Hot Mess Teacher Express Trailer (Launch)

Published Mar 12, 2021, 1:38 AM

This podcast is for Hot Mess Teachers who are riding the hot mess express with their hot messy buns on top of their heads. We will be talking real teacher life... Like that one time I found a 2-day old donut left in the teachers' room and I had it for lunch while making copies... We'll be finding humor in the everyday insanity, chatting with some of your favorite teachers, and just celebrating life on the hot mess teacher express. Choo choo! All Aboard.


Hi, I'm Jess and we are starting a podcast for teachers. This podcast is for the teachers who really have their lives together. Their plan books are filled with engaging and life changing lessons that always go as planned. They always get to drink their coffee hot and they definitely don't fall asleep before 7:30 p.m. On a friday night.

Just kidding. I literally have no idea what that life is like. Which is why this podcast is for hot mess teachers who are riding the hot mess express with their hot messy buns on top of their head.

We'll be talking real teacher life.

Like that day when I found a two day old doughnuts left in the teacher's room and I had it for lunch while making copies.

Also finding humor in the everyday insanity from parents, emails to administration, observation fails, to trying to stay hip with the kids.

We'll also be chatting with some of your favorite teachers and just celebrating life on the Hot Mess Teacher Express.



Hot Mess Teacher Express

This podcast is for the teachers who really have their lives together. Their plan books are filled w 
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