That's the funniest part of it. Like we all get along completely. There's not like like you know how like sometimes you'd have a show and like maybe the people aren't like tight. We actually are a like.
Pals what I mean, Like that's ever been made.
Seriously, there's always one.
Understand that like you don't just because you have to. Like I'm not best friends with everybody I work with, so I guess that makes sense. But like, man, you know, well we'll carry on all right, so we'll keep listening. Give us a chance for me.
It's who's said doing the.
I did it last week, so susany want to take it this week?
Sure? That was very generous.
I see, we're friends.
This is what friends do.
So we have season six, episode nineteen. I get a Sidekick out of You. This aired on April eighteenth, two thousand and six. Lane and Zach's wedding day approaches, but plans for their respective bachelor and bachelorette parties fall through, so both groups have an impromptu bash together. Luke is out of town and missus Kim tells Laura I she can't attend the wedding without an escort, so Laurela I asks Christopher to be her date at the wedding.
Laura on stage, Rory asked, I think that's an important note.
That's true? It was Rory as, Yeah, that's a good point.
Pardon my interrupting, but sometimes it's necessary.
Well, and that leads us into the rest of that which was at the wedding. Laurela I makes a fool of herself on stage as she realizes she will probably never get married.
To Luke Bless her heart and so many questions. Can I ask you guys one question before we start, please, what school trip during the school year goes on for ten days? Maybe a trip to Washington.
I was gonna say the Washington trip, I think.
Is a week, four days, maybe five ten? Right, you can't miss that much school? People got other kids. My other question, when Loralai and Luke discussed Luke going on the trip, she literally says, we have nothing planned. Wouldn't they have known there was a big wedding coming up?
That was before Laurel I went to the diner and found out that Lane was even engaged.
She didn't know Lane was engaged. Okay, a good timeline. They're a good time.
It was a turn around wedding.
Love love That wedding is, like, what two weeks?
I wonder if it's Was it because of missus Kim's mom. I think that like sped it up.
No, because she invited her and she didn't think she was gonna come. Oh, it's right. Does anybody have a theory on why we're having a wedding within two weeks?
I don't know.
They were broken up.
Age married in like and also we we know one of them did not want to wait longer for certain things.
That's a good theory, Danielle.
Maybe it was, like, here's my theory. Right. It was dependent on the narrative, which is the storytelling, which was we had to get to that final scene.
Agree, yes, yeah, we had to, like you know, it was first of all, it was a virtuoso writing performance and directing performance by Amy.
I mean, just so chock full of so dense, so great. So every part of it was great. And then you know, they dropped the bomb at the end of the episode, and in my notes, I kept writing, where's Luke, Where's Luke? Where's Luke? And then oh, now I know why Luke isn't there.
I was wondering if, like, yeah, go ahead.
I was wondering if, like you were busy or something. But then it was the whole point of the episode.
Right, So I think that was the point of the storytelling, is like, we've got to get this major story beat in the episode nineteen so we can finish the season because the storyboarded that way, and we got to we have to drop the anvil on Luke and loreleized relationship here, Yeah, and this is how we're going to do it, which I thought was an amazingly brilliant device, an amazingly brilliant distraction. Yeah, because it's a last thing we saw common except except when they started drinking too much and I was like, uh oh, he's gonna sleep with her, uh oh, where's Luke? Uh oh?
Boom, you get bummed when they call you and say you're not in this episode.
No, because I still get paid and.
You get a week off and off.
That's the best week of your life because you just sit around going, I'm getting paid to do this.
And it's a hard show. I think if you were like on a show where you didn't work as much, you know, maybe you had a scene here and there, then you might be bummed.
No, not bummed, You're week off, that's okay.
Oh my gosh.
And they made a great episode. I mean, it was fantastic to watch. I don't know that I've laughed that loud so frequently throughout an episode. I mean, it was just it was It was a If I were Emily Carorota's agents, I would have submitted that episode for Emmy's because it's the best we've ever seen. Yeah, fifty it was like a highlight reel. Oh, it was a highlight real for her.
It was just she, but also for like her character too, write like it just makes you have a completely different look on missus Kim, and you love her so much for it.
I just yeah, and we learned her mom it was her then.
You know, I mean Lane and that Lane is missus Kim, you know, like they're all just kind of the same, the same, same, but different.
And I like how it took this many seasons to figure that out though, Like it's kind of like it's nice that we didn't find out right away. It's like, oh, like all this we know, six seasons, it makes sense now.
Multiple scenes, I think at least three where I didn't understand one word of what they were saying, and yet I understood every single thing happening.
Right. Yeah, there's fifty eight seats and sixty two Koreans. I had to rewind it a couple of times. She was Then Miss Patty said it clearly, and I go, oh, that's the joke.
And it was still funny, you know, it's everyone's sprinting.
All good funny anyway. So let's uh, let's go to the opening. Uh, I thought, pretty great opening.
Is this when in the antique store we are when it says clothes for wedding mm.
Hmm, everybody's cooking in the in the kitchen and comes down, get the heck out. Every when you come down, everybody stops cooking. Get the So so it's missus Kim back in her element. How did everybody like the opening.
It was good mhm.
With the wedding dress.
Yeahs of the wedding dress.
Oh yeah, we get the we get to we find out that missus Kim does not want her coming unescorted.
