Town Meeting: Close Your Eyes and Breathe

Published Jan 14, 2025, 5:00 AM

It’s the first time we hear Lorelai’s iconic line, I Smell Snow…and boy did it come down excessively…but was it snoap or paper snow?

And, we spotted a crew member ducking behind the bushes in a scene…we’ll tell you where.

Plus, could a joke in this episode be the foreshadowing of a fan theory? Find out!

I Am all in again.

Oh that's just you.

I Am all in Town meeting with Suzanne French and Tara suit An iHeartRadio podcast.

Hey guys, welcome back to another episode of I'm All in Town meeting with myself, Tara and Suzanne.


Hello, We're gonna.

Be talking about season one episode eight, Love and War and Snow, which aired on December fourteenth.

Two thousand.

I feel like these episodes are coming faster because I'm like, this is our first town meeting, like in the show, Yes, it's our first town meeting. But I'm like, I didn't realize it's on episode eight. Like it's just feels like we're pounding through it, right.

I know, this was a pretty solid episode.

I thought I kind of forget, like, I mean, we've been talking about it. But season one had such memorable episodes like this one with you know, when she goes through lorealized room and brings out the pictures and you know, and the snow and and this is where isn't.

This the first ice smell snow is? Yeah, yes, this is where.

We get ice smell snow. And we got it twice in this episode.

Too, And that snow was a lot of paper.

It was really fat chunks of snow.

It was it was like I understand, like it was supposed to be like a storm, like a snow storm, but like some of the scenes, I'm like, they're really just dumping down the snow.

Yeah, and none of it was on actors.

Right. I was just gonna say the porch scene, like the snow is coming down like crazy, but then when they step onto her porch, they're like perfectly clean and dry.

She has one she has one snowflake and it's actually sewn into her beanies. Oh well, right off the bat, that clown pillow was front and center.

It was right there. Yeah, and the piano too. We still have the piano in the living room.

So episode eight was still a piano.

But is that, like, is that the most prominent we see the clown pillow because I feel like they even it wasn't even like the top half. It was like a quarter of the pillow when she's listening to the voicemail.

Yeah, there was one angle. I think it was the episode where Dean came over to watch the movie and they were standing there talking in the living room.

It was on the stairs.

You could see, No, it was by the window, but you could see the entire pillow, okay, and it was like a welllit scene, so it was like it was really clear.

And I was thinking maybe because she was also wearing red and the pillow is red, that it maybe it stood.

Out a little bit more for me.

Yeah, that could be.

And it was like two minutes into the episode.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I had one red flag on this episode as I am in my eighth year as a marching band mom, and they do not just randomly walk around town in their band uniforms.

You know.

I was thinking the same thing.

Those uniforms are expensive. They can be like two hundred dollars apiece. Like they're not just walking around town in them, especially with the shako and the plume and everything not in the snow in the there's no way. Like my son he's in his college band and he's in Reno, so with snows up there, and they they take the plumes out, the feathers if they if the forecast is bad, they don't wear those in there with their uniforms because those are expensive. So like they're not going to be walking around in the snow.

I actually didn't know that because I was on cheer in high school, and we used to have to wear like on game days, we wore our well, we wore our uniforms, but there was like different variations, like instead of the skirt, you can wear the pants, or like we always had jackets, so like there were different variations. But I actually didn't know that about bands. I just assumed that was accurate because on game days we would wear our uniform Yeah, we did too.

I was in drill team team and we always had we wore our sweaters and skirts on game days. But the band uniforms are just for performances because got it, they're pretty expensive.

I did laugh when they the teacher said, don't put your lips to your your instrument, and I was like, honestly, I didn't think about that.

I know I didn't either, but don't.

But don't people perform out in the cold so like that they do.

I don't know. The last game. We went to my son's game over Thanksgiving break and it was it's actually started to snow at the beginning of the game. It was about thirty five degrees somewhere around there, and they still played. I don't know, maybe if it gets like really cold then it's a problem, but I don't know. I'm a California girl. What do I know?

Well, I mean, I mean, my main thing was in this episode was that snow.

It's just yeah, the way I'll bring it up, the whole episode, I'm like, it's dumping snow and no one has any snow on them, even with the band stuff, Like they didn't get any snow on them like they're which is.

