"DJ Tanner's Day Off" Recap Season 1, Episode 22

Published Jan 3, 2024, 5:00 AM

Jodie and Andrea are kicking off 2024 with the Full House Season 1 finale, an episode that features the three S's: shopping malls, Stacy Q and selfishness.

What happens when DJ fakes sick to get an autograph from her favorite pop star, only to get busted by Joey and a leash kid? And why is Stephanie such a snitch?

The ladies may have figured out their next pop culture cruise in hopes they get some Stacy Q closure - and Jodie thinks she could've nailed her fake laugh a little better.

Wrap up the first run of recaps on the newest episode of How Rude, Tanneritos! 

Dude, he's sweeting.

Andrew Barber Hi having to work on my vibrato traveling in such my voice is not it's I've sound a little raspy.

Oh, welcome back in a happy new year. This is our first episode of twenty twenty four.

Oh my, well when this airs, it'll be when this air. Right, we're time traveling right now.

We are time traveling. Yes, that's crazy. Where did twenty twenty three go? That's just that went by so fast.

It's I just keep calling it like, you know, twenty twenty season whatever.

So it's just like we keep We've never really left that year. I feel like I'm still stuck back there.

Yeah, we're still We're still recovering from all that.

I'm still at the turn of the century. I mean this last century, the end of two thousand. That's I'm still there.

Are you Are you a resolution maker or are you anti New Year's resolutions?


No, I don't make resolutions. I I try not to stick with anything for too long.

No, I I know, I just know that. I it's too much pressure to put on myself.

It's a thing where I'm like, oh I'm gonna I know, I'm not going I'm not going to radically change who I am in a year.

You know, it's not going to happen.

I'm not suddenly going to become, you know, a person that gets up at four thirty am and works out every day.

It's just not going to be me. So why set myself up to fail?

That's true.

I do like I will like usually January it's my birthday. So I'm always like, well, why start eating healthy now, because you know I'm gonna indulge. But I definitely start like being like, okay the holidays are over, or get rid of all the sugar, get like just you know, get back being a little more active and all that kind of stuff. Yeah, but what about you resolutions.

I used to be a more of a resolution maker when I was younger and had more energy. What was your well, it was all about it was all about like, oh, eat healthier or exercise every day. You know, It's all stuff about how I looked. And now I'm like middle aged now I don't care. I don't care how I look.

I yeah, I don't care exactly.

Yeah. I used to do like an intention, like a word like joy or patience, and that would be my word of the year right, And I was just like, why am I? Why am I doing this? No, like, yeah, you're setting yourself up for failure. Like there's just I ain't got time or patience for that. So right now, I'm just like, well, you know, if I can get on my peloton and write a few times a week, that's good. But if not, give yourself great. Yeah.

If I walk from here to the coffee shop at the end of the street, I'm like, look, I got an exercise and I was outdoors.

Yes, look at me go. Yes, this is the year of give being ourselves grace yea, and not feeling bad about not sticking to resolutions or not even making resolutions. I don't feel bad about that.

I'm I'm not making any resolutions.


My my teenager just walked by the window after just getting up.

It's like eleven thirty Christmas break?

Is that Zoe? She's just like yeah, she just walked in front of the window and was like like still in her pajamas, just half asleep. I was like, hello, are they on Are they on winter break? We're going back now, but are they already there?

Yes, they're on winch of break, Zoe.

Uh So we got a concussion the last week of school playing soccer. So she went on break a couple of days earlier. Okay, just because like the last few days were finals and all that stuff. So yes, So in the time traveling world of two weeks ago, they they yes, they were, They're off.

They're off, okay, felicities and finals.

Right, you have to go to the mall today and I'm not excited. Oh again, time traveling back. This is pre holidays, and I know I don't. I don't want to do it. I don't the worst.

No, it's the week of Christmas.

You can't.

What is wrong with you? Well, you've been gone though, so you have to.

I've been gone, yeah, Christmas, just gone in Canada, working and so I've I've done some online shopping. I have a few things to get in person. Uh, and then pretty much whatever I don't get by tomorrow, like I don't.

Care forget it. I know, you know me and the holidays, I freak out. Gifts of the gift anxiety, Yes, gifting.

I am the worst with gifts, with receiving gifts. It's fun to get gifts, but then if it's not the right gift, then I stress out and then it's it becomes a whole spiral.

Who's the hardest person to give a gift too? In your family or your orbit or your neighborhood, whoever your given gifts?

Well, it depends. But sometimes Mescal, my husband sometimes.

Is very hard to give for really okay, but.

This year he's gotten into uh he and his friend are getting into like backpacking and doing some hiking and like they're they're kind of setting up for like a four day like long distance one.

So they've been doing a lit more.

So that was there were some things he wanted for that that made it a little bit easier.

Okay, Okay, that's it's good to have a time.

Just chime up.

I need very specific, like give me a list and the things that you want, give me a link and I will click on it and it will and there you go and marry happy holidays, you know what I mean?

Like that.

I it's unless it's like throughout the year where I see like sometimes i'll see something that reminds me of you or you know, then yes, then I'll pick it up.

But yeah, I just just the holidays are a lot.

So if you're if you're also just getting through the holidays and it's now twenty twenty four.

Just let it go.

Good new year, new new year, no expectations, new new year, no expectations, no resolutions.

Don't worry about changing yourself, Just just just leave.

You love yourselves the way you love yourself, exactly, exactly, okay, like mister Rogers, Now well, hey, speaking of speaking of old shows, speaking of old show, Yeah, but we are now. I want to go change my shoes, in my sweater, your cardigan, and my car.

I am. I do have a little cardigan. It says love on it. Oh, it's very mister Rogers.

Well, we've reached our season finale for seasons, I believe what how this went by so fast?

It went by so fast.

I can't believe we've watched an entire season.

We have now now never I can say I've never done. Now I can say I have watched an entire season of Full House.

This is huge. This is huge, and this is a great. This is a great I like doing it thirty some odd years later, but better late than never, Right, It's the art of procrastination, the ultimate procrastination. Yes, yes, well, let's get this is a very this is a very exciting episode because, uh, we have a we have a musical guest. Oh it's so good.

