Happy Friendsgiving!

Published Nov 26, 2021, 6:55 AM

You’re invited to spend Friendsgiving with your BFFs from Stars Hollow.

Join Scott, Emily Kuroda (Mrs. Kim), Sally Struthers (Babette), Jackson Douglas (Jackson) and Grant Lee Phillips (Town Troubadour).

Plus, the Town Troubadour surprises us with a special performance!

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I am all in, want kiss you. I am all in with Scott Patterson and I Hurt Radio Podcast. Welcome everybody to the first ever live virtual podcast. And I am Scott Patterson and this is I Heart Radio and one eleven Productions bringing you a friends giving events. And we're all so happy and so pleased to have you join us and thank you so much. We also want to say a portion of the proceeds a You're gonna go benefiting the St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital and Baby Too Baby, two causes that are in charities that are close to my heart. I've taken a bunch of tours through St. Jude's and other hospitals and to visit kids. And let me tell you something, there is nothing more rewarding and more satisfying and knowing that that you can provide a little tiny bit of comfort for a kid on a specific day. Um. And these are beautiful kids that need our help and beautiful families all pulling together for a great cause. So thank you very much forgetting your tickets and uh and joining in. Listen. We want to well, I'm gonna tease our guests here a little bit. We've got Jackson Douglas, who played Jackson Belleville in series fifty seven episodes. We've got Emily Kuroda Mrs Kim, We've got Sally Strutters obviously played Babette, and Grantly Phillips the Town Troubadour, and we are very, very very excited. I want to thank my team UH, led by Amy Sugarman, Danielle Romo, Riley pelusis UH and there are others behind the scenes. Tomorrow NPR, I'm gonna butcher her last name, so I'm not even gonna attempt it. There's Eastern Eastern Allen Um, who is our attack on this and he does fantastic work. We are in cahoots now Eastern and I doing secret things behind everybody else's back to surprise us the rest of the team on the podcast. The following one is gonna be quite a reveal something that I have discovered in the show. One of those things that pops up every now and again. It's kind of like the clown Fellow. But you'll have to download the next podcast series of podcast to find out what it is. But it's a bombshell, I guarantee you that. Anyway. Thank you all for joining us and without further ado, and let me take these off because I gotta get ready to talk to one of my favorite people in the whole world. Mr. And I think he's living in Spain now, So let's welcome Jackson Douglas. Jackson, come on in. How you doing, guy? Doing good? How are you doing? I'm doing really good. Let me put my specs onto you are not? Should I take mine off so you can't see that I've got my got something else up on my computer that you could see in my glasses now, I don't really but I'm good. That's crazy, And I'm not in Spain anymore. Where are you? I'm in Los Angeles. I'm back in Los Angeles, right. I got tired of paying for a house that I wasn't living in, so we decided to come back. We're only supposed to be gone for a year. We were always supposed to go for a year. And we got there and it was like a week into it and we're like, oh my god, this is beautiful. I don't ever want to go back, right, And then the election happened, which kind of, you know, helped me to make my choice. But we didn't want to come back, so I don't know. At the end of a year. It takes you a year to get used to living somewhere else, you know what I mean. You gotta find your store, you gotta find your coffee shop, you gotta find all that stuff, so you get used to it after a year. So we stayed for another year, and then we stayed for another year, and then another year, and then another year, and then COVID happened, and then so and then we decided, Okay, we got to get back. The kids are getting old enough that they really need to have some roots where, you know, not to move anymore. So it was time. So they're fluent. They they're fluent Spanish, yes, but they don't like to talk in Spanish because they're self conscious about it. You know. They're like, they will correct the hell out of me when I speak it wrong. But you know, and they know it. They can understand it, and if if forced they can they can speak. Yeah. Yeah, I I My son corrects me all the time. It's only something, but he's I call him the correct because he's yeah, he's up my asses every day about something. Well it's because they that's they finally have some power over you, right, you know, so I give them that. I was like, Okay, I'm the one who tells you when to go to bed, but you can tell me when I'm saying the wrong word, when I'm swear ring incorrectly in Spanish. So let's get into um, let's get into the show. You did fifty seven episodes. What did you know about the role of Jackson when you got the part? I mean, did casting say anything to you, anything about having the same name as the characters things like that, Yeah, a little bit. I mean I think you know, I went when the pilot was shot. I was in Toronto and that's where I met Amy and Dan and um, and I think they were saying something about like, oh, you're funny. You should be on the show. And so they kind of put me in. And I think my name originally was supposed to be Crispin, but it was too close to Tristan, and so they said, oh, wow, what the hell this is? Called you Jackson? Why not? That's fine? It