Hear the hilarious thing Ali Larter has in common with Rory in this episode!
Plus, she shares what the most important thing is to her when it comes to cooking.
And, is there such a thing as a perfect cookie, we think there is!
I am all in again.
I kiss you.
Luke Steiner with Scott Patterson an iHeartRadio podcast.
Ali, Hi, Hi, how are you? I'm good? How you doing?
I'm good?
Are you talking to us from Idaho?
I am And the snow is falling.
You're killing me. You're just killing me right now. It's so great. So cherry Hill, that's right, hadden.
Field, Oh wow, such a special little town.
Yes, right, yeah. I always just dreamed of Cherry Hill.
Why I had a crush on a blonde girl and Cherry Hill. And I imagine Cherry Hill because it had two high schools four thousand people each. I just imagined that it was a bigger, better place. Oh my gosh, I swear to God, I swear to God.
That's so funny. I think of like growing up in suburbia, and I first took at Philly as being like a bigger, better place, and then once I got a taste in New York, I was like, this.
Is the place right right right, same, same same deal.
Man, So you're Alie Larder is an American actress and model ladies and gentlemen. She celebrated for her roles in Varsity Blues. Legally blind, and Resident Evil franchise, as well as TV series Heroes just a couple of tiny little titles you may or may not have heard of. Beyond acting, she is a passionate home cook and entertainer. In twenty and thirteen, she published Kitchen Revelry, A Year of Festive Menus from My Home to Yours of cookbook showcasing her love for hosting, complete with recipes and tips for memorable gatherings.
Known for her flair for.
Creating cozy, stylish meals, alley delights, and sharing her culinary passion with her fans. Welcome to the I Am All In Again podcast. It is a pleasure and if you haven't been listening. I was fortunate enough to grow up right next door to Sally in Haddonfield, New Jersey, and she is a rival cherry Hill, although.
You were not, were you guys in the Colonial Conference?
I remember playing baseball against Cherry East, but I don't really remember any football games with you guys.
I think you were a different You were a cherry Hill West. So was there a difference?
There was a dividel Yeah, tell me what's the difference between East and West?
I mean, really it was just location. But you know, I grew up in Barkley, and you know it was a really you know, we used to the cover Bridge Swim Club and.
You were cover Bridge. We used to compete against you in swimming Wedgewood Swim Club, cover Bridge. Yeah, you were covered Bridge.
I was Wedgwood.
Yeah. I mean that was a huge part of my childhood is my dad getting up at six in the morning and those freezing cold mornings that are dump and getting into the ice cold water. There was no eighty eight degree boz. We roughed it in Jersey.
We used to run into the showers when the when the coach wasn't looking. I mean we're like seven eight years old and getting tortured like that.
Yeah, I know.
Our summers were filled with like frozen mornings too.
So let's get into this.
First of all. Are you a Gilmore Girls fan?
Look, I think it's such an amazing show, and it like when you think about something that connects with audiences that's timeless, that people keep coming back for more. And I think of Gilmore Girls as being like that warm cup of hot chocolate. You know, it just like goes down real easy, and there's beautiful relationships and you know I think that the chemistry on the show, it was so great. So yes, I thought it was a very special show.
Speaking of hot chocolate, I'm drinking a Lukes hot chocolate right now. I love that we have a collaboration deal with Warner Brothers and we're doing a Lukes hot chocolate as well as the coffee. So then it's delicious and I can't get enough of it. My wife was very worried about me. So have you ever made or given a dessert for someone that you love? Obviously I think you have.
Well, I saw the episode The Rocky Road that she gives Rocky Road cookies, and immediately it made me think of when I was probably fourteen years old around there and fifteen maybe because I had a boyfriend. I had someone who you know, I had a crush on, and I decided to make them chocolate chip cookies. And it was just like, you know, you go to the store and we go to Pathmark and we get all this stuff, and you know, I've always loved cooking. His cooking is a huge part of my family's life. This was, you know, for my crush. And I brought them outside and I was wearing a champion sweatshirt that was tied eyed. I still remember it. And we're hanging outside by the car and we're all talking, and you know, I give them the cookies and he sits them down, and then you know, we say goodbye and he gets in the car and he drives off and the cookies fly off the front of the car. He put the hood and it was so sad. I'm so much happy to be just kept going.
I hope, I hope the relationship had a better faith than the cookies. It was all no, oh no, well the cookies.
You know, that was the bell Weather let you know. Huh.
So what inspired you to write this this kitchen revelry? And and do you have a favorite story behind one of the recipes?
