We want even MORE stories from Jodie & Andrea - so we're sitting them down to answer one fan question per minisode and seeing where it takes us! And this first journey is quite a DOOZY. Find out which '90s superstar concert the cast attended in a limo and how everyone was almost killed in a drive-by shooting. And in happier news, the ladies reveal which cast member influenced their musical tastes forever. Listen in as we learn even more behind the scenes secrets on a brand new How Rude, Tanneritos!
Welcome back to how Rude Tanner Ritos. I am Andrea Barber.
And I am Jody Sweeton. And this is a new little treat for our listeners. It is a little mini episode. Many podcasts call them minisodes.
Love that one many.
Yeah, it's a it's a great it's a great word. And we thought we would start doing these in addition to our recap episodes, which do have some fun behind the scenes stories and things. But there are so many stories and so many fan questions and listener questions out there that we want to answer, so we thought we'd start delving into things a little bit more in these minisodes.
Oh, I can't wait. No, this is great because we do have so many stories to tell and there's not always time during our recaps, So let's take this opportunity to answer some fan questions.
Let's I believe we're starting off with sort of it's a pretty broad fan question, but but it's from Savannah w and she has asked during Full House when you were young, did you all hang out as a cast off set?
Ever? We did?
We? Yes, we did like that, I mean yes, absolutely in so many different times and ways and different points in our life and as a cast.
I mean.
I remember when when like towards the end of the show, we would we'd all go you know, quote unquote off campus. Yes, we'd leave Warner Brothers.
As a cast.
It was usually Bob and Scott and Candace and you and me.
John would usually get am as.
Before the show, right, Rory would sometimes go, Dave would some would also sometimes get a message before the show. But we would all go to like Jerry's Deli or something.
I mean, there was that, but I loved the I love that pre show ritual. It was just a great way to blow off steam. Yeah, have some food together. You know, you gotta have a good meal before a show.
Gotta have a good meal before a show.
And that was a little bit later on when I think I was like twelve or so, so it was, you know, more like family dinner time and they you know, my mom was like, yeah, sure, you guys, can you know, I'll go off campus. And we'd had the schedule to be able to do that. I don't really do that on later shows, but there was that. I mean, I was really close with Bob Saggett and his family. Yeah, you know, three daughters, three daughters over the years, and I was very close with them. I would go spend weekends at Bob's house and his wife's Sherry at the time, would make blueberry pancakes. I remember she made really great blueberry pancakes. But blueberry pancakes will always remind me of Bob because we would eat those on the weekend.
And yeah, I just we always hung out. There was I think, did we did?
I you talked about the time the Janet Jackson concert that were the Janet Jackson consert.
I don't know if you were with us.
I was not there, no, no time.
But it was the Janet concert when our the limo got its windows shot out and we.
Had this story, this story, Please tell the story.
Yeah, I mean, this is a totally random story when you know, I mean, gosh, when what.
Else hanging out? You were hanging out with Bob.
And this was again later later seasons.
I think it was maybe like the summer, maybe even after the last season.
Or right before sort of. But I was like, I was a twelve, you were twelve.
And Candas was like sixteen at the time, seventeen at the time, and she had her sisters with us.
I want to.
Say it was probably Bridget Bridgittam was I think was Bridget Maybe Melissa.
Yeah, I can't was a stand in on our show.
Bridget was so.
Yes, Candas's sister. Bridget was a stand in on our show.
So this was ninety probably ninety two now ninety three, ninety four ish.
It was the Janet tour, which.
Was the the the just the Janet album. Uh, you know, the one where she had the she was like naked like this on the front and.
The thing, yeah, the thing, Yes I do.
And it was that album. Yes, very scandalous at the time, but I loved Jan Jackson. I mean I grew up listen to jan Jackson. Was very excited, and it was the tour. It was like the Beyonce, the Taylor Swift of that summer, the tour of the year. It was the tour to go to. And you know jannat always put on great concerts, so we all got tickets to the show, and I believe we were randomly going to Ed de Bevick's for dinners for those of you.