works. So you're so you yeah, exactly, you were so you yeah that it happened, alright, So why not just call you Jackson Douglas. Why Jackson Bellville? I don't guess. I don't know. Maybe it's a legal thing. I don't know, probe the minds of those two. Yeah, and and what's funny is I think I think there's even an episode where I was Melville or the last name was Melville, and then it changed to Belleville. I don't know. There's a lot of controversy about that. I asked about that, and Dan just kind of blew me off. I don't stop asking about that every time I had to try to have a conversation with us, too. I wear a miner's homet with the nextra on the helmet. It's about right. Yeah. So it's funny that you ask me, is do you have any insight into any of that? It's like, uh, do we ever? Do we ever have any insight into the hy No? Accept it and move on. Learned not to ask questions, service to will and get that food. Go stand on your marks, say your words really fast, and be done. We want to go home. Well that's the Kapper man. So tell me, you know, how would you describe in your own words? Uh? Not that you can use anybody else's get try all right? In Pierce bronss No, No, we can steal or or or or or James Bond, which, all right, I'll do me because I'm really bad at the voices. How would you describe Jackson in your own words or Arnold swag Schwartzenegger's words or yeah, I don't know, you know, it was it was an interesting It was really an interesting role because I think it was just kind of a I mean, the best way that I can describe it, at least the way I feel about it. It's just a hyperbolized version of me. You know. It's funny how you would live life and they would all of a sudden end up in the script. I got named the president of the Homos Association, and a month later later we were doing I was being elected the town selectman. You know, because I don't know, Amy just seemed to think that my life was hilarious and just needed to use that for something. So, you know, Umm, although there are there are some differences, like when I get angry, I don't act like Jackson does when he gets angry. I think Jackson's more of it. You can kind of laugh at his anger. My kids, well, well that's not true. Now my kids laugh at my anger too, so they don't take me seriously. Anymore and let me just start laughing, which really doesn't do much for my anger. Um. But yeah, I mean, I don't know. I mean it was a lot of fun to play. I mean everybody, I don't know, it was so easy. I mean, the character it was just so much fun. And I got along with everybody so well that it just it really did become effortless. The hardest thing was just to use somebody else's words, you know, try to It's like, oh, I wouldn't speak that way, but I've got to try and force my mouth to, you know, say it a certain way. Or plus you get to, you know, work with Melissa McCarthy for god, Well, yeah, it didn't feel like right exactly because we've said on the show, on the podcast, we you know, we could I could see because I haven't seen the episodes, right, so I'm watching for the first time. It's the whole thesis of the podcast. And you know, the talent on her from the very first moment you see her is so glaring and apparent and and just like, wow, did you see it too? You must have seen it, right. I guess I felt it, you know, and I guess I'm really really fortunate that I felt such a wonderful personal connection with her that I think if I were to oh my god, I mean, now that you mentioned it, I kind of just got shivers. How if I looked at it the way that you're you described it, I think I would have been really intimidated. And I don't think I would have been able to even close, you know, I think I think, yeah, it was just but she's just so I mean, she's just so nice and warm and loving as a person that it's hard to be intimidated around it. You just kind of get in the role with it, you know, you just kind of she doesn't even know how funny she is. Not. She didn't back that. I mean, she she did some things. We did an interview together for the Humorously Enough for ESPN, and you know, in the very beginning, so there we are seated together in our director's chairs and there's ESPN and there, you know, and and they asked us how we stay in shape? And you know, I said, well, you know, I run a little bit of oh my god, are we supposed to stay in shape? Walk up and down the stairs, that kind of thing. And she and then when they asked her, she immediately said, oh, I love the box, you know, And I thought she was kidding, and I let out a little bit of a life because just the way she inflects her work, and it's just it's just naturally funny. Um. And so she doesn't know she's so quick and and and you know, the phrasing is so just beautifully time that you have you can't help it, not law Can you remember your favorite scene that you filmed with her? Uh? Now, if you answer correctly, I'll send you fifty dollars. Oh you mean there's a correct answer. Well, of course, as a correct answer, and it has to be it's got my favorite scene. I would be the only one who would know the answer to that. I don't know. I mean, there were so many there was We had a lot of fun when we did the pre wedding um high jinks, you know where I was running around Balboa Park in a skirt a kilt. But um, you know, we we're doing photos and stuff like that. I think the I think the one that really sticks out in my mind is the is when we get when we decided to move in together or kind of get engaged. There's a picnic that we did and it was. It's like a when you watch it on TV. You see it's a bright sunny day and we're having this picnic in the park and it was two o'clock in the morning and pitch black outside, you know, and it was lit uh night for day and you wouldn't even know. And it was just so surreal and but it really added something to the scene because it kind of took your headspace out of you know, it became kind of oh, I'm too old in my my brain just drops words um not ethereal, but it's you know, it just kind of takes you out of yourself and out of the moment. And it felt felt very different and special. