I will never think about leaving (A Year in the Life: Fall)

Published Oct 17, 2024, 4:00 AM

I am an Autumn.
We’ve reached the end and it’s bittersweet.
We loved Fall.   

We are  left with one big question … does Jess still have feelings for Rory?

We feel quite certain we know who the Daddy is.

Plus, a Wizard of Oz reference some of us missed.

And, that scene with Christopher has much more significance than you might have expected.

Scott has changed his mind about something that had really disappointed him, he thought.

I am all in.

That's just you.

I am all in with Scott Patterson and iHeartRadio podcast Hey.

Everybody, Scott Patterson, I am all in podcasts. This is part two of Fall. You're in the life.

Okay. So then we go back to Nantucket and Emily's got you know that guy that is kind of clinging to her and she was not said.

And I got him from. There's so many things I know him from, so many things.

Isn't that ray Wise? Is that his name?

Yes? Yeah? Was he on twenty four. I'm gonna look that.

I never saw the first thing I thought everybody was on twenty four.

I think too were so funny because the key for Sutherland bit is hilarious. Oh yeah, but yes, ray Wise was on twenty four. That's what I know him.

The first thing I thought of when I saw the scene, I'm like, Okay, Nantucket looks a bit more like Nantucket this time. Or was the last one Martha's vineyard? Was it was Martha's vineyard, right, yeah, the one that looks I.

Like her in these scenes. I really like the Emily stuff, you know, like throughout this I love the Whale Museum. I love the all of it. Like she's really found herself.


I also like I also kind of like that there's like a little bit of chaos in her house.

Yeah. I don't know why, but she's sleeping in and she keeps all those people her. They moved with her, They moved with that.

I kind of liked it, like she's like knows the family now and the kids, and she's wearing sneakers.

Like Rose is playing both parts, and I'm assuming it's because Rose is so talented that they wanted to give her more to do because Gypsy never got enough to do. Yeah, but it's just so funny she's playing that.

And then okay, so then now Rory's driving in the car. She's driving through Warner Ranch because I can you can see houses that you know from other things, like in the window as she goes by the house from the middle me Maw's house from Young Sheldon anyways, and then she okay, so this was when she gets to the house and she's like walking around the empty house and she goes in the office and Richard is sitting at the desk.

Oh I just started crying.

Oh yeah.

Also, my one note was they recreated the Gilmore home. Literally I don't think there was one thing off. And it's so wild to me because I mean I know that like per season they have to like break down and put it back together, but like after eight years, it was just like amazing.

I totally agree how amazing it is. But like they rebuild the whole town, like, oh no, go to the Warner Brothers a lot, Like they rebuild the whole It's like these people know they must have like charts where the cash goes here, the table goes here, that this goes here, like there must be like exact details.

Well, they rebuilt sets all the time. They probably rebuilt it during in between seasons ones and two.

Me it was specifically the part where they would show them at the dinner and then show them with no one at the table.

It was just I think it was just well shot. Maybe that's oh yeah, I love the scene where I know we're not there yet, but when she's like I've changed so much and like changed, I don't know that you've changed anything, oh in the portrait, but keep going, keep going.

But that's the difference between TV and cinema. Cinema you're telling these are moving pictures without words that are telling this story feel so deeply and she did it beautifully, just amazing. I'm gonna watch it again after we finish this, I know, well the Phillies game on, So I watch after the Phillies game, after the Phillies win decisively, and West and Wilson hits two home runs then back, so.

We have that really you know, heavy emotional moment, and then we get a little comic relief back at the Dragonfly where they're interviewing people to replace Michelle and he doesn't like that Molly Daniel has two first names. So that was a good you know, kind of breaks the tension there. And then Laurala goes into the the convalescent home, which was right across the street from.

Missus Kims Sims and that was not the Twickham House, or was not.

The twigm House was down the street from there, and I when they shot the Revival, they had already demolished the tw house, like there's another house there.

Now, but it is implied that Laura I wants to buy at this house, right like that that's what you guys all got from it.

No, no, for the to expand the inn.