I understand, it's a TV show. I know that, but it was like, give them a little more snow, I know.

And I wonder, like how because I know that they have you know, the snope or whatever you want to call it, but I wonder how much of it was like added later.

Oh you mean like in post production?


Yeah, Well, I don't think it was snope because of the way it was setting.

Like it was actually a pile of snow. I actually think it was.

I I guess we would have to ask Scott, but I think it was like paper like paper sell flakes. And then the scene on the porch where Larel talking to Max and it's just like pouring behind them. I feel like that was it was in post production. I don't think they were just pounding out snow there because it was more than like when they were walking up to the porch right right.

Yeah. Some scenes though, it was like really excessive, like the scene where Luke was taking them coffee. You could barely even see loop because.

There was so much snow and so much I know.

Another thing I had that I noticed, and I don't know if it's another episode, tell me if I'm wrong, But have we ever seen that food stand with those what was it called the Fahita Burgers?

Oh? The yeah, the I forget what they called it. It wasn't it was something burger, Yeah, something burger, and that's over Burger, Fiesta Burger. That was. I think we saw that one other time.

I just have never seen that stand.

Yeah, it's over by the church. I remember Lorelei and Rory going there before. I think, I think on now, I don't know if this is what it was meant to be, but it's it's you know where that Casey's bar is, that's at the at the back of the lot by the church. I think it's like a walk up window there. I don't know that in the episode that's what it was meant to be, but that's where it physically is.

Yeah, I saw that with the way they walk after I kind of noticed it was on that end, But I guess I was just like, on a snow day, you're going to use the You're gonna use the wall like I want to go in somewhere like it's pouring snow, You're gonna use the walk.

Up unless everything else was supposed to be closed because it was so stormy. I don't know.

I guess I would just assume you don't want to go inside a picture, I know, which.

You would think. I know, But they're walking all over town and snow.

Yeah. That was only my there were those were my only two reel the.

I didn't really have anything else this episode.

I was like trying to look, I'm now watching these episodes being like a intense Avid. I'm like pausing and rewinding and I'm like, nope, that's just a normal cup in the background.

No Powerpuff Girl.

A couple things. One is that Lane is wearing the same green sweater that Rory wore in episode four, and at first I thought, oh, that's funny they used the same sweater twice, but then I realized that that actually makes sense with the story because.

She's staying at Rory's right.

Because she ran away from band practice in the band uniform and so she went to Rory's house and put Rory's clothes on, Like it makes total sense because she wasn't Yeah, you had to get out of the band uniform, and that's true, she wasn't at home, so she put her best friend's sweater on. So I'm like, oh, that's kind of sweet. I love that.

Actually, the more I think about it, I'm like, missus Kim just like let her go and stay there.

That was my other question. How did missus Kim not question where she was in this snowstorm? Like wouldn't you be worried about where your kid was?

And also, well they definitely didn't tell missus Cam that Maximadina was staying there.

But when I was.

Actually at like hours after I watched the episode, I was like, isn't it weird if you're at your best friend's house staying with her mom and her and your best friend's teacher is on the couch.

Like isn't that a weird scenario?

That is a weird scenario.

Yes, Like I'd feel really young, I'd like walk home. I'd be like, yeah, I probably would have to. I wouldn't have been super comfortable with that. And if I was Laura, I would have made Max leave. I mean, I know, it's like a giant snowstorm or whatever, but like maybe he could stay at Babat's house or like she could find someplace for him to stay.

But I thought that was a little weird.

Yeah, like I understand being safe and stuff like that. Yeah, it was just like everyone was so okay with it. I was more happy that she did not continue what then I had plans with Lane.

Down the hall. Yeah, but it was good that they threw some cold water on that for sure.

Well, because at first you're kind of wondering, right, You're like, he's he will Also, why was he so into it? Like Elayne's in the other room and she had to put a pause to it right exactly.

He's like just ready to pick up where they left off. I mean, yeah, that was again being able doesn't have a lot of boundaries. So one other thing, when they were at Richard and Emily's house, I love that whole thing with Richard and Emily and the frozen pizza and Emily like got to see kind of how Rory and Laurela lived and realized, Okay, frozen pizza is not so bad if you put a nig on it. But I I question. I feel like she was too young Emily to have a thing for Errol Flynn because Errol Flynn was from like the thirties and forties and Emily would have been born probably early or mid forties. I just feel like she would have been too young to have a crush on Eryl Flynn.