I mean not on not on that.

No one's going to burst out singing on Howard dan Rino's he never say to you and I other than maybe you and I. But no, on the last episode of season one of Full House.

Oh it's so it's so good. I loved this episode, and not just because I was in a lot of it. It is a very Kimmy heavy episode, and I was very happy about that.

It was great.

Oh me too, Me too. Well, let's get into it. Welcome back to how Rude Tanner Rito's I'm Andrea.

Barber and I'm Jody Sweeten.

And today we are discussing season one episode twenty two, titled DJ Tanner's day Off, which of course is a take on the title of the nineteen eighty six movie Ferris Bueller's Day Off, also a classic. Yes, So, this episode originally aired on May sixth, nineteen eighty eight, and it goes a little something like this. When DJ hears that her favorite singer Stacy Q will be at the mall given out autographs, She's willing to do anything to get the chance to meet her even lie to her family to skip class.

DJ dj.

Uh. This was directed by joel's Wick and it was written by Michael S. Baser and Kim Weissakoff. And then, like you mentioned the guest star of the week, very exciting Stacy Swain, also known as Stacy Q of The Two of Hearts.

I Need I Need you so good?

Oh my gosh. Her music was a classic. I don't know, so she's not like a number one hit right now, but.

Maybe you could bring back a cruise just for her.

Yeah, there you go, Stacey Cuss. And I didn't know that. She also appeared in Facts of Life for two episodes.

No, I do know that either she's got or like as just as Stacy Swain.

Oh, I don't know. That's a great question.

Yeah, but she's also an OC girl like us. She is Fullerton.

She's from Fullerton. So yeah, no, that's that's very exciting. Go go Orange County. Oh we have a producer. Note that she played She didn't play herself on Facts of Life. She played a character named Cinnamon. Got it, Got it, okay, don't.

I don't know what kind of characters with that.

I don't know, right, I don't know who's name cinnamon. She did have great red hair though, Yeah she did, she did, Okay, she was she was a little red hot. Okay, so let's get into the episode. We open in the girl's room where DJ is singing to Don't make a fool of Yourself by Stacy Q using a hairbrush as a microphone. So relatable, and Candace is really selling this moment because I used to do this with my new Kids on the Block songs in my bedroom, singing with the hair brush? Did you admit it? Did you do?

Oh? I'm sure I did.

I don't know about if I sang with a hair brush, but I definitely a choreograph many many a number to Janet Jackson's Rhythm Nation album in my room, So yeah, there was a lot of court like I was very heavy in the choreography.

So yeah, I fully will say that I did that.

As DJ is dancing around her room, Kimmy walks in, surprised to see the performance. Kimmy turns the stereo off and DJ pretends like she was just brushing her hair casually, just just doing a thing, yeph. Then Kimmy bursts out laughing, which is possibly the worst acted laugh in sitcom history, Like I was cringing.

It was it was. It was pretty terrible. It was uh and it was pretty It was pretty forced.

It sounded like a forced fake laugh, and I think it was supposed to be a natural laugh. So that's why it's equally just as terrible. Right, Well, basically you just want people to know that you don't actually laugh like that, right, Like, that's not an accurate representation of my laughter, that is. Yeah, clearly I needed to work on those acting skills through without the next eight seasons.

You know, there was just you were looking for something funny to laugh at. So okay, you were looking.

So DJ defensively says, like, you never do this, and Kimmy responds, not like that, Oh Judgie, Kimmy, She excitedly walks over to DJ, showing her a letter that will get her out of school tomorrow. DJ starts to read the letter, and that explains that Kimmy's absence is due to their family rabbit having bunnies, and her parents want Kimmy to share the miracle.

Wait didn't and doesn't isn't it? Cammy? Isn't there? Does he doesn't?

When she's reading it, doesn't, she say Cammy because it's written by your older brother Garth. I swear that I heard that. Maybe is it like the Yinny Yanny whatever?


But I didn't.

I thought when she was reading the thing that it that and I thought that was one of the jokes, was that it says Cammy is going to whatever and it's.

Garth wrote it. We have Scarrot it wrote it and write a sister's name, right, that would fit right in with this Gibbler family lore.

Unless I unless I made that joke up in my head and heard it on the screen.

I don't know.

Weird things have happened, But I like that interpretation. I feel like that was a joke that happened in there, and I think, yes, yes, I agree with that, that's a joke. Yeah, so Kimmy.

It admits that her parents didn't actually write this letter because they're in Vegas, but her big brother wrote it for twenty dollars.

On an archaeological dig.

No that came in fuller were they they? I know this family has never been consistent in their careers. They're involved family life. The Gibblers are spies, they are They're just constantly making up stories about yeah, always and they're constantly making up how many children they have, and the genders like it's there's no continuity in the.

In the Gibbler, they have a gambling issue.

Oh that's why they're in Vegas.

And they're like, yeah, no, no, we've got seven kids to worry about.

No, we have four, No, we have the like you know, I don't know.

Or they just forget that they have kids and that's why they're in.

It could be that too, could be that too. Yep.

So Kimmy's big brother wrote this note for twenty dollars, but Kimmy reveals that she actually took the money from his wallet, so it all works out okay for her. So DJ tells her this means you can go to the mini mall and get Stacey Q's autograph. They say in Unison, Stacy Q.

She's so bad?

Did you okay? Did you know who Stacey Q was back in nineteen eighty eight? Because I did, and I was very excited to meet her.

I did I knew who she was? Now do you know who they tried to get? Originally?

No, Oh, I don't know this.

So there's a backstory to this. So originally I believe they tried to get Tiffany.

Oh, that would have been.

Very big at the time.

And I believe the story went that they asked her okay, or they asked her management team and she turned it down and so and then they went out to Stacy Q.

Well, year's later, I had talked to something I'm friends with, somebody who was her manager or who is friends with her, who knows her, and apparently they her management team never asked her.

They just denied on her behalf and then she found out later and she would have done it.