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, oh my so many Oh my god. I was so sweaty and tired at the end of the day. And I think and I think they had it after one, but you know, I think Amy and Dan just felt that they just were laughing at my running and just wanted to torture me. But it was fun. It was fun torture. I remember that one that was good is that The correct answer is that being? Is that one? Or is it deep Fred Shoe Thanksgiving did not answer correctly, so I don't get by my own dinner to night, but I will send you bag of coffee. So okay, that's to look forward to, all right, I'll take the parting gift. So we're only a handful into of episodes into season two, and we're starting to see your romance with melissic Rono, SUPI grow. What type of direction did you receive when it came to you and Melissa in that regard? I think, Um, I don't think there was a lot. I don't think there was a lot of direction. There's one there's one scene that I'm that I'm so embarrassed about that I just even to this day, I cringe. And there's and it's when we have our first child and Jamie Babbott was directing, and um, and so we're in the hospital we've had the child, and I'm go up to her and I give her a big kiss or a big hug and a kiss. And she's like saying that, and she kept saying, you know, we'll give her a kiss, give her a kiss. But I've never done an on screen kiss before, and I know Melissa so well. It just felt so weird to have to fake this and I just couldn't do it. I just couldn't. I end up giving her a great big hug, and I just feel like I failed as an actor that day, failed so hard. How it would have been a really tender, you know, a wonderful, wonderful moment, but the the person that is me, I just couldn't get over that, you know, over that. I don't know, it was really weird. Maybe you took it in the direction that was unexpected and even more effective, more emotional in a way. Maybe, yeah, all right, I'll take that to kind of save my salve my guilt. But um, yeah, but I so, I think that's the only time that I really that we really received some kind of you know, a direction to do this or that. I mean a lot of it had I almost feel like a criminal, you know, getting paid to do the show because it was just so easy and natural that it just right, you know, right. So what was it like to come back almost ten years later for a year in the life. That was very odd? It was that was very odd. What did you think? I want to know what you thought about that? It's it was really odd. Yeah, I I didn't feel like him at all anymore. I've gotten married, had a son. Um. It took me a bit, you know, to get Yeah, yeah, I had. Did you know I had two kids? And you know the I don't I can't remember if we were in Spain yet or not. I don't think so. But um, but I had the same kind of feeling coming back to l A when I came back from Spain, where everything feels very familiar, but it's not familiar, and it's that weird juxtaposition of I should feel differently because I know my surroundings, I know these people, I know this stuff. But it's like I was in a coma for ten years and just woke up and just's like, wait, do I know you anymore? So okay, so we have a fan question for you, Jack. I see, we have a Julie who wants to know the picture of pajamas that he wore in the episode where those his real photos on the pajamas. It was my face, but I wasn't a wrestler, so uh they put my face on. Funny enough, there was a a Dolly Grip named Cal. Remember Cal, His son was a wrestler, so they took his picture, put my youth, you know, my face from my youth on those and then put those on the pajamas. Okay, so it's my face, but Cal's son's body. Oh my god. Okay, So here's here's the good question, and you can redeem if you answer this correctly. Are you ready to be ready? What are you most thankful for? From Gilmore's being that it's friends giving and a thanksgiving sort of a podcast right now, A love to them? What am I most thankful for? And I think I'm thankful for the opportunity to get to know so many wonderful people and just to you know, I'm really I feel so lucky and thankful and grateful for to to be able to do it, you know, I mean, just to meet everybody. Everybody was so wonderful. We really were like a family. You know. There some of us that would fight with each other, as some of us that would you know, we get along great, just like any other family. And but you still felt loved and you could love other people. And so that that really was magical for me. Hang on, Getting New York is piping in. They're they're wondering if that's right or not. Oh wait a minute, hang on, Jackson, Hang on a second, Hang on a second. I've got the head of the whole thing here, buddy, we're good. Correct answer, correct answer, It's good. Okay, all right, that's about one door dash order and that about it. Your coupons, okay, you're coupons. It's a gift certypicate. Okay, saying good. Thing is money in the