That don't know.
In the nineties, was a restaurant on Los Yenaga here in Los Angeles, on what they call restaurant Row, which it's kind of a little bit different now, but it's back then, and you know.
There's still restaurants there.
But it was like there was a place called the Stinking Rose that was like an all garlic restaurant. There was like Lowry's, which was you know, the big prime rip place, uh and Ed Bevick's was pretty big.
It was a big restaurant, but it was.
Like a fifties style diner. And the kitsch of it was that all the waiters and waitresses there were in character, right. They were all like you had, you know, attitudes, and they would sing and they were like, you know, in full fifties garb, the hair.
The thing, you know.
It was.
I'm sure it was a bunch of.
Actors, a bunch of actors who were like I'm I work here and I you know, and I mean great, it was really it was fun.
It was I love that restaurant. We used to go there all the time.
As a kid, but we randomly went there, which I feel like is sort of an odd choice for us as a group anyway, but it was because I mean it.
Was like there's a bunch of kids there. You want kids, kid.
Kids, food, I was like the youngest person there, and then it was like Cannie and her sisters who were older than her too, and then Bob and.
Was it Lori?
I feel like it was Lri there. Okay, I don't remember if it was John or Dave. Might have been Dave. Anyway, it was definitely like maybe seven or eight of us, probably more than that eight or ten of us.
It was a big group. And we had taken a limo to Ed Bevick's.
Nice. What a fun night it was.
It was a great night, so excited. I felt like such a big.
Kid because I was, you know, being included in like the fun adult activity.
Ye you got to send a.
Concert, yeah, and so you know. And of course, like Bob was responsible for me for the evening. He like my mom, He was the one in charge. And anyway, take limo to ed Debvicks. It's parked outside on the street on Losienaga. And we finished dinner and I go out to the limo with Candice's sister and and it was I can't remember if it was Cannas's friend Dylany that was with us, or if it was one of Cannas's guardians that was like on set that was still friends with that.
I don't remember exactly who. No, it was it was three.
It was me and two other girls in the car as far as I remember. Again, this was years ago. And but we're in the car. We go, the three of us go back. The adults are like inside paying using the bathroom. We were like, we're gonna go back to the car. We go back in the car. I crawl into the limo like along the sort of that long you know that limo window.
Yeah, And.
Anyway, Cannison or Canasi's sister and whoever were sitting like on the very back seat. I lean over to tie my shoe and the window just goes pop pop pop and shadows.
Right. We're like, what is happening?
Right? So like I would like lay on the ground and there's like glass everywhere and all this stuff. I swear to.
God every time I tell the story, I'm like, did this really happen? Or did you make this? No, it really happened. Yeah, And so I we get out of the car, I go were running back down the.
Street into the restaurant and we're like, oh my god, the windows blo. We got shot at. Something happened we got, you.
Know, and like, I don't know, we got shot at, you got shot by shooting.
Gun or drive by shooting.
Now, for those of you who don't know, Losiena got right down the street from where this happened is also the like Peterson Car Museum, which is where.
You know Bickie was shot and killed.
So this, you know, like, well, that was actually on Fairfax a little bit, but your area around the same time, in an area like mid Wiltshire, you know whatever. I don't know if I don't think it was someone that was like I'm going to get that.
Full house cast.
No, I.
Think it was either a random drive by or it was a whatever it was.
It terrifying, wow.
And we run into the restaurant. We're like, oh my god, Oh my god, get in there.
Now we have to wait, you know, for the police and the limos there, and now we're like we're gonna be late, right And this is this, you know, is the early nineties, so it's not we don't have like a lot of cell phones, and this was not the vibe. You know, you had a car phone maybe, and I'm sure the limo had a phone in it, but that.
Was kind of out of the question now.
Yeah, so we.
Had to wait for U two station.
