High Performance Conversations with James CantHigh Performance Conversations with James Cant

Episode 09: High Performance Conversations with Charley Valher

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You can perform at your peak performance for a short time, but then you’ll burn out.


Like I did at 22.


But it taught me that you can’t push your body to hell in order to achieve a certain goal.


Because you’ll never be able to sustain it.


And you’ll never get to where you want to be. 


This is the mentality that I’ve lived by as I moved from being an athlete to running my own business.


And since I know a lot of you fellas wanted to get to know more about me.


From how I started out, overcame my challenges, bagged some wins, and basically my overall approach in business and in life.


I’ve decided to shake things up a little.


And invited someone  who does a great job at picking my brains.


Charley is one of my mentors. He’s one of the guys I got to help me make sure that JCF is always at its peak. 


He runs a successful podcast company, and knows a damn lot about running a business.


Charley and I understand the ups and downs of being business owners, and how bloody important it is to look after ourselves if we want our companies to succeed. 


For this one, I’ll be sitting on the other side of this interview, and answering Charley’s questions to me.


This is a topic that needs to be discussed and shared to guys everywhere, whether you’re a business owner or not, so hit the link now and enjoy the episode. 




  1. Where my love for sustained peak performance all started [01:22]
  2. Applying skills developed from being an athlete to running a business [06:25]
  3. Why the right perspective for business helps us succeed [09:08]
  4. Introducing the Hierarchy of Health [10:07]
  5. If your health sucks, your business sucks [12:41]
  6. Kickstarting your health for better performance [15:48]
  7. Why business owners need to identify their values [21:28]
  8. The Keeping-up-with-the-Joneses mentality seen in business owners [25:54]
  9. Get a coach, set KPIs, what’s next? [31:21]
  10.  Is there really a business-home life balance? [35:26]
  11.  Does redlining yourself make for a guaranteed approach to success? [37:07]
  12.  How to make your morning routines effective [40:33]

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About My Guest 

Charley Valher is the Chief Podcast Officer of Valher Media, a company that helps business owners scale their businesses and get more profit through podcasting. He is also the host of The Business of Podcasting, a podcast that aims to give podcasters the nitty-gritty of podcasting.


Thanks for tuning in! If you liked this episode, please don’t forget to like, subscribe and share this podcast. I’ll see you at the next one!

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High Performance Conversations with James Cant

I get a kick out of creating high performance individuals out regular people. It's what I was born t 
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