I thought that was that one went right over my head because I don't know who erl who that is.

Still just thought that was kind of a weird red flag because he like, he is like old old movies, not like Emily Era, right, I don't know.

There was a really funny line at their house when Richards just reading like his magazine and he's like, Rory, are you malnourished anyway, and she's like no, I'm good. Like it was just so it was such a funny beat that I was like, ah, that was not only written well, but like executed so flawlessly, and it was just so funny and.

Yeah, that was great. My favorite line in this was at the very beginning of the episode, where they were at the town meeting and Taylor referred to the lava lamp as drug paraphernalia.

Honestly, like, Oh, the other thing about the town meeting, I was like, I love how they had hot dogs, Like they just like they went to the movie theater and picked up like you know when those sleeves are like a seven to eleven.

Yeah, I'm like, Luke's doesn't have hot dogs. Where'd they get the hot dogs from?

It was like they'd been to the circus or something.

They were like a gas station. Yeah, Like it was just very funny. I was like the choice of food and it was a great sorry to go back, but it was a great introduction to the chaos of the town meetings because you felt like.

You like I had. I had.

It took me a second to realize that was the first one, because you're just thrown into it and you're like, oh, this is normal.

They do this once a week, right, right.

Yeah, it was very just like this is just a normal situation for them. Like you said, you were just kind of thrown into it. I did have one fun little thing near the end of the episode. You can see I guess it's a crew member somebody in the background of a scene like walking, and it's well, we'll try to grab a screenshot, although you actually need to kind of watch the episode and to see him moving. But it's when Rory comes home in the morning and she comes up on the front porch and Laurel I opens the door to tell Rory that Max is are there, and when when she first opens the door and then it cuts to Rory, there's a person standing on the other side of loralized jeep, like at the back of the scene, and they they it's like they suddenly realized they were on camera, because then they duck behind the bushes.

Oh my god, how funny.

So well, we'll try to grab a screenshot of it.

That is so funny.

Yeah, that made me remember because I told you I was looking watching this episode like a hawk looking for something. There's something I saw, and I wasn't gonna mention it because I was like, I'm probably wrong. I think it's the scene.

I have to go back.

I think it's lane walking. But they're in the town and there's a car that passes by in the back and it looks like a surfboard is attached to the top of the car. I swear, and I couldn't tell it. Maybe it was like a door or a surfboard, but it's completely flat, so it made me think it was a surfboard. But it's snowing out, which makes it even better.

And it's Connecticut. Where are you even a surf in Connecticut?

Yeah, and I could be total, but it's I'll send you screens.

I'll grab it because I I was gonna mention it and that I'm like, I think I'm making things up in my head now, But now the more I think about it, I'm like, I don't know if if they're if there are mistakes, like someone just behind Rory, then the surfboard could be could be true?

Yeah, it very well could be. It could have just been one of those fun little, you know, Southern California things.

It's funny to me because like they have to do those takes like ten times, was that the best take?

With someone in the back right?

Like did they not notice at the time, Like don't they clearer this? I don't know how did that person get back there?

Well, then again, it's kind of the shot clear.

It's kind of like the Game of Thrones. I didn't ever watched it with the Starbucks cup thing, Like it's one of those things where you kind of sit back and you're like, a hundred people had to clear this, and it got cleared. But you know, as someone who I work on a lot podcasts on our team, like, there are things that get just you're so in like go mode and you're meeting your deadlines and you're like, oh, we all collectively miss this and it happens. Yeah, but oh my god, Jackie, Okay, Jackie just said there is a surf board, so it wasn't wrong.

Oh my gosh, Okay, I.

Can't believe I missed that. I'm gonna have to go back out.

I'm so proud of myself.

I got it. That's awesome.

Yeah, I did. My point being was how do you miss stuff like that right exactly?

Especially something major like that, because if you work on a set, you know, don't be in front of the camera when you're not supposed to be in front of the camera. It's not like I mean, it's presumably a close set and it was often the bushes. It's not like somewhere that you know, they were leading a tour and you got a tourist in there by accident.