Wagon limos or station wagon limos, station wagon cabs if I remember right, we had to wait for either one or two station wagon cabs that would fit us in them. Because this was like before you know, escalades and large SUVs were like the thing or party buses. It was like stretch limo and we were trying to get there, so it was like call a cab and I seem to remember us we were running late, and we were going to the Forum which is where Janet was playing, and we were going to the Forum Club because we were there for like the pre show and the thing.
You know, we've missed all of that.
At this point, we're like late getting to the concert, rushing again the station wagon.
Yeah, I think we had to give a police like I don't even remember. I'm like wea And to this day, I feel like a crazy person.
That doesn't sound real. It doesn't sound real, but I know.
It doesn't sound real.
You told it back in the day too.
Yeah, and we uh went to the limo or to the concert in these station wagons and then I believe by the time we got home or by the time the concert was done, Bob had to take me home back to my parents in Orange County. Oh and I seem to remember him being like, oh my god, oh just dreading having to tell my mom this story, obviously, because no one wants to have to tell that story, Like, Okay, look, everything's fine.
Oh man.
The details are pretty fuzzy at this point, but there was an incident on the way to a Janet Jackson concert in front of eddu Bevick's in the nineties where the limo got shot at and we took station wagons to the Janet Jackson concert.
It does sound like a fever dream like, it doesn't sound completely honest, but witness you were tying your shoe. What if your head had been aligned with the window.
And then I'm like, I don't what if? I mean maybe maybe I just maybe it was a baby. I don't know. I don't remember when.
You never caught the I or found out.
No, no, I don't And I don't remember the details of it.
I don't.
I mean I was also a kid, so you know, after it happened, I was like, and I moved on, you know something, As.
Long as we get to the concert, that's all. It wasn't like they were.
Calling me to ask, you know, any more pertinent questions or follow up or anything. But yeah, I do remember that happening, and I that's just I can't believe it.
And how did Janice respond? That's the that's the big question. What did Janis say when Bob had to admit that he was in charge of you all night and when you got shot at in a limbo?
I feel like.
To his credit, I was standing on the porch, so you know, it couldn't it wasn't that.
Man, the story right, she's here, Yeah, that.
You know, I feel like any story that you can be like, look, everything's fine, but here's what happened.
But we're talking about Janis here, Like Janice, who finally let you go out.
With the big kids, right fine' and then this happened drive parents course.
I don't know what her reaction was. I mean, she was I don't think she was mad at Bob.
No, no, because she was.
Probably terrified and like, oh my god, I can't believe this happened.
Yeah, but she I don't know. Strangely, that's never like never come up.
I've never really come up lately, You've never asked her, we'll have to have her back on the show, and I've just.
Remember and maybe she'll be like, that didn't happen. You dreamed that, And I'm like, oh my god, this now it all makes sense. No, I it did happen.
I remember you saying this back in the nineties, So it happens.
It's such a strange the time the full House cast got shot.
At as before she had this is so nineties, ed Bevicks Janet Jackson concert, full House, Like, this is all just like ninety.
Station Wagon, Taxis Stretch limos.
What is so funny? Yeah, oh man, what a night. I uh I, I don't know if I have fomo or if I'm glad I missed it. That's right, that's crazy.
Yeah, that was that was the thing. But I seem to remember the concert was the concert.
Concert was great, concert was fantastic, love Janet, a great show, great performance.
Uh you know again from what I remember.
But well, and DJ had a poster of Janet Jackson up in her room, so this was like one of those real life things.
Yeah, but it was.
I think she had the Control album Maybe on the Wall, which was like a late eighties early nineties but with the hair when Janet had the hair and shoulder pads, which we talked to so many times.
Yeah, this was this was a little bit later like.
Janet, but but yeah, she was always you know, it was huge.
Vital best.
She was so cool, so cool, so cool.
But that yeah, that was I mean, that was the time I I we we nearly narrowly escaped death and saw Janet Jackson.
Wow, all in the same night.
Wow. That. Yeah, you can't write this stuff like that. That's pretty incredible.
There were other times that the full house cast would go out, uh that we did not such terrible tragic things.
