Is Sutton Foster’s acting meant for Broadway and not TV at this point in her career?
We are happy to see a Gilmore surprise in this episode, find out which actor made a cameo.
And, which character are we liking more than Michelle?
I am all in again.
Oh you Gillmore Girls Gazette with Amy Sugarman and Danielle Romo, an iHeartRadio podcast.
Alrighty, Season one, episode seven, What's your Damage, Heather? And obviously you're here listening to our bunhead's recap.
I do like the title, and I do like What's Your Damage, Heather? Like that was a good pop culture reference. Sometimes I find them to be a bit gratuitous in Bunheads, like they're too obvious that one was good and Sasha is so I know.
So let me give you a shopsis for those listening.
Michelle struggles to manage the dance studio of Fanny extends her vacation, leaving her overwhelmed by classes and plumbing issues, and Genny faces disappointment in her anniversary plan with Josh and the girls in Dade Michelle's home when they're changing room floods.
First of all, the I watched this a couple of nights ago.
Can we talk about the director?
Yeah? So sorry, yes we can.
I'm so sorry to give it to them. Who's the director?
Is Jackson?
Douglas Jackson, And that is probably why I liked this episode well.
And we got a Gilmore surprise with Todd Lowe as the one I am yep, and.
He did so good as the one I was good.
So this episode I would say I I like more. There is one scene that is just a no for me. In general. I think that Sutton Foster is playing Michelle two over the top.
This fe's a little bit better if this felt better to me.
At the end, it got really good, like she started to really get her groove when she's you know, just playing the girls and doesn't yeah, and then the other mom comes in. She was great. There The scene that I'm like, this is actually terrible. It's bad, which is when she's on the phone with Fanny Oh, playing that Lauren Graham could have been seen off. She's having the conversation with She's like.
Leaving a voicemail. She wasn't really on the phone, yeah, correct.
She's leaving a voicemail for Fanny well and then playing like, well, I know what you'll say, Fanny, You'll say this. It was not good. It was bad. It's a bad scene.
Fair, fair, fair fair.
Lauren Graham could have pulled that off and it would have been great. On this I was like, I'm cringing so hard. I'm cringing.
I mean, if we think back on Gilmour Girls, that scene at the very end with Lauren well, Laura I calling Emily and just word vomiting was so awful.
I mean, it is beyond it.
Now she does have Emily technically on the other line, but there are parts where Lauren Graham did this same sort of bit, like Amy Sherman Palladino writes, these bits, right, we've seen that. You see it at the end. Sometimes you've seen it with Lauren Graham. I just I think that was my problem. I was like, this is yeah, it just took me out, and I was just like, I'm cringing. It's not good now. She redeems herself later, the leaking gave me a lot of agita because I don't know why. But then I had a nightmare about my own roof leaking. I think I've had a roof leak. They're just so upsetting and this was really truly really stole the episode too. When she's like, once you get the mill Deucemell, you're never getting rid of it.
And I'm just gonna I'm gonna come back and say, truly is it for me? I love this. I love truly. I love that character in this show.
When she answers her phone at the shop and she's basically like, right, I'm at Sparkles, and then when she hangs up dead pants, I'm a part of this now, I'm part.
I love her. She's she's great, so good. Okay, so let's let's start from the top. So they started at class.
Oh yeah, and the kids all have to go to the bathroom. That was funny. That was good. That was I don't enjoy how she eats, Sutton Fosters her eat acting is too too much chewing.
Yeah, we aggressive compensating for actually eating.
But I totally love Boo's mom. Boo's mom is very comfortable in her acting.
I keep waiting for there to be like, uh, you know how Sasha's parents. We are seeing that their relationship formed a lot of who she is. I'm like trying to find that parallel with Boo. I'm starting to see it a little bit. Her mom seems like she's got a hundred things going on at one time, but she's very discombobulated.
But she's sweat Yeah.
I like I liked her when we met her in a previous episode, and I like her.
Now, can we discuss what air fries are? What are air for?
I'm just assume they're made in the air fryer, as opposed to Greece or however you make.
Fries oil hmmm.
So like when you go to like a fast food place, haven't you ever seen they dip that?
Yeah, yeah, it's a bat of oil.
I'm assuming you put this in the air fryer. They're probably much healthier for you.
Okay, I'm down for an air fry.
We're getting the background on Ginny and Josh and being their eight year anniversary and they've been together since second grade and she wants to have this certain date that her mom ruins Yeah, and you kind of felt bad for her, and then you're like like, we'll jump around, we don't have to go see by scene. Do you think Michelle is responsible for them breaking up? I don't think so.
I think it was Bruin and Jenny from last episode when she I think was.
Like, yeah, I wouldn't have done it just from that.
Yeah, she's been with this guy since what they were in second grade.
I think she said.
Mom seems like a real pin in the ass too. The Mom's all mad because she doesn't have someone to fix her windows anymore. It's like, come on, lady, you know that character is already kind of we know, unhinged.
Yeah, but hey, I mean I I'm here for Jenny being single.
I mean me too.
And I felt so bad for Boo. Oh when the brother starts asking about Ginny, It's like, oh my.
God, that brother is a real treat. And then you see Gennys like interested in.
She's so flattered, and I think Boo. The thing I love about Boo is that she actually went over and told her she didn't keep it to herself.