How rude. That is incredible. I didn't know that, And I would have been a stoke, yes, because you know who she was dating Tiffany back in the day, Jonathan Knight before before he came out obviously, so they were dating. They were like the couple of nineteen eighty eight or eighty seven.


I was so, oh my gosh. If she had come to Set, she would have brought Jonathan Knight to Set. I would have met him for the first It would.

Have been a whole Yeah, your entire life could have been different.

Yeah, easily, yep.

You you would have been the sixth new kid.

Sure, let's go with that.

Only if only.

I seem to remember this is the this someone informing me of this story.

Okay, okay, that's fascinating. I didn't know that. I'm very excited to learn that. But I'm also very glad we got Stacy Que because she was stezie Q was amazing, and she autographed and gave us albums. And I listened to that album over and over and over again in my room and home. Yeah, I loved it. I felt so cool. So at this moment, Stephanie walks in, asking the girls, what are you doing? The girls give her a blank stare obviously uninterested, so Steph waves her hand in front of them and asking hello. DJ explains to Stephanie that your world is down here. Our world is up here, motioning to their height differences. So Steph grabs a chair and stands on it, making her the same height, and asks if she can play with them now, I mean problem solver?

Yeah, okay, problem solved now?


Yep? Love it?

I love that. So next we are in the living room, where Danny yells up to the girls to come down and say goodbye to him before he leaves for La. Danny gives Jesse and Joey some phone numbers that they may need while he's away. He rattles off too many names like pediatrician, grandma, police, and Jesse jokes, oh you left out the White House and the equalizer.

By the way, did you notice, he says grandma? And this is the thing, the hill I'm gonna die on with all this, he says, grandma and other grandma, which would be Jesse's mom.

Right, and he Jesse should already have her phone number, her phone number, and then grandma.

Nobody says like grandma and your mom, No grandma and others.

Yeah, they always just refer to her as just the grandma, not Jesse's mom. And then Danny's mom lives doesn't she live in Seattle or to cat So, yeah, she's not What would her phone number do for them? Whatever? That's okay, Danny's so just covering.

I just needed I needed to cover that again.

I'm glad you just say just say so. Danny admits that he may be overreacting, but it's his first time being away from the girls overnight, to which I say, no, he's not overreacting. Do you remember back in episode two, our very first night, he brought a whole Dang band into the living room and kept the girls up half the night. So of course Danny's not overreacting.

Danny is No, He's.

Like, this is a yeah, this is last time I left. I walked into a concert, right.

Ye, So yeah, I admired Danny.

For band, not only a concert a lost kid. I remember they lost DJ. Yeah, So he is not at all overreacting. No, I'm surprised he's leaving again.

This soon, true, true, He's he's got to make sure that these girls are going to come out unscathed from his from his trip. So DJ and Stephanie come down and they give their dad a big hug, saying that they'll miss him. Danny continues to hug each of his daughters separately, telling them he'll miss them, and includes Kimmy in the rotation.

He hugged Kimmy.

This was our first, Kimmy, Danny.

Danny's hugging Kimmy. This is amazing.

This was one of the first and only times. And it comes back in Fuller House thirty six years later, where we finally hug for real at the end of that series. So Steph yells to him, take it easy, you're hugging other people's kids. Danny pat's Kimmy and apologizes. Then Danny tells his girls that while he's gone, Uncle Jesse and Joey will be in charge, and DJ assures her dad that they will not let him down. Joey and Jesse get the girls upstairs, saying it's time for bed, while DJ stays behind to talk to her dad Before Danny leaves. DJ asks, hey, you wouldn't mind if I got an autograph from my favorite singer Stacy Q? Would you? He tells her no, not at all. Kimmy and DJ both give each other a big thumbs up, and DJ proceeds to tell her dad, Okay, great, just sign this note excusing me from school tomorrow and have a wonderful trip.

Perfect. Great, done, Thanks dad. Bye.

Danny smiles and tells her nice, but DJ tries pleading her case, saying she'll make up the day she's missing and go to school on Christmas. Danny explains to her, look, we all have our jobs. My job is to go to LA and cover a surfing competition. Your job is to go to school. DJ please pleads, Kimmy gets to go. Why can't I? And Danny emphasizes it because you're not Kimmy. I don't know why Kimmy's missing school, but there's a lot of things about Kimmy that I don't understand.

Oh Kimmy, Oh.

Kimmy, and Kimmy. Just Kimmy takes this as a compliment.

She waves and.

Smiles at Higgs after hearings, and then Bob awkwardly brings back it's so funny. So DJ argues that if she doesn't get this autograph, she will die.

Yeah, the spoken like a true preteen.

Yes, this is I hear this all the house, right, I'm gonna die. I'm gonna if I don't get to go to the mall, I'm gonna die. Right, So Danny assures her that no one has ever died from lack of autograph. He tells d he has knows of that, he knows of. He tells DJ he has to go. He asks her for a big hug. Instead, she holds out her hand for a handshake, telling him goodbye father. He pulls her in for a hug anyways, and tells her to have a good time and he'll see her tomorrow afternoon. Kimmy walks over and tells DJ she's sorry, but DJ assures her that this isn't over yet.

M M, I see Bob when after that you can see Bob's makeup on Kandas's sweater.

Oh like that little brown Yeah.

Do you remember? This was something I remembered recently too. Bob had a lot of freckles.

Yeah, yeah, and.

On the show and like the original, they covered all of his freckles, so he had like a ton of makeup on and they used to put it on his hands too. We'd always have like yeah, yeah, but like back in the the like the eighties or whatever. I think as the show went on they didn't do that as m But I just remember that, like, Bob had a lot of makeup on covering his freckles.

You can kind of see it in this episode two, how heavy that foundation is.

Yeah, it was also the eighties and like the you know, the lighting was yeah.

Yeah. There was no HG TV or h D TV back then, so right right, yeah, now that was in four K no yeah.


So next we are in Uncle Jesse's room, where Uncle Jesse is singing an original song and admits out loud, God, that was horrible. DJ is standing in the doorway, telling him she loved it. Jesse is surprised to.