Look, I mean it's such a personal expression of what I love to do. I love to cook, I love to entertain. It's how I show my love for people. And you know, for me, so growing up in Cherry Hill, my grandfather used to come to the door with you know, bushels of zucchini and Jersey tomatoes and fresh corn, and you would sit outside and you just slice up one of the tomatoes with a little salt and pepper. It was just divine and women. You know, all the women in my family are always in the kitchen and we're cooking and enjoying. It was always a place of like laughter and warmth for me. So when I started traveling on my own, it's really how I made connections with people was through food and teach me your favorite thing to make. And then when I moved to New York, I really started throwing more dinner parties and I just loved that I was in a fourth floor walk up above Pete's tavern, and it was just how I don't know, it was how I connected with people, and it made me. It gave me a sense of place and home, you know, as soon as you fill your kitchen with different food. So when I got to the point after we had had our son, Teddy, it was this dream of mine to be able to write down a lot of the recipes that i'd been doing for the last ten years and really show you know, for me, it was always about messy, entertaining and that the lack of perfection. Because there's so much pressure in life, there shouldn't be pressure in cooking. And so I kind of felt like, you know, showing the ideas of the things that I found that worked through kind of the format of dinner parties, and we've I've thrown a lot of raucous dinner parties and friends thanksgivings and all all of the barbecues and everything. So it was really a labor of love. And it took me two years to write it with my best friend Tracy, who's my you know, kitchen revelry partner, many revel risk nights with her, and so it's just I mean, I have so many recipes that are near and dear to my heart in that book.
I can't wait to pick up a copy.
I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna get it.
Yeah, it's beautiful and it's personal because it's shot in our home. You know, it's it's my friends, it's my plates and dishes. So it's not like it was just some staged thing. And you know, we made all these recipes, you know, we just make them over and over and over again and try to make them perfect. But I think that the standouts for me are the economy balls. I still make them all the time. I love the gougeers for the holidays, like I love making fun too, you know, there's a great one in there. So yeah, there's a lot of recipes.
Beautiful stuff.
Yeah, I too have My favorite memories of the old house that we sold in la is just the dinner parties that we would have and just the connections and the fun that we would have. So and we do that here at our new home too. It's just like with my family and it's just like cooking and laughter and it's just it's just my favorite part of the day starts at five o'clock when we prep the meals. You know, it's just and it just goes on. It's my favorite part of.
The day absolutely.
I mean, you can have the crap day of all time, but man, you get in the kitchen and it's like, eh, big deal.
You know, it's just you know, it's a way of like, you know, I think that when you create something and then you see it turn out and it's delicious, Like it's like doing yourself a solid. You know, Yes, you can be proud of this one little part of your day. You know, if everything else is falling apart, but you make your meat or your chicken marbea or whatever you decide you make, if you bake you know, a pumpkin bread, whatever you know, gingerbread, you know, whatever it is, and it turns off or something that you know, it's just that small little wind.
It's just the best. Do you have a signature baked treat that you're known for amongst your circle?
Well, in the well, now it's the holidays, right, So actually to night I'm doing my candy cane crunch cookies. So it's just like a classic butter cookie with white chocolate chips and chopped up candy canes and always for me, vanilla paste. That to me is the difference in baking. Never imitation vanilla not even you know, I like vanilla paste, so you can really see the vanilla beans because I love to bake. So that would probably my candy cane crunch cookies and that when people come over, you know, we do a lot like I do steak up wave a lot. I love to make that. There's tons of things.
Yeah, candy cane crunch cookies. Oh man, does that sound good? And that's in your book and I can make that recipe. I can actually do that all right, Well, I can attempt.
I don't know if I get very easy things that hard in there?
Ali, do you have a go to recipe to impress your friends and family, like when you really want to hit it out of the park. Not saying that they're not all divine.
But yeah, what you find. I do a turkey bracciola that's pretty wonderful. So it's a pound of turkey breast that you line with jutto and then you fill it with the spinach and you roll it up and you see it and then you continue to braze it and stock and that's really beautiful. So when you slice it, it looks really you know, that's kind of impressive and beautiful. For the holidays, also, I'll do parties where I'm just having an incredible charcouterie tray where I do like, you know, a flowerless chocolate cake, where I do you know, cheese and chocolate fond juice. So it's kind of a pick night, which I also love. I love doing my own blue cheese stuffed olives for great martinis. I love doing that. I love one thing that's in my book that I'll start doing for the holidays too. When I do in the summer is that you take raspberries and like a little ball jar and you cover them with vodka and then when you have champagne, you just take a tablespoon of the vodka soaked raspberries and it's such a beautiful dren. So I love for of that.
How do you balance your such a busy career? You're on Landman Now with Billy, Bob Thornton and Tyler Taylor Sheridan series.
How do you do this? Balance the career, family life, love for cooking. How does it all work?
