Scott isn’t done yet.
He’s talking Rachel, Lorelai, Dean in detail
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I am all in. I am all in with Scott Patterson and I Heart Radio podcast. All right, every buddy, Hey Scott Patterson. Here, I am all in podcast with our Heart Radio and one eleven productions. We are digging in a little deeper here two Star Cross Lovers and Other Strangers, Episodes sixteenth. Because I don't think we are. We really didn't. We didn't really finish up, no, because we didn't even talk about how mad would you be if you were lower Lie and your mom set you up and you didn't even know? Uh with that guy, I don't know. I started laughing right away. When as soon as she said, mom, can I see you in the kitchen a minute, the doorbell rang. I knew she was hosed. I was at the door. Oh my goodness. That was just funny. Are you setting me up? Chase? Wow? And you could tell Richard was like not having it, but he's trying to trying to be polite and go along with it, and Emily is just like, yeah, yeah, as Chase is just talking about the most nonsensical boring or crap. You know, That's what's so brilliant about the show is you get this sense of history between these characters especially, and it's for me, it's even more impactful father and daughter. It's Richard and Laurela that's really getting to me, because you know, he's so disappointed, he's so crushed, he's so sort of steely with her. He's so eye rolling and side glancing, and oh, good god, we're gonna have to endure this without Rory here. You know, Rory is the the light of the world, and now I have to deal with my my failure of a daughter. And there's all that tension. It always remains. She has that nervous energy, right, and she just can't stop herself because you know, she just feels she's being judged and it's a horrible feeling, and she is being judged and anyway, um, it's always wonderful. That wonderful moment when she escaped and Richard caught her and he just let her go because she made her little speech, and those are the moments that bring those two characters together, and it really resonate with me. Those are my favorite moments of that of the probably the series so far that my favorite moments are between father and daughter. Yeah, he says so much in a glance and he says no, Emily, I haven't I haven't found her, and then a little glance and there's there's there's some dejection in there, and there's some hurt, but there's still I love you. You're my daughter. And this is how life went. And it wasn't supposed to go this way for me, Richard Gilmore, but it did. And maybe I am not dealing with it the way I should be, but this is how I'm dealing with it. And it's just these are very powerful moments. It's it's it's the it's the soul of familial love. It's like, even though you have these types of characters, these very uh, very wealthy people who are very disappointed, um, he still finds his love for her and they find their love for each other. So it's for me, these are very touching moments. I really really think those are the most powerful moments for me. Anyway. I don't know how you guys feel, but those are very no I I agree. So here's my next question for you. Do you think lor Lie called Max because of Luke and rachel Or because she was just so like, I cannot be set up again by my mother. I gotta get get this handled on my own. Well, I think you know that whole episode was set up to show people kissing, especially at the beginning. You know, it's like the episode should have been called Everybody's getting some except for moral. I I mean, even Suki and Jackson are macking in the kitchen. I mean, you know, and Michelle is on the phone with his which is another funny line, right, was that your mom? Remember I'm gonna redo my funny line because Michelle is going on like guns wait to see you, Sherry, All, yes, don't tease me that you know this kind anything. My friend Jackson isn't very good, but um when he gets off, she says, your mother, But I mean even Michelle, even Michelle is getting some. You know, everybody's in love. And yeah, that's true. That could be also, it just through Laurela back to she's the odd man out man. Now she's you know, she's gonna go back to to Max. Yeah. So yeah, I think I think the the what's her name that came back into my life? What's her name? Rachel? Rachel? I think Rachel. Can you remember those scenes like did you have good chemistry with Lisa Anne Hadley? She was very nice, She was really sweet. Yeah, she was a breath of fresh air when she came on set because she was just so lovely. Everybody loved her. Well, she does look like Suki described her, But you know what, she was perfectly cast because she's the type of face and voice and personality and person that you could say, yeah, you know that not a perfect fit, and she's probably too good for him somehow, or she's too you know, she's not a small town girl. She's too sophisticated. She's got that's what I got. Yeah, it was kind of perfect casting there, right, because you don't see those two together. You see him pining for her and not being able to make it work. When he's sitting in the crappy car that he's building at the Gelape and he says, I love you and she's like, well, I'm gonna go to the Middle East. Now I get why Luke and Rachel like each other, but I think Luke knows she's she's gonna leave. Yeah, she loves him, he loves her, but she's gonna leave. How does he feel now? He's shocked. He's shocked. It's it's overwhelming for him. He doesn't know what to do. It it's like, you know, he's into Laurel. I now, boy, it's like, you know, it's it's raining women for Luke's getting wet and she knows it. Rachel knows there's something going on and asked and says, what's going on? I mean it turned into an episode of The Bachelor This Rose except this Rose. Yeah. Oh, and Danielle. This is the episode where the boom mit gets into the shot. Tell everybody where so we don't have clown pillow, but we do got to Mike and the boom mic. You can see, um it starts the beginning of the episode when Loralai is calling Emily telling her that Rory won't be at Friday night dinner. Um. So at seven oh seven, if you just zoom into that time code on the episode, you'll see the boom mic in at the top of the screen. You know, those poor guys, you know how hard they work. You know hard that job is because the only position they have to stand on a