bank, buddy. Always. Great to see you, um, and I guess we'll see you later. Yeah, in the in the stick around and you stick around, buddy, and great catching up with you and thanks for joining in. Uh, this was a lot of fun. I wish we had ten times the amount of time to uh, you know what I mean. It's just that, you know, fifteen minutes it just doesn't cut it. Hi, Hi, are you are you on the area? Sure? Yeah, we're my god, we've done forty episodes. No, I mean right now, are we just you and I talking? Or is this part of the podcast? No, we're live bad. We're going out to the planet Earth. We are Earth Hill, one of the Julian's on the planet. And thank you gravity for keeping me on the planet. That's I'm grateful for gravity too. Yeah. Are you doing darling? Good? Happy holiday time. I just got back from Maine. Where I did the musical Young Frankenstein. I played shroud Bocher ive us my boyfriend. Man, you're still your man. You're doing that theater stuff. That musical theater stuff is so fun, isn't it. Uh? Yeah, it's not for whimps. No no, no, no no no no. Those are tough schedules, but they're fun, right, yes, they are fun. Audiences are great. There's nothing like a live audience, nothing like it. So listen. The last time you're on the podcast, we had the pleasure of seeing what you had in your bag. Oh I'm just kind of wondering what isn't what is in there today? And do you switch it out for the holidays or you know, I took all the fun stuff out of my bag because I was traveling in the people the t s A people. This is a message to all the people that work for t s A around the country. You have made my life a living hell. I know you think it's fun to go through my suitcase and look through my purse claiming that you've seen something on your scanner. You haven't, but you've gotten word that I'm in line and now you're dicking around with me and this happens every time I fly, and I'm effing sick of it. And I want you all to go like lemmings to the sea and disappear. You make you make travel such an unhappy day for me. Just stop it, stop it. I never have anything interesting, illegal or dangerous in my carry on or my purse, So stop it. Oh you know the power that they get the drunk with the power, right, you know, I had all those things. I had the chicken in my person when you squeeze that she gives birth to another chicken. I had the eyes that the Google Google eyeglasses, and I had fake nose, and I had the things to make children on the airplane stop crying or gar them even worse. And I took it all out of my purse because t s A. People don't have a sense of humor. I know what he does anywhere. Oh my goodness, Oh my goodness. So what's going on with you and your son? Oh he's just you know, in robotics camp, building SUVs and amazing us with this mathematics and how six And he's so far beyond me now, it's just like, okay, yeah, trying to ask me a math question, I'm not like, yeah, it's good necks, it's it's he's great. Thanks for asking. Welcome in the seventies, I stret oh I did too. Where did you run naked? Here? Were you? Hadn't? Field Memorial High School? Four of us during an assembly. We ran across the football field and then we ran on stage. We streaked across the stage and god, that was very brave. It's maybe foolish. Did you get in a big big doo doo trouble? No, no, no trouble. You know it was a thing back then, if everybody was doing it. Yeah, I street at the Playboy Club, Oh my goodness. No, in in Lake Geneva. It was the only way to top the playgirl bunnies because they're on these outfits with everything pushed up without and there sexy. But you know what's sexy or than an a middle aged lady running naked down the hall with a red top hat on. So I want to ask you about one of our favorite lines on the part. One of our favorite lines in the episodes are are from you from Babette. Do you remember having a Babette line that you particularly loved? Uh? I can't quote it exactly, but I was trying to explain how my cats Cinnamon died, and it was pretty funny. I remember that scene. And he fell off he thought he was asleep and then he fell off the couch and didn't move, and then you maybe kicked him and he flew across this room the floor and he still didn't That's what I knew he was. Yeah, that was that was hysterically funny. I remember that. I think I was. I was running towards you. I was running towards Luke's anyway. I don't remember if you were the receiving end. But I had to run all the way across the little park in the center of town where the gazebo is, and run towards your restaurant, and when you are majorly endowed, it was very painful to run. So I held my breast the entire way while I was running, and Um, Gamy Sherman Palladino said, leave it in, So there you go. Um. Do you have moments even to this day where you think, oh, that was very bad bet of me, like in your real life? Any similarities? Well, in some ways I really am bad, bet. Um. I've always dated taller guys and I'm only five feet tall, and I'm highly energetic, and I'm very nosy. You know, I sit down with somebody, I get into their business. So I'm very very much like that bad Did you know that Ted Rooney who played my husband on Gilmer Girls and I his father was my math teacher in in high school? Yes, And that he and I went to the same high school and grew up in the same town. Yes. But as he pointed out the first day I met him, he's younger than I am, So I didn't know him in high school because he wasn't there yet. Right. Oh, yeah, we had We had him on the podcast he was driving. He