"Granny Tanny" Recap Season 3, Episode 5

Published Jul 23, 2024, 4:00 AM

A brand new Granny Tanny has entered the Full House!! If you thought brussels sprouts were gross, just wait until you see the over-the-top, lovey dovey moments between Danny and his mom... ewww!!

But, at least we got Michelle's ICONIC pencil bed out of this episode!! If you were a kid growing up in the 90's, you can't deny this was your dream bed (pun intended). Don't miss this week's recap on How Rude, Tanneritos!

Gotta can't do it at the same We can't clap simultaneously over zoom.

It's very difficult. It is because if there's a delay, like a like a lag.

And I remember that Wi Fi, I remember that from the pandemic. We weren't we weren't we all trying to sing some stupid song, oh for Jeff. Wasn't it the Jeff song about the dog or whatever? We were all trying to sing it together, but we couldn't because the timing was off, and so we all had to record it separately.

And it was the whole thing that was the I don't remember what charity it is, and I don't remember the song, but it was something about the dog. It was featuring the dog, something about golden Yes, it was about the dogs love their balls and yes, of course, trying to record it over zoom with Bob and Dave and John, I know, right that was that was never gonna work out?

Yeah, no, no, or it did exactly as planned. I'm not sure, but Hi, Hi, happy summer.

How are you? I got like the kids are home for the summer, Like so I'm like, there's still a sleep right now. But if there's a lot of yelling in the background or crashes, just ignore it, just ignoring. It's fine.

And like I would say, unless they run in, you know, bleeding or like oh my god, the house is on fire, I'm like, you'll be fine.

You'll figure it out. Yeah.

He gets back from Japan today. She has been in Japan on a on a school trip. So she comes back today. Oh my god, I'm very excited.

She went to Tokyo or Kyoto.

She did. They went to Tokyo for ten days. They took the train to a bunch of different like places, you know, within within a couple hours of Tokyo, and did a whole robotics tour and they did a Japanese culture thing and oh kinds of school.

Oh, I bet it was amazing, lots of for her going over there.

Did. I was like, you're gonna love it there, and I, you know, I felt I was like, it's a really safe country, the people are incredible.

It was like, you're gonna have the best time.

So yeah, she lands at like eleven o'clock, so we'll be we'll be podcasting.

Put her dance picking up from the airport. Oh, that's so cool.

Very excited to see her and see how it went, and and I was like, you're gonna be so jet lagged.

She's like, nah'd be fine.

And I was like, you've never experienced jet lag, Like I remember coming back from the East Coast and she was like, oh, I'm so tired and just off. I was like, yeah, this is just wait, I'll be fine. I was like, you have no idea what's about to hit you. You're about to feel like you've just lost your entire circadian rhythm. Oh yeah, well we had to when we did the episode in Japan, we flew back and had to tape the rest of the episode. God, we flew back on like a what was it like a Friday or something, Thursday, Friday, and then we were at work on Monday.

Yeah, yeah, or even was it even a tighter turnout? I just remember we were always like we got back Saturday, and we've shot again on Mondays. Whatever it was.

I just remember remember all of us like showing up to set and being like have you slept in forty eight hours?

And there was like I feel like I'm in a buke right, Like this run through is going to be terrible.

I I did not know what jet lag was until I did that, And apparently going from like that direction, like from Japan to the u at like to the west coast, like to the States, that direction apparently is like it's not as bad. I guess going there you brought it kind of adjusts a little bit better. But it's the coming.

Coming back, yeah, sort of in time that really throws you off. So yeah, yeah, I don't remember jet lag going there. Well, I was so excited to be there. You know, it's probably also you're like excited, right, Yeah, yeah, I was excited. We were we were working, we were exploring together. Yeah, that was that was a good trip. Oh, this is such a great time. Now I feel like sushi, right, does be like sushi? Does she be loves sushi? Oh? Good, love sushi. It's one of her favorite things.

Yeah, so I'm sure she has been happy as a clam with all of the food. They got to go to a cat cafe, they went to Tokyo Disney. Yeah, they did a lot of really cool stuff. So she had a she had a great time.

Yeah that's great. I can't wait to hear about it next time. And uh, yeah that's so good.

Yeah, so it should be fun and uh and then I had my garage Sturday.

You must feel like a new woman today.

I have been enjoying my little organizing spree.

Yeah, and that's your love language, organization, it really is.

Organization is is my love language, which is ironic because I myself am not necessarily an organized thinker, which I think is why I like the organization.

On the external.

It really does, I think also like for a d D people and stuff, it makes your your internal workings feel a little more well, a lot more orderly.

Yeah. It's a sense of retaining control too, like I always feel for sure. Yeah, when I know where things are, I'm like, okay, I can I have control over the situation. Yeah.

So anyway, that was my I have really become an old woman because that is my exciting summer news is that I got my garage organized.

You just need a couple of cats and to take up some knitting and god, I don't need a couple of cats. No, I don't weep. I am a couple of dogs. I'll take more dogs.

But cats can can can be Celia can have the cats, you know my best friend, Yeah, anyone else can have the cats, Emma, my friends. They welcome to all the cats. I will be having a dog home myself.

My friend Katie keeps fostering kittens, but then she's a foster failed, they keep adopting them. Now she has four kittens, like brand new kitts. And I'm like, I have a friend who has five cats. So's they just love it. They can't give them up, I guess. And so that's fine. I understand if it was dogs, I.

Guess id right, And cats are a little smaller and more sort of self sufficient, so it's not like having five dogs.

Yeah, oh yeah, that's true. They can. They can kind of went to all.

They much rather have five dogs five dogs have Well, I feel like I feel like cats.

I feel like we're more like cats in the fact that we are in our forties, we're women, and we're just like, we don't have time for nonsense. We don't have like we're not going to put up with anyone's bs. I believe the term is cougar. Uh No, but I that's not Wait, that's not what cougar means. I thought I was. That was a joke. That was Jesus, Well, okay, I was listening to it.

Is what I was saying is because we're old and you know whatever. I was like, I believe that's they usually call us cougars because you're like, we're like cats or whatever. And I was trying to make a joke that we're hot and old.

And it went right over my head.

Well, once you explain a joke, it really does lose some of the u the hilarity in it.

But that's okay, that's okay. I was just watching the clip we put up on Instagram where you're explaining thoughts, thought th h ot to me thoughts. Yeah, so I'm like, oh, I learned from Jody. Jody's teaching me, you know, the meanings.

Of a wealth of not so useful information but really great on a trivia night, you know.

Yeah, so I thank you for my trivia partner. Oh yeah, just random useless knowledge. I'm trying to figure out. There's one word my kids keep using in our group family chat and okay, well let me tell me what it means, and they just last tell you if I know what it is. I don't know what it's like appropriate for this podcast or if it's not safe to say it.

Okay, s gibbity, Yes, wait, how did you know it's skibbity.

What is that? What is it?


No one will tell me what that is.

It's well, no one will tell you what it is because it's it's hard to even explain it is. It is a it's a new form of like slang language that they call like brain rot or something, and it's just it's nonsense words like skibbity, but like I torment my kids by also saying like like skibbity toilet is, which means basically like you okay, like riz is like your that one. It's like you know that one right, Like skimbity toilet riz means like you have like an outrageous amount of like terrible vibe sort of you know what I mean skibbity. I can't remember like the exactly, but it's it's a It's also a very like middle school thing, so even are like my kids that are like a little bit older. It's kind of a joke and it's kind of something they say to with us as parents because they're like, you don't know what this means, and we don't, and it's stupid and it makes no sense. So if other parents out there are dealing with this, we feel you. Yes, it's yes, And I find I find the best way to prevent my kids from doing stuff like this is if I just start using the word. Yeah, like I yelled out skibbity toilet riz is one of them got out of the car and at school before it, and they were just like, oh my god.


So if you just use it like against them in really embarrassing ways, they'll just regret ever having informed you and they might drop it.