ladder, on a short ladder, three or four step ladder. They have to stand on top of that. Because I remember one of the guy, Dennis was I don't know, he was like sixty and he had a bad knee, and you know he had a bad elbow, and he was just doing it his whole life. And he had to stand on top of this little mini ladder and hold the boom mic which is heavy. It's a long pole with the mic on the end of it, with your phones on, and hold it above his head for all the rehearsals and all those seen, all those takes we had to do, and know every once in a while it would come into view. You know, those those guys worked hard, man, they really did so to be expected. Does everyone here celebrate their three month anniversaries? What's a teenager for what we make? Garrian Dean? Um No, I never did that. To see somebody doing it, right, isn't it? That's very sweet? And it was Dean's idea, right. Yeah, he just turned to mush the whole thing. He just turned to Mushy. Look. Credit to him. He realized what he what he was dating, who he was dating, and how special she is. So you know it worked him. He got lucky and he blew that fancy restaurant. Oh yeah, and then he takes her to a junkyard and sits in a junkie corvariance as I want don bad move if I was. If I was, his older brother said, don't do that. I love you the only thing you have going for you if you don't say it, But why not you live and learn? Yeah, because it's like you don't. It's like giving it's it's it's like giving the audience what they want right away. They think they want it, and they don't. And if they get it, it's like why the Luke and Laurel Lize story, uh, indoors because it took four years for them to get together. You don't do it for a couple of episodes and say I love you. So you know, that's just human psychology. That's basic human psychology. Man. Once somebody has given all that power and they're seventeen or sixteen, oh that's the kiss of death right there. He put Rory in an impossible situation, you know, and I thought she handled it very well. Acting wise. It was work wonderfully commedic. I mean, what's what's a young girl supposed to do in the face of that? You know? But speaking of comedic? Sorry did change the subject, but I can't. When when Lane goes by, it just came back to me, like people all the relatives of the like gyropractor or whatever. He's going to be a chiropractor. And she's like, my mom's giving up on me because she's lowering up from She'll take a cairopractor. At this point, Oh name, I took us off track, no important time. You took us to a wonderful place. You did. It's a wonderful place to visit, um um. But anyway, Yeah, so I thought I thought Rory handled I thought Alexis handled it beautifully. Ye, it handled it. It handled it beautifully. Easy for me to say, uh yeah, but I mean, yeah, you can't give the girl the power right there. You can't cough it on its. Everybody knows that. And I've done it. I did it when I was a kid. It was always the wrong thing to do. Is there always a bad idea? I you know, I was right. In my junior high school there was a girl who I was in love with. And I didn't lose her because I said I loved her. I lost her because we were both running against each other for class president of seventh grade. And I gave a fiery speech. I gave a very fiery, passionate speech. And then she dumped me after that because she saw how much she because she saw how much I wanted to win the race of the election. Tough and seventh grade man easy being seventh grader. Um, you had bad moves, bad strategic move from tough Chicago kid who's got it all the mystery. He had all the mystery, he had all the psychological advantage, he had all the power, and he just umped it. Interlap And on a final note before we go, how about how Laura Lene knew Rory comes in, doesn't say anything, just the face, Laura line knows, hangs up the phone. Yeah, a mother knows, the father knows. It. Just takes a look. It's a mood, sure, tough, tough stuff, tough stuff with the Dean. Started out so cool, so self assured, so a little cocky, a lot cocky, and then man, he just he just puked it away. Can't we speculate what voicemail lorel I would have left if Rory didn't walk in. Oh, maybe it was gonna be another Max Hi, I miss you, I love you, I love you. Who knows? I don't know what do you think she was gonna say? Probably something very clever and fast paced, like uh you uh Flora line, just wondering how you're doing, thinking about you know that that one slice of pizza we had. I thought, you know, I should have had a larger slice than you. But you know, anyway, call me, let's discuss it um because it's important. I can't get any sleep over it. Um. You know, something like that. I don't know, it's pretty solid. I'm not a writer, but I'm not a writer of television. But yeah, I think it would have been clever, and it wouldn't have been obvious, but it would have been and I think Max would have enjoyed. She's she's got games. She's pretty solid. I feel like she's got a game. Yeah, she she's If anybody in that show's got game, it's her. She's not gonna let anybody get psychological advantage over her. Yeah, and then that's why she's you know, she's got those walls up. She's got a lot of walls. You know. We shall see, we shall see break up part two. So the required reading for this week for a book is Son at forty three by Elizabeth Barrett Browning, and Tristan quotes this when he's walking away from the girls at Children hallway. So let's get on that. M all right, everybody. That's it. Uh boy, this is a fun episode. Nice unpacking it. We could go on all day, but these ladies good job to do. They have to make these episodes, so they gotta get on it anyway. Uh, thank you Danielle, Thank you Riley, Thank you Amy for stopping by yet again. Um. What a ball club, what a team? Um and uh and that's it. Thanks for downloading, Thanks for listening. We'll see you next time with the Breakup, Part two, Episode seventeen. I am Scott Patterson and this is the I Am All In Podcast with I Heart Radio and one eleven Productions. See you next time. M Hey everybody, and don't forget follow us on Instagram at I Am all In Podcast and email us at Gilmore at I heart radio dot com. Oh you gil More fans. If you're looking for the best cup of coffee in the world, go to my website for my company scott EP dot com, s C O T T y P dot com, scott EP dot com Grade one Specialty Coffee