I don't think there's any such thing as balance. It's completely impossible, especially this chapter in my life where we have, you know, a nine and thirteen year old. I'm busy working mom, and I think for me though, when I'm home, we're having family dinners four nights a week. That's how I ground our family, and that's how we always connect at the family table, at the dinner table, talk about your day. And you know, my daughter was like family dinner again. Yeah, family dinner again at the table, you know. And so that to me is one of the ways that I just I love doing it. So it's no effort for me, you know, during takeout is just it's never been my bag. You know. I love to cook and I can throw something together really quickly if needed.
And you're shooting in Texas? Right?
Are you shooting in Texas in Fort Worth? Are you able to go back and forth? Is that a short flight for you?
Is it?
Oh, it's all I do. I will shoot a sixteen hour day. I hop the next flight out. I go straight into parents conferences with the kids sports ballet, soccer and skiing right now. And then you know, we don't we're still on our second season, but I feel like we'll be back in the spring. And then, you know, last year when I did that, you just you know, as a working mom, you just you don't stop. And I just I go for it. And my kids have been amazing. We never go within two weeks and it's usually never that long. So they fly to me, I fly to them, and they kind of are really into having like the city of Fort Worth. And then coming back to the.
Mountains, I want to get into mountain life a little bit.
But let me get through some of these other questions here.
Since your book, your cookbook focuses on seasonal entertaining what's your favorite season to cook for?
And why?
And I think I know why.
I don't know if you know, because I mean, truthfully, it's summer because I like when all the produce is ripe, I just don't don't you don't need to do anything. I mean, when your produce is perfect, you don't need to do anything. And like with living in the mountains, I don't get that. You know, it's very short seasons, and so you know, when you're living in California, which I did for you know, almost twenty years, you get used to just all of your produce being so fresh and beautiful, and now it's actually really I love living back in the seasons, which is where I grew up, you know, with the four seasons, and you know you're not going to eat mangoes in December, right right, So in the summer, I love just the fresh you know, fresh strawberries and making homemade you know crembrou lais and just keeping it really really beautiful.
So big transition from La to the mountains, did you because I know because I feel the same way. I have this conversation with my wife at nauseam about moving to the mountains because we've been trying, I've been trying to move us to the mountains Colorado, Utah, wherever, Idaho. I just started looking at but tell us about that transition.
What was it like. So our children were on zoom. You know, California was shut down for a very long time during the pandemic, and my husband and I were like, why are we sitting here in our house, Like, let's go on an adventure as a family. And we drove into Idaho and decided that we would come for a couple months as the kids could ski. And when we got here, the schools were open, so we put our daughter in kindergarten here in this beautiful public school, and we went back to LA for the summer, and we were kind of just looked at each other and we're like, is this possible? Is this possible? Because my husband and I had built our careers between LA and New York, and you know, when you spend thirty years, you know, putting time and energy into something, the idea of moving away from the epicenter of where the work is is terrifying. So we just really, you know, we looked at each other and we talked about it. We made the decision to go for it. We had such a strong connection to this place and we decided that we wanted to raise our family here and we felt that if we were following what was true to us, that the rest would fall into place. And he took the leap of faith and we moved. Also, the industry has changed and the way that you're auditioning on tape. Now you know, you're not very rarely going into rooms, and that was not the case five years ago, you know, So now it's it's really opened up the place that you know, as creatives and as artists, we don't have to live within that world. And that's a huge gift for us.
And how about the children readjusting and making new friends and leaving old ones?
Was that difficult?
It was difficult for our ten year old at first, but he made the most incredible group of friends here. He has the best wolf back and I'd bring him back to California where he's got his cousins and you know, the people that he, you know, knew when he was little, and it's like no time has passed. So I think that you know, with raising them the mountains where we travel quite often as a family, we loved we take huge trips together, so we like using this as our base. And she continued to travel and yeah, it's been great for them.
Do you involve your children in the kitchen, and do they have favorite dishes they help you with.
Yeah. So my daughter's finally cooking on her own, so that's fantastic. She just destroyed her banana bread the other day because I told her to only put in a cup of chocolate chips. She dumped in the whole bag so then it was chocolate and she was very upset that she'd ruined her banana bread. But she loves to make nutella soup blaze, so she makes them on her own, which is great. And my son loves madelines, so we'll make madelines together. Yeah. So it's it's like now we're getting more into like you know, my daughter does a lot of the egg dishes now and letting.
Ring it so she'll she'll make breakfast for everybody.
Yeah, she loves to.
That's fantastic.
I'm teaching my I have a ten year old son.
I'm teaching him how to cook, and he wants to be involved in everything and help me out, and it's just all great.
