
3-25-25 - Orlando Preview with Terrence Oglesby

Published Mar 25, 2025, 9:55 AM

Terrence Oglesby of Hornets on FanDuel Sports Network stops by to preview Charlotte's matchup against Orlando with Sam Farber. The two also discuss the development of some of the younger players on the roster and their growth over the course of the season.

Welcome to the Hornets Haveivecast, presented by Charlotte I ear nosen Throat Associates, the official I ear nosen Throatcare provider of the Charlotte Hornets. Here's your host, Sam Farber.

Welcome to another edition of the Hornet Time Cast, your Hornets podcast with all the notes, quote, san daily buzz around your favorite NBA team. I'm Sam Farber and it is a pleasure and a privileged have you with us here once again on the Hornet Time Cast, brought to you by SENTA Charlotte I ear Nose and Throat Associates, the official I ear nosen throatcare provider of the Charlotte Hornets. It's a game day edition. Hornets finally back home, Suite home ere at the Hive. They will take on their division rivals, the Orlando Magic tonight. TED time is set for seven pm and tickets are available at Hornets dot com. We'll preview the game. We're gonna talk about the unfortunate reality of the situation we find ourselves in and that is now, for the first time this season, the Hornets enter a game mathematically eliminated from postseason play.

What does that mean?

How do you push forward and what are some of the overall positive we are seeing in terms of incremental growth from this season's Hornets squad. We'll talk about all these things with one of our favorite guests here on the AHHC. You see him on all home games as an analyst for Hornets Live. He is the great Terrence Ogels. Be back with us again here on the Hornets Podcast. Terrence, thanks for the time.

Hey, thank you so much for having me overwhelmingly positive with Sam Ferber.

I love it and I'm here for it.

You and I just got finished talking before the show started.

There's a lot to look forward to with this Horns.

Franchise and I'm just a big fan of what they're putting together moving forward.

And I'm happy to talk to you once again.

Always thrilled the tat to you. And yeah, I mean no matter what, we're living in the Candy isle of life, so all as well here as we get set for this Hornets matchup versus the Magic. Before we talk about the incremental growth, I do want to talk about what has transpired now for the Hornets in the last forty eight hours with this loss to Miami. It's a mathematical certainty the Hornets are not going to progress to the postseason, and yet there are still eleven games left to play now and large we knew this was going to be the case for quite some time. You could argue that, as of the Brandon Miller injury that ended his season, that the odds were almost impossible for the Hornets to be able to eventually make the postseason, and that happened all the way back in what January, so or late to set I mean, it's been a long time for Charlotte dealing with this reality. But to have it now mathematically set in, I would imagine it could flip a switch for some followers and some of the members of the team. On the other hand, I think that the approach that Charles Lee has implemented all season long, pushing a pursuit of incremental growth and not laboring on did we win last game, lose last game, getting too high or two loa, just trying to keep rolling the ball forward, that might allow for players to not have something switch off just because there isn't that mathematical As small as it was for the last couple weeks, there possibility of making the postseason. So, Terrence, you were a former player, you played in college, you played professionally overseas. I am certain there is a season that came up that at some point you knew that you were not going to progress to play for a championship at some stage of the game. How do you handle it as a player and how do you think the Hornets will handle it moving forward?

Yeah, I think it comes to a point of like you just have to be a pro. Put you to lace your shoes up and do what you've been doing every day and that show up to work. I did have a couple of years where teams in Europe that we'd be towards the bottom, But the difference there is they have relegation, so you couldn't lose any more games.

You had to pretty much try to scratch.

And call your way to any win you could because of the difference there. So's that's the biggest difference. But I think one thing that we've seen this season, you know there's been catastrophic injuries, is where Grant.

Going down and then Brandon Miller going down with the wrists.

Like the thing that we've noticed it has been opportunities for other guys to continue to improve and Charles Lee I think has done a fantastic job of just continuing to push you to his guys and help them understand, like, hey, this is breeding opportunity for other guys.

I think the guy who's stuck out more than.

Anything, Nick spent junior beginning of the season, he was really in and out.

He was back and forth at Greensboro.

Because of these injuries, he's been able to step into the starting lineup and he's played pretty well, and he's continued to develop and really do different things on different sides of the ball.

That has shown that he has the ability to be a long term.