I think that she says tramp for sale. Find a man is actually I know Kirk does not count.
Is actually a thing in Korean culture.
I think it's pretty true to life. I can't be one hundred percent certain, but I don't think Amy would. I can't believe about to say this. I can't believe Amy would make it up.
But I think miss at tracks with missus Kim too, so if nothing else, it's like how she she always sort of has undertones to Laura. I of Laura Lai being a bit of a can you say the word fluozy hussy? Danielle had to call me the name she's always hussy a bad word.
I think I did a true story.
Do we need to bleep hussy and I go no? I think you can just let us What do you think is worse fluozy or hussy Hussy? Probably? But do you think fluozy is worse?
I think fluozy because it it kind of indicates that they're a drunken yeah fluzy.
Right, so he's just like a sort of a sexy lady.
I don't think any either one or good but no worse.
Here we are saying.
Is we're not saying she is a floozy or a hussy, but missus Kim thinks she is.
But the funny thing is is Laura Lauren Graham just stands there and doesn't react to it, just like she expects it, and it's and it's so funny because she's just unloading on her and her comeback line is, well, we should agree on a price.
And missus Kim gets away with murder like she says the most mean, inappropriate things and everyone just takes it.
They're like, then you can't talk back to her, so you might as well do great jokes Laura, like Gilmore disappointing mothers since nineteen sixty eight.
Oh yeah, that's fun.
I mean, come on, that was a great opening. Okay. So now we're at the Yale Daily News and Rory is Captain Kirking the Starship and doing one heck of a job managing Paris. Who has who has written both sides of an editorial?
Her point counterpoint?
Who at the time that that was a very famous show with Jane Alexander and who was the guy what was his name?
Oh, I don't know, Point Counterpoint?
Was it on PBS.
I don't know, but it was. It was a very popular show on Saturday Night Live used to do a takeoff on dan Ackwright and Jane Curtin and Dan Ackwright would always, you know, mimic the guy they hit the sand of the show. But he said, Jane, you ignorant.
Yeah, yeah, not hussy.
Right, not hussy.
I don't it's too smart for me to watch a show like that, but I got the gist.
Paris Point Counterpoint.
Yeah, and then I knew like Paris is like nuts but yet sort of likable, Like I sort of was like rockbos. Look, I was sort of like, Okay, she probably does a good jump.
She's a she's a full court press that one.
And Rory is crushing running the paper.
Oh yeah, she's in total control. I mean, you're telling her you'll have to make a decision. You've got two minutes to make a decision. You pick a sign. Yeah, and then the references to All the President's Men. One of the great movies of that era, with Dustin Hofford and Walter, I'm Walter Brath now Robert Robert Redford?
How dare you?
Oh? My god, j Robards as Ben Bradley, and I said, Walter.
You're fine, I understand, but the how dare you mess up my Robert Redford? In my life?
I think about Robert Redford too, don't.
And he's like ninety and I'm still like pretty good, like cool dude back in the day. No one cares, but I'll tell you anyway, my dad and mom. My dad used to say like something like, oh, your mom and I are great unless Robert Redford comes to the front door. And I was always like, what is he talking about? Like I was a little kid, never understood it. And then all of a sudden, I was like.
Ah, we used to have that too. My mom used to say that about Frank Sinatra. And then they were at a party in New York and they came back and they said, Steve McQueen tried to hit on your mom.
Wait, is that true?
True story?
That's pretty legit.
And she turned him down for.
Your dad, that's pretty legit. Steve McQueen was hot, yeah.
But she didn't like him. I like him, She was married. She didn't like him. We digress thought he was a lightweight compared to my dad. Really, yes, true.
Wait, and the girls come in in that scene and try and convince Rory to go to Costa Rica. Right, it's you know, I can't help it. But it's Wednesday's therapist. You know, we interviewed her, that's what you know Wednesday on the show. Huh. And then the friend and they kind of bebop in and they're gonna they want Rory to go to Costa Rica, and she's like, I have a wedding right right, right right.
And then we're at the Dragonfly with one of the great, the best Michelle Gerard performances. I mean, this is this is a great thing about this episode. All these you know, these characters we only get to see in in short stretches get to sort of take the stage here and do their thing.
The dancing and Michelle.
Dancing and that I mean, then the canceling with the well that's later on, but this.
One dancing in the.
Background dancing is just iconic.
When obviously the cookies were you know whatddies.
Okay, I had a flag on the cookies because Suki is a chef, and she says she made some comment about, oh, I must have used too much yeast.
You don't put yeaston cookies cookies?
Well, okay, maybe that's where you would use yeast.
I don't know, I don't You're right, why would she Maybe it was sourdough bread.
I don't even bake, and I know.
That I don't either. Maybe she was Did she say they were cookies? Yeah, yes, she said they could make.
I'm looking Easton cookies.
Maybe it's a secret rest East cookies.
If you could, if you could.
That would make them like bready. I think I'm not a baker, but I my son.
Okay, you probably think of bread when you hear yeast, but it is actually a great substitute for baking powder. All right, So.
I guess I'm gonna have to.
It just makes the cookies a little more cakey. So but yeah, you could.
And then Michelle just continuing to dance, and Chris is on the phone. Right, this is where Chris calls.
Yeah right, he put a sidekick, and Michelle, I did think it was weird that he Rory's in college, Like, why would he need to like put it past Laura?
