Town Meeting: So, What’s the Verdict? (Season 1 E6 “Rory’s Birthday Parties”)

Published Dec 10, 2024, 5:00 AM

It’s the first appearance of the viral tiktok sound from Richard. 

A lot of fashion moments in this episode, but we noticed something missing for Rory’s special day... find out what it is. 

Plus, an iconic object from the Gilmore Mansion makes its debut!

I Am all in again. Oh that's just you.

I Am all in Town meeting with Suzanne French and Tara suit An iHeartRadio podcast. Hey guys, welcome to another episode of I'm All in Town Meeting with myself, Tara and Susanne.


Oh my gosh. I loved this episode. I mean this is a classic.

Oh yeah, the Birthday Parties. The contrast between the two parties.

Such a great episode.

So good. This is season one, episode six, Rory's Birthday Parties, which premiered on November ninth, two thousand. I am Suzanne for the first time. I feel like you're rubbing off on me. I noticed things, and I'm watching things differently. So I had one I had one thing you probably already, but I have one one note that I'm like, Oh, I'm gonna be so proud of me for.

Well, let's have it. Go for it.

Okay. So there's a scene, well yeah, I mean we're just jumping around. But there's a scene where Laura lies on the phone in the kitchen and she's eating an apple and every time it cuts back to her, the apple is like full or in slices or gone, or every time it cuts back the apple was in a different form.

Oh that's funny.

I actually didn't even didn't. I didn't notice the apple itself. I was thinking more a bigger picture when a couple seasons later, when she has the pregnancy scare and she says, the only time I cravey apples is what I'm pregnant, and so that's what I'm watching her eat that apple.

And I also was eating an apple with peanut butter as I was watching this, So I think that's why. Because I was like, oh, like her apple it was so red. I was like, oh, it must be like because mine was. You know, when the apple's like not that juicy and you're like yeah.

But yeah.

If you go back to that scene, you'll notice every take back to Lauren is a different of the apple.

That's well, I'm very proud of you.

Thanks, thank you. I was like about to text you and I was like, I'm going to save it. She's gonna be so proud of me.

I did notice in the diner scene where they were eating the coffee cake that Luke made for Rory's birthday and Lane and Rory were sitting there, they took a slice out and then every time they cut back to Rory.

Like the plate was in a different it was different.

Yeah, so like the splice was in a different place.

But it was funny because Lane never took a piece. She just picked at the end. It was only Rory.

I noticed that she, like Laane's just eating it.

I mean she's not eating it, but she's just picking it off the plate without putting it on her own.

Which is kind of smart in for for video because they're gonna have to put that slice back in every time, you know. So honestly, she had the easier jo.

That's what friends would do in real life, right, you would just have it.

But yeah, and you're just eating it together, like the plane is to pick up the crumbs that fall under as you're taking a bite.

Right exactly.

I just go for it.

So I have a fashion call out here.

Well two actually, okay, One is when they go there's a there's a long shot of Emily standing in the room while they're getting ready for the party.

And it's seeing where she's yelling at them to put the candles six it is apart, blah blah blah.

But there's a long.

Shot of her and you can see her shoes and they were so cute. They were like they had like a chunky heel. I'm always a fan of a chunky heel.

And they had like these double crisscross straps over the heart. They were so cute.

So if you didn't notice her shoes, I for some reason, I always notice shoes, which is funny because I only my I wear like three pairs of shoes over and over. I don't have like an extensive shoe collection, but I always notice other people's shoes.

So I had that fashion note.

And then the other thing I picked up on was and I mentioned this when we in I think it was episode three where Rory goes golfing with Pritchard and the Friday night dinner where they're talking about the golf outing, lorel I is wearing the same greenish like dark green. Uh, it's like a sweater or a top that Rory was wearing at the party.

In this episode.

So it made me light because in this episode, Larela was supposed to have made it. Remember that she bought the dress like Emily may dresses and then Lorlai remade them into you.

Know, I was like, where did all that tool go? Like, like literally I was looking at the dress, and I was like, which part of the dress was that? But it was supposed to be under laurel I's dress, right.

Yeah, so Lorelai the lower part of her dress was sheer, but I don't think it was tool, okay, because the tool was the dark green color. So I think that was Rory's dress that she pulled out and showed her. Oh okay, But then she turned it into just the top and so we saw the top, but it was the same shirt that laurel I wore in episode three. So I just thought that was funny.