Be suspicious when children compliment it right always yes.

If they compliment you without you, I don't trust those wrong. But Jesse is surprised. He admits him I could be wrong, and DJ just continues with these compliments, telling her uncle he's so talented, so charming, good looking, funny, great head of hair. Jesse sighs and asks her what she wants, and then he admits, whatever it is, you got it. See she's playing into that, Jesse egles, she knows. Yeah, very smart of DJ. DJ asks if she can interview him. She has an essay do on the person she admires the most, and of course she picked Jesse. Oh, of course he is honored. He pulls up a chair for her, saying, go b do. Jesse starts his interview, telling DJ how it all started about one hundred and fifty years ago with his great great grandfather Spiro, and DJ's asked, no, let's just skip to his life. Asking if he was a wild child, Jesse confirms that he was a rebel munchkin. In his coloring books, he would even color outside the lines on purpose. She continues to ask if he ever ditched school, and he admits yet it happened once in a while. He tells DJ he's not proud that he used to ditch school, but he was the best, which he's not proud of either. He ditched school to see the Rolling Stones Farewell cons trying to recall if it was their fifth or sixth, in deciding it was their sixth, which.

Is hilarious because their fifth or sixth like Farewell concert in the eighties, eighties, and they're still going touring and good, you know, like yeah, yeah, they're on their like eight jokes to the world.

Amazing enough.

Yeah later, Yeah, So Jesse tells her that he played the sick scam to get out of school. He pretended he had a fever with cold hands and red eyes, and he used the two magical words I'm sick, which he says in like a sad, whiny tone. Five eyes, five eyes. Yep, he counted them. So Jesse would tell his mom he really wanted to go to school, but she'd call him in sick. Anyways, Jesse recalls that ten minutes later, I'd convince my mom that I'm all better, so she would send me to school. DJ smiles and continues she already called the school, and Jesse confirms they weren't expecting me. Smart think. DJ steps ahead. Yep, DJ ads, so you were free to get the autograph, I mean, go to the concert. DJ thanks him and starts walking away, but Jesse stops her, asking, hey, wait, that's the end of the interview, and DJ stutters, no, uh, what's your favorite color? Jesse tells her black, and DJ nods, thanks him and runs away. Okay, she got what she needed and the interview was.

That was it.

And I would almost I would almost say that his favorite color is turquoise.

But whatever, I was thinking the same thing, like black or turquoise. But black is kind of devoid of color, so I would go with Jess as well.

I mean, yeah, if you're going by the technical definition, black is the absence of So.

That's all right. He chose black. He's a tough guy.

That's fine.

I accept that answer. So next scene, you are in the bathroom where DJ has a giant heating pack on her forehead while she simultaneously sniffs an onion. She checks her temperature. It's one oh six. Why does she?

That was my question?


What what the hell did the onion have to do with this one? Why was there an onion?

She was making her eyes water like, all red and watery from sniffing the onion. Do you not cry when you cut onions?

I do? I do.

But I guess if I were trying to pretend to be sick, I wouldn't want to smell like onions.

Oh yeah, that's true. Well, but she's trying to make her eyes red because I guess Jesse made it. I don't know, I don't know, Okay. She also kind of throws all the evidence away in the bat like she doesn't hide this evidence very well.

She's dealing with Jesse and Joey. She's like they're kind of amateurs in this.

This is true. She's very confident about this plan.

Yeah, did you ever fake sick to get out of anything? Did you ever try that?

No? I was a good kid. I don't ever. I mean I would get stomach aches because I was genuinely angry.

Says a anxiety.

But I would never fake it, Like I I could never lie to my parents. I was just a goodie two shoes, and I just felt like they could see it all over my face if I would try to get away with a lie. So I don't recall ever faking a sick ever.


I don't think I've like faked sick to get out of school because it wasn't like my parents were leaving the house to go to work, you know what I mean, Like it didn't get me anything.

Right. If I was like, oh, I can't go, chances are we had rehearsal that day anyway, right, Like there was something that was I was like, it's not going to work out for me. It's a different when you're under contracting a show and you go to school on the set, you can't really freak get like, yeah, you can't fake it out of that. So, yeah, we missed out on that childhood milestone. So she's checking her temperature. It's one oh six, which she's like, no, that's that's bad. Oh yeah, she shakes the thermometer to cool it down. It's now one oh four. She's like, no, that's that's a doctor's visit. She's shakes the thermometer again and it goes down to one oh one. Out of school, bingo. DJ throws the evidence away and walks into her room groaning. Stephanie looks at her worriedly and asks what's wrong. DJ responds in the same sad, whiny tone that Jesse taught her, I'm sick with five eyes.


DJ plops onto her bed and Stephanie pulls the covers over her, petting her bangs. This is so sweet how you're like literally petting her like an emotional support baby. It's so sweet. So Stephanie's petting her bangs and she says, poor baby, I'll get Joey. You just need some peace and quiet. Then she immediately yells Joey, get in here, get in here.

I had to laugh because I do that still now.

And my husband will attest to this that I'll be like sitting down on the couch with him and I'll be like, so we don't want to do for dinner?

I don't know, Well, why don't we ask the kids? Hey?


And then I'll just like yeah. He's like, oh, I thought like you'd go get them or something.

Yeah. So I was like, oh, it's the same as true today.

It's faster just to yell I get up, get up.

Yeah, No, I'm loud, I project you project to hear me.

Oh yeah, I loved your delivery of that. Line, like your comedic timing was just so damn funny, even at a young age. So Joey runs in Paramox. He's asking what's wrong. Steph mimics DJ telling him she's sick. Steph says that she'll get some juice for DJ and adds, I wish I could get you Stacey Q's autograph.

Yeah, with that poster that hasn't been at all awkwardly just slapped onto the wall, proving that it's her favorite.

I know it was.

It was the Bengals last round.

It was like, at least the Bengals down, you know what I mean, Like, don't just cover it over, like, oh shit, we gotta just put this on the thing, you know what I mean, Like at least at least take the poster down and be like, no, that's no, you've it's always been there.

