Ange Harbinson is an entrepreneur, tech and innovation trailblazer, digital strategist, and lover of all things data! In 2019, when she was still the Managing Director of Thirst Creative, a marketing, design and digital agency she co-founded with her husband, Ange saw a gap in the market for online resources to support people going through separation and divorce, and she cofounded The Separation Guide.
The Separation Guide is a divorce technology platform designed to make separation and divorce simpler and less stressful by providing resources, guidance, and referrals. Utilising her marketing nous, and passion for social impact, The Separation Guide has already helped close to 300,000 people, and the resources continue to grow.
With approximately 40% of marriages ending in divorce, the ripple effect is wide reaching impacting not only the separating couple but also children, family, and friends as well as the workplace.
I invited Ange on Human Cogs because I have seen friends and clients struggle to navigate the emotional, legal, financial and relational challenges that separation can create, and its clear people are in need of more support and a road map to help them navigate the complexities and pain of separation.
In this conversation, Ange highlights the four different pathways that can be taken when a couple separates, emphasising the goal to avoid costly court proceedings where possible. She references a podcast available on the site which helps educate parents on how to tell their children they are separating. And she explains some of the impacts of divorce on the workforce including reduced productivity and absenteeism.
This is practical chat that will interest anyone who is thinking about, or in the process of separating. It’s a pragmatic yet hopeful exchange, that I hope will help minimise divorce stigma and shame, and help dial up a sense of agency and empowerment for anyone experiencing the end of a marriage. Here’s my conversation with Ange…
Guest: Ange Harbinson
Website: The Separation Guide
Links: Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube
Hosts: Sabina Read and Mads Grummet
Producer: Daryl Missen
Human Cogs is available on Apple, Stitcher, Spotify, Google Podcasts or via our website where you can also catch great conversations with previous guests :)
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