Well. My problem is, by the time I figure out how to use the word correctly, this generation has moved on. Like we were. We went out for tacos last week and I was like, these tacos slap and they start laughing. The kids start laughing. Nobody says that anymore. Nobody says slap. That's news flash to me. I didn't know we'd moved on from slap to so like, but I was so proud of myself for using it correctly. And now it's like, now it's skibby. That's good, these tacos are. But that's also that's all.

Don't use that either, because like that is also it's very much out.

Skibbity is out. Now, that's what I'm saying.

It's kind of unless you're in the middle school vibe, which our kids are not, but like are like high schoolers and above sort of view it as like a like a word to say to annoy your parents, but it's like not really cool to say, but that they'll try and figure out what it means because they're old and lame.

Like that's basically what I.

What I think the uh what it has become if you are older than like seventh grade. Okay, okay, so they're just it's become it's become sort of a like, look stupid these old people are, and give them disease and we do it right right, Okay, Well these millennials were lame. Wow, I've learned about ankle socks or no show socks and are misunderstanding of brain rup flying.

Well you know, it takes me a while to catch up. But all right, So now I can't even use skibbity against them. I have no, no, no, you can't because it's so lame.

Just use it, but use it publicly, like embarrass them with it, use it at totally inappropriate Times's just throw it out there and they'll just be like, oh my god, like you know what I mean? I find when all else fails, just embarrass them and yourselves because you don't really care anymore about being embarrassed.

But if you do, oh yes, yeah, yeah yeah, but they do, so it's great. Okay, So I gotta wait till they're in front of their friends or someone they're.

Trying to friends and just yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, ah yeah, I love it.

Right, and then they'll be like, why did we ever do this? Okay, that'll all laugh at you, and you'll be like, I don't care, I don't care. This is stupid. Do you realize the word that you're using. It's stupid. It's stupid, It's skibbty, you know it is. Okay, I'm gonna I'm gonna work this in. This is gonna be a noun, a verb, an adjective. I'm gonna use it in.

All the way, use it in all the appropriate, inappropriate ways. I also feel like Urban Dictionary would be a good place for you to do some research when you're looking into words.

I'm afraid of that website of Urban Dictionary, Yeah, because there's a there's a there's a reference to Kimmy Gibbler on there, and it's not very nice. Well, I mean, and so I'm like, that was the one and only time I have I've visited Urban Dictionary, and I'm like, I'm never coming back here. Well, just don't look up that and you'll be okay.

Although if skibbity is somehow related to Kenny Gibler, I'm gonna be very thrown off.

No, no, no, no, I don't think that. I don't think that's connected at all. I don't think you never know what's like these days.

It's weird, but no, I think, uh, yeah, that's our it's a new segment teaching Andrea a new upcoming slang.

Hey, I'm not the only one way.

From another old lady who probably is using it incorrectly. So that's the best part is that I'm like, oh here, let me give you my authoritative.

Opinion and it's probably wrong. And then all the fanarios will tell us what it really means in a few weeks when this airs, because they'll be like, you guys, you guys are so lame. I don't know.

I think our I still think our audience might be a little above the uh. I think our audience is the the other people who are like, what the hell does that word mean.

Okay, so we're providing a service.

Unless we have a really huge pocket of like seventh grade boys that listen to this podcast. Hey, I think most of our audience is going to be like, why are they using this word?

Yeah? Okay, okay, So this is an educational podcast.

It's sort of remember when, Remember when, like when our kids were just doing the floss all the time, just annoyingly like it's that sort of thing.

But a word. Oh okay, you're like, what are you doing? Use it? Why? Why? Yeah, there's no reason. They use it to confuse us. They use it to Yeah, it's you know, man, I need them. Okay, Well, I feel like by the time I learned the word, the words outdated. So I need somebody, We need some we need some teens.

Yes, by the time it reaches us, it's usually already passing. Yes. By the time we find out about it and we're like, oh, hey, I learned a new word, the kids are like, that's an old word.

Okay. So, if there's teenage fans listening to this podcast, if you're willing to help us out, just give us a little heads up, send us a d M or an email and tell us Okay, These are the upcoming.

Podcast at gmail dot com with the with the title brain rot slang or yeah or or slang info or please help us old ladies figure it things out or just skibby or other you know, parents out there send us things and go. I don't know what they're talking about either. And here's a word that I heard, and I have no idea what it means.

This is a public service that the people need.

This is a public service announcement, and I feel like we should also probably get into the show.

Well, you know there's that too, Okay, fine, there's that. Whatever. Okay, let's do it. Welcome back to how Rude tan Ritos. I'm Andrea Barber and I'm Jody Skibbitty Sweeten.

Who No, don't that's that? I think actually means something really terrible. I don't even know what that means, but I don't think I should say it. Let's not title the podcast Jody Skimbitty Okay, no, no no, or.

Skibbity toilet is. Today we're discussing season three, episode five titled Granny Tanny.

Which is what I feel like after discussing some of those words today.

There it is. There's a segue. There's the segue. This episode originally aired on October twentieth, nineteen eighty nine, and it goes a little something like this. Danny's mother comes for a visit, while the family learns that she feels she has no purpose because she's retired. So Danny tries to lift her spirits by pretending they need her help around the house. Michelle gets a big girl bed, m oh boy boy girl girl bed. It was directed by Billy Fausta Coffee, Coffee Coffee.

And it was love that we do that every I don't even say his name, I just say it was directed by Coffee, Coffee, Coffee, and I feel your people will.

Know what that means. I think some of the fan ritos are catching on and they like say it with us at the same time. It's it's I love this. It was written by Dennis Frinstler and Mark Warren. And we have one outstanding guest star this week. We have ladies and gentlemen, Doris Roberts as Claire Tanner. Yes, shape shifting Claire Tanner. Yeah no, again, this isn't the original Claire Tanner. They were the recast. But you know that's okay because Doris is fantastic. She was so great. Yeah. She's best known as the strong willed family matriarch on Everybody Loves Raymond, for which she earned seven Emmy nominations and four Emmy wins for that role. Really yeah, it's incredible. Wow, But this wasn't Everybody Loves Raymond was later. That came later in the night much so she must have been well known for she was. Also, she was well known for a ton of Remington's steel dream on Angie. She was just she appeared in everything basically.


Yeah, she'd been around for a while. Very funny. I mean, not like she was old.

I didn't mean it like that, but she's been like she has been a very successful, working actor for a long.

Time, very accomplished actress. Very funny and yeah, I have I kind of have mixed feelings about her. But she's a legend in her own right. I I yes, as do. I. Okay, let's get into this, Let's get into the show. We'll get there, we'll get there, all right. We start with the teaser in the girl's room. Steph is reading in bed when Michelle walks in, asking Steph to help her tie her shoes. Stephanie sighs, telling her this is getting old, so she decides that Michelle has to learn to tie them all by herself. Steph begins to give her a step by step lesson, saying, first the rabbit crosses the stream, then he goes over the log, around the tree, through the hole, and wile you got rabbit ears, and we have an extreme close up of the shoe just to drive home this lesson. Right, that's right.

I mean we don't do inserts often in this show, but we really did two very prominent inserts in this teaser alone.

Oh yeah, no. It was like they were like, just in case you missed this, we want you to see the rabbit and the stream. So Stephanie asked Michelle if she can get the other one tied, and Michelle says no problem before immediately leaving and yelling to Joey for help. Steph shakes her head, saying, kids today they have it way too easy. Stuff's just an old soul, you know, she really is.

She's an old cranky lady sometimes. And yeah, god, I remember teaching my kids to tie their shoe. It was one of those things you kind of went.

Oh, that's right. I gotta tea. Well, they oh, yeah, you don't just come pre programmed with the whole shoe type. Yeah. Well, there's so many velcrow options for littler kids that ye feel like they were four or five before they were kindergarten, before they started for sure, TI the shoe. Michelle's pretty young to be learning this.

I don't know a kindergarten is when you learn to tie your shoe. I think I don't know, Like that was the thing is. I was like, I don't remember when I learned. I don't remember either.