I yeah, called that out, and Laura like called that out herself too.
I feel like it was an excuse for him to call her.
Yeah, I also don't sure, but I also like don't think he knows what he's doing, you know, like this is all really new to him, so he's probably just like, well, let me run it by the person that raised her, you know, Like I think he's just doing it to he's new to this, and.
Then he's improved thing. G's doing better.
She's not crying, he's saying no. Yeah.
A great scene though, with Michelle being the star.
I think Michelle wins the scene for sure.
Yeah, well, possibly the episode, but.
Definitely miss that missus. Kim is going to be tough to be good. He laid down a solid performance.
Here, and you know who else was solid in this, Zach.
Uh huh uh huh.
Yeah, really good episode for him.
Zach Rising. Yeah. See, you give these people stuff to do, they're gonna rock it. Yeah. And Sebastian rocking it.
I know we're not there yet, but he looked good.
Leather jacket, they tail, rocker style.
Yeah, he was definitely like a rocker groomsman.
Geez. All right, so now we're at missus Kim's and they're bringing their there. They're they're ridding the house of any kind of Christian symbols. Is anything in bringing the Buddha in because Grandma is showing up and uh, she cannot be surrounded by Seventh day Adventists.
From So that Buddha was not small.
That was a big Buddha.
I got a big Buddha, A real big Buddha.
Was That was such a huge revelation for Lane. Yeah, like her mom has been hiding all this stuff from her mom, just like Wayne had been hiding everything.
And then her mom and then missus Kim being like the floorboards put.
It and that was Classicanne had lived, right, So I come from a long line of women that's hiding their real lives under the floor.
Good. And then they started bowing the one hundred and eight bows which bread the cornball one hundred and eight owls from Rory, and then they were off to the bachelorette party at Dozy Take it away? Girl? What'd you think of the bachelorette party? And here we have more more discussion of certain parts of the male anatomy, which Amy can get into.
With beer, more beer and beer, which is something girls would not drink on a bachelorette party. Am I right?
Probably? I wouldn't know.
But did you did you notice, Daniel who you are? I don't really know girls that drink beer at all.
I like beer.
I like if I'm watching a football game or if I'm on a boat, I have a beer. Like there's I don't know those two very.
It's the salt air. It's the salt air combined with the beer. It works.
I think I'm around Real housewives way too much because it's.
Just tequila or champagne.
Yeah, they do not drink beer, just champagne.
And that's the one thing I can't do. You will never catch me with a glass of champagne.
It's bloaty. What does it do? Headache? Oh?
You just can't do it.
Did you notice that when they were leaving missus Kim's and Lane was trying to talk to mom and she's like bobbing up and down every time she bows. She says, we're going to go over and meet everyone at Dosie's. And it was daylight. But then when they come out of Dosi's it's pitch dark.
Yeah. Wow, another.
I called that too. I just didn't know like how long they were. I don't know.
Maybe the sun was setting or it took a bit to get there. They had to gather up all those girls, I'll give it to them. Maybe they walked, you know, it wasn't just five seconds later they were dosies with all the girls in tiaras, what you call those tiaras.
They were worring.
Yeah, you're going to pick up that flag too.
I'm not. No, I'm not picking that one up.
You're going for the coaches challenging.
Because she said Lane said they were going to meet at Docy, So it's not like they had to go pick other people up and then.
Did all those girls had to get there? I know, but they met there.
So when Lane and Rory were leaving, they were presumably walking straight to Dosi's, which is you know as you know, but they didn't.
They spend a lot of time buying all that stuff inside.
I'm gonna I'm gonna say it's okay on that one.
I think you might have to pick up the second.
Flag and oh yeah, And then they talk about American jigglow. Raise your hand if you've seen American jigglow the Richard gear because there's also the new TV show. Well, I guess we're gonna need all rent it.
I've seen the movie, do you remember?
Richard Gears.
Scott was like, yes, I do remember, clearly, by the way.
In fact, it wasn't in the that I saw Noble.
Well, or you just didn't notice, because let me ask two questions. Sex and the City the movie. Everyone talks about the scene and it's like not even one second and many people remember that movie where it's based on a book and it's Ben Affleck and the wife pretends she's been murdered or kidnapped, but it's all set up a girl gone girl, and there's a mill a second shot of allegedly ben Afflex, which I definitely did freeze frame. So I think it tracks that they would go see American Jigglow for the one scene on a bachelorette party. I actually thought that sounded fun on a bachelorette party to go to a movie even though they missed it.
Yeah, they missed it.
So like they're celebrating a small town bachelor bachelorette party at its finest. Yeah, am I right?
Did you did anybody else wonder why ke on the exchange student was still there two years later.
Has it been two years?
I thought it was still just a year.
I had to look it up and her first appearance was in season four, so she was in season four, five and six.
I just assumed she was in town for the wedding, like I don't. I don't think she stayed, but that was just my guess.
Maybe she just moved. But her Avril Levine shirt and I get under her outfit rock.
Yeah, she was so funny.
That was a good outfit under the outfit.
Yeah, smooth, a little snappy too.
Yeah, And.
We rocked out to her in Vegas. Oh yeah, remember in the parking lot. Oh, you weren't there.
And the sidekick is going, we get that she's talking to Christopher regularly and a girl barfed.