It's funny that that blue dress looked great on on Lauren though. But you know what's so funny. I noticed, specifically from this episode that some of the most iconic outfits from this show are from season one, which is interesting because we have seven seasons to work with, and yet every time I see them on screen, I'm like, oh, well, that that's the outfit that like is from this episode that and I wonder why, And I wonder if I wonder if, like maybe for Amy, like fashion was so big in season one to make a statement and then kind of after that we just got used to it.

Yeah, I can't tell you why.

I can't tell why, Like even little things like the way her pink boa is at her birthday, Like I just I'm like, oh, the birthday party episode, and I can like restate what happened. You know. It's but a pink boa can mean anything, right.

But I think part of it is that these this first part of season one, those are the scenes that they used in the opening credits, and so we were over and I mean for the most part, like a lot of those scenes they kept the whole way through. They did switch out a few here.

A couple, but you're you're you know what, that's a good point, You're right. And a lot of times, I know, because shows premiere in the falls, let's say like mid September, end of September. They probably start filming in summer, so they're about like what eight episodes in by the time the show starts airing. So yeah, it's it's that initial core like six to eight that were atting all those.

Right, right, like those first episodes.

Yeah, which is funny because if you think of, like obviously there's so many themes theme songs that are like classic, like I think of like full House or Fresh Prints. I mean, they're all sitcoms that I'm listing, but a lot of them are like pre made, like I always think of Full House, like where they're like having a picnic in San Francisco.

Driving across the Golden Gate Brains and.

Driving across, or like Boy Meets World where it's just like little fun tidbits. It's not like pulling from scenes. So it was interesting that, like maybe it's because it's a one hour drama, but they didn't do anything special. It was just let's pull from these moments and make them special.

Right, yeah, and that who knows where I mean, because they could have they didn't decide to shoot anything new for them credits, So I don't know if that was a financial decision or they were like, hey, we've got all this great stuff from the first couple episodes, let's just ye cut something together from that.

Who knows.

Also, the way this is I know we've mentioned this before, but the way this season is filmed seems like older than two thousand and I don't know why, Like it just feels like if you and again, I'm not watching this and then going to like season three right away, so I'm watching an order, But it just feels so like warm, like we've talked about like that warm. Yeah, darkness to the to the film. I don't even know that's that's true.

It doesn't look like video.

Yeah, like it looks like films.

Well it's just the light. And maybe it's just the lighting. I don't know.

One thing I noticed at the very beginning, well not very beginning, but towards the beginning, where they were at the Dragonfly and they're going over the menu and Suki mentions she's gonna serve angel wings with dipping sauce. Do you know what angel wings are?

But kind of whatever Suki says just like go right over my head, like you know, it's just Suki. So I'm like, okay, whatever. Good.

It was one of those I hadn't really picked up on previous rewatches, but I'm like, did she say angel wings?

I don't know. Now it's funny. I mean, we we still don't know what the heck that watermelon swan was, so I I just don't question it anymore.

I know she just you know, Suki is just this magical person and she just makes things happen.

But that's kind of like the and I know Scott talks about all the time, like the magic of Melissa McCarthy, like she tells you anything and I'm gonna believe it, you know, totally, like we're eating worms. I'm like, okay, it must be great. Yes, I love the moment. I guess nothing that I pointed out, it's just I like the moment. I think the the way they shot that scene in Rory's bedroom at four oh three am, because at first I was like, I specifically looked at the clock because I'm like, what time is it? And then I like that it acts actually the time changed to four oh four and four oh five, like you know, kind of just keeping like going through the night, like it didn't like stop there, and I thought it was really I mean, that's definitely like a amy thing. And the director, whoever director this episode, of how that was shot from like the way up, I don't know. It was just it was just very special.

Yeah, it was an interesting angle for sure, and I loved that Like Laurel I laid down next to Rory and then we're like snuggles in She's like holding onto her arm like a little girl would like. Yeah, it's just a cute thing.

Yeah, I got emotional. Listen, I am one of the most emotional people you will ever meet. If you compliment me, it'll like and it makes my day, I'll cry, you know what I mean. Like, I'm just one of those people. So I cry probably every episode of Gilmore Girls, and this was the moment where I cried.

Yeah. Yeah, it was really sweet. It was you really got that that sense that their their mother and daughter, but they're also best friends and they're just like, you know, they're each other's ride or die like it just.