Yeah, okay, anyway, anyway, uh so, next we're in Jesse's room. Michelle, who's wearing her jammies, walks into his room and he's still asleep, so she tips Toes up onto his bed. She sits on top of him, pulls the blanket off his face, and says, good morning, Look alive. I love that she's used that line against him. Yeah. Jesse keeps his eyes closed and responds, Michelle, it's too early to be alive. What do you want? Michelle exclaims that Grandma is coming to visit today. Jesse sarcastically thanks Michelle for the bulletin reminder and tells her to go back to her crib, but then he realizes that someone must have let her out of her crib. Michelle explains, I let me out, ah, and Jesse asks remember those days? Who he is? Jesse asks if she climbed up the bars and jumped down herself, and Michelle exclaims, you got it, dude, with a thumbs up. Now, this isn't our first you got it dude, but it is the first time the audience goes wild for it. Yeah, they really loved this. You got it dude. Oh, yes, this one was a a successful one. I can just see Jeff at Video Village right with his pencil being like, oh, that was a big hit. We're going to include that right right the rest of the series. Yeah. So, Jesse shouts jail break as he jumps out of bed and runs towards his door. He yells for Danny and then turns to Michelle and reminds her that if she wants to get out of her crib, she should just stay there and scream her head off until somebody lets her out. Gout peche. Michelle responds, no, capiche, I'm a big girl. Then Danny rushes into Jesse's room, reminding him it's Saturday morning. Jesse remarks, don't tell me. Tell her she climbed out of her crib all by herself. Danny looks at Michelle with a smile and excitedly asks, you did. He sits down next to her and tells her this means she's ready for her own big girl bed. This announcement makes Michelle gasp in excitement. The look on her face is so funny at all. Yeah. Jesse holds up his hand and asks Michelle for a big girl high five. Dj picks her head in the doorway and tells everyone that Grandma's cab just pulled up. They all run out the door to go and greet her. I'm trying to remember what it spen so long since my kids got you know, I don't remember them climbing out of the crib, but I remember the transition to the big, big girl, big boy bed.

I remember mine climbing out. Mine were little spider people. They were just out of the crib. All.


It was a nightmare trying to get them, oh man, into their own beds.


Mine, and then they're both like, well, Zoe in particular, it was like a night out. So she was like, I don't want to go to bed. Now I can get out. I'm gonna just shot here. And they're bopping around, dude reading books. I was like, it's eleven o'clock.

Oh my god, gosh. Oh yeah, it's hard. It's hard. Yeah, I remember when Tate don't. I don't miss trying to do that. Yeah, you know what I mean where you're like, no, I need you to stay, just stay in bed. Getting getting little kids to sleep is like the number one problem and priority for parents of young children. Yeah, And we transitioned Tate out of his crib because I needed it for felicities. It was like right before she write born, and so we got him a big boy bed and he was so excited about it. I have a picture of him. But he didn't realize he could get out of it. So the next morning he was yelling for me to come pick him up out of the bed, and I'm like, no, you can get out on your own.

Because it's not I wish mine would have had it. I would have been like, yes, you have to wait here for in just you can't.

That's unfortunate.

You can't move, Yeah, you have to you have to sleep and until like sweet freedom later.

Yeah, they were just done. That makes sense. Okay, mine are the rule followers and yours are like the night out my partners hanging off the side. Yeah, exactly. So Danny, Jesse, Michelle, Stephan dj come run down the living room stairs to answer the door. They all excitedly shout to Grandma Claire that they are coming. Joey strolls in, eating an apple and watches the crowd flood down the stairs, noting, well, this family does everything together.

Which I didn't understand because I was like, they're going to answer the door, Grandma's here.

What do you mean they do everything together? They're all greeting grandma. Of course. If there's one thing to do together, it's that. It's that right. It's not like they were all going to the bathroom, right, It's not like this is the cli. I was like, what is that, right? Yeah, we're not going down the Elvis tour. We're not going to watch Joey golf. Yeah, it's this is this is a normal thing. But I don't know. They needed to get Joey in the room somehow, So that's yeah, that's how Jesse opens the door. And Grandma walks in announcing here's Granny the girls. What if the kids would have just been like Granny, who are like you just looks so different. I wish they'd put in the line about that, like Grandma, you've changed your hair or something.

Right, it's like a knock little red riding hood your Yeah, your head is so your eyes are so big.

The better to see you with my dear, right. Yeah, but the girls are very excited. The audience cheers for Doris Roberts, which is awesome yep. And Grandma Claire exclaims, kiss me, you fools, and she gives her family big hugs all around. She turns to Danny and sighs, my baby, and he smiles and responds, my mommy, before giving each other a hug. Claire gets lipstick on Danny's cheek when she kisses him, so she grabs a napkin, licks it and wipes the lipstick off. He's noticeably embarrassed. And so was I watching this.

I was right such a yeah, yeah, I was like, oh no, Danny.

Yeah, well this whole episode is like Danny, Danny, Dan Danny right right, there's this is only a preview of what's to come later in the episode, so Grandma Clare tells everybody she is pumped to be there. She looks at Michelle and asks who is this big girl right here, and Michelle sweetly replies Michelle Tanner. Claire tells Michelle she's way too big to be Michelle Tanner, and Michelle assures her it's me. It's my nose. Steph grabs Grandma's hand and leads her to the couch, saying they have a big surprise for her. She asks Danny if they can give Claire the present now, and he admits, well after that it would be cruel not to.


Hand's Claire a wooden box wrapped with a bow, and it's a paint set. Danny says it's in honor of her retirement after thirty years in the stationary supply business.

Not at all, just random facts thrown in there to where you're like, oh, okay, good, thanks for the backstory.

Yeah, she's because we needed to know that.

I mean, you know, right, wow, thirty years in the stationary supply business. Yeah, I probably good things she got out when she did, you know, prior to emails?

True, Yeah, that's a good point, man. Her business would have gone down smart. Yeah, I would have just really gone down. But this paint set, the bo it doesn't look like a paint set. It looks like a like a fishing box or like a box or something.

It looks like a paint set. I have paint sets that came in like wooden boxes. They're like very elaborate ones with like the small acrylic paints and like a whole set and the little easel and all.

Oh, okay, okay, it's like a it's but it's a very like sort of yeah, old school, uh paint box.

I'm sure they made it look like that so that it would be able to be wrapped in the way that television wrapping is, which is only the top wrapped in.

Right. You gotta get we don't want to waste precious seconds opening a present.

No, no, no, no no, we just need to write rip that but off.

Well no, it's not even ripped off.

It just the whole top lifts up and it's someone tape the you know, the the TV show wrapping where you're like, oh, we wrapped it in two separate pieces.

Yeah, I think that's a brilliant. You know, I should start doing that at home. Because it would make Christmas morning way fast. You know what I just buy.

I go to like Joanne's or like one of those places, and I buy on sale the boxes, like the little cute boxes that are like holiday themeed or whatever, and.

They'll be on sale for like seventy percent off.

So it's like a nice box like this for like four dollars and then you can use it, reuse it.

Oh my god, I just sounded like my mother. You totally that was a Janice sweetened moment. But it's brilliant, you know, believe I just stood them on podcast. Okay, Hi Jannis, Hi Janis?

Oh yeah, yeah, my mom's like, see, I told you, I told you, I taught you things right.

This whole podcast is just Janis is like, yes, I have been redeemed, Like this is her victory lap. Right. Yeah. So Joey smiles and wishes Claire happy golden years. Everybody, happy golden years to us. Apparently we're next, Jody, we're really leaning into our retirement here. So Claire size and says golden years. Huh oh boy. DJ asks if she doesn't like the gift, and Claire replies, oh no, sweetheart, I love it it's beautiful. She goes on to say that she'll take it to the park and paint pictures of other retired people who are painting pictures of her.

I mean the I was like, lady, it was such the mom guilt.

That's fine, that's great, A fine.

No, I'm not old. A lot of the other old people, you know, just pushed me out to see. Like that's what it felt like, you know what I mean?

