Finances get a little more complicated when a significant other enters the equation. There might be additional income which is nice, but don’t forget about their debt, emotional baggage around money, and independent financial goals which hopefully become shared goals! There’s no right or wrong way to do it, and that’s why we’re excited to hear from a couple- the married duo behind RadCoaches, Rebecca and Dylan! Like a lot of Americans today, they found themselves in a financial situation they were less than thrilled with, but what sets them apart is that they did something about it. Shortly after getting engaged they decided to take control of their finances and over the next 18 months they paid off over $45,000 of debt. During that process Rebecca and Dylan realized that the sense of financial freedom they were experiencing was something they wanted to share with others, and thus RadCoaches was born. We discuss better ways for couples to combine their money, what it means to be financially intimate, whether or not women specific financial advice is needed today, and plenty more!
Want more How To Money in your life? Here are some additional ways to get ahead with your personal finances:
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