No, I think that was. Yeah, that was a one off. Normally there was a lot less excitement happening. I mean when you hang out, you and.
The cast, I mean, well, you and like Candace have done many a NKOTB concert right.
Oh yeah, well that came later. Yeah, when I I remember going to the New Kids on the Block concert in in the early nineties with Bridget, did you because Bridget Candas's set strike her oldest sister was a huge like she was a blockhead like me, like we were like her. She was a John, a John guy, a John girl. Jonathan and I of course I'm Joey, but.
Jonathan Jonathan Knight got it, and uh so we went to a New Kids on the Block concert, and so it wasn't until the reunion, you know, twenty five years later that Candae and I started going along with Bridget and Dylani and all those same people got him.
But we never got shot at in a limo. You know, I feel I missed out.
Dilanie, by the way, is Candace's best friend, who is still one of her yourst friends, who was always on set.
Always growing up.
Who yeah, well, we all know and love Dylan.
Love her so nice. But remember, okay, I remember going to City Walk for dinner one of these pre show dinners on a Friday night. We went to some restaurant at the City Walk because it was near the Warner Brothers studio. Right, don't remember what restaurant, but I do remember all of us, the whole cast, sitting around at table. We were very loud, as we always we're very loud, and of course some fans came up and approached the table and they were, you know, kind of shy and giggly, right, but they were like, you know, excuse me, excuse me?
Are you?
Are you the cast? A full house and they're so starstruck, right, and Bob takes the lead and he's just like, oh no, we're not the cast, we're just their stand ins, don't we look just like them? Stopping and the fans believed him. They believed him, like, oh, sorry to disturb you, and they walked away.
Oh my god, yes they're listening right now, And like I knew it.
We weren't right, We were right, that I remember, And that was just such a Bob thing to just, you know, just to riff off a thing, you know, and tell people it was a joke obviously, but I don't think he knew that they were going to believe him.
They were like, oh, sorry, never mind, right, just.
Like yeah, you look just like them, and walked away.
I mean, I I actually I have had that happen before.
But you're like, you know, you look like and I'll be like, oh I am They're like, oh no, really hot, and they think you're kidding and they walk away. But I don't Oh gosh, I don't remember that. I do remember talking about other times going out. I remember when uh bb Kings, which was a blues club, was at maybe it's still there, I don't know. At CityWalk at Universal Okay, connected to Universal Studios, and Universal Studios, by the way, is just around the corner from Warner Brothers, which is where we where we shot the last couple of seasons of Full House, which is why you know, there were a few places around there that were semi close to be able to go.
To for dinner, and that was one of them.
But I do remember going out after the show again, like the I think the last season, and we went to BB King's because I think BB King.
Was there playing oh Wow. And I went.
With Bob, who was such a huge, huge musical influence on so many of us. Bob was a guitar player and loved music and introduced so much music to us. But I seem to remember us going after a taping one night, and I again was so excited to be like included, but to get to go to BB King's.
And I like, I'm trying to think now, I'm like I was twelve, but like was it a night club?
I don't, yeah, how did you know? What I mean?
Yeah, I mean I don't know.
Well, I guess they just they just sort of.
He was the nineties and right, and they were like, yeah, whatever, it's fine. I mean, you know, I'm sure.
There was probably some other child actors there too.
No, I no, I don't know, but yeah, I mean I nothink obviously it was fine.
I just went to listen to music.
But of course, but yeah, I I do remember that, and Bob was such yeah, he just oh god, he loved it. But yeah, he would always be like, oh you got to hear this new album and so much music that he introduced us to. I actually I remember I talked about this at his what what wasn't like his big memorial thing at the Comedy but it was up in the belly room that night, and we were and I was talking with them, with John Mayer and and Jeff Ross, and we were on stage and talking about different albums that Bob influenced influenced us with, and and Freddy Johnston was an album and John Mayer and I sang this song Bob.
Yeah, it's a really obscure.