Well, yes, I felt like she I feel like this was the moment where she first realized, oh wait, yes, I'm retired. What am I gonna do? Who am I? What's my identity? So that's it was. This is how she expressed it. But yes, I agree, No, that was very It was kind of passive aggressive, like moms love to be so right, that's okay, that's okay. So Danny shakes his head. I knew we should have bought perfume, and Claire apologizes for her reaction. So okay, she's self aware, She explains, now that she's divorced, her kids are grown, she's retired, and her life went from get up and go to why get up? Danny assures his mom not to worry. He's confident she'll find something fun to do with her time. Next, at the kitchen table, everyone is sitting around finishing up breakfast. Claire announces that she has more batter if anybody wants more pancakes, and everyone at the table groans. In Unison, Claire exclaims that those groans are music to a grandmother's ears. Everyone begins to get up, but Claire tells them to sit down because she is going to do the dishes. Sweet, I know, right, Like, why do they Why do I have a problem with any of this? Like all of this sounds are nazy. Just yet, feed me more pancakes, please, right? I was like, great, Yes, sit there and just eat more pancakes. That's a great plan for Saturday. Danny tells Claire that they will do the dishes, encouraging her to take Michelle upstairs and settle in. Claire gives a big grin. It is so nice to feel wanted, she says. She gives her son a loving hug, and then picks up Michelle to bring her upstairs. Before she walks out of the room, Claire tells the rest of the family hang tight because lunch is not far away. They all grown in Unison once again, Come on, family, Like, now they're groaning because they're full. That's what I'm saying. They're groaning because they're full. But it's not because her cooking is bad, right, They're cooking is delicious.

It's because they're full. They're no, they're not like, oh god, you suck. They're like, oh my god, more food.

We can't eat another bite? Okay, you can't eat another bite? Okay. I thought the family could have been a little more appreciative, but that's it makes sense that they're full. But there's other ways to express it then groaning in unison. But then the joke wouldn't work. So yeah, the joke's gotta work. I got it. So Jesse grabs his plate and stands. He rallies everyone to start their dishes. Danny stops, saying, guys, do me a favor. Stop cleaning. Just let this mess sit right here. Dj immediately puts her hand on her dad's forehead and asks, are you feeling okay? Danny's yes, and then explains how cheered up his mom felt because she loves taking care of them. Danny says, I say we spend the weekend trying to make her feel like we really need her, like we can't get along without her, and DJ says, but we really can, and he responds, but will make it look like we can't. And Stephanie is just shocked. She says, you want us to lie.

Stephanie should be shocked because this is a ridiculous planet.

This really is. It's just stupid. I mean no, I was like, wait, what the whole thing?

To me, I was like, I don't okay, okay, yeah, it's it's it feels like.

A strange premise to me. It's definitely a sake.

We're gonna act in capable because so that we get taken.

I don't know.

I guess also maybe as a mom, I have a little down where I'm like, you people can do this. Yeah.

No, it's it's true.

They're not encouragent want it in other ways, not just like hey can.

You cook and cleve for us? Yeah, it's like where is her worth in cooking and clean? No, it was a terrible message. It's like I get that he was trying to make her feel important and needed, but then you just give her like one or two tasks. You don't just say, oh, we're just these you know, limp Amieba's sitting around doing nothing, like you know, give her, you know, give her one or two jobs. But yeah, this was a not a great It was a bit convoluted.

I was like, I'm not sure why Danny would choose this avenue, but okay.

Yeah, because the joke has to work, that's why. Right, So Danny explains that he doesn't want her to lie. He wants her to make believe. They'll all make believe that they can't cook, clean, or take care of the girls.

Why would you make believe that that? All that would do is make your mom go, I need to be here, you know what I mean?

Like that that.

Would be the first thought is like if I act like I can't handle this, my mom is going to want to come in and save everything, and I probably don't want that.

Yeah. Well, this was the premise of that episode in season one where all the grandmas came back and they were like, you guys can't handle this, and the guys are like, we can prove we can do it, Like, no, we can, right, So now Danny's like, undoing, we have a.

Different grandma now, so we have to prove an entirely different point.

She wasn't there for that she does it.

She missed that point, so she's like, you got to catch me up with what you're capable of and not capable of doing.

So there's a mix sense new personality for each reek.

Yeah, they're like, look, she's like, I don't know these people. You know, you guys were dealing with some other grandma last time.

Yeah, So Stephanie still doesn't understand like most of us.

Yes, you're right, I'm still Jody's.

Somebodys later like this is a strange premise, and DJ chimes in, in order to help grandma, you want us to make believe that we can't clean our room, and Danny says, you got it. Steph starts to admit that she still doesn't get it, but DJ quickly puts her hand over Stephanie's mouth, cutting her off, saying, make believe that you get it. I'm trying. She yeah, she Steph just is not a fan of this plan at all, and and lo and behold, she's right. Yeah stuff, he's the end of the thing. Steph is always like I told you, I told you so, she'd have done this. I told you so.


So Jesse tells Danny that if it will help his mom. He's happy to do whatever he can, and he motions to Joey, come on, let's go trash the living room. No one said to trash anything. We're not trying. I was like, let her help, but why are we making it harder? Yeah, like you don't create these problem. Just said go trash thing. Yes, they just said, like, let her help out with them. This is everybody's got a different interpretation of these rules. This is just the plan's already fallen apart. Yeah. Uh. Joey follows Jesse out of the kitchen saying, yeah, let's trash it real good, and Danny reminds the guys to trash it neatly, and Joey and Jesse turned to him and put their fingers on their heads like devil horns and say, right, yeah, what is I think that was.

A character something? I actually that's one. I actually don't I tried look it.

I'm like, what are they I'm referring to? I don't know was it?

I was.

I was gonna go beavis and butt head, but I was like, now it wasn't. But wasn't a thing yet. Yeah, And I don't think we would have made that reference on full House. Yeah House, probably not, but I don't. I don't know. I don't. I don't know either. But okay, if anybody knows out there, please let please let us know, because we're confused. So uh. Grandma Claire walks back into the kitchen to see the dirty dishes still still sitting on the table. She notes that she's never seen Danny leave a mess this long. Danny tells her that Jesse and Joey have to work and he has errands to run, so sometimes it's just hard to keep up. Steph chimes in, yeah, just wait till you see how messy our room is going to be. DJ fake's a laugh and says to Grandma, isn't she an airhead, and then follows Steph out of the kitchen. It's this plan.

Those shorts, by the way, that Candice was wearing were pretty impressive, the shorts with the with the vest. Oh yeah, oh that is some eighties like eighties early nineties.

Yeah, yeah, you can definitely tell that Kandace has some input on her style, on her hair and the hair when it was that like winged out sort of. Oh yeah, those classics classic DJ looks right there. Yeah, Claire tells her son to do what he's got to do. She'll clean the house and then spend the afternoon with her granddaughters. Danny kisses his mom on the cheek and tells her she's the best. Before leaving, Danny mentions he also needs to pick out a new bed for Michelle and asks Claire if she has any ideas. She excitedly turns to Danny and says, yes, let me pick it out, and Danny smiles, telling her you're the boss. That great, great move, give you. That's her task?

Love that, Yeah, that's that's a fantastic grandma task.

Yeah, could task her with picking out a new bed for the toddler. Yeah, great, love it? Yeah great, she'll feel great. She doesn't need to do any anything else.

No, no, you don't need to go and like light the living room on fire, you know, Like it's.

How many ways can we make life hard for him?


Right? So Danny and Claire hug and she tells him you are the best boy, and he replies you are the best mom, And then Claire says, no, you are. Danny argues you are, and the two go back and forth as Danny slowly walks towards the door in this like I'm so uncomfortable right now, Like I'm so uncomfortable.

I don't know about you, but I in that moment I went there's something deeply troubling about Danny's.

Relationship with his mom, where.

I was like, yeah, he hasn't he hasn't individuated yet, he hasn't.

No, Like, what the what the Oedipus is going on right now? Right? I was like, what, Yeah, it was it was strange. It was strange. It was just it was too And.

I think all also, I think, and this is just my thoughts on Doris Roberts. I think it because door to me, Doris Roberts gives off a very East Coast vibe, okay, like a very I don't know, like there is something about the original Grandma that and this sounds awful, that had a warmth to her. And I just didn't find that Doris did.

Oh interesting, Okay, yeah, I didn't find that she did.