Very what you're talking about, Hey, you know, last minute, they just got to like tack it up as fast as possible.

It is what it is.

It is what it is. So Joey touches DJ's forehead, saying she is burning up. He pulls the thermometer out of her mouth, and that is it's somehow still reading a temperature of one on one.

Right, That is impressive. How has she been heating it up?

Well, I don't know. It's under her tongue, but it's been at least three minutes.

But it's under her tongue.

But that's a thermometer that should accurately record the temperature of a body that's in there.

Yeah, yeah, I don't know.

That's a weird oversatack in the day before.

I mean, now, you can't you get the little forehead scanner. You can't. What are you gonna do?

It's harder to fake the forehead scanner? Indeed, thinking thinking so, DJ grabs his hands and Joey tells her your hands feel like icicles because she was holding one of those popsicles in the bathroom. She begs Joey to go to school, saying there's a big test on Canada. Joey asks, you want to go to school, you must be really sick. Joey announces that he will be calling the school, and once he's out of the room, DJ smirks and turns towards her brand new Stacey Q poster, announcing, I am so rad She's she's ready, She's the plan is in motion. Yep. So next we are in the kitchen, Joey is doing the dishes and he tells Michelle that she's doing a great job as she tael drives a mug with Benny the dish rag. Benny's back, we haven't seen that.

That's what you want, is your kid with a dish rag toy that they've put all over the place and sucked on, and then they're using it to dry old dishes.

What you want? So because they like rub their.

Noses, they like, so yeah, that's yeah, like.

Your kid's blanky No, no, just no Benny the Benny the snot rag Bennie.

Yeah, I am very excited to see that. Benny is now like a recurring character in the show.

Right back. Yeah he gets credit.

He's first date. So yeah, yes he gets a credit now, at least by us.

Get this poor child.

The toy.

San Francisco stuff everywhere.

But that's how kids are, right, They're like, oh my god, look at I got you a three hundred dollars Lego set.

But I just want the box.

Yeah, they just want the wrapping papers. That is so true to life and so Joey jokes. He says, tomorrow I'm going to teach you how to vacuum right. Then DJ runs down the stairs, telling Joey her hands are warm, her head is cold, she can go to school. Joey stops her. He imitates a siren noise and stops her from leaving and asks her to see her license, registration and forehead. He confirms that she feels fine and asks how can that possibly be. She tries to convince him that it's a miracle, and he tells her the miracle would be if I fell for this. I know exactly what's going on. DJ panics that he knows the truth, but he explains, well, it's pretty obvious that she felt guilty about her phony sick bit, so she broke down and decided to go to school. DJ exclaims, yes, that's exactly right, boy, I can't fool you. Joey agrees and says she's a classy kid, and he's very proud of her.

Oh okay, that's the worst.

When you're in the middle of pulling some shenanigans, yes, and your parent or an authority figures like, you're such a great kid, and you're like.

I'm so proud of you, and you just like that, right, you're like the girl in your rock. Yeah, the guilt is overwhelming.


So DJ obviously is very uncomfortable by this statement, and she tells Joey she's got to leave to take that test. Joey sarcastically Canada. Joey tells her no speeding, and she DJ leaves. Joey walks over to Michelle, saying that her daddy is going to be very happy with the way he has handled things. He hands her a bowl to towel dry and instead she licks it, which might be in Hey, it's might be.


Yeah, exactly Do you want tongue or do you want snot on your dishes? Pick one or.

In that case both.

Uh So, this next scene is great. I love this scene so much. We are at the record store. At the Stacey Records store.

Is the most eighties a record store.

Got the turn style.

It's got the turnstyle.

It's got it's got the turquoise and pink, it's got neon.

Basically, I feel.

Like the walls are are wearing acid washed jeans, you know what I mean.

There's a girl with her bangs spray painted pink.

There's a lot of AquaNet in this lot.

Of scene, A lot of aquinet, a lot of denim, a lot of big hair.

So great, It's fantastic. I love this scene so much. Yes, So, Kimmy and DJ are next in line to meet Stacy Q, and DJ reminds Kimmy that they got to be cool. That jacket is cool her Stacey C's jacket. Oh my god, I was so enamored with her. I was just like, she's the prettiest hair scene that Jackair, perfect makeup, so eighties, so.

So magnificently eighties.

Yeah, she was definitely the coolest person I had met in my entire life up until that point. So Stacy says hi to the girls, and they immediately screamed, she's so rad. DJ addresses her as miss C and Stacy asks who she should make the autographs out to. Kimmy immediately responds, I'm Kimmy. Two m's, a y an, I and a K but not in that order. DJ is next telling her, you can make mine out to DJ, the girl who's like a sister to me, who I'll take to the Grammy Awards. Stacy just rolls her eyes and DJ says, or you could just make it out to DJ. Stacey hands, then the autograph pictures, telling them see you soon. DJ looks at.

Kimmy autographs at a mini mall.

I know that that was the thing to go. It was yeah, in like the the Sam Goodie or whatever the whatever.

The record store was back in the Goody Goody got.

It, good he got it. So DJ looks at Kimmy and the girls are ecstatic. She wants to be our friend. Of course, they take this moment and exaggerate it to the now they're BFFs with Stacy Q. DJ and Kimmy both admire their autograph photos in front of the line holding everyone us else up, and they're completely oblivious to that. Yes, very very much a tween. Yeah, exactly right, It's all about me. There's nobody else in the world. The girls start to walk away, but suddenly they see Joey and Michelle. The girls run and hide behind a Stacey Q cardboard cutout. Jesse is holding Michelle as he waits in line, but Michelle wants to be let down. Joey has attached a leash to Michelle's pocket to keep track of her.

These were very Yeah, this was the I feel like the this was kind of the advent of the child.

Leash, of the child leash, which I think is very controversial, like now, but I think it's a great idea. What would you rather your kid get lost? No?

Yeah, and and we all if you've ever been a parent or been around a toddler, you know that at some point it's they're just like, I'm not I'm gonna be a limp rag doll if you try and carry an.