NBA player, and that's knockdown shots, improve on the defensive end of the floor, and be this spurtable guy coming off the pine. I think it's really helped his growth. I think the growth around the team. You see it in a little spurts for some of the guys that have become known as the quintessential Hornets, Guys like a Mark Williams, for example, making decisions out of a seam pass or a short role, being able to make that extra pass to guys shooting threes. So you see it, but it's small incremental changes for the front office. You see the long term vision of what they've been able to do, and that's really been kind of the thing I've been focusing on more than anything else, is what's going to happen in two to three years, because the progression has certainly been there, just the wins have not yet.

Yeah, I think the guys you pointed out, particularly the young ones like Nick Smith Junior, that they're not only very talented and are growing as any you know, nineteen twenty twenty one year old is supposed to as they adjust to this new level of the game. But they have always demonstrated that mindset to try and capitalize on any and every opportunity, whether it was in Greensboro with the swarm, whether it's with the Hornets starting coming off the bench, whatever minutes were available, you see them go after those opportunities to improve. And the proof is in the statistics and what they've been able to show on tape. You can see how much better they're getting. So guys like Nick Smith Junior, guys like t Jan Salon, who have demonstrated that over the course of the season, I'm excited to see what opportunities might lie ahead of them. And obviously Charles Lee. The way that he and his staff kind of preach to these guys about what the right things are to focus on. I think that puts them all in the right frame of mind. I'm also curious your opinion, Terrence, how much individual statistical accomplishments might provide a motivation, not just for the player in pursuit of it, but for the team as a whole. One stat we're watching here for these final eleven games, is will Seth Curry end up leading the league in three point percentage? The counter right now is at eleven. He needs eleven made threes between now and the end of the season to qualify for league leader status, and obviously he's got to keep his percentage above everyone who's chasing him. But for right now, he has hit the number of threes he needs per game, which is one per contest. Through seventy one games of the season to qualify for the top spot. He's at forty five point eight percent from three and amazing percentage. That's better than Torre and Prince, Luke Canard, Zach Lavine, Grayson, Allen Konos, all the guys in pursuit of him, And that is something that I'll be watching as a fan and as a follower of the team, I'm curious as a player, are you cognizant of these kinds of things and how much would that maybe lead you through some of these games where in theory, again we've gotten none saying I don't think it's an issue for the Horns, but in theory motivation could be of concern for other squads.

Yeah, here's the thing. I can promise you this.

Having worked with Dell for the past two seasons, Seth knows, if nothing else Dell's telling him.

So I think you look at a couple of different things.

You know, can't he get enough attempts up to get hit those eleven threes? That would be my biggest concern for him. Charles Lee, he knows these things too. He understands what's at stake for a lot of these guys, at least, you know. I know he signed a three year deal before this season. But at the same time, I mean it's a point of pride.

Seth's been one of the best shooters in the NBA for.

A long time, and I don't think that he's gotten quite enough credit because, let's be honest, like older brothers kind of taken a lot of that, and Seth has turned into a great NBA player, a long time journeyman.

That's one that he can hang his hat on, right.

So's he's had a great career. Everybody who plays with him raves about him. How is he going to be able to just get those attempts out? That would be my biggest thing. But I would certainly think he knows about it for sure.

In terms of the family legacy, Dad Dell did lead the NBA in three point percentage one year of his career. However, he did not do it in Charlotte. He did it as a member of the Milwaukee Bucks. That you know, it's a small difference, but for a family that is the first family of shooting period and the leaders of Charlotte basketball, to be able to be the first Curry to lead the NBA in three point percentage as a member of the Charlotte Hornets, that would be significant. And then, of course his older brother who you mentioned there, Steph the greatest shooter of all time. He's the all time leader in three pointers made and all of these accolades. When it comes to the deep ball that perhaps no one will ever touch it. I suppose there's you know, no record is safe forever, but at least for now, it seems to be one of the the more untouchable ones out there. But for everything that Steph has done, he's never led the NBA in three point percent So there's an opportunity here for Seth to kind of carve out his own lane, even more so for a personal accomplishment in terms of three point shooting. For again, the greatest three point shooting family in the history of the game.