And I seem to remember that she was a little kind of very off to herself and a little so I think it was just also a matter of like, yeah, it was just like the vibe of the whole thing.

I don't know.

For me, I was like, this doesn't this doesn't seem like Danny's mom.

The original Claire felt like Danny's mom. I I agree with that. I agree with that, Like.

This character felt a little more overbearing and like pushy and sort of I don't know what's the like like not condescending, it's not self pitying, but like she was, Oh.

Fine, it's not you know what I mean? Like I didn't. I don't know. It's hard to it's hard to put into words. It's hard to put into words.

But I I did not connect with uh with this Grandma Claire as much as I did the first one, honestly. Yeah, And I know Doris Roberts is a fabulous act and I'm not even like, you know, everybody loves Raymond.

Perfect perfect, yes, because it needed that.

Slightly sort of acerbic tension between the two of them and whatever, and it felt like that was sort of still that character that she was playing in this Oh okay, I mean, which she hadn't played Everybody Loves very Mr. But it just felt a little more I don't know, Like I said, there felt like there was an underlying tension in Danny and Claire's relationship that felt that didn't feel like it did before.

I don't know. Maybe I'm yeah, no, no, I feel bad because Doris Roberts is or she was so incredible on many levels, but yeah, there was a disconnect for me too, and she felt very Grandma like to me. She felt warm to me, I felt like the love to the family. But I just felt she was I don't know, there was something missing in the comedy, like she wasn't hitting the beats, or maybe the beats weren't there. I don't know if it's a Doris Roberts issue or a writing issue, but the beats were weird.

But a get well, No, that's what I'm saying is I think when you watch her, it's because she's a little more dead pan and a little less effusive then I think the original Grandma Claire kind of was. She was a little more bubbly and you know which kind of Yeah, I don't know, felt like it made sense a little bit for who Danny is. Yeah, this particular version of Grandma Tanner felt a little more again, like there was something under the surface of that relationship that I couldn't just I don't know, and I think it's just because she is like a little more of a I don't know, she just has a different personality.

Totally different energy than the first Gramma Claire. Yeah, and there was just so many like lingering stare like lingering stairs of the silences, passive aggressive sort of Yeah, well, she's just so obsessed with her son too, Like there was that, right, was weird. Yeah, it's like, no, he's thirty, he's thirty something now, like it's time to write, It's time to cut the umbilical cord and let him live his life. But yeah, this that was it may be uncomfortable, and I felt so I felt guilty for that me too. I know, I agree. I was like, stop it, this is weird. Stop. Yeah. I wonder if the I should I should have asked Jeff this. I wonder if the original Grandma Claire wasn't available, or if they were just like, oh, Doris Roberts, let's get probably got her, so we'll write this episode for her. Maybe. I don't know, because it was a whole episode bait kind of devoted to this Grandma. So you have to have an actress that can rise to the occasion.

And it sound I mean when we get to the end of the episode, you'll it sounds like they're going to make her more of a prominent character almost town, and I was like, was this a thing that we were planning on doing? And then maybe people didn't respond as well. I don't know, I don't know anyway, I got questions.

Okay, Well, moving on in Michelle's room, Grandma, Claire and Steph run into her room hand in hand, announcing they're back from the zoo. Steph thanks her grandma for the fun time, telling her she thought she knew fun before, but now she knows how much fun things can really be. Claire hugs Stephanie, and Stephanie winks at Danny over Claire's shoulder, and he does the same exaggerated wink right back at her. Grandma Claire looks at Michelle's new bed and says, oh, they delivered the bed. It looks terrific, and we see the iconic pencil bed. Oh my goodness, how many fan ritos wanted this bed at night back in nineteen eighty nine, like this bed so cute like pencil The pencil bed was a it was a staple.

I feel like there were a lot of a lot of those around at the time.

Oh, it was cute. She still had her like Teddy Bear. She had like the Teddy Bear theme on right, the nursery stuff.

But we're starting to edge towards more toddler like slightly older kid.

Yeah stuff. Oh yeah, it's so cute. I loved it so Danny Huggs's mom and tells her it's perfect. Joey and Jesse chime in, complimenting Claire's choice to go with a pencil bed grandma. Claire tells DJ to bring Michelle in, and the girls walk and Michelle exclaims, my big girl bed. She runs and hops up onto the bed, and then she begins to jump on it with excitement. Jesse stops and picks her up, saying, whoa, whoa, whoa you little jumping bean. Give your grandma a kiss for buying you a new trampoline. Michelle kisses her grandma and says thank you, Granny Tanny, and Claire responds, I am in grandma Heaven. She tells the whole perfectly appropriate grandma activity. Yeah, this was great. This, I had no problem with this. This was great. The kid. They're giving her lots of praise to like build up her confidence and this scene, this scene was great. The episode should have ended here, right. So then Claire says, come on, guys, I'm gonna cook you such a dinner you're gonna think it's Thanksgiving, and the family groans again. Claire peeks her head in, giving them all a stern look, and everyone immediately turns their groans into excited. Oh well, also like, lady, why are you there? They're like, oh, don't which time right, don't go to the effort if they're full.

Don't look at them angry because they don't want to eat. Just be like, okay, maybe tomorrow.

Yeah, they'll eat leftovers tonight or cereal for dinner. You know, let's have a late dinner. So they all walk out of Michelle's room except for Jesse and Michelle, and Jesse tells her, all right, little munchkin, you enjoy your new bed, but no more jumping up and down. Okay. Michelle tells Jesse okay, and he leaves the room. Michelle runs and peeks her head out of the bedroom to make sure no one is around. Then she shuts her door and begins to jump on her bed again. Jesse opens the door and catches her in the act. Michelle smiles and says hello. Jesse walks over to her, asking if she was jumping up and down on the bed and Michelle replies, who me, and Jesse decides to tickle the truth out of her. This is so cute. Watching is very the girls learn how to act like. It's like, you know, she made a cross on her own. She looked out and like she's following direction. This is so great to watch. She did a great right. Yeah, it was very cute. So next in the kitchen, Grandma Claire is serving dinner and Steph exclaims, I can't remember when I had a meal with so much delicious food, and DJ groans I can it was lunch. Steph shushes her. Claire asks Danny how he liked his Brussels sprouts, and he tells her they are steamed to perfection, taking a bite to prove it. Claire turns away and Danny takes his fork out of his mouth. Disgusted, he gives the Brussels sprout to Michelle, telling her to eat it. Michelle looks at her plate and says he yuck. Nobody wants those, right. Claire asks Joey and Jesse if they wrote any commercials today, and at the same time Jesse says yes and Joey says no. Then they both switch their responses, still not managing to give the same answer. And here we see another insert of the fourth wall, which is always jarring. It's always jarring for me, Like I'm like, that's not just always feels so like whoa, yeah, Like there's supposed to be cameras back there not a wall today, Billy Billy Foster coffee, Coffee, Coffee.

There's a fantastic poster in the background that says, I love crows.

I saw that, but there were no crows on the poster, Like why it's like a floral poster.

There were I think there were crows on the poster. Oh, they were just faded and in some Yeah, I don't, I don't know. They weren't strange though, that was all I saw.

They weren't scary crows. They were like pleasant crows. All crows are pleasant crows. A group of them are called a murder of crows, like this is the the Stephen King. Crows are there, they're but crows are incredibly smart and intelligent. I'm sure they're all smart. There they have funeral ceremonies for each other. They're like, yeah, they culture, they do. They have not funeral Jody sweeten.

Joy Sweet, I'm not kidding. I am not kidding. I listened to a whole I'm a nerd. I listen to a whole podcast about and it's this whole this woman that studies God, what is it. It's not ornithology, because that's birds, but it's specifically like crows.

Rave they are.

Yeah, they are brilliant. They will bring you presents if you do nice things for them. They'll bring you a little shiny things. They will follow you places. They are very very smart birds.

And they do funeral processions for each other.

When they're sessions. But they're not like marching and no one's driving a hers. But I mean they have like.

Like little they actually have.

