High Performance Conversations with James CantHigh Performance Conversations with James Cant

Start Young, Triumph Young: Hustling As Soon As You Can

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Most kids love to play around


Many of them would rather have fun times with friends


But Riley Stewart had a different kind of playful mind


At a very young age, he has already started his quest for greatness


Filling his piggy bank with money he earned on his own,


He set up his first business at 4.


Up to his uni days, he took up a double degree


And became a Construction Engineer at 20. 


Although this soon taught him that he can never work for a huge firm


And eventually prompted him to embark on a four-month soul-searching,


A life-changing backpacking trip around Asia, 


He discovered the incredible benefits of meditation


And got drunk in what he thought were superpowers that it gives

But soon enough, these spiritual abilities faded away from Riley


This made him realize that there's always physical work to do to get physical stuff


Not too long after that, he found his calling...


That is to lead humankind towards greatness.


Now, Riley’s a successful investor, coach, marketing specialist, 


and a multiple business owner at just the age of 24.


I see myself a lot in Riley


I see the kid who wanted nothing but self-improvement


While everyone else chose to f*ck around.


I see the practical youth who’d rather waste money than waste time


A luxury that can never be brought back.


I see the lad who’d go against the waves


Instead of sticking with old damned futile ways.


I know you’ll also see all of these in my podcast with this wonderful man.


Join me in this episode, legends.




  1. [01:09] The beginning of an incredible entrepreneurship journey
  2. [06:10] A powerful and life-changing backpacking trip
  3. [09:35] Attaining peace and happiness through meditation
  4. [13:25] Superpowers that Riley unlocked by meditating
  5. [21:12] There's physical work to do to get physical stuff
  6. [22:52] Piercing through the gym marketing industry
  7. [26:25] Why figure something out when you can pay someone to coach you?
  8. [28:48] Overcoming industrial challenges brought by COVID-19
  9. [32:35] Fucking up the traditional finance system
  10.  [34:42] The catch with the Crypto world
  11.  [37:10] Taking advantage of the tons of cool shits going on today

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High Performance Conversations with James Cant

I get a kick out of creating high performance individuals out regular people. It's what I was born t 
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