It's crazy to think the singular best three point shooting family in history worldwide. And again, going back to what do I think should happen? I think, you know, Charles Lee, I'm sure is cognizant of this. Somebody's told him, can he get him enough shots? Because Seth's not going to go out there and just jack him, so that'd be my biggest concern. But I mean, really cool to think about how those guys developed in Charlotte with their dad, and obviously Dell had the highest percentage of Milwaukee, but my goodness, you know, you develop some of those things as young people and you're always around Pops and just carrying on that legacy is really really cool.

And I.

And keep in mind too, like Seth and Steph, they're not as tall as Dell.

Like Nell is a bigger guy.

He's about six', five might have been sixty six.

When he was. PLAYING i might rip him on that.

Later but like she's a different kind of. Player those guys play with the ball in our hands, more they handle.

It more than he.

Did so it's a pretty that's a pretty cool, accomplishment a pretty cool fact right, there with how those guys have all developed into really good.

Players we'll see If seth gets. There it's definitely something we're going to be keeping an eye. On and obviously there's a lot of motivation here for The, hornets younger and more veteran to go out there and do their best here in these last eleven, games try and bring home some wins and bring home some more improvement and perhaps some statistical accomplishments along the. Way we've Got Terrence ogels be with us today here on The hornets pod. Cast we'll be previewing tonight's game Against orlando's shortly but coming up. Next some of the places he has seen the most growth from This hornet squad over the course of the twenty four to twenty five. Season that's next here on The Hornet i've Cast welcome back to The Hornet's Time, cast brought to you By Santa CHARLOTTE I hear And nos And Throat, associates the OFFICIAL i eroos and throwcare provider of The Charlotte, Hornet Sam farbar here with basketball analysts From Hornets. Live Terrence oglesby also does a great job covering college hoops throughout the. SEASON i know we're both knee jeep in THE Ncaa tournament as. WELL i really hope for your sake Your brackett is looking better than, Mine. Terrence but, overall it's an exciting time of year for hoop heads of all, kinds and particularly here In, charlotte because this is a mile marker here with these final ten or so games of the season to kind of look back a little bit and see where have we seen the most growth from this. Roster i've got my own ideas of players THAT i think have made the most personal gains here over the course of the, campaign but you are the expert. Analysts there are a couple of players that stand out to you that you've really seen a big boost in their overall level of play throughout the.

Season you know, what.

It's such a hard thing to register sometimes because we watch these guys and you're much more on the stats THAN i. Am i'm typically, like think WHAT i, think and Then.

I'll look at stats to see if it catches.

Up a guy That i've been really intrigued. WATCHING i Mentioned Nick Smith junior earlier on what he's been able to do and his improvement on.

The defensive side of the. BALL T John.

Salon when he first, came he was full full of youth and vigor and enthusiasm and. Excitement now all of that stuff is still, there but he's it's slowing down just a little bit for. Him and here's the. Deal like he handles the ball a little bit. Different it's kind of an awkward gait that he runs. With but he's just a, big great dange puppy out there figuring it. Out and they've given him opportunities to figure it.

Out AND i, think you.

Know him switching back and forth between THE G league and coming up with THE nba, club is, That, hey you're starting to see incremental. Changes and one of the great things The swarm has done this year down In greensboro is they're, winning but they're at the same time they're also putting guys in position where they're supposed to be good and where they're supposed to be good at THE nba, Level and that's kind of a hard, balance especially for the coaching, staff because you look at them and how how are they supposed to succeed when the priority there isn't necessarily, winning but the priority is developing your players for the next club. Up so it's kind of a fluid situation there as far as the coaching staff is. Concerned but from an individual, PERSPECTIVE i think they've done.

A really nice job With tijon.

And just getting him to UNDERSTAND nba spacing and, positioning what are good, shots what are bad? Shots and finally the game is starting to slow down for him a, lot and you see the character kind of shining.

Through and there's been.

Times earlier this season work go to take a shot or they'll make a play and guys just kind of look at each other like what in the world's? Happening but those things are starting to cut down some and look T, jon he was a home run swing right in a draft that a lot of people consider not to be very.

Good he's going to be.

Somebody that can step in and play significant.

Minutes but it takes time to develop these kinds.

Of, players especially in the situation to draft that The hornets were.

IN i think T jon has a bright.