did share that story. Yeah, he's a great guy. And his dad, his dad, Ed Rooney, father of Ted Rooney, was on the Johnny Carson Show one night because he had Ted Rooney is one of like nine children, and so you know Ed Rooney was just a high school teacher. I mean, how do you feed a family and nine kids on that? So he fed them horse meat and hope that they didn't hope that they didn't know the difference. It was cheaper than buying cow meat, and he was somebody got word of it, and the Tonight Show flew down and he was on the Tonight Show talking about feeding his family horse meat with Johnny Carson. With Johnny Carson, Yeah, oh my god, are you gonna have Rose abdu on on this one? Yeah? No, No, it's very funny. She's very funny. She's a very brilliant gal. I love her, she really is and her resume proves that point. And now, speaking of Ted Rooney, we had him on the podcast what do you remember about the scenes inside your tiny home and and what the difference between you and Ted height getting the way of those scenes. Uh, it didn't get in the way in real life, but it obviously got the way in Babbet's marriage to him. Because when we were having the wake at our house for our cats, Cinnamon and Laura, I was standing in the kitchen with me with her legs spread apart so that she would be shorter because she was helping me with the dishes and the counters were so low, and she she asked, you know, if Marie had any trouble moving into this house with me, and I said, well, yeah, he he hits his head sometime on the dividus between the rooms, but he never had a really bad concussions, Are you okay? Yeah? Yeah. She had the house built for her own height, probably never thinking she'd get married, and then she met maur right right right. Let me ask you this, if there was ever another reboot of Gilmore Girls and you couldn't do it for some reason because you were in a player or another movie and the schedule didn't work, God, who would you want to play? But that, oh, oh well, if we could dig her up, Ruth Gordon, because that's who my my, my performances, you know, giving honor to because she was the best character actress that ever lived. Now I see that now because we just reviewed Rosemary's Baby, because it was mentioned in the in in the first episode, and you're right, yeah. I loved her. And then I got to play her daughter in law in the film The Great Houdini's Paul Michael Klaser played Harry Houdini and I played best his wife, and Ruth Gordon played his mother, and we made friends, and we stayed friends until she passed away. As a matter of fact, when I went to New York to do my first Broadway show, she and her husband, Garson Kanan, let me stay in their brownstone on the East side of New York City, and my next door neighbors were Katherine Hepburn and Stephen Sondheim. And on the morning of my birthday, there was an on the front door. On the door, and then you know, the first level was the kitchen in the dining room, and then you went up a set of stairs, and then it was a living room, another set of stairs, bedrooms and bathrooms, and another set of stairs, bedrooms and bathrooms. And my best friend Pamela was upstairs with my daughter, who was turning too and we were trying to toilet trainer on little party chair, and so I screamed, Pamela, I'm in my pajama. Someone's knocking on the door. Can you come down and answer? And she said, I've got Samantha on the party chair. I can't come down. So I said, all right, I answered the door and there's cats and Hepperd standing at my front door. I mean, I think my mouth literally hit the floor. And I looked at her. I said, oh, miss Happer, hello, I'm sorry, I'm in my pajama. And she says, well, hello. Sadly, she says, Norah told me it was your birthday. Happy birthday. Dear, I painted you a birthday, can't so you let take it from me? And sundaytime this week, why don't you come next door to my place. I'll show you all around. I'll talk to you about Spencer Tracy, and I've got my closets full of all my costumes all about wonderful time. Can you make coffee at tea? This isn't happening on my birthday? Oh my god, Oh my god. But I was staying in recording this Brownstone. My ears are so tiny, their childlike my ears, that these little pods won't stay in because my ear can't accept them. That's okay, I'm you know, I'm not doing much talking because you're being so great and funny. So if you here's here's a question. If you could jump back in time, um to filming any episode or season, what would it be? Oh, Gilmore Gross, any episode or season of the Gilmore Girls, Gilmore Girls, Um Ohm, When did I have the most fun? Probably when we did was it called a year in the life? What was it? But we came back we all haven't seen each other in several years, and then we did those four ninety minute movies and I felt so lucky. Yeah, I felt like I hadn't been invited to my high school reunion. And the reunion went on for you know, a month. I was like a kid at Christmas, dancing around the Warner Brothers lot, and Rose Abdew said to me one day, Oh, here comes one of their where their trolleys? What do you call those caravan things where they drive people around to take a tour of the studio. That the tram right, And she says, let's just stand here and give him a thrill. But we were on our way to the steppy uppy truck where you could get snacks, and we were admonishing one another about how we didn't need snacks but we were getting them anyway. And then we stopped and kind of post so to give the group on the Trauma thrill. They didn't