How Unschooling Affected My Life: Liana Francisco
Has anyone ever said to you that this whole idea of Unschooling does not end well? That kids will never be self directed? That there is no evidence that self directed learning actually works?
Have they listened to my podcast? Have the heard the interviews I and countless others have shared? Well, here is more to add to the list.
This is part of a series I am exploring on grown homeschoolers and Self Directed Teens.
In This Episode~ Living As If School Doesn't Exist
This episode is filled with so much insight and information on growing up without school, without any of the expectations of school. Liana shares what it was like living as if school doesn't exist.
Liana Francisco is a grown Unschooler that now Unschools her son. She is a multi-passionate entrepreneur who was unschooled from birth to 16 when she started college full time. She is 40 years old, so she was unschooled way back in the day when you still got the evil eye from the mail man and grocery store clerks.
Liana has a vegan wholesale food business, a consulting business, and a YouTube channel where she teaches moms with young kids how to make plant-based eating EASY with a system. She also teaches moms how to hack homemaking for more freedom AND an organized family.
Liana also shares important advice for parents that are considering this path or are uncertain about unschooling as their children grow older.
We talked about:
You can connect with Liana on Instagram ~ @liana_francisco
You Tube- @HomeschoolMomLife
Her website~
If you want to hear more of Liana's story, then check out the first interview we ever did on this show~ Growing Up Unschooled. I also recommend these other interviews; Amanda Schenkenberger~How Homeschooling Affected My Life, To Adulthood with Sue Patterson and Play, Purpose and Unschooling.
Book Mentioned: The Power Of Now ~ Eckhart Tolle
How To Be An Awesome Homeschooler Summit
March 24th is our third How To Be An Awesome Homeschooler Summit!
We are hosting this full day summit LIVE and our special guests are bringing the Powerful P’s to the table through interactive keynotes and workshops~ PURPOSE. PERSIST. PLAY.
We have Leah Boden laying the foundation for PURPOSE.
Julie Bogart showing the art of PERSIST.
Mr. Chazz is educating us all on the power of PLAY.
Kelly Edwards is guiding us through her workshop on Supporting Neurodiversity.
And you get ME, Robyn Roberston and a few special guests embracing the Self Directed Teen.
Go to the website HOW TO BE AN AWESOME HOMESCHOOLER to register for your FREE ticket and receive extra goodies. (Extra Goodies like our Digital Swag Bag that gives you resource freebies for parents and kids (like my son's Science Animal Journal, Kelly Edwards Creating Quiet Time packet, Free Conscious Parenting mini course, Discounts on our favourite books, Kids Entrepreneurship Course, Discounts to online resources and MORE)
If you cannot make the live event, we are also offering a package of the recordings, pdfs and post summit community gatherings which include a Movie Watch Party and Live Group Q&A and Coaching with Kelly Edwards of 90 Minute School Day and I.
We are able to create this summit and make it accessible because of our wonderful Sponsors. Night ZooKeeper, Learning Success Academy, Erica Kesilman~Conscious Parent Coach, Storitopia, Amanda Schenkenberger~ Homeschool Coach, Honey! I'm Homeschooling The Kids podcast and 90 Minute School Day.
Thank you To Our Podcast Sponsors
This episode was brought to you by Fearless Learners by Success Codes
Fearless Learners by SuccessCodes;
Where all children can learn and grow fearless with a Learning Success Coach by their side. Their certified Learning Success coaches make learning easy with their proven holistic coaching methodology which is a unique and superior alternative to tutoring and teaching in all subjects.
All of their coaches are certified teachers as well as certified Learning Success Coaches, who have left the school system to create the ‘right’ environment to provide customized and personalized learning experiences.
*Kohila is offering a FREE 45 minute clarity coaching call to Honey! I’m Homeschooling The Kids listeners. Just go to
Watch From Fear To Fearless, Kohila’s weekly show on Wednesday, 11am Pacific Time at