Yeah, but.
Says it's got to be some kind of record.
Done the night.
Like all they did was walk across the street.
Is it still the same scene when they bump into the boys.
Yeah, it's just like two steps over.
So then they got me the boys and I learned all the bars. Dell's the chimney sweep burn down. That's a funny whole bit.
There should be like in stars hollow, like that was a missed opportunity to not have the local bar, you know what I.
Mean, it's a family show.
Yeah, there's no bar, although they did go to a bar back in the day.
Remember Lorelei, there is a bar in season seven.
At Yale there was so maybe like older years, like you know this this season, we could have been introduced to a bar. Yeah, like coming here for years.
I want Rory to come home during like Christmas break run into d and Linda.
Would it be the chimney sweep Erdells or do you want a different bar?
Cheers would have been it would have been Dozy Danes or Dane's Dozy bar.
It's the connection between the windows.
But nothing beats a wreck room at Brian's Aunts.
Was that what it was?
And then they all roll over there. I mean I was like, that is so good.
And did you catch the little foreshadowing from Laureli when she said there's plenty we can do tonight that we can be mortified about tomorrow.
She wasn't kidding, It wasn't joking around, all right, So now we are at well, now we get the rate. Michelle seon packing to go see Celene Dion and shocking Laurela on the phone saying he's not going And I mean, I understand what's He's seen her five times, but he was never in the front row before, but now he's in the front.
Row, and I mean, I get it relates that.
Let's face it, man, Oh my god.
And she says fracking Celene Dion, which do you know what that is from? I'm pretty sure it's from Battlestar Galactica. They called this instead of saying the F word, I think they say fracking, like throughout.
The whole show.
Oh, really, cracking Celene Dion. I mean it's so timely too, because we just got to see Queen Selene come out at the Grammy.
And Taylor just totally ignored her.
But I don't think she did. I mean she did, she overwhelmed. I do think she could have been a little bit more gracious, like I.
Would have bowed down to.
It was a little weird that she just like took the thing. I'm like, that was weird.
I also didn't know and so after the fact, the guy who walked her out was her son.
Yeah, oh so I was years old when I lean I saw I saw it on TikTok.
So when I was like, oh, I don't know the guy who was holding she was holding onto a guy's arm. It was her son, and that is.
Making a documentary I cannot wait to watch.
I know. I also thought the coat was she rocked the coach. I was like, I liked it.
I'm like, she really did look good, didn't she She does.
I don't know a lot about stiff person syndrome, and I'm interested to see the documentary to learn more. And then of course it's coming up on my TikTok a little bit because I started watching all the Sleen stuff. But yeah, I mean that lady's a baller.
M hm. She is and I and I have seen her in Vegas and it top top two shows. I don't know what number two is, but literally one of the best shows I've ever been to my life. She's amazing.
I regret not seeing.
My impression of Taylor Swift was that she was incredibly grateful and surprised she won, and I thought it was unfortunate that yet again she's attacked sort of you know, sideways, she can't.
Win, I mean together backstage, like right after that.
Came right, what happened backstage.
They took a.
Picture together backstage, like right after that. So I think that kind of made up.
No, I'm talking about the about the jay z comment.
Oh, that's right. That became a whole thing too.
Yeah, it's like.
Confused why the jay Z's thing was about Taylor.
It wasn't, but it was about Beyonce beyond everybody because of.
Conn Taylor's moment. I don't because.
Being on stage.
Oh sorry, go ahead, No, But wasn't it because Taylor won Album of the Year.
No, he was saying the year.
It was a different, totally different category.
But he was saying, is that hasn't one album of the year yet. It wasn't really a dig towards Taylor.
One album of the year that night Taylor, Okay, So it was was before that, before she won.
His whole point was his wife has had has won countless Grammys and yet has never won Album of the Year. That was his point.
But what is all this calling judges out all the time or people in the academy and it's like it's a party. It's also it's kind of a silly business, and you give awards for these things and it's all very subjective anyway, totally.
Somebody was let's is somebody.
Just taking this too seriously? And it's like, yes, because you got invited to the party, you're making millions of dollars, you're a billionaire. It's like, dude, really.
Well, there's a thing called the Podcast Awards, of which we were not nominated, and people get like very upset right about the Podcast Awards. Why wasn't I nominated? Why were they nominated? YadA YadA, And the best way to explain it is, I am a voting member for an award show that I will not name, Not the Grammys, obviously, there's an award show that exists that I vote on. No, that would be amazing, I would like. And sometimes I'm gonna admit this, I vote by who I like, So say it's about their song or the choreography in their video. Let's just say sometimes I vote for who I like, and I'm not always fully fully basing it on choreography in the video. Like sometimes I'm just like Harry Styles, you know what I mean, Like I think that happens on all these things.
Does that make sense when you put it that way? That makes sense?
Sometimes I'm just.
Like it's totally subjective, totally, and I mean it's it's I guess, mostly merit based. So it is you could say argue that it's somewhat of a meritocracy because you know, you look at album sales and you look at concert ticket sales and all that, and obviously this is a big star, but you don't get album of the year and and I don't know, I just I don't get it. I don't get it because that's not a way to get Album of the year next year. That's like you just killed your chances. Like is Kanye ever going to get album of the Year ever in his life after pulling a stunt like that.