recognize either one of us. We both felt so awful. We got more snacks than we even originally wanted. I gotta tell you, every single time I came to work on that, because you you worked in every episode, you were there all the time, but I was in one in every three episodes, maybe sometimes one in every other one. So to me was this realization that I was still in show business, you know, because sometimes when you're a woman, when you're a woman in this industry, you're pretty much told when you hit about forty that you're washed up. So here I was on this very popular TV series and being written with dialogue that was just as brilliant as the dialogue on All in the Family, and I really felt every day that I was there that I had won the lottery. So I loved all of it. I loved the scenes in in uh Laura Lae and Rory's house. I was always excited when there's something in there to do. I never ever did a scene in her parents home. I was not never And I know you went to the senior Gilmore's house sometimes. I was never in any of those scenes. Yeah, those were great scenes. That's where that's a great place to shoot. So here's a fan question for you, Sally. Here's somebody typing in from the audience. Sally, what was your favorite part of playing that that? This is from Ashley. By the way, Ashley, thank you for asking that. I think the favorite part. The two favorite parts for me is that one they let me do my very bad impression of Ruth Gordon and never called me on the carpet about it. And number two, they always let me wear my own clothes because I don't look good when you dressed me in other people's clothes. So once they understood that I would bring choices, I was always so comfortable on the set in my own clothes. Right. I know that's not the answer that you were looking for, Ashley, but but I was really excited to do my get out my roof Gorden kind of thing. Oh my god, that made me happy. It's just it's just it's just all hitting me now because because I mean, yeah, that's what you were doing. It's fantastic. But it wasn't. It was an homage, it was, but it was it was mostly you, but a little bit that's yeah, that's that's good stuff. All Right, here we go, we're gonna, we're gonna. We're gonna wrap it upright by asking you a final question, what are you most thankful for? From Gilmore Girls? It sounds so selfish all about me, but honestly, I was really grateful. But I was on a show that was so good and so well liked that I stopped being approached as oh, there's that girl from Archie Bunker. You know, people didn't even remember it was called All in the Family. They call it the Archie Bunker shows all about Archie. And they'd come up and they'd say, you know, oh, we haven't seen you in so long? Have you retired? Dear? All of that kind of condescending stuff where you want to step on their feet and walk away. But but then I started getting stopped by people who watched Gilmore Girls, and they it made me feel like I had come alive again in my career because I had been hearing thirty years worth of All in the Family remarks, and now I was getting a whole new generation that would talk to me. So and that has lasted, it still seems current. Yeah, yeah, yeah, they keep playing it. It's uh yeah. Every new generation is discovering the show and love and falling in love with the show, and yeah, it's it's crazy. I'm so glad you had me on your podcast. Should I hang around? Are you gonna have us all back in a while? Yes, we're gonna, yeah, we're gonna wrap up the segment. You're gonna come back for the fan Q and A. Alright, you around because I love you. I love you too, very much and I love see you in a little bit. All right, good deal, Sally, thank you. Okay, so we're gonna, we're gonna we're gonna go to some uh some fan Q and A here and here's Chris and Tiffany asking, uh me, okay, did you serve real food in Luke's diner? Oh? You bet you? I did. Um. That was real cooked burgers, that was real chicken, that was real waffles, real eggs, real everything. Everything was real. I'm not saying it was fresh, Okay, I'm not saying that. And sometimes extras did kind of you know, break the rules and break down and and start eating what they we would call the prop food. Um. And I was tempted a few times myself late at night and hungry and Crafty was running out of food and the pizza was gone, and you know, you look at one of those, you know, those old burgers, it's like who cares? Just dig it? But now it was. To answer your question, it was all real. Everything was real, Yes, yes, yes, yes, indeed. Um. Okay. Next question is from Lyndy or Lynde. LYNDI, Uh, did the fake snow in Stars Hollow have a smell to it? Yes? Absolutely it did because it was made out of paper. Um, and it smelled like paper. Uh. So it's it's just paper that's chopped up into it's you know, fine not granules, but pretty pretty fine, tiny little pieces of paper, hundreds of millions of tiny little pieces of paper being shot through a very expensive looking and very large, cumbersome machine. Uh. And sometimes they'll just sort of rain it down from a um, sort of a sieve like contraption way above you. And you know, it's quite clever. Um, but it us get in your ears and your nose and your mouth and your arts and all kinds of places. So um um, yeah, it smells like paper, that's what it smells like. Yeah, there he is. Hello there man, how you doing, buddy, I'm good. Are we live right now? We are live, beaming out streaming out to the world. Wow, hey, say hello, hi everybody, all your beautiful pable So