I didn't get that part of it. I didn't know why she was in there. I thought she was. I thought she was how shopping for Luke and Laurel.

No, she sees it. She sees it and she's like huh, goes in and realizes it's the perfect way to expand the inn. That's where she can That's how she's going to expand the inn. Have the spot keep Michelle, that's what to do.

Was it next door?

It's like an annex. It's I think it's just a little bit across the street kind of.

But I thought that because at the first you're thinking of it's it's right after her and Luke have that conversation. But it came around for me when she talks to Emily and I was like, oh, that's right.

And also her house is great. They're totally happy in her house.

No I know.

But then I thought for a second, I was like, is this isn't the Twigham House because that's what Luke really looks like.

Though it looks like it's in a similar location, but it's all about the inn. And then when she goes and you'll get you'll see when we talked to it. Yeah, I missed the Wizard of Oz stuff.

It's okay. So then uh, then we have the nice scene where Rory goes back to laurel I's house. So we know they haven't spoken for a while because they have that argument at the grave site in the last episode. Now they have a nice little middle of the night moment with pop tarts and ice cream and you know, the typical Rory and laurel I junk food.

This story, she says she read the book.

No this is where no, yes it is. Sorry right, oh yeah, Laurela I, I'm sorry. Rory gives Lorlai the copy of it and tells her to read it and if she doesn't like it then and then Laura I agrees to that. And so then we go to the da R meeting. Now this is my favorite.

Is so good? Is iconic?

Just I'm laughing just thinking about it. They're there. I just love that Emily finally she just had enough, like she had lived this whole life for decades and she was just over it, Like she finally just broke out of that mold, of this crazy fakeness of these society rules. And you know, she lets loose with the profanities multiple times, like.

The part where she just stands up and goes and looks for food.

Yeah, my gosh. She starts eating that like like cookie, she like through it and then.

Comes back.

And she's like, obviously this person's not getting in, and then the like pick up her butt. Woman's like obviously, but we don't say it like that. You know, one thing is so.

Good, one scene film can get you nominated for an oscar, like the Joe Petty scene in Goodfellas Well, how about that? Remember that? Remember that? Yeah, one scene, This scene could have gotten Kelly nominated for an oscar because it was just so great. Her delivery was so great, the writing was so great. Oh my god. I mean the way she.

Like looked over Oh, it's so good.

Yeah, it was so And she had the most amazing blue shoes. If you did not see her shoes, go back and look at her shoes because they were amazing.

Kelly Bishop just yeah, right, just something.

Also, right after this scene, I went and bought her book on Amazon because I was like, oh, I've meant to do that.

Ready, Yeah, I have read it.

We should do a whole do a whole episode of you book club talking about the book. Yeah, yeah, yeah, oh.

Yeah, I haven't read it.

Dug Gilmore Girls book Club. I'm starting it tonight, IDEA, stay tuned for after we finish all pop culture.

That was the Wilsherie Bell Theater, which was used multiple times.

Oh in no way, yeah yeah yeah.

The next scene is the guestless scene where we find out that Luke knows Keifer Sutherland. We talked about this is just so good.

This is so good because you're like, yeah, I do have one buddy I fished with and then she's like, oh my god, as in like same name, and you're like, no, it is the guy. And then even though they're twenty four bit was kind of like sort of dumb, it was also kind of funny because twenty four is like that yeah.

Missen, So that was a nice Yeah.

Yeah, was exactly the same.

I know.

Thot about Keifer Sutherland was so funny too, or Luke how like it was just it was aal that you guys picked Keifer Sutherland because it could have been any celebrity, right, but it's like that sounds actually possible. Yeah, like you know Keeper Sutherlin. It's so good. And then everyone's like I need to be at his table.

It's just so good. Okay, So The next scene is the Christopher scene, so somebody I see it.

Keeper Sutherlin will come on with us. By the way, thank you.

You know I knew something was up with Rory.

Ahead of hers.

That was not the book.