Well it was a different stage and right.
And I think the guy's a genius.
To bring it back to Christopher going to the wedding, I did actually think I do think it was sort of cute when she said, do you want me to see if dad can go? Like it was so harmless that it was like okay, yeah, okay, so let's get into it. What did you guys think of that? I have a feeling that a couple of you are not going to like it.
I mean, I understood when Rory said it. It was like for her, it's her dad. But I kind of like, I was like, oh, here we go again, Like yeah, when you think about like big picture, you know, I understand.
Yeah, Like I understood what she.
Was trying to do, but I knew that it wasn't going to end well.
Rory was just doing her job as a storyteller.
Man is being suspiciously silent.
I just you know, I as soon as Christopher came into the picture, you just know something bad is going to happen, because every time he comes sniffing around, something hits the fan. And so you know, when Murray made that suggestion, I was like, you know, you really are not smart. But at the same time, like I wanted Laura to go to Elaine's wedding, and apparently it was the only way that could happen because she'd been forbidden Taylor.
By the way, I don't know why they didn't just ask Taylor, yeah that would he was in the Why not?
Well, that wouldn't have That wouldn't have created any real dramatic tension. And that's another question I have, And I'm gonna I'm gonna jump up here and say, did did this episode need drama. Did it need that?
It did? Yeah?
Do you think this episode could have existed without just the comedy?
Just just yes, but not this far into the season, Like if this was earlier in the season. Yes, But I feel like we're inching towards the finale.
We gotta we gotta move the plot along, pus.
I give me some drama on all of them. Like, I don't need just to go lucky Gilmore, give me, give me the juice.
Like having a really good time with this episode and then things start to get I get that, But.
There's no such thing as just a really good time really. I mean, it's it's my whole theory of I love to hate it, you know, like I get frustrated or bummed, but then I'm like, I love to hate it. I love to love Christopher unlike the rest of Gilmore world. There's something about him. I luck.
You know, I do have to agree with you, Like, for all his flaws, there is something about him that I just kind of empathize a little with.
I just I just yeah, I just even though he's kind of a hot mess, I do think he loves Lorlai. From the day they met till the day they die, he will always love her.
Do you think you have like, do you think you feel for him now that he has a kid like this far into the show, or did you always that way?
I've always liked him.
I've always liked seen him in the Wreck. I like seeing him in the episodes like I do. Whether he's he I disagree with him or whether I love him, you know whatever. I just always do like seeing him with in scenes with Lorelei and Rory, I just enjoyed them.
And David Zecla plays him likable, like you can argue it a million ways if he's not likable, but like there is something likable about him. There just is. Nope, I mean I think there is.
He just comes off as smarmy to me.
I just never.
Do you like him as a character though, because like I do, I like him as a character, even if he swore me or you know, a loser like I do, feel like.
He never If he was a high schooler, then yeah, he would be fine. But he's a grown up. He's like he's I don't know. It's kind of hard because to some extent, both of them, their development was was stunted when they had a kid. So both of them are kind of sixteen year olds inside.
Yeah true, But Laura I really matured and still moved on with her life, whereas Christal, she's still a sixteen year old even.
I mean more than he more than he did, more than he did.
Correct, Yeah right, I you know, he's the kind of character, that person whatever. My mother would have shaken him by the shoulders, smacked him and say get your act together.
I think he's exactly what he would be, right Like Amy and Dan created a character. To me, that's exactly what that character would be. The popular guy in school who comes with the rich parents who are kind of not right to him. He gets the high school sweetheart pregnant, she says, I'm not marrying you. He does the quote right thing. He's just exactly what that character would be. And Roy has to have a dad, So I don't like it.
Roy doesn't respect him, but she doesn't respect him.
I think a little bit more now she does not respect him.
No, she just likes him, fine, she doesn't. She doesn't dislike him.
Yeah, I think she.
She doesn't look to him like a father figure, but she likes him fine because he's quite likable. He likes that logan, but what he'd going, Scott all right, racking, Christopher racking.
You know, we missed some really nice there were some great lines going on in that Michelle Singe Celine dance. Oh yeah, where'd this Marian Jennat Jamison come from?
Oh yeah, wait, that's right. She says that that's funny because she says that, like when he veils her.
That was in Missus Kim's home when they when they first come into Missus Kim's for the wedding, for the Korean part of the wedding, right, yeah.
Because she's with Christopher and she didn't, Yeah, she says, she didn't.
They think I'm like, like, I'm practically Jenna Jameson.
Dressed like her.
Yeah, right, because it goes back to the whole thing that because if she had shown up without a man, people would think she was you know, quote unquote loose, and so she was just exaggerating that point.
It's so good. And then and.
Then the grandmother letting use and they first.
We have the whole wedding, right, the Buddhist wedding.
Yeah, we have the whole thing. Yeah, And Zach coming in in that blue dress was hysterical.
The costumes were just amazing.
They really were. I mean, they really nailed it.
I think as a first time viewer, Danielle, you think that's the wedding.
Yeah, you're completely more like, this.
Is the wedding. They're standing, it's a wedding. There's a whole to do, and you're like, okay, and.
Then the party starts.
Well, the first we have to have the church wedding for sure. Yeah, there's really three weddings in this episode. This wedding could have this show could have been called three weddings and a drunken, drunken speaking speech.