It was a it was a good yeah. Also, I forgot to mention this earlier, but I mean we know that, like Jared Padialachi is really tall, but that scene in the diner when he's leaving after he like mouths happy Birthday, I was like, he's really tall. Like I don't know why, maybe it was a door frame in front of him. I'm like, he looks like, yeah, I noticed that.

Yeah, And anytime I always have to laugh whenever I see him in a scene with Scott, because Scott is really tall, yes, but Jared taller than Scott is. And so you see the two of them together and Scott almost looks short, You're like, but no, Scott is super tall.

Wait I'm about to google Jared Padlechi's height, Oh, six ' four six four, and then Scott's like, what six two?

I think he's like six to two. Yeah.

Yeah, it's funny because obviously we've been working with Scott for so long, but like I always just see he's just Scott via zoom, you know what I mean. And when he were in person, I'm like, Scott, you're really tall. I forget.

Yeah, it's just funny to see them together because Jared is so tall.

Yeah, and also at such a young age he had to be yeah, well he's over over eighteen, but you know, so young.


I loved the birthday party at Emily's. I mean, I know Rory didn't like it, but it was just so over the top that like it just they really are setting the tone in these early episodes all the way down to like that's a core in the house and the way like the people are serving in the different room we're seeing now the different rooms at Emily and Richards, like yeah, with all the kids in one room and the adults kind of over there.

So yeah, and we got to see uh, Lorelei's bedroom, yes, oh with the dollhouse. Yeah, exactly, So that was the first time we got to see kind of the circumstances. And she even made a comment, Oh, it's like a time machine in here, so you know, like Emily hadn't touched it, done it since she moved out, Like that's what.

It was like, which I think, by the way, I think that says something about Emily because she really cares about Laura, Like, no, she doesn't show it very well, you know. Yeah, I don't think she wants to show Lorala that, but to keep your child's room the exact same and have them come and we see later on and I think I don't remember what episode, but you know, when Rory stays at Emily and Richards and she stays in that room like it's it's just, you know, she never touched it. It's like a like you said, like a time machine. So I don't know, I think that says a little bit about how much Emily cares.

Yeah, yeah, that's a good point for sure.

I liked.

I loved both parties, like they just were so different, and I love that we got like a literal side by side comparison of the rich party and the middle class party. Yeah, yeah, it just was so interesting how they did how they did it differently. And you know, the the Emily's party, all the kids were there, like the students, the classmates were there because their parents made them go, whereas like the Star's Hollow Party, everybody in town wanted to be there. Yeah, it was just it was an interesting contrast between the two social classes, which you know, obviously is a recurring theme throughout the whole series. But yeah, it was. It was interesting that it was the same situation in both sets.

Of two completely different worlds.

Yeah, and the Stars Hollow Party.

I would want to go to the Stars Hollow Party.

It looked like so much fun.

And then did you notice Michelle was sitting in the back and he was just sitting on his phone like he wasn't interacting with anybody, He wasn't smiling. He was in the house or on the porch in the house.

Okay, no, I didn't see, but not Shock a varying character.

Yeah it was. It was pretty funny. So everybody wanted to either accept him, I guess, but it just it looked like such a fun party.

And this is the episode that for all those fellow chronically online people on TikTok like me that I am an autumn. Yes, line that has literally been a sound on TikTok since you know, Fall started or before Fall. And it's so funny because like the second I heard that on TikTok, I was like, that's Richard Gilmour, you know, like I just knew. But to watch the scene back, I was like, this is a moment. Like it was like so like I forget like kind of how iconic that line is because it's so out of character for Richard, like flipping through what was it? Cosmo? Yeah, and he actually did the quiz. I just love that he he did the quiz. Also, like what defines an autumn? I want to know?

Yeah, I know we should.

Oh, I wonder, I wonder if that's a quiz.

It might be an actual issue. Yeah, we should try and track it down.

I used to love those quizzes.

I know, I know I did too.

And one thing I noticed about that scene was that when Rory handed him the the magazine, she said there's a quiz in there. I forget her exact line, but she didn't say autumn. She said fall.

She said fall.

Yeah, he said.

I am in autumn, like it just was such a richer guildol way to say it.

It was just so you're right. I noticed that because I thought it was gonna be that moment. For some reason, I knew it was coming. And then she's right, she said fall, but he said autumn. And it's also like the this kind of like accent, like yeah, you know, the way he says that. I'm like, oh, I literally rewounded twice. I was like, this is such an iconic line that should be like the line for the whole season one, the whole series. So good, yeah, so good. I had another note I forgot to bring up earlier. The mall. Yes, that's Macy's, Sherman Oaks, Right.