Yeah, this scene works on multiple levels because the first time you see it and you don't know how it ends, you're thinking she's literally asking just for background for her book. But then once you realize her news that she drops at the end and you watch it the second time and then you're like, wait a minute. She's talking about herself, trying to decide, you know, is she gonna tell Logan or not? So she's she's for me.

Also, I didn't get totally all of it until this very moment. She's so somber and sort of mopey ish I don't know the right word, underneath talking about the book that I was like, what's wrong with her? What is wrong with her? And then now as we're talking about it, it all makes sense. That's why she's trying to figure out, like what to do. Yeah, so well done. It also makes the end not so left field when you start to put all the pieces together.

Yeah, and I also noticed that he gave her a cup of coffee and she never drank any which is that.

She doesn't want caffeine or something else. She's pregnant.

Presumably it was very.

Coffee, right, you can only have one cup of coffee two d millogram whatever.

Yeah, so that was kind of a clue that, you know, maybe not all is right in Rory's world, right.


No, I felt like I always knew you guys were saying who's the daddy, who's the daddy, just from doing this podcast, But I never knew that this is what Rory was going to be pregnant, but I didn't realize like how much of a cliffhanger it was. And this scene the first time I watched, I was like, oh, there's like I saw the wheels turning and like this this makes sense. And then I saw the second time and I was like, it's even better that scene. But but yeah, you can just see that she's like trying to talk to her dad, but she's not talking about the book. She's really talking about a decision she needs to make exactly.

Yeah, And of course Christopher has to remind us that he is rich, he has all this money. He doesn't know what to do, but he's loaded.

All office. By the way, I thought that office was beautiful. Yeah, that's a great set. It looked very like the office. Yeah, looked like the office he would have. I'm sure it looks like Yale to repurpose some set. But it was quite beautiful.

Yeah, it was pretty. So then we go to back to Emily and Richard's and the house is for sale.


There was a nice little throwback with Emily saying you need money. It was just right back to the pilot all over again. And even let me get the check book. Yeah, so Larela wants to use Luke's money to open to buy that where the nuns were in it, and just yeah, it was it was a good it was a good moment. Emily seemed happy that Laurela.

I was happy. So that was good, great scene. That whole thing is great. And she looks at the portrait that's now the right size that Emily has sort of admitted her failure and redid it, and it's beautiful. I thought it was.


I kind of liked the agreement as well.

I thought it was of course it's genius.

Yeah yeah, but it was like standard Emily, like there's always you know, Yeah, I kind of love it, Pilot.

I kind of like, yeah, I loved it, Like, oh, thank god they're gonna still to like go see Emily.

I don't know, like I loved it.

It was did we did we ever figure out how far Nantucket is from?

Like Hartford? A couple of question. I feel like we should. We could map quest that pretty quick. That's a bit of an old reference. And I literally just said, for sure, use map quest.

Yeah, I just look at it.

I'm not mad at that I said it.

So while we're researching that, the next scene was Dosie's Market and we got to see Dean. That was that was fun to see Dean again.

It was actually a pretty good scene. It was a little awkward, but like.

Very awkward, but pretty good.


I was like, this is pretty great. I thought it was awkward sort of callbacks.

But I I honestly, I totally agreed with her that if Dean came into the picture in a different point in her life, I think he would have been a good boyfriend.

Like I actually was a good boyfriend.

Yeah yeah, but I'm just saying like that point in her life, like she just wasn't there, and so it kind of made you think like what if Dean came in her life, like this.

Whole storyline would change.

But also I just was kind of I kind of liked that she got it out there and he said bye, and I didn't need anything else from Dean, Like I don't think I needed much more.

He doesn't need her, right, Yeah, yeah, we just got a little check in and we know what he's doing with his life now, and that was that was all we need. Okay. The next scene was the Suki scene. It was so good to see Sue.

Was great with all the cakes. I loved she was so missed during all.

Yeah, it was really.

I want to throw a flag on this one.

Sure, sure, please do yes?

All delightful. She was great. It was amazing to see those two together again and have her back. And did you I just thought the Michelle coming in and calling her the B word with such intensity, was did you find that I know, jarring, I've.