And air, and I.
Do want to talk about that.
Yeah, there's no affair continued. So we've got the Buddhist wedding and then what the real wedding?
I like that Miss Patty had been camped out there all morning. She was like knitting or whatever she was doing all day.
If on the going back for just a second of the Korean wedding. I loved that Grandma flew in went to the wedding and then got in the taxi and drove off. Yeah, flew in from and then left again.
Literally like get in the car and you're gone.
What was the thing that upset the grandmother so much that she took missus Kim into the living room and started screaming at her.
That's a great question because.
She, you know, the grandma was upset right right from the get go of that ceremony. Such a good question, so I figure it, Oh, something must be wrong. That's the wrong, the priest or the.
The Buddhist guy, the Buddhist guy.
I don't know.
Does anybody speak Korean? But what about some internet sleuth Jackie? While we keep talking, can you what.
Was the issue there that forced her out? Did we did we miss that?
I mean no, we we think we wouldn't know because we don't speak Korean.
Yeah, they never said. I think the point was just to like, because Laurla even makes some comment to Christopher something about how families are all the same or something like that, Like they're just trying to maybe make the point that whatever language it is, you're speaking, like mothers and daughters have commed.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I got that too, right, But maybe this was a modern version of a traditional wedding. And the grandma objected and this is not what we agreed to and how dare you? And she left. She was offended. I who knows?
When do we have the awkwardest? Is that a word? Awkwardest? The most awkward conversation of all time between missus Kim.
But it was the funniest. It was the best speech. It was the best speech that Missus Kim ever had. They gave her gold that it's a job, it's a terrible things you must do.
Maybe like me.
Thank god, I only did it once.
Luckily, if you're like me, you only have to do it once. I can you ask for better dialogue than that? You cannot? And Emily Corona must have been drooling when she read this. I mean, just yay, funny. I fell off the couch. That was just fantastic. I keep underlining where's Luke?
He's on the trip in Philadelphia?
The longest trip ever, the ten days trip?
Yeah, okay, also Philip, who is not that far from there?
For what I mean, it's probably five hours okay.
I looked up a Reddit thread on what they're saying in Korean. So there's three different scenarios. So the first one is basically Lane saying I'm happy you came. Her grandmother says, it's great to be here. Why did you put the statue in that room indoors. Oh, and she goes, it's so dirty and stuffocating in here. Open the doors. Missus Kim says, you're right, I should tidy up grand The grandmother says, why didn't you come to the airport. Missus Skim says, you told me not to. Oh, And then grandmother says, we must about one hundred any times. And then during the ceremony, the grandmother says the statue is broken, and missus Skims like, mother, the ceremony has started, and the grandmother says, how can it start when the statue is broken. Missus skim, the statue is fine, Grandmother, come here. How dare you talk to me like that? Missus Skims says, all I did was answer, and the grandmother says, no, you humiliated me.
I guess Oh, wow, juicy.
Okay, this is going to read it, so I you know.
And if you can't trust read it, who can you trust?
That's pretty deep, pretty good intel, pretty specific way to go.
All right, So she goes, and then everybody runs into the church, which is hysterically funny scene. And now we're in the church and they do the wedding and then the real party starts. Is when the when the wedding is over.
Is this where we get the little story though, where Lane tells I'm sorry. Laura Lai tells Christopher about Rory and Lorli meeting Lane for the first time, and we learn in kindergarten that she said come play with me or something.
Yeah, Rory was wearing it.
She go in the mansion, so legit, I kind of want that. So good.
That was a cute story.
Yeah, and then he kind of says, wonder who will be next? Obviously no, he says.
Rory, Ry's next. Maybe Rory's next. Yeah, Rory could be next to space. Yeah, all right, So now the wedding's over and everybody's looking for the bar. Laurlai wants the bar, Christopher wants the bar. Where's the bar? And the money bag Let's not forget the money bag collecting the money and Lester Shin probably stiffed you.
Oh my god, And did you guys notice Kirk. Okay, first of all, I have two questions. Kirk came out of the church with a cooler and the green thing is sleeping. Oh, because he's carrying oh god, of course he's carrying the beds sleeping bag and her cooler because she was there all night.
Miss Patty.
Yeah, oh sorry, miss Patty. Sorry?
Does everybody have their eye am all in mug? Does every you guys? Do you guys have this?
I don't have that.
People stop me on the street. Where do I get one?
O the mug around on the street?
Now they see me using it on the podcast kill Yeah, you can get it, Daniel.
Do we have a lot of those left?
We have a few, limited quantity.
I'm telling you my coffee tastes ten times better in this month. I don't know why that is.
Wait, okay, so thank you Suzanne. Of course, because miss Patty spent the night. I couldn't figure out what that green thing was. Okay, excellent, excellent?
Uh Roy could be next wedding. So now they're partying. Everybody's partying now.
And did you see at the beginning of the party they had that shot that was like the cover of the White Stripes album, but it was Lane and Zach instead of the White Stripe.
Oh I didn't get that, but that's cool. I thought the wedding looked the actual third wedding looked amazingly fun. Well, that's the one I would want to go to.
Honestly, the whole day seems.
To all three.
Yeah, this is where Gil looks good. And I think it's funny when he's like, I'm glad somebody else is married now.
Trials and tribulations.
And music, Oh yeah, Heart of Glass. I'm a believer.