It's Macy's. I don't know if it was Sherman Oaks or Bourbank count Center. Yeah, it might have been Burbank, but it was definitely Macy's because she's like the little signs yes in the jewel on the jewelry counter, they were like the logo.

And also the way that Macy's counters, especially in the early two thousands, were like that shade of brown. I like, specifically remember that all I could look at the whole time. I was like, all right, so is it like the same because I go to the Macy's strip and oaks a lot that's still there, and I'm like, okay, so like that's the mall entrance shoes or to the left. Like I was literally like mapping out the mall.

That's awesome. And then I think it was the same mall that they used later when in the food court.

Well that one that one we had said was the Glendell Galleria.

Oh is it okay?

Okay, I couldn't remember.

Yeah, but I may I have to go back. I have now I'm eagle eye over here.

I'm gonna I want to go to the mall now.

Honestly, it made me think. I was like, I have a lot of holiday shop I know.

I know, I used to spend a lot of time at the mall. Not so much anymore.

But I still prefer going to the mall than ordering clothes online because I feel like everything flu This is so off topic. Everything fluctuates and sizing and so like when I go to try on, I take like four size and I'm like, all right, let's see which one looks good.

And I can't I can buy clothing online because I have to try everything on because I'm because I'm short and I'm short waisted, like I'm just a weird shape me too.

I'm wait, how's all are used to now that? Okay, I'm five to one. We're not that. Yeah, you get it. Some pants you go one size up and you gotta get a hem, exactly.

Like they fit in a tummy, but then they don't fit in the length, and it's just yeah, it's a.

Complete opposite issue of Scott.

And I know it must be nice to be like a normal size and shape. I would not know why I wear a lot of sweats and yoga pants and leggings.

Oh yeah, well, and also working from home, I'm currently wearing sweatpants.

Yes, yes, I actually am also wearing sweatpants.

I had to look though.

Just check it. You're wearing pants?


Did I even put pants on today?

I did?

Oh my gosh. Well. The other the one other note I had is so we recapped the episode with head Master Charleston yesterday and the one thing he noticed, and it was such a good comparison, is the bracelet that Dean gives Rory at the end. Now, Susan, you're eagle eye. It's a coin, right, he called it a medallion. A medallion, Okay, he said he bought.

A medallion and then drilled a hole in it.

Yes, So what Dacin had said was a really interesting note that I never thought of before. Was it's very interesting that Emily and Richard can throw all this money to have a party, but there's one little coin that Dean gives Rory and that means more to her. And it like, literally I had goosebumps when he said it.

That insight.

Yeah, so if you haven't listened to that episode, go back to yesterday episode and listen. But yeah, it was just like a little moment Dacon had said, and I was like, wow, that was such an interesting parallel that I would have never thought of.

Yeah, that's true. The only other thing I had is I noticed that we still we have talked several times about that wall by the front door. There's still a piano there, so we couldn't when that wall gets opened up, and it's not in this episode.

And it's so funny. There are some people on Instagram who said they've never noticed the piano before. So and I don't think I think I doesn't miss Patty play it In some episode, someone plays it I think.

I maybe the only one I can think of was Cinnamon's wake.

Oh but that was at Bebet, that was at Babbett's house.

I'm trying to think of somebody playing the piano at Lorelized house. Maybe she does and I'm just not remembering it.

I guess it could have been me thinking of the wake which had just happened. But anyway, I've we'll find out. Yeah, we're keeping tabs and when that piano disappears. I did notice this time, though, that the chair that Emily was sitting on, remember the episode when she was they were setting for the test, and I was like, what is this, like random chair? The chair was still there and Emily.

Was sitting in it when she was the same Okay, it was.

The same one, because I noticed the angle of it. Yeah, And so I was like, okay, So, like I think we're just so used to like the later seasons also since we had you know, we've gone through it's we've gone through the whole series now. Yeah, so I wasn't used to the setup in the living room. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Well so we've been having conversations kind of offline about how do we want to close our segment of the podcast, and I know that there was an Instagram post and a lot of people have made suggestions. So since this is the town meeting, it seems only a pro bri it to close with meeting adjourned. So we're gonna do that, and thank you to at Mander Michelle for that suggestion. It was the good one and we're going to take it. So unless you have anything else, meeting adjournt dot everybody, and also again follow us on Instagram at I Am all In podcast and email us at Gilmore at iHeartRadio dot com.

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