That's amazing.
It is.
Do you have.
Ingredients or tools that you can't live without in your kitchen?
What are those?
Well, I mean for baking I love as bachelor because there's something incredibly satisfying about what you scoop the bowl to get out all the better. I love that. I love my like you know the micro the microplanes, because when you're grading parmesan, especially Raygiano, it gives you like very small, fluffy cheese on top of your pasta instead of like the thick rated So I love the micro I think it's a microplane. I love my huge kitchen a mixer. It's one of the huge ones. I love it. It's copper. I adore that. I love my leg brazier. I mean that's used all the time. I have a huge copper stockpot that I can't live without. What else do we love? My mocha masters, how I get my coffee travel And I have the Bravel espresso maker because I do coffee in the morning and I usually like a a little espresso or macchiato in the afternoon.
Uh. I want to get back into mountain life, okay, getting through the winners. Yes, and you're I assume you're all skiers and you go out there and brace it.
I love it. Right now, we got ten inches on Saturday. It's snowing. It's it's the trees are covered. It's just it's like, do.
You have difficulty driving at times?
I husband the other day because you know, he was done in Wilmington filming his show. My husband's on a show called The run Arounds, and he was down there and we got a very early least snow dunt this year, right around Halloween. And he was there and he had not put my snow tires on. And one of the holes that he know is that if we'd live in Idaho, he's going to do some of that heavy lifting mountain snow tires are on. So we're all good. But you know, it's not passed me to get out there and shovel. I mean, we get we might get two three four five feet of snow.
You know.
I'm out there and it's fun though. It's kind of beautiful, right and also it's sunny, you know, so that's really gorgeous too when it's snowing and it kind of glistens everywhere. So I love the weather. I mean, definitely, it's hard in April when it all turns into mud, you know, but then you kind of come into like spring, and I'm just the Mountains of Romance to me.
Are you big powder scars?
You on powdered days, you get up early and just just shred it.
Yeah, yes, you do. We do in our Berniee just like you know, are outside of the snow. They're just totally covered. Sitting at the bottom the mountain. You see the little noses sticking out. Yeah, we really.
Love oh my god, love it. Any new uh, culinary projects or passions you're exploring that you want to share.
Interesting, you know. It's like with the it's been incredible to have the success of the show and to have the audiences truly connect with this. You know, it's like it's this runaway hit. And when you get that and you can get into the zeitgeist and you get to really, you know, tell a story that you love and it connects with audiences, it's very special and very rare. So that to me is exciting. And I think that as the years go on, I probably will dabble in doing another cookbook and maybe you know, from the mountain life here because you know, we'll be up the mountain and we do like the whole like shot skis, you know, and you know, you flip over your ski and do a little sharkooterie on the end backpack and that's just amazing. You've got the bottles of champagne and wine in the snow like that's really fun. And you know a lot of the lake life, you know, and cooking by the fire when you're camping and that kind of stuff has been really incredible to explore because you know, it's a more rugged life, but it doesn't mean you can't still have vabulous food.
Tell us a little bit about the new series you're working with, Billy, Bob Thornton.
You're you know, we have an extraordinary cast. So the show is called Landman and it's based in West Texas and the Permian Basin, and it really dives into the booms and busts of the oil industry and this extraordinary cast from Billy who plays the Landman, I play's ex wife who you know comes back looking to get back together and heal her family. And then you have John Hamm who's the tycoon, Demi Moore and James Jordan and Jacob Laughlin and Michelle who play our children. And it's a really authentic eye into the ups and downs of that world, and you really see how that high stakes lifestyle affects their families and it and affects them as people. So I think that you know, with with Taylor, he's a brilliant writer, and he really is able to round out these you know, multifaceted characters and bring these storylines together to really take you into a world you have.
So if you loved Yellowstone, you're gonna blank land Man really love land Man. Yeah, oh yeah, uh yeah, he's he's terrific writer. Love his movies too.
Those He's such a talent and he, you know, in the way that my character is unabashedly bold, Taylor's unabashedly bold, and you know he's he's just an incredible creative.
All right, last question here, because we know you're busy. You got a million things to do.
Holiday starts after this.
So let's go out with a real bang here. Okay, if you were to come into Luke's Diner, Yes, what would you order and where would you sit?
Okay? Two fried eggs, Chrispy bacon, begel everything beg old with cream cheese, side of Tabasco coffee half and half.
Wow, there you nailed it.
You got it coming anytime You're gonna get it.
Ali larder. Thank you so much.
Great meeting you, great talking to you, and uh, everybody, go get her cookbook and watch land Man.
She's the holidays you and your family.
Thank you so much.
Bye, take care, hey everybody, and don't forget.
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