Been sort of not liking each other. I have the same flag in that it seemed like Lorelei and Suki like they're still best friends, but they never see each other. It's like, why would they not see each other? That was a little bit where it was weird for me too, because it's like, wait, I think these two see each other for two.

Very substantial characters, and to have him charge in and call Suki a be the bee work.

Yeah it was yeah, yeah, I mean.

Because I was waiting for some kind of reaction from somebody to say, like, what did you just call me?

Perfect scene? But it's pretty good. I mean perfect, but it's pretty good.

They didn't always get along in the original series, Like there was always there, but it was a little aggressed to come in and like, yeah.

I did like that she like was smelling the drains and she was.

Like sam just smelling Sammy from six months ago. But I love them Sammy is because it's still like so cringy.

And the milestone cake and it had the little jeep on it that that was cute.

Oh I loved having Szukie bag I missed.

Yeah, it was.

It was good. I like I have said before, or.

Be a good uh thing. If if Melissa McCarthy was not in this, yeah you know what I'm saying, Like that would have that would have been so disappointing.

Yeah, Okay. Then there was a quick scene Emily talking about wailing and the stabbing, stabbing, stabbing.

I mean when she's actually at the museum and now you know she's like a docent. I know, she was so aggressive. I loved it. It was like, kids, I want to go to that museum.

It's real. I looked it up. There is real love whales whing music.

I want to go to that. I love whales.

Well, yeah, I don't know that I want to see that, but you can go and tell us what it's like.

I can't get to Nantucket, but I'm gonna go to Alcatraz soon. I'll let you guys know how that goes. Only been once, yeah, and I'm fifty. I feel like I need to go.

You're just gonna go for just to see it.

Uh yeah, I haven't been on the full tour. I've been there for a party. But yeah, well you guys know. So then we go to.

Back to the Laurer Lawn and Luke's. They're getting ready for the wedding. We've got Kirk Oh my gosh, you know, typical Kirk jazz. There's just everything in this scene so great.

It's so good.

The banter.

Is growing up in the upstairs bathroom because he can't because his knees will hurt in the downstairs was like so good.

This is what I love about Kirk. He's you know, when he comes in and I've done something and then you realize how beautiful it is and he's falling to sleep. And the text like that was so good. That all played out so well and really gave Kirk sort of a nice moment of sort of of who Kirk really is and like how important he is to this whole. Yeah, just all of these people. I thought that was really great. Also, when they were.

Watching Kirk's movie with the Life of that Brigade, they watching movie.

Yeah good, Yeah, and this is where they have the kitchen scene and Lorelai gives Rory the book back and so she didn't read it, go ahead and finish it and she'll read it later. So and that's when she says, you know, drop the the just Gilmore girl. So a lot of fans think that the original series is Rory's book. I personal wait, I know I disagree because I read an interview with Amy Sherman Palladino and she they asked her what is in Rory's book and she said, I don't know. So Amy Sherm Palladino did not intend for the series to be Rory's book, but that's a fan theory because she didn't have a book yet.

But if it's a theory, I want to believe, I'll take it.

Like to believe that one.

Yeah, really really the same question, like whose point of view is the series of mm hmm. That is interesting.

Also, like it's like it's like her daughter wrote wrote the series.

I also would just love a book from Amy, like retelling this whole story.

Mm hmm. Yeah. Interesting. And then and so this scene was just truck full of stuff. This is also where we get the look, the just look from outside the window, which is also open to multiple interpretations.

It's the only part of the series that I was I almost cried. I that broke my heart. There was just something there that I was just like, oh there, God, my life is so freaking brilliant.

But then he loves her still, which we've talked.

About right, Yeah, but I still stand by what I was saying before that he does he will always love her, always, always, always, But I don't think he, like it, wants to be back with her.

I don't think that ship has sailed.

Yeah, I don't think I think I think he's definitely might.

I think he probably had a what if like looking at the window.

Still think it's game on for him.

I don't think what if. I think it's what could have been? Yeah, and he's okay with with not.

Yes, I agree could have been. I still think he's open to.