That wasn't cheap the music in this episode.
No, they had to pay a Beatles royalty. They Apple Music, Little Apple Records royalty. Yeah, Paul McCartney made money off. That was good for him.
Yummy the yummy guys. Wait, what was the bar called yummy enough?
Yummy yummy bartenders?
Are they yummy enough? That's oh my god. Totally reminds me of Sex and the City again because they have the hot sour dough guys on the new one. Nobody's watching it other than me, but if you're watching it, you get it.
K Kirk originally wanted to call him tasty morsels of manhood, but he went with yummy bar.
Tenders and then he gets so mad at him. But anyway, continue.
And then we come to the toast. Uh, you know, people making speeches, Rory telling reading that charming letter from one Lane was in what kindergarten were not kindergarten.
But oh yeah, which was a weird thing. Yeah, I thought it was just an awkward to marry a different guy. I thought that was.
Weird, Like, out of all the things you can say about your friendship, you're going to read this and be like, by the way, she just love someone else.
It was weird.
Yeah, she didn't really put a lot of effort into it.
It was kind of cute, and I think it denotes how far back they go. And yeah, I get that she actually saved a letter from that far back and that value is her friendship. Yeah, maybe are okay?
I mean for someone who's a writer, I thought she could have come up with something a little better to shame.
Yeah, keep that flat on the ground.
Yeah nice.
Brian's wasn't that great either, Yeah, what did he say? It was just all about Zach.
It was just like, oh, yeah, Zach, You're like Lane, is there something wrong with you? Yeah?
Oh, Lane's hair looked cool down and she was all sassed up.
But I think I think it was It started getting troubling when the twenty shots of tequila showed up and they started just downing that stuff.
Well, it started getting troubling when when lorel I sees the photo of April and.
Rory, Oh, right, that was when she went and got the shots.
I mean, I get it, she's sad.
I don't know.
I think Rory explained it as.
About to lose. You think you're losing a guy like luc It's going to drive you to drink, that's for sure.
And I think I kind of just thought of this in this moment. But like when she's with Christopher, she's kind of in her like high school mentality, and I feel like when you're young and you're like, oh, I'm gonna drink, it's going to solve a problem. I mean not like everyone does that, but you know what I mean. Like so I think that's why it kind of worked with Christopher being the one she's you know what I mean, Like it all kind of comes back around to her.
Well, the history of tequila, you know that it's kind of their default.
Yeah, it's like when he's around she regresses. Yes, well, she reverts back to high school behavior. Right.
I agree completely, And before we get into the real mess of it, hep alien this is where they sing I'm a believer. Was that the monkeys?
Yes, smash the Monkeys, smash smash mouth mouth.
No, you got.
People are going to get mad at me because.
They said nineteen sixty eight.
Mean to my co workers, it's not a smash mouth song. Smash mouth we did it.
They covered it.
Well, guess what did they did? They sing it? They sure did.
Yes, the Monkeys actually took it from Tchaikovsky.
You know when I saw her face.
Yeah, that's that's smash of the Monkeys.
That's the Monkeys.
That's totally smash.
It certainly is not definitely the Monkeys and then redone by smashing the whole time.
Old Diamond wrote that, didn't he. Now I got to look it up.
Yeah, yeah it was. It was written by Neil Diamond.
Because The Monkeys was a put together kind of not a fake band, but they were. It was a Hollywood casting crack. It was like they were doing a TV show as well, because The Monkeys was a show which we watched every week.
They were actors playing a band, and then were they.
Were actual musicians two of them were. Oh, but there were two real actors in the which too.
They were so Davy and Mickey were actors and Mike and Peter were musicians. Oh really, but the whole premise was that they were hired for this TV show. Like, they didn't set out to be a band, they were hired to create a TV show.
The Monkeys are still alive. One or two one.
One, just Mickey every Michael na passed away.
Yeah, I saw his last show.
It was how crazy whoa?
It was really good. He died like a month later, like three years.
The show was really good.
Huh, yeah, it was awesome.
When was that.
Twenty two?
I think? But when you google, I'm a believer, Like, the first thing that.
Comes up is a picture of Shrek, doesn't It doesn't It is the.
Track, it's the Monkeys.
Nothing is ever the right, both Danielle and Tara at the exact same moment saying that such a mouth song, and we're.
Like, don't learn history through Wikipedia, please.
I wasn't alone, all right, It's not it's just Shrek.
Ryan's making it.
I'm taking it.
If you google, its just a picture.
Of It's not it's just not maybe just google. I'm a believer. I'm not going to I'm staying strong on that. You guys even said get it. I'll get it. Susanne. Ryan's making out with the exchange student. Oh, that was awesome. I love total because you didn't I have They made out for a while.
I wasn't maybe I maybe I was looking away.
I just saw it for a second.
Well, so Laura le I stumbles up to give her speech, which was great because you heard this. She ran into the symbols obviously. She ran into drum set a little bit, which is great.
She doesn't play drunk great though, Sorry.
But she underplayed it and I thought it, Wow, he underplayed it.
That's right.
I think it's you know, when you're when you're that, when you're that pissed drunk. I think that's the only route you can take as an actor.
Does anybody get drunk to play those scenes?
That would be no, you can't do. Anybody that has tried then, I'm sure there are people that I've heard people have tried that. Yeah, they regretted it the rest of them.