look, let's uh, let's do a couple of questions then well then you can play us your song. Okay, really looking forward to um. So anyway, thanks for coming on. Great to have you, great to see it. My pleasure, my pleasure. And by the way, I'm coming to your neck of the Woods in February. Are you really? I am the Nashville area. I am gonna I'm coming down there. I'm gonna work with some top songwriters for a whole week and uh do some podcasts with them and write some songs with them, and I'll let you know. Yeah, it's gonna be fun. Man. Well, um, well we've got to we've got to get together. Yes we will. We'll hit the honky tonks, yes we will. We will. So look, we absolutely loved having you on the podcast last time. Um, what was it like strolling down Troubadour memory Lane for you? What was it like trolling down Troubadoor Avenue you're referring to, uh when you're on the podcast recounting your days on right right right? Well, it was great. It went by in a flash. We got we got talking and we we covered a lot of ground and goodness, Um, I don't know. It's a funny thing, isn't it when you when I sometimes forget how many seasons, how many years passed that we were all involved with the show, you know, because it all seems to exist in some ways for me, but like in one moment, in some ways, you know, I don't know you. And even when we went back to um you know, to stars Hollow for the reunion, it was like that everybody just found their place immediately. You know, you didn't have to find the tape on the ground. You knew where to go and everybody, everybody had a connection. You know. It was nice. It was nice for you visiting that. It really was. We just had Sally on. She was so grateful for that opportunity to come back and do it again, and I felt I felt the same way at the time. It's like you won the lottery. It's like, really, it's just happening. I mean, right right right, yeah, Um, so you look very cozy and you're in your home. I felt very cozy. I've got the you know, the the autumnal mantle. You can see behind me, a copious amount of flint corn behind me. And yeah, so, how would you describe the Troubadorus music and what genre would it be? M Uh, it's uh, it's traveling music. It's it's music made for walking, for strolling. You know. I guess maybe it's because I tend to write songs when I'm when I'm on the move, you know, when I'm traveling. Uh, when I'm out there on my own. Um, that was a hard thing to adjust to with this your pandemic. Suddenly I found myself kind of you know, sitting at home and there's plenty of time to write songs. But something about that, you know, that uh, that kind of input that you get, you know, that that stimulation of travel and seeing new places. You know. Um, I always get a lot of ideas in that way. So I guess it's traveling music wherever you're going metaphorically, you know, literally. So as as we get further into the series, you know, we see the Troubadore more and more. Um, yeah, did you get to keep that neck microphone set up? And oh I I built that. That was all my own that yeah, you know, and um yeah, I mean Amy, they they said, yeah, show up, you know, when I kind of showed up with with my my suit and my homemade um busking rig you know, a little pig nose amp with a harmonica holder with a spray painted golden microphone, and I kind of rigged the whole thing. And I don't know if you remember, at the very beginning, that microphone went through like a little echo box and I had that, but I soon realized this thing is very heavy, and I'm just gonna I'm gonna spend the afternoon walking around. So I kind of paired it down finally, but it was always heavy and and I had and I had to wear it. I didn't want to do a scene without it, you know, right, Yeah, How did the Trouvadore evolve of the seasons? In your opinion? How what? How did he? Uh, that's a good question. I think it seems to me that with this might have taken place early on, but it seemed to reach a fever pitch. I noted that my character was always angry about something, you know. I mean maybe maybe there's a little bit of you know, a little bit of that, you know, you sense it in Taylor. There there are other characters that they have, uh, you know, that have these issues. And mine, of course was the first reveal itself, you know, when I had to like fight for my troubadour turf um, which you know that happened. But even later on when I come back after being on the road with with Neil Young and uh and again, um, you know, kind of flying off the handle there too, you know. So here's the storyline for maybe the next reboot. We discover we find out that you're really Tailor's younger brother you've never met, and that the store, the candy store that he inherited right from his family, was supposed to go to you. So a lengthy court battle, you kick him out of that store and you take over and he becomes the town trooper or what do you think of that? Do I have any chance that I think that's a that's a great idea. I'd love to see you as the new Tailor Wow, And I'd like I'd like to see Taylor in with my with my amplifier around well, and he will feel the pain that I haven't heard for so long. I was, I I've made a suggestion that Taylor like, like I have a place to make a suggestion. What if I think Taylor should be uh like in the Royal Order of Water Buffaloes like Fred flint Stone. You know, doesn't he seem like he should kind of like have a secret handshake and I stash of some kind, you know. So I'm working on a song for Emily Emily Corona with her low internet and