Introducing: Good Risings

Published Sep 2, 2021, 9:00 AM

Good Risings is a collection of mini-shows served up in less than 5 minutes, providing the perfect daily practice for anyone looking to lead a more intentional, mindful, and inspired life. Listen to one, two, or all the mini-shows on the Good Risings menu to perfectly curate your morning routine.

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✨ THE RISING SIGN with @queercosmos

🔥 LEVEL-UP LATTE with @nichelle

🌈 GRATEFUL GRAINS with @jacquelinemwood_1 & @bmcmuffin

☮️ SPOONFUL OF SPIRITUALITY with @marieburnsholzer

💌 HASH IT OUT with @lizlistens

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Here's the thing, listeners. You enjoy what makes artists, performers in public figures tick. So why not take some time for a little positive inspiration in your own life with the daily dose of the Good Risings podcast. Here's the taste. Good Risings is a collection of bite size morning inspiration served up in less than five minute episodes. It provides the perfect daily practice for anyone looking to lead a more intentional, mindful, and inspired life. I'm Colin Beddell, the host of Good Risings The Rising Sign, where every morning we'll explore how the planets are currently impacting us, how we can make their alignment work in our favor, and what to expect in the day ahead. Cosmically speaking, of course, I'm Michelle the host of Good Risings. Level Up Latte. Join me for inspiring insight and nuggets of motivational wisdom that will help you absolutely crush the day ahead of you every day. Hey, I'm Jackie and we're the host of Good Risings Grateful Grains. Join us for five minutes every weekdays we chat about health and wellness related topics, all in pursuit of a more joyful life. I'm a Reburns Holzer the host of Good Risings Spoonful of spirituality. Each morning, I will help you open your mind and heart with lessons from ancient practices as well as new ways of looking at ourselves, the world, and how you can apply this knowledge to live your most fulfilling life. I'm Elizabeth Earnshaw, licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and head therapist it actually, and I'm the host of Good Rising Passion Out join me as I answer a wide variety of daily questions from our listeners on family, work, relationships, and kids. Subscribe to listen to one, two, or all of the many shows on the Good Risings menu to curate your ideal morning routine. You can find Good Risings at Apple, Spotify, or wherever you find your podcasts. We look forward to sharing our mornings with you on Good Risings and remember, a better tomorrow starts with today

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