Like and clearly like they knew they were in the shot if they ducked right.

Right exactly, like, I don't know, but yeah, maybe they maybe they didn't see that person and that was the only shot they had and or the only take they had and they had to go with it. I don't know, but a.

Boom mic makes a little bit more sense because I saw someone comments on our Instagram about like the way we used to watch screen because now we're on a completely flat screen, and like the way we used to watch back on monitors and TVs, like you know, it was a thicker, like I think it would cut some of the actual film, right, So that makes sense, and maybe the way they watch back on screens back then it cut it out just like a smidge.

Yeah, because it was more square and less.

I think that, Like, I think a boom mic makes a little more sense, or like something being left behind the scene, like a Starbucks cup makes more sense to me than a whole human Yes, behind the.

Right in the center of the screen. It's not even like I mean that was visible you know on television.

Yeah, so it was that scene.

I thought it was so weird that they walk in and just stare at Max sleeping and talk right above his head.

I know, like it was such a girl.

He didn't wake up like I would have been like.

Yeah, yeah, did you notice?

I think it's in the very It was right after.

The voicemail, Rory says something I don't remember what she said, but something about like oh, I'll keep it for like memories or for like my book or something like that.

Yes, I wrote that down. Let me scroll up in my notes here. I wrote it down. She says, it's all fodder for the tell.

All, the tell all.

That's what yes, which obviously in that point, like Amy Sherman, Palladino did not think she'd be doing the movies and right talking about you know what I mean.

But it was just funny. It was just funny to go back and be like whoa like.

Right, well, and like we talked about when we did those recaps, I forget which episode it was. But it's a fan theory that this the original series is Rory's book, like that seventh series or so and seasons was Rory's book, And so people point to that line as almost like a foreshadowing kind of thing.

Well, is it completely a fan theory or has Amy alluded to it at all.

There was an interview where with Amy and the interviewer asked her what's in Rory's book, and she says she didn't know, So I don't think it was intentional. I mean, I think that's a fun theory and I kind of buy into it a little bit myself, But it wasn't like the writers intended.

If I were Amy, I'd be like, make up whatever theory you want, and I'll say it's you're right, you know, like actually it probably gives her like more of a night. Fans are so smart, like especially Gilmore girls fans, Like, yeah, they're so smart and creative, like the way they think of all these things, and the way they notice things that sometimes you and I don't even like. I'll see comments on Instagram, I'm like, how did.

You see that?

Or or they refer back to episodes like you. I mean, you're a great example of it. I'm just like, brain capacity that I don't have is amazing.

Yeah, but yeah, it was a good episode. There were a couple little like visual uh where it didn't match up, Like the coffee cup at the end, Laura I Rory pours a cup of coffee in its blue cup and then Lorelai takes that cup out in the living room, but then when they're drinking it, it's yellow, just kind of like a little silly shit.

She also pulls the cup out of the cabinet and didn't pour anything into it.

Right, yeah, she she I noticed that she took an empty cup and then took Rory's presumably full cup, which I think I don't think she poured it into it. But and then but then that wasn't the cup that they were drinking when they were in the living room.

So I know.

We obviously read Kelly Bishop's book and she there's a part where she mentions that, like fevus much different than theater because you have to redo scenes over and over again, and like it made me with talking about this right now, it made me think, like, yeah, if you're doing that scene fifteen times, I'm not going to remember what cup I placed where, you know what I mean, Like you have to do exactly the same and keep the same energy up, so right right, yeah, but I know, by the way, the next episode again I can't believe it's coming up, is Rory's dance.

This is a classic. I love this episode.

I feel like season I think I may have to say season one might be the best season.

There's so much good stuff in season one.

I'm waiting.

I'm waiting for Yeah, I'm waiting for like a lull in the my my watching and I'm like.

Nope, they're just bangers.

But anyway, well, thank you guys for listening, and next week we'll be talking about season one, episode nine, Rory's dance meeting a journey dot.

Dot everybody forget.

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I Am All In with Scott Patterson

Twenty years ago, you met Luke Danes...backward cap, plaid flannel, pouring the coffee. For the VERY 
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