can't hear or can't hear me? Inspired a song. Hey, Emily, can he you what he sent to me? I want to talk to you right now, Hey, Emily, can't it? Don't be cute? Don't you mute em They're gonna me. I don't know. You're tuned to the classic Massile key of ease something or another. I think I'm probably not. Look, we have our own tuning, you know. I'm in Nashville. Nashville tuning right, all right? Um like people that have actual talent and good ears. Right, I got um, let's get to your song. Man, tell us about your song? Tell us, Oh, I'd love to. I thought it might be nice. You know, the leaves are changing here, the chill in the air. There's a winter front. Winter front make it its way from one coast to the next. And along with that, I've got a look at this. This is coming out on record sort day. This is remember these phono graphs. I do play these on your photograph player. Um, and this is coming out finally. It's on vinyl, not just vinyl, though, it's on that green translucent vinyl. Yeah, and uh, it's kind of a nice thing. You know. It came out last year digitally, but it's finally available on vinyl. A painting by myself, but tuly painting. You'll see when you come to Nashville that it's just every every inch of it cries out to be painted. It's a beautiful. So so i'll I'll play your song off off that album that I actually premiered on The Gilmore Girls when we did our our winter reunion. Um, like so many it's like so many times, I got a call from Helen she and Amy talking, do you have a song that is uh kind of the scene takes place in the winter, the whole episode actually, so what do you think anything? And I said, you know what I do? I wrote, I wrote a song. Um some years ago my dad said, you know, you should write a song, a seasonal song, a seasonal ballad, you know, all to day number. And I said, you know, that's a good idea, And so I did, and lo and behold, it made its debut on The Gilmore Girls, just like that serendipity. You know what's the name of the song. It's called Winter Glow. I'll play it for you here, all right, ladies and gentlemen, I give you Grantly Phillips. Okay, I just gotta make sure I'm situated just right, Scott, a little bar stool here and the rungs if I can I can? There we go perfect? Okay, there we go perfect. Okay mm hmm. You take a swig of water. I've been eating peanuts tonight. No, and you know how that happens, Like hours later you realize I still got a peanut in there. They're saving up her later m hm. Okay, such a tender feeling. The candle light. I'll flickering wool shoot in the fireplaces close, thank you you full, thanks so much. And that and that was on the show that that ended up on Gilmore, that's right, yeah, yeah. The snows coming down or crispies or whatever it was. And I'm in front of the gazebo and I'm just emoting, trying to try and keep my scinuces from going crazy from those you know whatever those things are? What are there? Potato buds they dropped from the sky when they wanted to snow. You know what, now that you mention it, it's pay paper and it's that too. Yeah. I think sometimes they do use those potato butts, but I really think it's mostly paper, right, yeah, wild great song, what beautiful song. Thanks so much. What a performer in that voice and the melody, Oh my goodness, I've got I've got special fuel in me today. I'm full of Scotty peas. I'm doubly caffeinated tonight. Songwriter's choice go to coffee for that's right. Yes, thank you for the plug. That was wonderful. That was absolutely wonderful. Um. Now were there times when you were touring and you couldn't and you were offered an episode? Amy and Dan reached out and you know, can you do this episode? That episode? Sorry, now I'm Torreon, can't do it? Did that happen to you? We? I don't think there there was ever a time where we um we have that happened, funny enough, But a lot of that was because Um, I would get I would get heads up, usually pretty early on, you know, before the season was kicking in, and uh, I would try to set aside that time, you know, and just hold off on touring during that particular week or two. You know, we kind of work around each other. But we were lucky that way. I think there maybe there might have been a time where I had to recut some some dialogue or some music. Um in New York City to replace whatever I had done on the show, because you know that is I mean, you're out there playing and then an airplane flies over and so you gotta you gotta make it happen. So you know, that's all I can really recall, though he got pretty lucky that way. Yeah, alright, so we're gonna we're gonna wrap this little session here, buddy. Thank you so much, stick Please, thank for the for the Q and A. They're gonna for sure the fans have many questions they want to ask you. Thank you so much, buddy. Okay, that's gonna do it. That's a rap on our first annual live virtual event, Friends Giving. We're going to do another one real soon. We'll let you know when that is. You are the best fans on the planet. Thanks for downloading. Everybody. We helped raise some money from some very worthy causes. Very worthy charity is very proud of you guys for that. Anyway, Stay safe, everybody, all the best, much love, hey everybody, and don't forget follow us on Instagram at I Am all In podcast and email us at Gilmore at I heart radio dot com. Oh you Gilmore fans, if you're looking for the best cup of coffee in the world. Go to my website for my company, scott ep dot com s C O T. T y P dot com, scott ep dot com Grade one Specialty Coffee. Yeah.