It, totally agree. I don't think well, because also was for us to feel like he's open. That's why I do. I do agree with you well.

And also he's looking into that window seeing like what That's why I said what if? What could be? Or what could have been? His family now that they're getting married. That's how I took it. That's why I said, what his whole.

Life, he's been a rolling stone man, traveling all over the place. He hasn't been settled. He's in that house. He's experiencing all that love, you know, that's what he wants.

Yeah, Luke, Luke gave him love like it's also I think it also has to do with Luke, Like he's looking in and seeing like Luke's going to be her stepdad, like you know, like it's also probably that's what.

He's also thinking of.

That's where he thrives. That's where he connects. That's that's what he wants. Yeah, yeah, it's it's it's it's a it's a look of loss, it's a look of dreams. It's a look of what could have been. But maybe I still have a shot here, Maybe I'll go for this.

Yeah, either way, I think it was beautifully wrapped in a bow on on that character.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

And it was cute when he was looking through the window and we see Rory putting the cold washcloth Kirk's head.

On Kirk's head.

Everybody's taking care of Kirk. Where's he going to sleep tonight?

And then also like that she was on the couch and he was on the floor. Yeah.

And then the conversation with Laurel and Luke at the table where they're eating the pizza and talking about flak mobs. I just love the just the banter between the two of them. Yeah, so cute, Like I could have watched two hours of just them having a conversation. I love that scene. And I like Steely Dan. For the record, my husband can't stand Steely Dan, so what what When we listen to Spotify, it's always an argument over who's.

Oh, I have to sit him down have a talk with him.

And so then they decide they're going to go get married ahead of the actual ceremony, which I thought was a good way to do it. They could we could see them get married, yep, and we know for a fact that they are married. There's not like any cliffhanger, there's not anything left.

I love how they sort of suddenly they just walk out of the house and it's all kind of happening. And I love how we don't have to like listen to it all. Like I know that sounds weird, but like I love the way they did it, Like it's so pretty and beautiful and you realize Kirk's done it. I loved the whole thing. I'm like, this is so perfect.

And Sam Phillips Reflecting Light is playing, which you may remember was the song that Luke and Lorelai were dancing to at Losa's wedding, like when they like their first kind of first day, just magical, Like the whole wedding sequence. I I just loved it. It was so the choreography of the whole thing and the way it was all edited, I thought was was great.

So I just thought it was funny that Rory was still in pajamas the whole That was my one note, my one little note.

No Lovey's outfit for the whole Life and Death Brigade thing, other than I love the blue coat, but I so wanted her to like have a different outfit on. I don't know, but I do love the fashion. Yeah, it was a good blue coat too, Laura.

I just real quick, Laura, I wore a hat in this episode when she went to go talk to the nuns, and I really liked her in that hat.

It's just it was crue Yeah, yeah.

Yeah it was. And she had booms everything.

The fashion is great.

Yeah. So then the the wedding scene is interspersed with scenes of Emily with her her new sort of family in air quotes, the Winchester mystery family as she referred to them in a previous episode, And it just it just kind of left you with a sense that, Okay, everyone's gonna be okay, like it's it's all gonna work out. Was there anything else there? I thought that was good? Scott, What was it like, like, I'm sure when you guys were filming those scenes, those wedding scenes, I'm sure emotions must have been running high.

Like, well, we were just so good and so the thing we did was we were told, please do not take any photos of all of the of the of of how it's decorated. You know, we don't want photos, and intentionally getting out there and guess what, we all whipped out our cell phones and took as many pictures as all the time because it was so overwhelmingly beautiful.

Yeah, was this the last scene you shot?

God, I don't remember. Okay, I don't remember, but it was fun. It was being out there at night in that all that twinkle glory, and I don't remember it being you know, we were always full of good feelings and just happy to be there, and it was fun doing that whole shoot anyway, but especially that because it was just it was great to be out there and we were all like, like, we wouldn't go back to our trailers. In between takes, we'd sit on the comfortable couches and furniture out by the gazebo and just sort of chop it up and laugh, and you know, because we hadn't seen each other in a long time, and I.

