Caelynn has a pop culture round-up and breaking down all the family drama going on with the Cyruses! Find out everything going on with Tish, Noah and Billy Ray Cyrus.
Dean and Caelynn discuss their favorite celebrity couples and reveal which superstar they’d allow to sign their forehead.
Plus, Dean opens up about the popular show that he just can’t stand!
This is Suckers. I'm Kailan Bell, I'm Dean Bell, and I'm Jared han An.
iHeartRadio podcast. Hello everyone, Welcome to an all new episode of Suckers. This is Kaylan's Corner, joined by Dean.
I'm Dean.
Dean is being a little sassy today.
I'm not being sassy. I'm just being a silly goose.
He's being sassy today. We're tacking more pop culture. And I just put a poll on my story. So let me know what book you want to read for next month, because a lot of you were interested, and I think it would be really fun. I'm team Fourth Wing, even though I've already read it, because I want Dean to read it and I think it would be fun to chat about it together. And you promised you would read it.
What did you promise me that.
I'd read another book that I can't remember? What was that book? Said? You said it was one of the best.
Books you've ever read, ready player one?
No, no, no, not that one. I think it was like more.
Enlighten Oh it was, that's not enlightening. It's also a nonfiction book. Great note is a fiction book. I always get those confused to me too. Nonfiction is not fake, So it was a fiction book.
I always think nonfiction is fiction for some reason.
Because why would the it's nonfiction and fiction and then it's real and not real, and so you would think the real thing would be the shorter word. And so that's why I like, why would you say not fake? Why wouldn't you just say real and not real instead of fake and not fake?
I love fake.
Yeah, it was called not fake before I go to sleep?
Okay, Yeah, I'll read that. Should we add that to the book club respects?
You would read that in two days? Okay?
Yes, So let me know the poll is up and you can DM me any suggestions. I put three suggestions people we meet on vacation, the Nightingale and Fourth Wing. And then if there's any of other.
Suggestions, let me know what about my suggestion?
And before you go to sleep? Yeah, you just said I would read that in two days. You made it sound like you didn't even want us to add it to the list.
I'm going to read it. It's like a sidebook.
Oh, that's all I am to you, is a sidebook?
Did you need this? Carry on before you keep putting your foot in your mouth, young lady.
That's a sidebook for me. I'm going to finish it in two days. That's not a main month book, right, that's a sidebook. I'm not going to spend a whole month on it.
Yeah, I know, I get it.
Anyways, Well, let me know your thoughts. What is your vote? Sidebook?
Sidebooks? That's all I care about nowadays.
I just really hope everyone votes for Fourth Wing. But I think most everyone's read it. So we do have some interesting news this week. Some mother daughter dating history, like dating the same man, but then the mom married the guy that the daughter was dating. Let me tell you about it. Okay, Mattie, our producer, just sent this article to me this morning, and it's pretty interesting. So Tish Cyrus, Miley Cyrus' mom, Noah Cyrus' mom, Brandy Cyrus' mom, this is the headline, So no one. I don't know if this is true, but this is the headline. Cyrus family feud from US Weekly. Source says Tish stole husband Dominic perself from her daughter Noah. And so I was like on TikTok recently and I stumbled upon this suspected drama between Noah and her mom because Tish just got married to Dominic, who was in Break Prison Break? Did you ever see that? It was such a good show. So she just got married and everyone was like, why the heck is Noah not there? Because everyone from her family was there besides one of her daughters, which was kind of weird. And so now this article comes out. So Tish and Brandy just went on call her daddy and Tish was talking about how her and Dominic met and it was like love at first sight. They went on their first date. So we go to lunch, this is what Tish is saying, and we make out for three hours and then they said I love you a day later. So it's such just like a whirlwind romance. And then they talk about how Noah wasn't there. They got married in August of twenty twenty three, and it's just kind of weird that Noah wasn't there, But I don't know, people kind of brushed past it. But now a source is coming out saying that Noah was dating Dominic before Tish. Noah was dating Dominic and then Tish knew that and stole her him from Noah. What is that?
Whatever happened to Noah? Cyrus I don't know.
She's kind of been like Mia. Oh, and that's how I got down the rabbit hole because I think she did a podcast or it was doing stories or something talking crap about Miley, Like there was a bunch of drama surrounding her recently.
I remember maybe like five years ago, she was kind of hitting the scene pretty hot. She was making music. Whether it was good or bad is not for me to decide.
I liked it. I thought she could have been like the next Billie Eilish.
So that's what I think happened, is I she did give Billie Eilish vibes. I agree with that. I think that she saw herself looming, blossoming into this like big pop star, and then she started talking crap because she felt like she had a leg to stand on finally, and then now maybe it's not gone. So well, maybe she's doing stuff still. I just haven't heard her seen her in a while. But no, that is interesting. I just looked up Cyrus's age. She is fifty six. I'm sure Dominic has to probably be in his mid to late twenties early thirties.
Oh no, Dominic is maybe forty.
And he was isn't Noah like twenty.
Let's see, Dominic is fifty four. Oh, Noah is younger than me, I believe. Yeah, yeah, she's twenty four.
Whoa, Okay, so this guy's a creep.
Yeah, if it's true, and it's hard to know, like this just kind of came out of nowhere because they got married. Do you think this would have come out in August of twenty twenty three after they got married or before. You know, it really came out of left field. So maybe it's true. Maybe it's not true, But if it is, it's it is weird and he is a creep.
And there are that you said they got married Titian Dominick Yeah this summer. Huh, Yeah, that's pretty I wonder. I'm sure Brandy probably talked about it.