Who plays drunk best? It's not Lauren Graham, although I love her more than anything.
You know who plays drunk really well was Keiko? Yeah, fought did a drunken phone call to her mother. She was fantastic.
They played drunk. They spin around a bunch of times.
Yeah, well that's a good time.
Actors say they just turn and turn and turn and turn a bunch of times. Did I make that up? No, playing drunk would be hard.
It's it's one of the it's the hardest thing to do in acting. It's really hard to do. I thought she I thought Lauren did a great job with it. I'm glad she underplayed it.
Anybody I thought it was.
I thought it was pretty good.
Amy on this it wasn't the best. And the speech, the speech was like started out like okay, it wasn't terrible in the beginning, and then it really fell off.
And also, why does she think she's not getting married, not to be like a total want want, but like she's getting married.
Well, I think because of the whole conversation with about the.
Picture, right, she doesn't think she is right.
I think that's when she realized, Okay, yet again, now Rory is you know, connected to April and Laura. I still is not. And I think, you know, because Luke has never had any kind of conversation with her about it. She's like, all right, here's even more evidence that I'm on the way out. So I think she just was sad from having If she hadn't seen that picture, I don't think it would have gone that way. But I think that's why that's why she starts veering in that direction, just because she realizes that now Rory knows April too.
Yeah, And I think whether she wants to admit it or not, she like definitely has an attachment to June third, and we know that that date was coming sooner rather than later, and they're up against the time crunch right now June third is not happening. So I think in her mind, June third doesn't happen. Then it's never happened. It's never happened.
So interesting, interesting, which I do agree with her.
Well, anyway, she delivered the speech, they came up on stage and they take her away, take her away, and then.
And don't you love Christopher? In that scene, he's, of course, oh, shoot to get your mom.
I wanted her to keep talking.
In front of the whole No, just keep going. That was super cringe.
It was super cringe.
Anyway, So now we're at home, puts her on the couch, gets her head up. Rory gets a phone call. Logan's been hurt in Cambodia. I'm sorry, Costa Rica. She goes, and now the two of our star crossed lovers are I.
Was just about to say our lovers.
Our star cross lovers.
But they're not lovers.
He didn't.
There's nothing, There was no funny business. He just put her of that.
It's interesting because I don't as a first time watcher, I don't feel that anything happened. But I sort of think Lorelai is unsure if anything happened. When she answered the phone and she looks and she's like, oh my god, like for I mean, watching it for the first time, I think that Lorelai thinks that she hooked.
Up with Cus may I. I throw a flag on that. Sure, nobody hooks up with somebody and then they get up and sleep in a chair. Nothing happened. He's watching her because she's all drunkie, and he's being a good guy, and that's why he's sleeping in there.
Maybe, you know, I think it was. It's kind of enough that laurel I wakes up and realizes she's talking to Luke on the phone and Christopher is in the bedroom where she's been getting drunk with him. That's enough of a cheat in her mind.
I don't know.
I think she's in.
A confusion to like, WHOA, this is like inappropriate and I had too much to drink and I, you know, kind of went over.
Yeah, she woke up and realized she made an ass of herself at the wedding.
All came back to her and also the situation that she's in right now with Christopher in her room is not going to be okay with Luke and you shouldn't be okay with Yeah. So here comes another wedge that's she's gonna it right in the middle of their relationship.
Yeah, And that was kind of the perfect ending right there, right there sucked all the humor right out of the room. And then there we go with drama rama. Uh anyway, okay, so what do you give this episode, guys? And what is your yardstick? Susanne?
I I liked this episode until until Laura I gave her toast, So I'm going to give it a seven point Wow. I really loved it, and then I really hated it, So I have to like average that out somehow.
Where is my pay.
Seven point five?
Yummy bartenders, Danielle.
I'm going to give it eight point seven five April Lavine shirts.
Nice start us soon, terrible score, but you stole my thing. Okay, keep going.
I'm going to give it church seats.
Nine, church seats.
Nine out of the forty.
Pen Selene Beyond's contents, I mean seven.
That's hard. I'm going to give it. What am I going to give it? I'm going to give it nine point seven five buddhas Oh good one.
Did you have a favorite line?
It's got to be missus Kim with all of her lines, but the one that really just like put me out and on the floor was I think luckily for me, I only had to do it once, but it was just like she she stole this episode.
She did, she stolen mine. Was After Lorelai's speech, Zach turns to Wayne and he goes, totally perfect wedding, Oh so good?
What was your I just really like the fifty eight seats and sixty two career pretty good, that's pretty funny.
Good. That could have been actually the title of the show.
I know, well, like said Scott, like I rewounded, I'm like what they say.
Right, Yeah, I want to Amy, did you say.
Every mention of a d everybody?
Mine was when they were in the newsroom and Paris had written like the point counterpoint, and she tells Rory, I can't pick a side either way.
I look at it. I'm right.
Oh okay. Next episode, Kids, Season six, Episode twenty, super Cool Party People. Thank you ladies, Susan French Terror Suit, Danielle Rome, Miami's Sugarman, and best fans on the Plant. Thanks for downloading. We will see you next time. Stay safe, do everybody, and don't forget. Follow us on Instagram at I Am all In podcast and email us at Gilmore at iHeartRadio dot com