High Performance Conversations with James CantHigh Performance Conversations with James Cant

Episode 06: High Performance Conversations with Adam Nash

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Adam Nash nearly destroyed his marriage and his life because of painkillers.


He was in chronic pain. Doctors did everything, but nothing worked. 


That’s when opiates came in. Adam was taking Endone and oxycodone to take the pain away.


But he kept needing, wanting more and more. Sh*t hit the fan. 


Adam was popping drugs before he’d go to dinner with his boys. He started losing his friends.


His family was done with him. Nobody wanted to be around a drug addict.


Since working with us,  Adam has become a legend.


He’s tripled his testosterone and is facing his depression and anxiety head on.


But more importantly, he’s no longer letting painkillers take control of his life.


Adam is now the man, the partner, and the father he’s always wanted to be.


If this is something you can relate with and you’re looking for a way out. Hit that play button now and let Adam’s journey inspire you.


  1. The start of a deep plunge into addiction [1:21]
  2. Adam’s desperate measures to feed the monster [03:39]
  3. When people’s perception change and friends start fading away [05:41]
  4. The motivation that pushed Adam to finally change [07:09]
  5. Overcoming self-doubt and the little voice inside our head [10:41]
  6. Adam’s childhood ADHD and the repercussions thereafter [12:54]
  7. How addiction hurts the ones we love [16:24]
  8. What matters the most on the road to recovery [18:57]
  9. The big difference between artificial and natural highs [21:22]
  10.  Why we should value discomfort [23:05]
  11.  The makings of a high performance man [25:40]
  12.  Adam on his Man Weekend Experience, and why the JCF Program can help men like him [31:24]


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About Our Host

James Cant is a veteran bodybuilding athlete and is the founder of JCF Coaching. They have a strong passion for agreeing that the health and fitness industry has well exceeded its allowance for mediocrity. JCF Coaching takes pride in their calling to correct this mediocrity by delivering optimal results through investing time and money well spent into ensuring clients get the highest quality programs and accurate information.


This uncommon approach to coaching often causes JCF Coaching to pour over client records, scrutinising what they can do in the future to improve our protocols and deliver even smarter, better, and faster results.

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I get a kick out of creating high performance individuals out regular people. It's what I was born t 
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