They've studied them, and they sometimes will actually do something that is very much like humans in that they sort of acknowledge the passing of something. A lot of animals don't necessarily do that. Chymps do, really, crows do humans do?

Anyway, you learn I learned something. I've learned so many things just today on this recap podcast. Anyone's looking for a sixth member of a trivia team. Just let me know, and this has nothing to do with the episode. It's some random in the background. Now, no, you're welcome, Fannery does so. Jesse gets up from the table, telling Claire the important thing is that they couldn't get anything done without her. Claire tells everyone that she's happy to help and offers to stay long. Joey tells her that that's a great idea. Jesse admits she's making their life a breeze. Joey and Jesse go on either side of her and say her name in unison before kissing both cheeks. A lot of kissing on the cheeks in this episode. There's like between not just Danny and his mom, but like everybody. Everybody's just slobbering cheeks. Yeah, everybody, calmed down. Everybody, please calm down. Danny chimes in, the guys are right, mom, I don't know how we survived without you. Claire is shocked, you really mean it, and everyone agrees in excitement. Claire responds, well, if you guys really need me that much, I guess the only logical thing would be for me to move in. Everyone goes silent, and Danny asks move in here. Claire turns to joe Do you think what's gonna happen? Danny? We could see this coming from a mile away, right, she was set up for this. Yeah, what did you expect? Oh, dear? So Claire turns to Joey and Jesse and says, you guys are young, and you're single, and you have to voted two years of your lives to raising this family. Now here's your big opportunity. You could move out and get on with your lives because Grandma is moving in for good. I mean, truthfully, she has a point. She's not wrong. Move into the basement.

Yeah, Jesse and Joey could go live their single adult lives.

It's it's kind of true. Yeah, Like, I mean, there are young guys. They don't need to be tied to the full house forever. But then we wouldn't have a show where would be right? So Jesse and Joey give Claara a fake smile while Danny takes a deep nervous breath and the girls give worried expressions. We cut to a tense commercial break, and when we come back, we are still in the kitchen. It's continuous. Steph asks Grandma, are you really moving in? And Claire responds yes and walks off. DJ is worried. She asks Joey and Jesse are you really moving out? And they both respond no. In unison, Joey and Jesse walk right up to Claire. Jesse tells her that this is his family now and he doesn't want these girls growing up without him. Joey agrees.

Can you imagine the walking up to the grandma and being like, these are this is my family? Like well technically hers and you're the uncles, she's the grandma. You know, everyone's all related, Okay.

But he's like more related that. I don't know what. I don't know what his point was, but he was I get it. He was trying to say, like, hey, he's like this is his this is where he belongs. So okay, and Joey, where's Joey? Joey agrees, saying that he can't leave either. He was just chosen to be Stuff's honeybee hive mother. I know that comes up later on where you guys go to a honey Bee sleepover together, so want to be sleepover? Yeah, I can't wait for that. Joey is the yep the hive mother. Yes, So Claire decides that Jesse should just move downstairs with Joey and they'll get bunk beds. Joey exclaims yes, bunk beds, and Jesse glares at him. Claire asks Danny what he thinks, and he hesitates before saying, well, bunk beds make a lot of sense. Jesse walks behind Danny playfully slapping his cheeks as he laughs. Claire picks up Michelle so she can get ready for her new bed. Michelle says, my new bed and runs out of the kitchen, urging Granny Tanny to come with her. Joey turns to Jesse, telling him he has DIBs on the on the top of bunk and Jesse angrily responds, We're not getting any bunk beds. Jesse asks Danny what they're gonna do, and Danny says, nobody panic. It's just a little misunderstanding. We may have done too good of a job making my mom feel needed. You think you think Danny.

Made her feel needed. You looked incompetent, and she's worried about these kids.

Yeah, like she's you know, instead of calling child protective Services, she's like, I need to move in. She's like, I'll fine, I'll move in right. Yeah, So Joey shakes his head. That's what we get for lying to her, and Steph exclaims, so I was right, we were lying. Shame on us, Thank you, Steve. Steph was right again. Always happens, Joey. Joey states, they're all innocent. It's Danny who put this whole scheme together. Joey tells Danny that he's the one who needs to break the news that they don't actually need her. Danny sighs, oh, man, that will break her heart, and Jesse asks, are you afraid to tell your mom the truth? And Danny confidently says, don't worry. I can be honest with my mom. He stands up and a pile of Brussels sprouts falls from his lap. He nervously states, oh, I was wondering where those Brussels sprouts went. Next. In Michelle's room, Danny and Jesse are helping Michelle get comfortable in her new bed. Jesse surrounds Michelle with all the pillows to make sure she doesn't fall off, and Danny, it's actually how I sleep by the way, with like a little pillow wall around. Oh you do old pillow? Yeah, I love pillow pillow walls. They save lives. It's yeah, yes, it's great. You make a little next.

I don't have a habit of falling out of the bed, but I just feel more comfortable.

Yeah. Well, it's like it's like you're in the womb again, you know, you're all in tucked comfortable. Yeah. And Danny's like, why don't you just bubble pack her. Jesse tells him that Michelle is little and round, so she rolls easily. He thinks they should build a fence thing around the bed, and Danny responds, you mean like a crib and Jesse's like, oh, yeah, we already had one of those, right. Jesse and Danny say good night to Michelle and kiss her on the cheek before leaving. Jesse tells Danny to go and talk to his mother now, and they both leave Michelle. They both leave Michelle's room, turning off the lights. Michelle takes off the covers, crawls to the end of her bed, and looks over the edge, exclaiming, whoa. Jesse turns on the lights and asks if she said something. Michelle declares, I want my crib so she says whoa, because she's I thought she was excited that about it, but she's saying whoa. She's like, doesn't like the new bed.

I think she's saying whoa that it's so far from there to the floor. But really the crib would.

Have been further.

And if she's hopping over the side of the crib, I feel like the end of the bed wouldn't really be that scary. Yeah, that's true, significantly lower.

Yeah, that's a good point. Okay, So she's just for whatever reason, she wants her crib. Okay. Jesse walks over to her, explaining that cribs are for babies and she's a big girl now. He tells her that the trick to a new bed is that she got to break it in and get the feel of it. He tells her, first, let's check the shocks, and he begins to press on the mattress, making Michelle bounce up and down. Next, they have to find the sweet spot, which is the spot that makes you feel all nice and cozy and cuddly. Jesse takes Michelle out of the bed and hops in himself, trying to find with his shoes on. The shoes are on. I'm like, dude, you don't You don't remove a child. If you're trying to get a child to sleep, rule number one, don't take him out of the bed. No, it's like they would have run off. Yeah really bye, yes bye. So Jesse moves around a bunch before letting out a sigh of relief, announcing that he found the sweet spot. He picks Michelle up and places her in the sweet spot before tucking her in, and he says, you're gonna sleep like a baby, I mean like a big girl. Then he wishes her a good night, calling her a little ankle bitter. He kisses her forehead and begins to leave the room. Michelle stops him and asks, are you leaving me? He responds, oh, no, I wouldn't leave you on your first night in your new bed. I was just going to turn off the lights.

And find a good book and read it in the dark. Finally, we're turning the lights off at least, Yeah, this is an improvement, true, right, right, We get her a big girl bed, and finally, like, you don't need to sleep in a bright, sunlit room all the time, we should turn these lights off.

Michelle gives him a sweet thank you, and he tells her it's no problem, kid, I've been meaning to catch up on the Bunny, the Ducky, the turtle, and the frog. Michelle pets Jesse's face, saying I love you. He turns to her and says right back at you, kid. We hear violins and Michelle closes her eyes and Jesse kisses her hand. He then snuggles his head against hers as she falls asleep. Okay, this guy, thank you just got me right in the fields, you know. I was like, oh, the scene went a little bit too long, but it was a very sweet moment at the end. Yes, it was. Yeah, it was very cute. Yeah, it was very cute, but it did.

I was like, Okay, get to the get out of the bed with the shoes, Get out of my huge thing was like, oh my god.

The shoes. Jody's still hung up on the shoes in the bad It's so gross. Yeah. I don't even like, don't even get into the bed with like your clothes that you've been wearing it all day out in public.


