SELF CARE: So Important!

Published Jan 6, 2025, 8:00 AM

Take care of you! You won't have the energy for others unless you do! ~ Delilah

Hey, it's Delilah. Thank you for stopping by. I have put together some of my favorite radio moments here to share with you on our daily podcast do Love. The other night, if you were listening, I took a call from a listener who called in talking about how important it is to take care of ourself, she admitted. When she finally realized that and started to take care of herself take time for herself, she felt like she could release a whole lot of pain from her past and a whole lot of anger, and she felt so much more positive about the future. Listen up. I know you're busy. I know you've got responsibilities and kids and work and school and YadA da da da da. I know that. I know you don't have time enough hours in the day to get to the homework done, get the it's a laundry done, keep the dishes done. I get that you still need to take care of you. Go for a walk, paint your nails, get a massage. Oh that's my favorite thing to do. I get one about once a year, but oh it's heaven. Take a yoga class, take a spinning class, take a zoomba class. If you're really into it, sign up for a book study, a book club, read a good book, volunteer at the library, and surround yourself with wonderful literature. Nurture your soul, nurture your body. Nurture your mind, your body, your spirit, and trust me, you will be far more effective when you reach out to nurture others. You gotta take care of yourself first. I know that's hard to do. I know that is hard to do, but you.

Gotta do it.

Carol, thank you for being with us on the Delilah Show. What's going on in your world?

Well, I wrote in I was listening to your show one day and somebody called in said that they were looking for the perfect man. And I thought that, after all the stories that I hear of that I should write in. I had taken group counseling and one of the things that we learned in relationships was about looking for what a lot of people call the perfect man. And I don't really believe in that. I believe that you have to love yourself unconditionally first, and then you know, in time, God will bring the right man along. And one of the things that we had to do was make a list of ten things that we wanted in a man. And after you did that, then you checked off all the things that you wanted in yourself. And a lot of the times there's things that we need to work on in our own lives or we can look for somebody else with those things. And so that's when I came to realize there's a lot of stuff in myself that I need to work on before I can start looking for what, you know, a lot of people call the ideal man.

Yeah, isn't it funny how many people think they will be happy. Oh, I'll be happy finally when I find the right person exactly. And if you're not happy with yourself and your own skin, living your own life without the right person exactly, not only will you not be happy when you've got a partner, you'll make them miserable exactly.

And that's why it never works.

It never works.

Yeah, I'm living through for that too. I think you have a great show.

Well, thank you, you have a great night. Thanks, Hi, good evening. Welcome to the delight of show. Who's this?

Get your sand?

What can I do?

Oh? Yeah, I actually just wanted to share. I went to a meditation cleft night and I had some really great releasing of some really passed anger and regression over a miscarriage and things that I didn't realize that I was carrying through and I actually was able to break through through it and kind of just feel that I have a lot of clarity and better days ahead of me. Sometimes you just need to be able to have that clarity. And it was all just because I made time for myself.

So in your crazy busy schedule, if there's twenty four hours in a day, and most people work forty fifty hours a week, how much time are you going to give to yourself just to take care of you each week?

I think I can start with baby steps.

Okay, what's that big? I'm just asking for a verbal commitment here. What's that baby step going to be the first the first month?

It's going to be an hour day.

That's good. That's actually not a babysit. That's a huge commitment. Can you imagine how much better our world would be if each of us took an hour a day to pray, or meditate or take care of ourselves.

It would be a pretty great place, I would imagine.

Well, thank you for calling and sharing that. Can I play a song to help you? Relax tonight.

Yes, I think that's at the end of the day. All of us need to realize that.

So it comes down.

To again that whole self love and what we can do for ourselves, whether it be for that pedicure or help and going to redentist, the doctor or whatever that we do for everybody else.

All right, well, you have a great night, and let me find a song for you, and do keep taking care of you.

Thank you, I will thank you for all you do.

Chris, Welcome to the Delilah Show. Talking off the air before we can on the air, I know you have a divorce, missing someone you love desperately, but recognizing that you need to be treated with love and cherished.

Exactly and just need to have somebody to, you know, see the worth in me and what I have to offer and to receive that in return. And you know, I've gone back and forth with this and it's difficult.

You convince yourself that there's one more thing I could do if I were just more patient, if I could just if I could just make them understand you know that it's not okay to break my heart. If I maybe I said it wrong, maybe I didn't say it right. That you're not allowed to hurt me, and maybe I made them mad. And no, love shouldn't hurt.


Going to hurt when you're in love, let it be because the two of you are working through something together.


It hurts when you're in love and your beloved is sick, or his mother dies, or you go through a loss. That kind of hurt is okay when you're in love. But when you're hurting because they're hurting you, they're ignoring you, they're not respecting you, they're not cherishing you, that kind of hurt not okay.

No, it's not it's not okay. You know, love is a two way streets. You know, you've got to have a give and take instead of just always giving. And that's what I'm seeing more and more, and I think that's that's the heaviness in my heart is. I know, I know in my mind what I need to do. My heart's just not on board yet.

You know they say the longest distance in the world is the distance between your head in your heart.

I believe that.

Mm hmmm. I'm going to play a song for you for this new journey that you're on, this journey of caring for yourself and taking care of yourself and cherishing yourself. I'm going to play a song for you.

Okay, I appreciate it. The lineman to thank you.

Hi, you've called the Delilah Show. Who's this Hi?

My name is Amandolin, and I am thrilled that you picked up the phone.

What can I do for you?

I was calling because I found the most awesome guy in the whole world. And I love your show so much. I listened to it all the time, and ultimately I had like really really bad self esteem. Like two years ago, I was like down the dumps on myself. I hated myself, I hated my life. I just hated everything. And your show was so great. It really helped me a lot during that time. But also when I met this guy, he really God, he's amazing. He just picked me up and now I just I love myself so much more and my life is so much better. And he's just such a phenomenal guy. I love him so much that I just wanted to tell him on your toil how much I love him.

Wow, this is all coming together. You're feeling better. You listen to my show. He's a great guy.

I like this just the best guy in the world.

When you stop and think about how wonderful and unique and special you are, how there's nobody else like you in this world. You're the only one. Yeah, then it's kind of hard to be down on yourself and beat yourself up all the time.

I just, you know, I wanted him to feel like there's nothing that I could do to express to him how much I care about him and how much he's helped me in my life.

I so hope you have enjoyed these radio moments as much as I enjoy bringing them to you. I'll share more with you each weekday on Hey It's Delilah. Do you b

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