Yeah, or they'll just bolt as soon as you put them down. You're trying to hold their hand, but no, they bolt across the room. So I think I am. I am in favor of baby leashes when the time is right.

I tried with mine.

They neither one of They both looked at me like, I'm this is not gonna work for me.

It just didn't.

Yeah, we didn't like it didn't restrained.

Okay, but Michelle was a leash kid. She was a laid She was a.

Leash kid, which you know what, when Joey and Jesse are in charge of her.

I mean, Danny should be tied to something, you know.

What, I mean, to be tied to something at all times. Yes, yes, So Michelle sees DJ and her mouth gets really wide as she points in her direct hysterical.

By the way, like I don't know who was playing peekaboo or what was happening to make her react like that, but it was brilliant.

It was perfect because she was genuinely surprised.

She was looking at so cute.

Yeah, so cute. So DJ tries to show her away, but Michelle starts running up to her. DJ throws Michelle's Benny ragdoll towards Joey, but Michelle fetches it and brings it back to DJ DJ's like, I can't believe it. I taught her this game. Joey starts to tug on Michelle's leash, trying to bring her back. Joey asks the cool girl next to him in line if she can save him a place. He explains what.

She's the one with the pink hair. Oh, yes, bright painted hair.

Yeah, she looks cool. I don't blame Joey for he's kind of like trying to hit on her here. He says, Oh, I have to get my little baby, and it's not even my baby, but this woman could not care less. She's just like, dude, get out of my get out of my line.

She's like, I'm just here for Stacy q'es autograph. I don't know why you've got a kid on a leash with a dish rag. I don't even know, Like.

That's you blame her? Right?

Yeah, she's felt like, uh, bro, take your dishrag leash kid and yeah, like he's like the creeper dude. It's like, why are you leaving here? So Joey walks over to Michelle and he finds her, and he finds DJ.


He asks what are you doing here? And DJ tells him getting busted? Uh. She asked what are you doing here? And Joey admits, well, I was so impressed with your honesty that I decided to come down here and get you an autograph. Twist that word.

Yeah, you were such a good kid and now you're so good. I was gonna do something nice, but now you're just a disappointment.

Yeah. Oh that's bad. It's bad.

It's worst.

So Joey takes that autograph from DJ and clips the baby leash to her jacket pocket and walks her out of the store.

Oh my god, mortifying.

Yes, DJ says that she's like this is so humiliating. Everyone's watching, including Stacy Q, who's watching this whole embarrassing debacle.

He's not going to take you to the Grammys now because.

You wear not be a fefs anymore. Yeah, and her song Don't make a fool of Yourself is playing in the background.

Ironically, Oh I didn't. That's great. What a good little tie in there.

Yep. So next we cut to the kitchen, where Joey is telling Michelle that it's a shame that kids have to grow up. He wonders why they can't stay like her, just so sweet and so innocent. Michelle's face is covered in food and and Joey adds, and so lady like. But the way she sits there, yes, she's like rests her chin in her hand, and she just especially like she's having a cat conversation with Joey Gladstone, so cute. Jesse comes bolting through the back door, asking Joey what is the emergency. Joey tells him what DJ did, and Jesse asks, I left for work. I left work early for that. Joseph, do you realize I was this close to finally figuring out where that line of ants actually begins and John's.

Line of ants the original line of ants.

Yeah, John's got this this backwards red cap on with the tust of hair coming out.

And well, you know, he like put the hat on and then he like they pulled it through and then the hair.

Sprayed it so that it stayed like so it stayed, it stayed up. You're like, oh, yeah, yeah, it was a whole look. It was a yeah, it was a thing.

Uh sort of reminded me of a rooster or a cockatoo or some sort of bird.

This is very cockatoo esque.

Yeah, not very attractive.

Well, I kind of liked I like this backwards hat look because it deemphasizes the mullet.

So I actually he's in a ponytail. If you look at has in a ponytail, it's in a ponytail.

Oh yeah, there was no controlling that mullet.

That mullet had to be secured, Yeah it was.

Yeah, there was no just throwing a baseball hat on it. It had to be roped down.

I like it. I'm a fan of this look of Jesse's. I'm here for it. Joey emphasizes that DJ did more than cut school, She completely faked him out too. Jesse sarcastically asks, you, no, Joey explains exactly how DJ tricked him, and Jesse realizes, uh, oh, he's the one who gave her that plan. He tells Joey about the interview she was doing on the person she admires the most, but Joey starts laughing this time of forcing Jesse to realize that there was no essay. He agrees with Joey, calling DJ a canniving little sneak. So the guy's brainstorm about how they're going to handle this situation situation while Danny is gone.

It again, Danny leaves and it's just all.

Bad every time. Every time. Jesse recalls when he would get in trouble as a kid, his dad showed him no mercy. To this day, when he goes to his parents, he goes straight to his room, no TV, no dinner. Joey says, well, when he was bad, his dad would sit him down talk about right or wrong, good and bad for hours and hours, until finally Joey just beat the hell out of himself. Which I was shocked that he said.

Hell, by the way, that one was in a few times and that we let that one again. I don't have a problem with it, but it was interesting that it was there in the earlier parts, but I find that in the later seasons, I think people would have freaked out more.

Yeah. Well, and I know he was saying this as a joke, but he's kind of making this casual reference to child abuse too, which I thought was not something that would fly today. I don't know like he's is he saying that instead of his dad, Joey would beat himself.

No, beat him? No, you like beat yourself up, not physically.

If I'm saying I'm beating myself up, I'm not actually sitting in a chair punching myself in the face.

Oh I took that more figurative dark direction. Wow, yeah, a very special episode that comes later, that's in many seasons.

So I could just sit him down, talk to him, and then he just he would just feel bad about himself.

Oh okay, I think that's a much better interpretation. Let's go with that. That's okay, Yeah, let's yeah, g rated explanation. So Jesse tells him that the worst part was when his dad gave him the dad face, and they both try to reenact it. Jesse shakes his head, saying Joey's reenactment is just the I ate bad chili face, which knowing Dave, Yeah, yeah around Dave.