Mean, like, how how often does that happen that you get to do the same thing over again and like recreate a moment like that that never happens especial.

It was really fun. It was really fun.

Then it's the next morning. It's the gazebo. I loved that setting because it looked like it was like a fall morning. You could tell it was early. You could tell from the sunlight it was early in the morning, you know, kind of crisp air. I just I thought it was great moralized drinking champagne, but Rory is not, although she has a bottle.

So it's very apparent that I fully rassed.

Finally, Paul breaks up with her.

I really need that. Yeah, I didn't either. I was so done with him. Oh yeah, I liked it.

I liked the fact that he broke up with her, but.

I didn't need it in that scene. I could have had it earlier. I just didn't want it that one.

Yeah, they could have put it somewhere else, but I was just glad.

To y like put it.

And then we had the final four words. So what do you guys think about that?

Now? I love it, I mean, I do love it.

Yeah, I think that it's good.

I think that it would have been really a cool ending to the original series. Because it would have I understand why she wanted to end it that way, right, and like, yes, it resonates a bit more when she was so young, just in college, you know, just graduating college, just having her first getting the Obama job, like that would have been you know, I don't know if it would have been Obama job because she and Amy didn't write that, but pretend. I get why those forwards were so important to ending the series. After rewatching it and coming to a better place with the movies, I actually really like it.

You know, I feel the same way. I like it because it serves so many different functions. It keeps it open, It keeps the storytelling possibilities wide open. And I don't know what's going to happen or if we're ever going to get together and do more episodes. I hope that we do. I hope for the fans sake. I hope for our sakes that we get to do this again because of how extraordinary this Fall episode turned out. In summer, I enjoyed it as well, and I thought Winter was pretty good. So but what I think it does for the fans is it gives them, you know, hope, on top of the fact that they can continue within their own imaginations to continue the storytelling. And I think that's the brilliance of planting something like that. It's a seed that will grow and bear fruit for a long time to come. What ifs and how do you think it played? It? It will continue the conversations among the fan base, by the way, an ever growing fan base.

Even in my own mind, even in my own mind, I'm like, Okay, here's now how I'm thinking it. Logan is the father, but now we're going to have this love triangle because she's back, not knowing whether to go with Jess or Logan can day what I think.

I think that if we let's just say, you guys do a year in a life eight Well, how many years ago was this? When did this come out?

Well, we'd have to do one. Yeah it was.

Eight years, Yeah, already been eight year. It was sixteen, it was twenty sixteen, how about that?

Okay, so seventeen years since the series ended.

So I would I would think that Rory. I feel like Rory becomes Laura Lai in the sense of she raises the kid on her own the eight years does her own thing? Logan still pops in from time to time, she still hooks up with him, she still is in love with him, but knows that it's not the right person she needs to be in love with.

And it's just a.

Repeat of floraale story, but with Rory. That's what that's what I see. I don't see just coming back. I don't know why, but I don't see that. That's just my theory.

But that's the beauty of this ending.

It's like, you, would you do the series now with the kid being eight or would you wait eight years for the kid to be sixteen? Just like I would do eight, I would eight. I would too, because it's like.

We're all getting along in years. And I think.

Also like I don't want it to be the same same. I want it to be like different enough and I want but I do want more. It's like it's gosh, we need more so bad.

Yeah, I will say rewatching this as much as I want more. Like this time, I was like, you know, if we never get anything again, I'm okay.

Like it was kind of like I made up the.

Story in my like what we're doing now, we're like making up a story like in our heads. And it's fine because I'm just going to restart it from episode one anyway, you know what I mean, and like it?

Please think you.

By the way, I will be the first one watching if we do have something come back.

That's true. But you know, I'm just going.

No, sorry, I'm just saying, like I will rewatch satisfy, You're pretty satisfied, Like I'm okay, Like I mean, trust me, if you announce it tomorrow, I'd be so.

I felt after the Winter I was longing for more. I felt a bit more satisfied after Fall, like I'm okay, but I would love more now. I don't know if this is a rumor or not, but there's a rumor that n puts in all her deals that she'll be let out if there's a Gilmore.