No. So next in the kitchen, Joey is washing dishes when Danny goes up to him and offers to help Joey asks Danny if he's avoiding his mother, and Danny confesses that he can't tell his mother that he lied to her. She would be so disappointed in him. Well, look what you did now, Danny, Joey tells him, if he's nervous to tell his mom that they don't really need her, he should just start off with a small confession, like telling her that he hates her Brussels sprouts. Danny gets really wide eyed. I could never tell her that. Joey tells him that this is pathetic. He pretends to be Danny's mother and he tries on a high pitched voice and mimics Claire, my baby, kiss me, you fool. He sounded like. I was like, why is he a leprochot? Well maybe she's Irish. I don't know what. Joey continues his impression, is there anything you want to say to me? And Danny's that was great. That was great. Andre, You're a little real. I was excellent. I like that. Oh thank you. I was a little insecure about that, so thank you very much. That was great, Danny siye. He plays along and says, yes, Mom, I hate Brussels sprouts and Joey dramatically declares, Oh, why don't you just put a knife through my heart. Danny knows that that's exactly what she's gonna say, and Joey says, so what if she does. He insists that it's time Danny stops acting like a little kid who's trying to make his mama happy. Yeah, thank you, Joey, Thank you, Joey. Like Danny, you are thirty two, thirty three years old.

Who would have thought that he'd be the one with this sense of maturity, right.

The one that watches cartoons every Saturday morning.

He's like, you really need to tell your mom that you're your own man.

But he says it in a bullwinggle voice. Good god, I mean, I know it's in Danny's character to be a people pleaser, but this whole infantilizing of him, like it writes in Track for me, it was really awkward. Yeah. So Danny sighs, I guess you're right, and Joey says, of course, I'm right. Now, go up there and tell her the truth, man to mom, and don't forget you're the man. Danny leaves the kitchen, and Joey says in his Grandma Claire voice, oh, he's such a good boy. Next, in Jesse's room, Danny walks in to discover his mom measuring the bedroom. She says she's trying to figure out how to fit six rooms of furniture in there. Danny bravely admits that he has something to tell her. She gives him a worried look and asks what's wrong. Danny stutters before finally saying, I hate Brussels sprouts. There, I've said it, and now you know. Claire hits him on the arm and tells him not to scare her like that. She adds, who cares if you don't like Brussels sprouts, we can have egg plant. She feels very overbearing, and I didn't you know. Yes, she feels she's too needy. Yeah, she's too needy.

She needs Yeah, And I feel like the opposite thing to do with someone who's very needy is to be like, we need you more.

That is that's the worst thing you can know. You gotta set boundaries. You gotta set firm boundaries. Firm yeah, yeah, and say mom, no, you can't move into Jesse's room.

Because even her being like, I got to move six rooms of furniture in here. I'm like, lady, no, you came up with you and talked about this yet, Like it just feels like she has a lot of things.

She also has no boundaries. She has no boundaries. She hasn't even gotten a verbal yes from any family member that she can move in, and she's already measuring the room. So yeah, she's just yeah, she has a problem with boundaries. Yeah. Danny goes on to say, what I'm trying to tell you is all my life. I've been pretending to like Brussels sprouts just to make you happy. Grandma Claire laughs, that's crazy. I don't like Brussels sprouts either. I keep cooking them because you said you love them. See, Danny, Like, this is why you just gotta tell the.

Prustle sprouts, Danny, the Brussels sprouts, Like, come on, you know what.

I yes, oh Danny. She sits Stanny down and says, you didn't come up here to talk about vegetables. What's the problem.

I don't know what could it possibly be, lady, You know what I mean?

No one has come clean yet, so she legitimately doesn't know. I know, I know no one's been clean, but how do you? How are you?

I just I guess for me, you'd have to be pretty obtuse not to pick up the vibe in the room that everyone.

Was like, uh, I don't know about this, you.

Know what I mean to then go up and be measuring for your stuff. Yeah, you have to be pretty.

She's not reading the room. She's not. She's in her own little grandma world and just doing her own thing. Yeah. Yeah. So Danny discloses that he doesn't want to disappoint her, and she assures him that he has never disappointed her in his entire life until until right now. Danny begins to confess that when he saw how upset she was about her retirement, he asked everybody to pretend that they really needed her. There. Claire looks at Danny with sadness and asks, you lied to me. Danny scolds himself, I'm dirt and I'm scum and I should be sent to reform school. And then the strangest commercial break ever they did this last episode two. Why are there these awkward commercial breaks right in the midfield scene.

It feels like one of those that well on network television you had to cut for it had to cut where you had to cut. Yeah, and so it was probably a matter of like maybe they've made some other edits and some other scenes, and so there wasn't a nice clean scene break, and they wanted to sort of they would trying to pick the best spot to do it, and that was.

That was not it.

But I would have picked I would have cut to commercial right after you lied to me.

Oh oh yeah, like a little like a that would have been for me the right You lied to me and just ugh, and then you come back and yeah, see, let's reshoot this. Let's reshoot this right now, you can direct. We'll use your garage because it's spacious now, so well, there's tons of room now, Yeah, it's great. So we come back from the commercial awkward commercial break, we're still continuous. In Jesse's room, Claire feels stupid. She thought everyone really needed her there. She asks Danny why he would do that to her, and Danny tells her, I was trying to please you. I spent my whole life trying to be the perfect son. Claire size, Honey, you're not perfect, but I will always love you no matter what you do, and I am very proud of the man you turned out to be, which I can take just a little bit of credit for. Danny thinks his mom and gives her a big hug. He happily asks, so you forgive me, and Claire responds, of course, I forgive you.

I love how quickly everything is resolved on these shows. Yeah, I'm like, wait fifteen seconds.

You forgive me for what we didn't even get into. We didn't even get into what you did. Really, they have not They have not healed any sort of trauma they have, Like, they haven't really dug into that issues.

No, she's still yeah, she's still taking credit for his life. I mean there's still like a lot to unpack you and besides her six.

You know, bedrooms and furniture. Yeah, no, they they definitely need a therapy appointment. Stat I wish this would be great if you forgive me. I forgive you. I don't know what you did, but it's fine. Yeah. I wish all life problems could be solved in twenty two minutes with a sit caring yep. So Claire sits back down on Jesse's bed, understanding that she's simply not needed there. Danny sits next to her and kindly responds, well, not as a live in maid, but the girls sure could use a grandma in the neighborhood. Why didn't you say that.

In the first place, the one that made her as a live in maid. Yeah, no one, Why are you now being like, no, not like that.

That's exactly that's everybody. He said, don't clean the kitchen. They're gonna go trash the liv You're gonna go.

Right, you're gonna we're gonna You're gonna be needed because we're.

A mess cooking and cleaning. It's like, no, really, you could have.

Just been like, you know, we really just need grandma.

We just need grandma. We need your love. That's it, unconditional love grandma.

Instead we got, you know, people trashing rooms and not cleaning up stuff and groaning about Brussels sprouts.

I mean, all of this.

It's well this again. We could have solved this in twenty minutes ago.

Yeah, we could have. But the jokes the episodes gotta work. Gotta work, right, it gotta work. So Claire gasps, she's excited. She's like, you really mean that, and Danny reveals that he's been trying to get her to move down to San Francisco for years. He tells her they'll well have you.

I don't know.

This is the first time we've seen her since season one, and that was a different person. So I don't I don't take right. I don't believe Danny. But okay. Danny tells her they will go apartment hunting tomorrow, and she tells him that he's a wonderful son and pulls him in for another hug. Claire pulls away and questions, when did you get so tall? And Danny jokes, I've always been this tall. I've just been pretending to be shorter because I wanted to make you happy. Claire laughs and playfully punches Danny's arm, saying you are the best, and the two go back and forth again, continuing to argue over who is the best and that yeah, and then we still haven't improved, Danny. No, No, you know I would be. I would have been glad of how we walked in at that point, you know what I mean? Just stop as you two, that's almost hear the interrupt this terribly uncomfortable situation. Let's make it more awkward. Let's right in, Howie. Yeah, no, this storyline did not quite work for me. We've already talked about that it was just it was just too weird and awkward and et apissy, And I wonder though.