No, I've seen that face on Dave and that's that's not that face.

Never good.

So we cut to DJ Steph's room, where Jesse and Joey walk in with their arms crossed, utilizing their dad faces. DJ tells them that they don't need to do that. She feels bad enough. She apologizes and tells them she'll never do anything like this again. Jesse loudly proclaims regardless, Joseph and I must deal with your misconduct, young lady. He pauses and questions misconduct, young lady. Oh, I really am turning into my father.

Yeah, it happens so soon.

It happens to the best of us. He turns to Joey and says, if I start wearing a white belt and shoes to match, throw me down the stairs.


Now that's dark but on brand for Jesse.

And Joey, Yes, very much so.

Joey tells DJ that they have to punish her, so they're taking away TV for two weeks. Jesse doesn't think that's punishment enough, and he adds no TV, no music for two weeks.

Wow, no TV and no music this is hard.

Joey fires back, well, I see your new no TV and no music for two weeks, and I raise you no friends over for a.

Month, particularly Kimmy.

But I feel like I would have I would I would have had a very strict Kimmy band in effect.

That that would be an appropriate punishment. She kind of started this whole thing. Yeah, So DJ agrees that she needs to be punished because she let her dad down. She tells the guys, I hate myself. So Jesse pulls Joey away, whispering that well, DJ is sorry, she's been punished, and she'd been punished enough, and when Danny comes back from LA, maybe they should tell him about this. Joey does, Yeah, I agree.

Got it. I mean, your kid did school, you.

Gotta It's how do you keep that from from dad? Honestly? But Joey doesn't agree, so Jesse pleads, look, I don't want him to think that we can't take care of the girls, Joey. Joey's like, yeah, you know, you're right. Danny may never want to leave the house again if he hears about this. So they walk back over to DJ, announcing that they won't tell her dad what happened. DJ runs up to them, hugs them, and says.

Think you think you? Think you?

Thank you? Over and over. It's the best feeling when you do something stupid and your teacher's like, okay, look, I'm not going to call your parent.

You're like, oh my god, thank you.

Think you. Huge relief, Huge relief. So we cut to the living room. Joey is reading a children's book to Jesse and Michelle as Danny bursts in yelling Cowabunga dudes while sporting a Hawaiian shirt, advisor and sunglasses. Bob looks so funny in this.

He looks so ridiculous.

He looks so ridiculous.

Also, he was gone, like he left the night before for a surfing competition and was home by the afternoon the world's short of surfing competition.

Did he have time to shop for a Hawaiian shirt and advisor if?

But he have the time to get to a surfing competition. Somebody called one wave and he was like, and we're done. I'm going home now.

Thanks for the free trip. Yeah. So DJ runs up to Danny and he tells them, oh, I missed my little do debts. He kisses Michelle on the head and exclaims, Oh, let me do debt again and kisses her for a second time. That is that's such a dad joke, but it really is so. Danny asks how did everything go at the house when he was gone, and they all say it was great, it was great. At that moment, Stephanie walks through the door, saying, hi, Dad. Stephanie looks at DJ and comments on how much better she looks. Danny questions this, and DJ explains, oh, I got my hair done. Stephanie responds, well, you got jipped.

Which is a term that we no longer use these days, just clarifying that everyone we know, we know, we are aware, we know what it means. We're aware is the eighties, we don't use it. I didn't write the joke well down.

But then Stephanie asks, I thought you were sick, and DJ confirms, oh, I'm sick of this hairstyle. He finally pulls Steph aside and asks to play a little game called Let's not talk about DJ. Steph turns around and yells over to the family, Hey, anybody want to play a game called Let's not talk about DJ. Stephanie get the hint.

He didn't take her out of the room. He took her like three feet to the side.

She's like, this, obviously can't be that much of a secret of you're not even telling me in private.

Okay. She's like, all right, cool, anybody else want to play.

You're just such the little sister that is just botching.

Don't do this.

And you're like, you mean, don't say this, this thing that I'm saying right now.

Such a classic little sister here.

Stef's just blowing it.

She's blowing it. So Jesse shoes Steph away, telling her the punishment of losing the game is having to polish the silver in the kitchen, so he gets rid of her. Danny asks if DJ was sick this morning, and Joey tells him, well, she was a little under the weather, but they got her right back on her feet and chipped her off to school. Ce, Stephanie, are you walking in innocently telling DJ, hey, since you missed school today, your teacher asked me to give you your homework.

You're welcome being helpful. Thank you. So you're not behind on your work or.

You're just being a snitch. I mean, I know, I don't realize you're being.

A snitch, but you're a Bible step is purely She's like, look, I'm being I am a I was petting your head, she was you, I was being so kind. I got your work. You look so much better. Soup's just confused as to why everyone's telling her that this she's being gas lit, and she's like, I can't understand why none of you are talking about this.

Yeah, So everybody winces when they hear what Stephanie says, and Joey looks at Danny, commenting, now that is a good dad face. Danny questions DJ, using her government name Donna Joe oohoo, so you know it's serious, and DJ admits everything to her day. Stephanie is offended because she's saying, well, DJ made made me a liar to Stephanie had to lie to Joey, she lied to her teachers, she lied to everybody. Yeah, Stephanie announces, I thought I knew you, but I don't. I share my rinse cup with a stranger, Like that's the ultimate insult.

The things that you think you now and here I am sharing my rinse cup with a stranger, just rinsing with the end.

Liar, But you had to share your rints cup.

Right, Also, like, who's sharing your rins cup? Get your own rinse cup.

Yeah, you can't.

Just stick your head under the sink and a cup you're sharing it. That's disgusting.

That's gat Danny Tanner needs to get on that and not let his children share rinse cups.

I mean, at least they're brushing their teeth though. True. I'm going to be said for that, very true.

So Stephanie angrily gives DJ the get well card that she made for her and storms way, Yeah, you're.

Type of I have devoted time and energy and effort to this.