That's true. That's yeah, I put that in I pulled. I put that in my deals too.


Yeah. But but okay, here's here's the good news. The good news is this Fall episode, in particular, if not the whole the four a Year in Life episodes, answers the question can Amy and Dan execute and give us something fresh and great. The answer is a resounding yes. Yeah, okay, because because what do people do in reboots? They either to try to do the same thing with an older cast, and it just falls on its face, right, and they're just cashing a check. They're not trying to do anything interesting, they're not really trying to close anything out. It's just not good. Or they do something so far afield that it also falls on the face this thing. They made film. They got a film deal from Netflix, and they didn't make a TV show anymore. They made this is the film version that we want to give you, and they did it. So it gives me great hope that if they were going to do it within a year or two years from now, or do it now whatever, that Amy and Dan could execute on something.


Because Right leveled them up so much that he could even be better.

Right, So maybe it's even a limited series of like eight episodes or something that would be like mind blowingly great, and you know they could do that, so all confidence, confidence is high.

One thing to my what happens next? I think Rory has a boy. I think she has a boy, and I.

Think that's a nice twist. I think that that's a nice and.

Cool twist, that it's not Gilmore girls, that there's a boy. That's that's a cool idea and carry on that have to ruminate on that. I'm not one hundred percent sure, but I like where your head's at. Yeah, do you think she's Lorelei Danes now that they're married. No, I think she kept Gilmore. I could see her hyphenating.

Yeah, I think I think it's probably Luke Gilmour. Now what are you kidding me?

He's like, I'll take the name.

I want to get on the post or somehow.

Maybe they both hyphenate. I knew a couple that did that, Like they both took each other.

We love the Penna vegasas, Like I literally forget that that she was Alexa Vega and he was Carlos, Like I literally too. Oh it seems so it also flows what did Dean do? What is Dean and Caylin? Our friends Dean and Kylen. They have a new name. They just totally have a new name. His mom's name. You know, I didn't know that. Well, I don't change your name? Like, can I just be like you can?

Well? Yeah, you have to legally do it, right, right, I mean you know it's a process.

Let me tell you. You gotta go to the Social Security Office and you have to post office and you have to go to your banks.

You have to.

It's it ain't fun gad it.

Oh yeah, I mean obviously it's a ten.

Had never given a ten out of ten and this is a ten out of ten. Justice and giving a person not an item.

I do you feel like we have to give a thing though? Ten?


It's just you just just what are you? Tara.

I'm going to give it ten stars hollow fall leaves.

I want to give ten keads because it was so random how they zoomed in on heads. But no, I'm going to give it ten blue coats because I love that blue coat that they gave her for the life and death Brigate Jackie, Thank you, Jackie. Heads are a callback to dirty Dance. Oh yeah, so dumb? All right? Nice?

Mm hmmm, I'm gonna I'm gonna get give it a nine point nine. I just I'm still I just wanted that little bit from Emily, and I also think that was just a little too long. But I'm going to give it nine point to infinity.

Overstuffed backpacks, Scott, you gotta bring us home here. You better do something good.

Okay, I'm gonna make up for Susan's infinitesimal points. I'm gonna give it a ten point so we can average ten for the five of us. Uh bags of flour.

No good, one done, well done.

And uh yeah, I mean really an amazing our hour and forty to watch this thing. It was I'm gonna watch it again after the ballgame. My wife lets me I probably won't be able to do it, but just a fantastic way to spend a.

Little bit of that.

I want one thing I want to mention that I kind of I teared up a few times, but I got really emotional when they were in the truck, the green truck, and they were driving and I thought, man, what a movie moment that is.

Yeah, that was so cool. They're in the back and you're That was really cool, and I realized, hey, man, you know, very dangerous, but really cool.

We were all in a really good movie. Yeah that was a good film. And it was like, you know, that's the thing. People really want that in my business, Let's do a good film, really great.

Yeah, that was really clever.