That's the thing. She's the most selfless person in the series.
She's so honest. She's such a good friend. Okay, so you know, I'm not as crazy about the scene like where Michelle's oh, she's so tired from the top dancing, like I don't know.
To me, I'm just like like, are you a dancer or right?
Anyway, we get we see Zach as the one eyed plumber that was hilarious and everyone being like, you don't call him for plumbing. Oh, and then the girls get to go into Michelle's house. What did you think of them? Just going through all her stuff.
I mean, the glitter thong was funny.
I just don't know that they were going to just dig through her stuff like that. That seemed a little far fetched, but yet.
I didn't hate it. I mean it's kind of funny. I mean the glitter thong. What else did they find?
That was? What? Did the jar? Peanut butter buyer bed? Oh?
Yeah, which I don't like. Do people do that?
You'd have ants so fast? I would never do that. I don't need food out, like you're asking for flies and ants and maybe something worse.
Oh the rag doll that was not cut in half, ripped apart and sewing back together.
That was kind of funny.
Palsy though, when Sasha stole her shirt and then wore it, I know.
That Sasha is some trouble.
Seriously. That was ooh that was crazy. The blow drying was funny, but then then it takes it over the top when she was just so loud. She was like, like, I have my criticisms, like she was so remember she's so loud. She's like, Oh, it's the blow dryers still on or is that yeah? And I'm like, oh, calm.
Down, yeah, yeah, yeah, totally. I agree.
Then they go to the Oyster Bar and they kind of like, you know, Michelle's taking them out to dinner, and that's when she kind of says, like, whoa, I was dating around and how can you do that? Blah blah blah. Okay, so it's kind of her fault that they break up, but maybe not totally. Michelle catches Truly and and the one eyed plumber making out.
Oh my gosh, that was so funny and truly getting caught and then and she even said it herself.
She's like, you don't ask him to. I hate his plumbing, but I liked it.
It's pretty amusing and it moves quickly. And then later Michelle goes over to talk to Truly and sort of apologize and they kind of make up. And then that's where Michelle sees Sasha wearing the shirt and they have that real incident where she really disciplines her and wags her finger and kind of yells at her. Now Sasha does come down and dance. I would like thought Sasha maybe would have just left. I don't know.
Yeah, I did find that scene good though, because I do feel like Sasha needs that and she's craving that she's craving that order and that discipline and that totally you know, account of but like, I feel like her character has just never had that with her parents. And she says to herself that her parents never notice basically anything that she does. So she's wanting to be seen and she's wanting to be guided. And so I think Michelle having that moment with her, you know, any other person, that probably would have made them cry, but she was just like, that's kind of what she wants.
I like, Sasha, I'm intrigued by her because she's so complicated.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I agree.
And those girls all can dance? You really see that?
I was actually thinking about it, like did they did?
They? Were they all dancers that they cast for this.
Role and they assuming I'm assuming they saw.
She's a dancer.
You can just they hired all these girls because they also had the ballet background.
So we kind of talked about Boo's mom and that was really good. Again, the fake cookie eating kind of isn't my.
Clove kin chocolate?
The fact that she had the juice box and the cookie and the magic person, which one.
The pumpk chocolatechip cookie that she made look delicious. It looks really good.
And they were very mom like in a baggie, like the whole things like pretty good. And then uh, I think at the end we see Boo kind of sad as she's getting in the car, and the mom kind of looks like, yep, this is it. So it was a good episode. It's a good episode. I'd say it's not the best one yet, but definitely better than those two that weren't so good.
The first episode has been the best so far. This one is the second best for me. I did I'm like, okay, this is this is getting good.
I think the hard time is Sutton Foster leaving Broadway behind? Do you know what I mean? It's like that's my main thing is she's a tad over the top, and uh it's not. She's not understated, and it jars me. But I mean, who am I to judge? Is it just my look? We give it.
That's kind of a quick one, but I mean overall, I liked it.
I would read it out of ten air fries.
I'm gonna give it eight grape juice boxes and cookies in a baggie. I think Jackson Douglas well done directing a good episode. I think we definitely enjoy it more when there's a Gilmour surprise. Yeah.
That Zach Podlow was good and it Yeah, Zach was great.
We got to see a little gypsy dancing.
Yeah, and she's good.
Yeah, I'm gonna. I have no problem keep been going. It's not like I'm like, oh, this is torturing you watching this. It's not as good in the rewatch as it was the first time I watched it. I will admit that, but I'm enjoying. I enjoy Bunheads. Yeah.
How many episodes are in this season? You said eighteen or something? All Right, so we're nothing.
We move on to Masiel.
We're almost halfway through it. That's how I feel. You're laughing for those of it that I can't see. Amy's cracking up. I think she's I don't know, why are you like when.
You're like, I'm halfway through. My dentist appointment was sort of five. I was getting from that.
I wouldn't have watched this series if it was not for this show. However, I'm not made that. I am right.
I'm not like, oh no, I have to watch Bonets like I'm like it's fine, quick it Yeah, you're gonna like Masilo. I think kind of gets a little better too, if I remember, it keeps getting better, which is why people were so disappointed that it didn't get a season two.
Yeah, you'll see how you feel, all right.
Well, hey everybody, and don't forget Follow us on Instagram at I Am all In podcast and email us at Gilmore at iHeartRadio dot com.