Honey! I'm Homeschooling The KidsHoney! I'm Homeschooling The Kids

Homeschooling Styles: Classical Education

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Homeschool Styles & Methods

Exploring different homeschooling methods, starting with Classical Education. If you are a returning listener to this podcast or to this website, you will know I'm and advocate of self-directed learning and unschooling. We began our learning journey in school but we left to travel with our kids. When we began worldschooling we tried to recreate school. As time went on and we dove further into home education, we started to transition into project based learning and then into unschooling. It felt right for us and matched the needs and goals of our family.

We choose unschooling but there are many other homeschoolers that have different approaches to learning. What I truly believe when it comes to learning is that the best learning reflects the learner.

A Continuing Resource For Homeschooling

Over the years, this podcast has become a go-to resource for learning outside of the traditional school norm.With the the growth of homeschool, particularly in this current year, I want to continue to show the many different facets of home education and alternative education. I have featured homeschooling, unschooling, micro schools, democratic schools, forest schools, self directed learning, worldschooling and more. But I have yet to feature a few other wonderful learning approaches such as Classical, Charlotte Mason, Montessori and Waldorf. So we begin with this episode that features Classical education and for those interested, a Classical program for homeschoolers.

Classical Educator Lisa Ann Dillon of Wisdom Wonder Project

Lisa Ann Dillon is a homeschool mom to two children and Classical teacher at SLO Classical Academy for 15 years. (San Luis Obispo Classical Academy)

SLO Classical Academy is a private, nonprofit hybrid school for homeschoolers. It offers a physical campus for classes ranging from infant care to high school.

Wisdom Wonder Project is a rich online curriculum founded on the principles of classical education. It offers Classical education with a twist. It is non-sectarian, with the classical emphasis on character values while emphasizing the value of play. The goals is to make the power, magic and mystery of learning accessible to the modern homeschool family.

The Classical Education Method

In this episode Lisa Ann and I discuss the Classical education method. What it is, what kind of learner it supports and the cross-over it can have with unschooling. Lisa Ann answers for me;

  • What is the Classical method and what does it look like in the home?
  • What kind of practices and activities are at the foundation of the Classical education method? Why is it considered such a content rich approach?
  • Is the Classical method a very structured program? What is the difference between structure and stricture?
  • How does the Classical education approach in-still a love of learning?
  • The power of observation in the Classical approach.
  • What families are drawn to Classical method?
  • Is Classical education religious? Can you be a non-religious family and be part of Classical education?
  • Classical Education is a literature rich program. How does Math fit into the approach?
  • Are there similarities between the Classical method and Unschooling?

Themes That Cross Over To All Forms Of Learning

At the end of the episode Lisa Ann and I took time to explore learning themes that we feel are essential to living a rich learning life, no matter what kind of method a family uses. This includes;

Story- The power of story, how it can change history and how it connects us on a deep level. "When children learn to value the story of others that's where they develop empathy...emotional intelligence..and a desire to connect with other people".


Engagement- Does engagement occur naturally or does it need to be encouraged? Why is engagement an important part of learning? How do we encourage or tap into engagement?


Relationships- The layers of relationship. The first layer is the relationship with ourselves and then the layers of community. We all need to establish a positive relationship with ourselves. When students see themselves as learners and see that they have agency and responsibility for their learning- it's a good foundation for learning and self esteem.


Vulnerability- How does vulnerability empower our relationships? As we learn to be vulnerable, we learn to reveal what's true.


Mistakes- Vulnerability and mistakes go hand in hand. Our mindset is essential towards effort and growth as opposed to "getting it right". How do we make mistakes without holding onto the idea that we are not good enough? We explore how being afraid to make a mistake can hamper learning and the love of learning.


Challenge- Finding the right balance. Is it important?


Lisa Ann leaves us with exceptional advice for parents new and old to home learning.

I encourage you to take note of her advice on how to close out the home learning day with your kids and how it builds the power of connection while complementing their learning.

What are some things that you do with your children at the end of the learning day? How do you feel that this supports and solidifies your family's learning life?

Resources and References

Wisdom Wonder Project

Email to sign up for free activities, videos and encouragement with Wisdom Wonder Project- https://airtable.com/shr7bZQMcAp8Xamax 

You Tube- https://www.youtube.com/wisdomwonderproject

Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/wisdomwonderproject/

SLOCAL - San Luis Obispo Classical Academy

Joseph Campbell

Joseph Campbell- The Power Of Myth

1001 Arabian Nights

King Arthur

Uncle Toms Cabin

Story of The World

Singapore Math - Wisdom Wonder Project

Khan Academy

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