That was so great, Danielle, thank you for pointing that out. It is a great feeling and rare privilege. And this show continues to to bring just nothing but good things, and.

Man, it doesn't feel like seventeen years ago. It feels like this show.

Is it's gaining momentum. Yeah, it's it's getting It's in the Nielsen ratings at number eight for the it's getting five hundred and seventy six million minutes of viewing on Netflix and it's not even on the well it's I mean, it's downloadable, but it's been off the years since two thousand and seven. It's crazy.

It's crazy.

It's expanding the audience space. It's and I mean, we're gonna we're doing some exciting things. You will release all this information.

I am uh, we're literally a week from announcing what we're doing. Yeah, because we're going to do pop culture of course, and then we're going to start telling you guys everything we have.

Comment Yeah, we got we got some stuff coming. So stay tuned, everybody, best and thank you. It has been a real pleasure going through these seasons. This has been what three years of just.

Yeah, what was our premier date of the podcast? It was in May? It was May.

Yeah, you guys, my heart kind of breaks a little, like, you know, like it's wow, Like what an amazing journey and rite and really how much fun we've had on this podcast. But also just like I get a little sentimental thinking about you, Scott, and like the fact that you had this project and I feel like so many people in your profession want one thing that is so impactful, and this is that one thing for you that has resonated with so many people in their lives.

And just in their friends and all that kind of stuff.

And the fact that we just finished recapping is such a beautiful and amazing series and the films and all that kind of stuff. It's just I kind of think about it and I'm rambling here, but just being close with you now, I just am like wow, Scott, like cool, you know, I don't know how to say it, but.

Like that you're in this like cause you're like Scott to us, but you're also Luke to us, and it's like you're on this show that is just so like wow. Like my friend was a little sad the other day and I was like, you know, why don't you watch Gilmore Girls? You know what I mean? Like, yeah, like what, that's so unbelievable. We launched may second one.

It's it's nice to wow. Well, it's just nice to know the show is making so many people feel better. Yeah, feel good, feel secure, feel safe, feel loved, you know. And We've been receiving so many emails, and I've gotten so many emails the coffee company and people just you know, sharing their stories about you know, how they are going through dark times and the show has helped them so much come come back and find some light and h and some joy. And it's just it's very satisfying to know that you're a part of something, but a small part of something that is that is that is helping. It's it's actually making the world a better place. And the more it's on, the more people watch it, I think, the better off people are. And it's just, you know, I don't know that anybody intended to do this. Probably Amy and Dan had a master plan and said, let's make the world a better place. We're going to write this delightful show. But boy, they really hit it out of the park, didn't they. They really really did.

And you do, yeah, you know like part of it. You're like a huge part of it. I mean like I think of a.

Blue hat and a flannel and I think of you, you know, like that's like so minimal, you know what I mean.

But it's it's such an impact on the entire culture.

It's I don't know, it's it's very humbling. I just feel very, very lucky. I was never lucky before and then I got lucky with this, and it's just a treat to be a part of something like this, and uh, you know, it's it's changed my life in remarkable ways. And thank you guys, and thanks for being a part of this. I couldn't ask for a better team, a better people. Uh, and we'll see what's next, you know. Great job, really fantastic. I want everybody out there to I couldn't have done this without these four ladies. And then there's a whole team behind them. You know, there's Jackie Rodriguez, there's Easton Ellison, and there's so many others that have helped along the way. So thank you to iHeart and thank you to Warner Brothers. They've been great partners. James Pettitt has been.

We've got yeah, there's as will be on soon everybody. We've got some good stuff coming up dot you.

So thanks everybody that's going to.

Wrap it up for this is the end. This is not the end.

This is not the end, but this go round is complete. Uh. And I want to thank my intrepid Cruzanne French, Danielle Romoterra, suit Amy Sugarman. I'm Scott Patterson and remember we and I will remain to be always, will be forever be way in, totally in, all in for the best fans on the planet.

Stay safe everyone, Hey, everybody, don't forget.

Follow us on Instagram at I Am all In podcast and email us at Gilmore at iHeartRadio dot com.