So Danny sends DJ up to her room as Jesse and Joey try sneaking out, but Danny catches them and has a talk with them. He emphasizes, I want to know everything that goes on in my daughter's lives. I don't expect you to be perfect, but I expect you to be honest. Boom, there it is that perfectly sums up this entire problem. It's the dishonesty.

Yep, that's what I was saying, Like, I just be honest with me, kids, just be just give me the truth.

We can deal with the truth.

Honesty goes a very long way. I love this.

I don't expect you to be perfect, but I expect you to be honest.

I want to embroider that and frame it right. I love putting it in my kids rooms.

Yeah, thank meal.

So Danny realizes he's wagging his finger at them and he stops himself, saying he doesn't want to lecture them. He'd be lost here without them, And then the two explain why they lied to Danny, but they realize now that it's best to work things out together as a family. Another good lesson, talk it out as a family. Yeah. So back in DJ and Stephanie's room, Stephanie is laying down on her bed making a get sick card for DJ, which I love.

That was so great.

She's like, I'm making a get sick card Like she's just so Yeah, Steph is so bitter and I love it. And Eddie, oh so petty?

What Steph got all the time in the world to be petty? Just She's like, I can.

Do a little of that. Yeah, that's definitely a little bit of Jodie sweet and shining through there on the page. Danny walks in and Stephanie announces, oh, lecture time. See ya. Danny tells Steph she should stay, but Steph doesn't understand. She didn't do anything wrong, Danny tells her, but you will, so take accurate notes. Danny brings DJ over and asks why she did what she did today. She admits she wanted that autograph more than anything. Danny asks if she knows what the worst part is, and DJ thinks it's because she's cut. She cut to school, and Stephanie guesses that you tricked Stephanie.

Yes, that is that's the worst. It's really the worst part.

It's all about Stephanie. But Danny tells DJ it's because she was selfish. All she cared about was getting DJ what DJ wanted, even if it meant lying and hurting others. And this, this hits DJ hard. She admits, well, I don't want to be selfish and I don't want to hurt other people's feelings. Danny knows that next time she'll think things through more carefully, because she's a lot better than what he saw today. Danny brings her in for a hug, and Stephanie asks, Daddy, am I your favorite now? Danny?

The important stuff, right, Steph, is all about herself right now right, She's like, you blew it? I am?

I do?

I finally get to be the one.

Steph is sweet.

What's that happened? With my kids?

All the time they're like, ooh, she's in trouble, so you'd like me better now right?

Yeah? Uh? And Danny nods and he tells Stephanie yes. Dj gets offended and Danny laughs, saying, no matter what happens, he will love the three of them exactly the same. The three of them hug, and then Danny adds, I wish Michelle was here. I like her the best. And that is our show. It's a cute ending, a happy ending, a good lesson.

It's a very cute show.

Stacey Cue was in it, just a tiny little bit, just that one scene, just that one scene, which I feel like we didn't even film that in front of an audience because with all the extras in the background, the baby having to do blocking, right, that was definitely a pre tape day because otherwise it would have taken forever to shoot that very part of an audience. So and yes, she never came back like you would think that was.


Yeah, usually they'll like come back and there's sort of the you know, the why is this person now at their house? But you know it's like, oh, Danny founder at the airport and brought her back to you know, meet dejer something like that.

But yeah, we needed a little closure with the with the Stacy Q.

But no, stay, I've been needing closure with Stacey Q for the last thirty six years.

Yes, we finally we finally got it.

Finally. Speaking of closure though.

That was it?

That was our one?

How have we closure one?

Closure on season one? That was it? That was it. I can't believe it.

That was it? What are your what are your overall thoughts on season one? Did you like it? Did you hate it?

Season one was incredibly enjoyable. I loved it. I really see where people started falling in love with the Tanners and where we started really finding our groove as a cast and watching like the first twenty two episodes of Our Little Family, it's fun kind of watching us all start to figure out our place in each other's lives.

Yeah, yeah, I thought this was such a solid first season. Like you get a real like from the pilot too, Like you guys, like from right from the jump it was you could tell exactly who these characters are, what their personality traits are, how they fit into the overall family tree, and the family has chemistry from the very first episode. All of you have so much chemistry. I didn't realize it was there from the very very beginning, and naturally it builds over eight seasons, but it was there, yeah, in the very beginning.

I'm this has been so much fun to go back and start watching it from the beginning, and I hope all of our how rude faner rito's have been enjoying this as well. You guys are I would love to hear anybody's thoughts on season one. What are we hoping for for season two?

I mean, oh, well, I'm hoping to get I hope Becky shows up soon because I'm tired of hearing about Jesse's love life and his flavor of the week. So yeah, no more Sea Cruise episodes, No more of these like Bachelor Pad episodes, Like the family is really the heart of the show. Yeah, So I'm hoping season two they tame down some of the house of comics Bachelor Yeah style.

I think I think season two we start we start really figuring out the family dynamic even more good I can't wait. I'm so excited to get back into this and have more in twenty twenty four. We've got season two of our rewatch coming up. Uh and if you guys want to follow us on Instagram, make sure you follow us at how Rude Tannerto's. You can also uh find us and email us at how Rudepodcast at gmail dot com. Uh oh wait wait, Howard Tanturrito's. That's not our that's not our Instagram, it's at.

Howd how See. It's been a while to get the outro down and now I screw up our Instagram handle.

It's how is it?

How something is it?

How's how rud Podcast? Okay, Howard Podcast?

There we go, Yes, and then you can email us at Howard podcast at gmail as well.

That's it.

You can follow us on Instagram at Jodie Sweeten and at Andrea Barber. Please send us your comments. We'd love to hear your questions. We use those for our fan episodes, for our all of our fun recaps, and we can't wait to see you for more season two of Howard san Rito's.

So remember the houses. Nope, the world is small, but the house is full. It's a Christmas Miracle. Well done.

How Rude, Tanneritos!

How Rude, Tanneritos! A Full House Rewatch Podcast is here!! Stephanie Tanner and Kimmy Gibbler are 
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