Future what DO i think is tip ceiling Is i'm not quite. Sure but at the same, TIME i think he's a bona FIGHT nba player who's still learning bits and pieces of the game every time he steps footing on the.

Floor and at nineteen years, old there is so much runway in front of this young. Man AND i, think first, off in terms of his play over the course of the, season we are seeing a lot of, growth seeing his, intensity his tenacity on the defensive, end even in that game the other day Against, miami him doing everything he can to stay in front of the likes Of bam out Of bayo And Tyler herro and turning them back and making those multiple. Efforts those guys are all stars on the other, side so you don't expect a nineteen year old to come in and win every, time but the kind of effort he puts forth and the kind of effort he forces the other team's players to make to try and beat, HIM i think is. Noteworthy and another aspect of this is at nineteen years, Old like you, said when you're drafting guys at this, age whether they come out and they are seemingly more polished a product like say A Brandon miller or a little bit more on the ross. Side there is so much room for growth, anyways but the ones in particular that are seen at the time that they're drafted as more of a project. Player we think of that, conceptually and then it never. Fails we get into the, season it's about two months, in they start, playing and people want to write the final chapter, immediately and it's just not fair to these. Guys we talked About Nick Smith junior earlier his rookie. Season he showed some really good flashes of what he could be as a, shooter as a score and he really struggled at times as a nineteen year old competing against grown, men trying to stay in front of them and make some of these defensive. Plays now fast forward a year, later he is light years better on the defensive side of the, ball and he is so much more than a catch and shoot. Player so, SIMILARLY i think we're going to see a big jump here for tijon year one to year, two having that full offseason to work with the coaching staff and everyone that will be in, Place it's just going to be huge for. Him and he's already working from a pretty remarkable. BASE i, mean they just they don't make people six foot, nine two hundred and seven. Pounds they certainly don't make nineteen year olds that. Size any football coach in the country would have been going after this kid from the age of. Twelve the fact that he has found his calling in THE nba already and shows some real signs of improvement with his three point, shot his decision, making his defense at this early, STAGE i think bodes really really well for his and the team's, future absolutely.

Right and back to you Know Nick smith. Junior you, know his top end on a playoff team's coming off the bench and scoring fifteen to twenty. Points that would be a great career for.

Him AND i, think you, KNOW i found it interesting when we Interviewed seth After Seth curry after one of the, Games we're, like has he come up to you and sought advice or anything like? That he's, like, well those are him And. Brandon they sit on both sides of me in the locker. ROOM i was, Like, god that's post. Replacement that couldn't be. Better you have a veteran guy who's had a long career doing exactly what you're capable of doing right beside. Him understanding how to be a, pro how to attack each and every, day and those those. Things just by being around those, guys it rubs. Off it rubs, off AND i, think you, know for him and his.

DEVELOPMENT i think it's been.

Awesome it's good for him to have a bona fide example right there sitting in front of him each and every day about how to attack the daily grind that is THE, nba and it is every single.

Day one more player just to throw in here for incremental growth over the. Season people might not think of this, guy BUT i think they Should LaMelo. Ball LaMelo is still only in his fifth year as a, pro AND i think this year he's shown the greatest range of what he's able to do based off what the situation demands of. Him early in the, season the team was dealing with a lot of. Injuries there were times That LaMelo was kind of the only guy out, there and so he had to score about thirty points per game for the team to have a chance to.

Win so he.

Did he went out.