If it's because and this is one of those things where you're like, is it the difference of perspective in in writing it, in what men would write that they would want from their mom versus what women would want in being in the role grandma.

I know what I'm saying. That's an astute observation because I don't think Irene Kusopolis would have tolerated that she does. She's like, I know, I'm not going to cook and clean for you like you do it yourself, you guys. So yeah, I wonder if, but I don't.

I don't know, but it seems I don't know. Yeah, I know, I guess probably reading too much into it, but.

It's this is probably a writer's room full of men who are just like, Okay, what what do we think our moms want?

Right? Who are like, if your mom moved back in with you, what would you want her to do? I moms want to feel like they're needed by cleaning, because that's what mom quote.

Unquote moms do.

Yeah, right, yeah, And I think and we're watching it with the perspective of like why wouldn't you just make her feel included, which is what moms really want.

Or that she's needed for something other than her cooking and cleaning skills like emotional support or advice, right or things like that, something like involving her brain, right, you know right.

So yeah, anyway, I think it's just one of those things where you, huh, this is just so sort of a I wonder if this is a perspective thing where we're looking at it like from just a different place of understanding. Yeah, it could be you know not and again not that like the guys were like, oh, this is all they think that, you know, moms are good for. Yeah, but it is just it's sort of it's an interesting thing that that's I mean, at least to me. That's kind of how it feels. Is like, if you asked, you know, adult men and adult women these two questions, what would you you know if you were in this situation, what would you want? And I feel like, yeah, you didn't get the answer of what Grandma would have wanted.

No, we still don't know what Claire wants except to be overbearing and yeah right.

And and be strangely both punching and hugging her son.

And kissing him on the cheek. Yeah, it's it wash a lot. It was weird, but okay, that's all right. They were honest with each other, baby steps. They were honest, They shared some feelings. And no one's eating Brussels sproud. Yeah, that's the most important thing here. They're not eating Brussels sprouts anymore. So lastly, we are in uh where are we? We're in stephan DJ's room, DJ's coleman Stepf's hair. As they sit on the bed. It's a very sweet sister moment. Steph asks if DJ remembers when Stephanie was sleeping in a crib, and DJ responds, yeah, life was so easy when you were behind bars. Steph turns to glare at her in this amazing look that you give her, and DJ gives her a big grin. Danny walks into the room, saying, good news, girls, your grandma is going to move into an apartment in the neighborhood, and DJ and Steph are ecstatic. DJ asks Danny if everything is okay between him and his mom, and he says everything is great and he'll never have to eat Brussels sprouts. Again. Danny tells the girls that he was wrong asking them to lie, even though he was trying to make Grandma feel better. Steph shakes her finger at Danny and says, well, I hope you learned your lesson, and Danny nods, oh, I did. I hope you did. Always listen to Steph. That's the moral of this story. Just always listened to Steph. She's always right.


Danny tells the girls that if they ever try to do anything to make him feel better, he would much rather they tell the truth. The girl's not in agreement, and Danny tells them good night. As Danny is leaving, DJ stops him, saying I thought of something. He's shocked already, and DJ admits I don't really love cleaning as much as you think I do, and Steph chimes in, neither do I, and Danny is surprised, asking them you don't. DJ continues, no, especially scrubbing the grout in the shower. It's incredibly totally disgusting. Danny shrugs, well, it is an acquired taste. Steph adds, and I only asked Santa for a dustbuster because I knew you'd be proud of me. I can't believe he actually brought me one, and Danny sits down and explains that a dustbuster is actually a very practical gift. The girls begin to share more things they've been lying about as the end credits roll, and that is our show woo.

So basically, Danny has taught them to people please at the expense of their own desires and will being too. So I'm glad this is a family tradition that's getting passed down and will be worked out at some point in the future in some therapy.

Yeah, we should have brought this back in fuller house, like, well, let's work through this time.

You made me get a dustbuster, Dad, because you thought I would like it, and I yeah, yeaheah, because that is truthfully some things that would get brought up twenty five years later in a family argument.

Oh yeah, oh totally. And you know what I wasted my Santa gift on it. Don't even like that stupid dustbuster. Oh boy? Oh, did you have any everywhere you looks before we wrap this, d I haven't everywhere you look, did I? I don't think I did? For this one? I have one? Oh do you what? What? Uh? What do you what do you got. Mine is in Michelle's room on her little bookshelf behind like next to her bed in the background, right, yeah, yeah, there's a little forty nine ers bobble head on her bookshelf, which I mean, this isn't a this isn't a groundbreaking everywhere you look, but it's something, you know. I was like a little nod to San Francisco there, no, yeah, yeah, I mean, lest we forget there we are at all times. Well, there weren't enough scenes in the living room with the nautical decord, you know, so that's sure with the nautical Karl was not mentioned once fog, so yeah, how would we know? So hence the bubble head. Yeah, this was not this. This was not one of my favorite episodes mine me neither, and I was I had high expectations because of Doris Roberts and she's a lovely person. I seem to remember that it just didn't quite click with her. I think, yeah, and I can see it that kind of throw. I was like, yeah, it just doesn't. She's just not just not one of the tailners. Yeah.

It felt like yeah, which is interesting because so many people do you know, I'm not just felt interesting does she come back for more episodes?

I don't believe. So. I think this is the last we see of Claire.

Is it?

I don't know, Yeah, maybe, I don't know. I maybe one more. I don't know. I don't know.

I think it might be though, because I think it was like, oh, we're gonna move Grandma in, and then I think maybe this episode people were like not so much, and they were like, no, Grandma's gone. She just she was planning on moving and just sorry.

I had to rewrite that in make it, make it. Yeah. Yeah, I wonder how. I wonder how it was received back in nineteen eighty nine. I wonder if people were weirded out by it like we were, or if they were just like, oh, yeah, this is grandma wants to feel needed. Yes, make her cook and clean. I don't know. I yeah, I think.

I mean that's the thing too, is it's hard to look at, you know, thirty years ago and be like, oh this is because we just you know, we know different things now.

But but yeah, I didn't.

I just did not my favorite definitely not. We're not We're not close to Secres.

No, I'm not. I'm not declaring the Secrews no, no, no, no, We're far from so far. I think has been one of my episodes of the season.

I agree, meh, I mean we're only in five We're only we're only five in so we've got a lot to go.

Yah, We've got a lot.

We's got a lot to go. There's gonna be some great stuff, but this one was kind of men.

Yeah, we'd love to hear. Uh. We'd love to hear what our fan ritos think though, Oh definitely definitely. Did you love it? Did you hate it? Where you just yeah about it? Like we were? Were you med? How do did you feel? We would love to know. Uh, send us a message.

You can send us an email at how Rude podcast at gmail dot com. You can also follow us on Instagram at how Rude podcast, where you can leave us all sorts of lovely little messages and notes and tell us what you're what you're liking, and what thoughts you have because we love to hear from our fan ritos.


And also make sure that you are liking and subscribing to the podcast wherever you're listening to it on whatever platform, so that you can make sure and get all the newest episodes as soon as they come out, because that would slap, as Andrew yould say.

It would slap skibbitty Jody, skibbitty Sweeten. Oh boy, oh boy. We should we should say goodbye now.

But thank you so much everyone for joining us for another fun episode of Howard Tana Rito's and for listening to us try and terribly explain current lingo.

Yeah, it was, it was a thing. That was the thing that we did. But we love you guys. Thank you fan Rito's. And remember, don't say skibbity.

Just don't say it. That's just don't don't do it. It's weird, it's lame.

That's what I have to say.

The world is small, the house is full, and don't say skibbity that.

We're not working this into the the outro. Sorry, we're not putting skibbity into the to the phrase no, no, no, no, only for today, where I'm saying, don't stand no bracelet, no skibbity. Bracelet's needed, folks.

But we'll see you next week, guys,

How Rude, Tanneritos!

How Rude, Tanneritos! A Full House Rewatch Podcast is here!! Stephanie Tanner and Kimmy Gibbler are 
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