Album, a lot like a huge like singer necessarily, but singer songwriter that I still to this day listen to. And it's an album that just topped a bottom. Makes me think of Bob and yeah and John Mayer and I randomly sang it at Bob's around Bob's memorial service, but he that gosh, Freddy Johnson Counting Crows. I still love Counting Crows to this day. But that August and everything after album was like all Bob. But yeah, he would say he would go He went to a lot of music stuff, and I feel like we all kind of wound up going to concerts and music stuff together, and especially like Scott and Candice, I think as they were like older, those last seasons when they were you know, eighteen and whatever it was, it was finally all adults, so they would go out to concerts and stuff after the show and things. But yeah, he had a huge musical influence on us. I do remember that.
Oh that's awesome, how fun. Yeah, yeah, I think I never I never went out after the show because I lived you know, I lived so far lived away. But yeah, how fun. Oh my gosh, that sounds such good memories.
Such yeah, a lot of really great memory memories and so much music and stuff that reminds me of yeah, of that whole cast, and the Janet album will always remind me of, you know, the show and your death experience, I had to bevics, which just what if I'm the only person that can say that, or if there's others you know that are like, yeah, I too almost died.
Outside of it safe to say you're the only one that can well.
Maybe that with that, yeah, but that I don't know. It was you know, life is wild. Maybe if somebody.
Else out there, this is so if you have a story, please let us know.
Yeah, please write in.
Please write in and be like me too.
No, I I did love those like those family outings though, and lots of bo's So there's so many There's so many more. But I'm really glad that we were able to touch on on that story because I don't know when else you'd really bring it up.
There's only one or two scenarios that would prompt and it is.
It is a.
Story though that I love to just I'll randomly be like that reminds me that one time I almost got shot at it at to bevis.
And be like what You're like?
I was not wait what yeah right?
Yeah, and you just keep going.
That is a great icebreaker at any party.
Yep, yep, that's that's what I do.
Oh, Jody Sweeten, that is so funny, so crazy, such good memories.
Yeah, and it's but that's a story that we don't really tell very often because I'm pretty sure people would be sort of mildly horrified at it.
Yeah, they'd be like, what happened? What took you where?
What happened? Yeah?
No, it was Yeah, I mean, god, can you imagine that happening somebody else? Kids out?
I think of my own twelve you know, when my daughter was twelve. There is no way I would I would freak out if Bob Saggott came to return my twelve year old daughter. And so by the way, there was a shooting in the Limoy like what, I'm surprised Janice to let you go out with him again. But like you said, I was in his home.
Maybe she didn't.
I don't know.
I don't know.
But yeah, it's not no no faults of Bob's. But yeah, music.
Music was a.
Huge part of our Full House life. I mean, as we've seen in every episode in a music montage, but that really was because Bob and Dave and John were all, you know you musical and saying and loved music like it was just always a part of our life. Growing up, John had drum sets and keyboards and pianos in his dressing room.
Yeah, you know, just set up.
Yeah, yeah, I really.
I definitely credit a lot of my love of music and music history to growing up around them.
So not's so sweet. I love that. Oh this, this was a great question, A great question by Savannah w Thank you, Savannah, excellent question. I hope we get some more good questions. I hope people write in, leave comments on our.
Instagu write and we want to spend twenty five minutes talking about random tangents that we can't otherwise do.
Yeah, nope, this is perfect. Just a nice, little thirty minute episode, just a little, a little bite sized episode. Yeah, with full of fun stories.
Yep, a fun sized episode.
Ah, a little.
Mini like a little mini twigs.
Those are the best, my faer candy.
All right, we thank you for joining Yeah, and what do we do? No idea? What to do now?
Thank you guys for joining us for this little mini episode.
Make sure you tune in to our next recap episode, which is gonna be a lot of fun and that will be released early next week, so make sure you tune in.
Awesome. Thanks see you next time.
Thanks guys and follow us.
Make sure and follow us at how rood Podcast on Instagram, send us DMS messages. You can also email us at Howarodpodcast at gmail dot com.
We'll see you guys next time.