There and scored thirty points per game for the first two months of the season and cut the team in. Contest then he gets, hurt more guys get. Hurt but, Eventually now in the last month or so of the, season we've seen a more consistent Base, LaMelo more, consistent distantly playing With Mark, Williams Miles bridges and the rest of the starting group for more consistent. Runs it's clearly not the same as Having Brandon miller And Grant williams and some of these other guys out, there but the consistency has Helped LaMelo find another level of his. Game he's turned off a little bit THE i have to score thirty points every single night for this to. Work he still has that club in his, bag but he's not using it as much because he's got much better, players more consistently around him for longer, stretches and it's. Showing his assist numbers have jumped up to the highest point they've been all season. Long here in the month Of. March his three point percentage is back up around thirty five percent rather than down around thirty percent where it was when he was kind of flying. Solo so even for a player Like lamello who has played at An all star level most of the, Season i'm seeing a lot of growth from him. Too LaMelo and The hornets have another opportunity to put on a show tonight when they take on The Orlando Magic magic right now in the play In tournament. Field hornets obviously eliminated last game Against, miami but a chance to put on a show for the home. Crowd we'll give you our game preview With Terrence ogelsb Of Hornets live after this quick break here on The, Hornets i've Cast Sam farvar With terrence Ogels b basketball and analysts With Hornets live here with you on THE hhc getting you're ready For hornets and The Orlando magic tonight At Spectrum. Center just a handful of home games left here on the, season and we're certainly going to miss it through the long summer, ahead so hopefully you'll come on out and join us either for tonight's game Against orlando or future home contests against the likes of The Utah, Jazz Sacramento, Kings Chicago, bulls And Memphis. Grizzlies tickets for one and all are available At hornets dot. Com, terrence you know how these things. Work we need players to watch rem both teams as well as the stat to watch other than, points because that's. Cheating whoever scores the most points wins the. Game just lay of the. Land right, Now orlando is on night two of a back to, back so that's a rest advantage here for The. Hornets and on the other other side of the, Coin orlando has to be a very motivated team right now to win as many games as they can because they're kind of in limbo at the. Moment they're within a couple of games Of atlanta for the seventh, seed which would give them home court throughout the play and portion of the postseason. Tournament on the other, hand they're not that far removed From chicago And miami in the bottom. Two and if you fall from eight to, ninth it is a drastic change because now you go for only needing to win one out of two games to make it into the. Playoffs now you got to win two in two tries significantly. Harder so a lot of motivation here For orlando and a lot of motivation for The hornets to try and beat their division, rivals play spoiler a little bit on their home. Floor you're the guest of, honor you get to pick. First you want to go with A hornets player to, watch A magic player to, watch or a stat to.

WATCH i was gonna go stat to.

Watch and whenever you play against The Orlando, magic it's usually how forceful are they.

Going to be towards the?

Paint and SO i was originally gonna go points to the, paint But i'm going towards you, know can you keep them off a free throw? Line because The magic in THE nba the percentage of their appoints coming from the free bad line first in THE nba a little over seventeen. Percent that's, Huge and it's kind of ironic because they're oftentimes the more physical team on the, floor but the more physical, team if they throw the first, punch they usually get the. Whistle so are you able to stand up To orlando's? Physicality are you able to shut Down Franz wagner when he's got, it when he's on a first class trip on a train to the. Lane can you stop him without? FOULING i think discipline's going to be a huge part of. It i'm a big fan Of. ORLANDO i think it's a franchise, that over the next five to seven.

Years is going to be towards the top of THE.

NBA i actually think it says a lot about The Eastern, conference the fact that they're in the seventh, seed like it's a better conference THAN i think we're giving it credit.

For no question about. That the conference itself has gotten a lot deeper In teams Like orlando are a good example of. It they have dealt with their own fair share of injury. ISSUES i wouldn't call it fair, actually because The HORNS i THINK i out with more than anybody else in my. Opinion but that's neither here nor. There good stat to pull. From when you look At, orlando they are most definitely a defense first kind of, squad and, so you, know finding a way to penetrate their defensive prowess it can be. Difficult i'm looking from the other side of the, coin. Though, offensively they have really struggled this, year more so THAN i think people. Anticipate they're the lowest scoring team in THE nba at one hundred and four points per, game offensive rating wise their bottom three as. Well so it's not, like, oh we just play slower so we don't generate a lot of. Points, no their offensive rating is pretty below water as. Well and the stat they might be the worst in is three point. Percentage they're only thirty one percent from beyond the. Arc charlotte has shot it better as of late from, Deep SO i think that's the category that The hornets can really kind of hone in, on and a number to look for. Here when you're playing The, magic if you can make fourteen or more, threes it's only happened fifteen. Times, again are a very good defensive, team but if you get north of fourteen threes or, higher your win percentage goes to like seventy percent against The. Magic so that's the Number i'm keying in on, here the three point. Line can you Hold orlando to their already low season, Average and for you, personally as The, hornets can you knock down fourteen to fifteen threes and put yourself in an area where The magic seldom seem to be able to find a. Win next, up A hornet player to watch or A magic player to.

Watch i'm Going.

Magic player to Watch Franz wagner is one of my favorite guys in THE.

