Making Learning Meaningful
Did you know that the best learning environment is the one where we feel safe? The relationship has to be more important in education than the content.
Monica Cochran and I explore this idea and all about making learning meaningful.
Monica is passionate about nurturing the love of learning and has vast experience helping learners of all ages enjoy learning. She has been active in alternative education since 1978, home-educated two of her children, and worked with other home-educating families both on the ground and virtually for the past 25 years. Her private practice serves families with kids who learn non-traditionally for various reasons using strength-based approaches and partners with others to facilitate workshops and courses on strength-based learning and resilience.
Monica earned a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Pittsburgh in a multi-disciplinary program in child development, social work, and early childhood education and a Master’s Degree from Eastern Michigan University in special education. She also earned a Primary Montessori Certification from the American Montessori Society and is an Advanced DIR practitioner and a provider of SSP (Safe and Sound Protocol) and the iLs Focus System of Integrated Listening Systems. She holds a K-12 Michigan teaching certificate in learning disabilities and emotional impairment. Since 1997, following her youngest son’s auto accident, she has also been active in working with survivors of traumatic brain injuries and learners with other health issues, as they redesign their lives.
In This Episode
Are you just beginning your homeschooling journey or are you looking for a refresh in your learning journey? This episode is for you. Monica and I explore what learning means, the numerous ways we learn and the learning environments we build. We dive into:
Monica shared a ton of fantastic resources and references on this episode!
Monica's Website- Learning Without Borders
Monica On Instagram
Personal Growth Meets Alternative Education Facebook Page
Alliance For Self Directed Education
Pat Farenga On Honey! I'm Homeschooling The Kids~On Homeschooling And Education
Brain, Body, Parenting: How to Stop Managing Behavior and Start Raising Joyful, Resilient Kids~ Mona Delahooke
Our Emotional Deposits/Bank Account reference-Stephen Covey- 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People
Dr. Greenspan- Developmental,Individual Differences, Relationship-Based
The New Map Of Life- Stanford Report
Self Determination Theory- Deci and Ryan
Thank you to our wonderful Sponsor!
Mel Science is our episode sponsor. They are a learning resource that my daughter has been using this past year and she LOVES it!
MEL Science is a subscription service that offers monthly science boxes, which combines hands-on experiments with VR and AR technologies to engage kids in studying science. Science is about exploration, experiments, discovery, and asking questions – all of which comes naturally to all children.They strive to make serious science accessible, interesting, and cool.
Mel Science is offering Honey! I’m Homeschooling The Kids listeners a 50% discount for the 1st month for any of their subscriptions (Chemistry, STEM, Physics, Coding, Med). To access this discount, use the promo code HONEY at purchase.