Nba he's re engineered his jump.

Shot he's, big he's, physical.

Worth every dollar that they're paying. HIM i think he's really. Good now you alluded to their offensive.

ROWS i think that's part of the process of figuring each other out and part of the process of him redeveloping that jump shot and becoming a more viable weapon on the offensive end the. Floor i'm a big fan of his game and what he's capable.

Of Franz Vrogen for.

ME i like. It i'll go with the guy that's already Had All star nod in his. Career had he been, healthy he might have gotten there again this. Season On right, now health, wise he's playing some of the best ball of his season without a, doubt and that would Be Palo. Banco polo dealt with a lot of injury issues in the back portion of the twenty twenty four side of the, season but now here In, march he's averaging thirty points per. Game his three point percentage is north of forty percent on the month through about a ten game sample. Size he's playing, really really good basketball against any. Team he's a matchup, nightmare just with his, size his, speed his, strength and his shooting. Ability Against, charlotte it's going to be a very tough. Matchup i'll be curious to see how they go about trying to slow him. Down But paalo Ban caro has been a man on a mission trying to lead The magic back into the playoffs. Again so he'll be My magic player to. Watch, last but not. Least we need a hornet to.

WATCH i think we keep going With Nick Smith. Junior can he continue his?

Play he's been good over the last x amount of game. Games he's continued to improve his. Shooting his shot selection has been a big point of emphasis for, him and he has continued.

Just to continue.

Growing continued about three more, times SO i might continue saying, Continue but seven or fourteen last game Against, miami five of nine from. Three he goes to these ebbs and. Flows he had a stretch earlier this season where it went. South but he's a guy that can turn around get five or six games in a row where.

He's shooting the ball, well AND i think that could, continue AND i think the opportunities are going to present. Himself So Nick Smith, junior for, ME.

I like to, Pick i'm going to go With Miles bridges for this. ONE i have a particular fascination and obsession with players who find a way to adjust when, they quote unquote don't have their. Fastball Miles bridge is the best ASPECT i think of his offensive, game and he's got the full collection of, pitches is driving to the basket and being able to finish through. Traffic he's just got such strength and a variety of finishes and obviously the high flying. Ability he can do a little bit of. Everything but one thing that he has really improved on over the course of his career is his three point. Shot and he had had been in a stretch where he was shooting it really. Well he had like twelve straight games with a made. Three he was averaging almost three a. Night things were rolling for. Him the other night In, miami his three point shot went. South he was zero for, seven and yet he still had seventeen points thirteen. Rebounds found a way to be, impactful score the, ball which the team needs him to, do and also play solid defense against a star Studded miami. Team SO i think it was a, game AND i think you can make a similar argument For, LaMelo who didn't have the greatest three point game percentage, wise but still not down a.

Few but For.

Miles in, particular it's got to be wearing on a player when you're not sinking the. Three it's such a big part of the game today it can seep into other parts of your. Game For miles the other day it. Didn't so this is partially to applaud that. One, also Because i'm looking at a really Big Orlando magic, TEAM i don't think The hornets are gonna go with the front line Of Williams nurkic And. Diabate Miles. Bridges he's got that defensive ability to stop people that are bigger than, him and he's going to have to tonight for The hornets to have their best chance given the size and strength that The magic provide on the. Hardwood however it turns, out we Know terrence ogels b will be ready breaking it down On Hornets live. Too thanks for helping us preview it. Here good look on your game preview later on tonight on the pregame, show and look forward to seeing you at The.

Hive all, Right appreciate you so, Much, Sam thank.

You thanks to our Producer Ron blanco for putting this podcast. Together most of all to all of you for tuning in a reminder tomorrow it is an off day for The, hornets and never an off day here on THE. Ahhc we'll have a game review the day after, that also and off, day and we're planning to sit down With Miles bridges for a special exclusive one on one, interview so make sure you're keeping it locked here on The Hornets hoodcast for all of that great, Content For Terrence ogelsby and our Producer Round, Blanco I'm Sam farbas saying it's been a pleasure of privilege having you. Along we'll talk to you next time right here on The Hornets.

Hoodcast thank you for listening To The Hornets, podcast brought to you By, senta the OFFICIAL i Ear no and throat care provider of The Charlotte. Hornets for more, coverage Visit hornets dot. Com

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