Right about going to the wedding.
Just about the whole relationship. She's got a podcast with Well, so I would imagine he must have talked about it at least a little bit on there.
I mean, yeah, they do talk about pop culture, so this is kind of a headline that would be hard to miss for them.
I'd be interested to hear what she says, but I'm trying to find the original drama that like sparked this all. But Noah was kind of talking draft about Miley at some point, and then people are speculating that Miley and Billy Ray are fighting because Miley accepted her Grammy and didn't acknowledge him, and apparently he's dating someone that he met on Hannah Montana.
Why would she be expected to acknowledge Billy Ray?
Is there?
Dad? Okay, I don't know. Did he help with the song? Probably not so, But.
The people are thinking they have beef because he met someone on the set on set of Handa Montana that's only three years older than Miley. So it's like all a little weird.
Yeah, I mean, Noah's dating a guy almost twice her age, Billy Rays dating a girl almost half his age.
But who knows. I don't know if the Noah thing's real. If it, I just I don't want to be not real about it.
The fact that noahen Dominic dated, yeah, I can't.
Like, I can't imagine if my mom wasn't married and I was dating someone and she took them from me. If like we're dating and then my mom's like, see ya, I'm gonna marry Dean instead that's crazy if you think about it. Yeah, and for him to just like be dating this like on every end, it's messed up. And if it's true, I feel awful for Noah.
Yeah, that's definitely a hard pill to swallow, I guess for the for Noah. And this just sounds like maybe there's you know, in life, there are functional families and dysfunctional families, and it just seems like this might be one of those dysfunctional families. Not to discredit anything that they've done professionally by themselves or anything like that. Like you know, I'm a big Miley Cyrus fan. I think she makes incredible music. For the others I don't really know enough about to have an opinion of, But maybe that's just kind of the style of family that they have is just like that dysfunctional you know, always trying to get under someone's skin. And I'm not saying Trish Mary Dominic to get under anyone's skin or anything like that, but maybe they just kind of don't really see it the same way that we do because they're different in a different lifestyle of us, I guess.
So that's my take on it, and more open minded is what you're saying.
I wouldn't necessarily go as far as say open minded, but huh yeah.
But it's like, it's very interesting that Noah wasn't present at the wedding, and then sources, according to US Weekly, say that she wasn't invited. Yeah, either way, that is so uncomfortable, and I feel for her if it's true.
Yeah, I wonder, I, like I said earlier, I wonder if Noah's experience blown up so fast kind of put her on a trajectory to be like, I'm on my own now, I don't need you guys. Maybe knowing nothing about anything at all, that's just like that's where my head goes.
You know nothing about anything.
About this six sperience, like about this situation, not at all, literally nothing. So that's just my like, that's my you know, immediate interpretation of it. I guess.
Yeah, super interesting. I wish them the best. Same And also in the news, Paris Fashion Week is going on right now and kind of along with last week's episode, there are so many TikTokers and this is what blows my mind. Again, would love to be there, never invited, never probably will be invited, But these TikTokers are like in their early twenties, like some nineteen twenty twenty one, and their followers are all that age too, and they can't afford these designs they're going to do or they're going to Saint Laurent, they're going to Gucci. I'm just confused because their audience can't afford these expensive designers.
Yeah, but I think what the idea is you ingrain in their heads now about how you know, what's the word I'm trying to look for, like not out of reach, but how attainable. I'm not going to get there, but how like you know, if you ingrained in their brains at a younger age, how incredible for lack of a better word, these brands are. Then when they get to the age where they can afford it, I think that they're going to like not achieve, But I know the word.
I can't think the word either.
But yeah, once it's like within the grasp the purchase, it's definitely like a marketing thing at the end of the day, Like you know, these companies have millions of millions of dollars invested in their marketing department. They obviously know better than we do. So that's kind of where I think that they're coming from with it, where they're like trying to get the younger crowd into it, because once you know, if all the thirty and forty year old and fifty year olds are into it, that's great, But if they can get the eighteen to twenty two year olds into it, then they have a customer base for a lot longer of a time.
I guess our version of that would be like Laguna Beach the Hills where not that I like Watch the Hills, not Laguna Beach, but where they're wearing certain designers and stuff, and so you're kind of trying to attain that. We're eighteen, so it makes sense.
And now everything you wear is designer because of the no it is not.
Yeah, but it's just to me, TikTok is still so new and so like TikTok's feels so young to me, and I'm not like the targeted demographic, and it's definitely changed from what it originally was and what I originally thought it was. But it's just interesting because I look at these designers and they're so like, they have such an incredible, reputable name and they're like, I don't know, it's just it's different they're bringing in all these kids.
I think it kind of goes back to what I said last week too, we're just agent out of it.
Yeah, but Lily Collins is in Paris right now, and she stars in Emily.
In Paris, and it's Emily and Purri.
Emily and Purri. It's nice to see her dressed so great because in Emily in Paris it feels like Hannah Montana fashion, Like it's not great fashion, at least for Emily, the star of it. I don't know why they make her dress like that. I think it's because she's this American who goes to Paris. But she's in Paris for fashion week and she looks amazing, and I just I love to see it.
Who were it best?
Well, she's the only one wearing that outfit, but she's But.
Who was the best dressed there?
Oh my gosh, this influencer Claire Rose. It looks and she went to do our show.
Yeah I had a feel, you're gonna say, Claire Rose, Yeah, she looked great.
What else they are the sag Awards to my knowledge, no no TikTokers or in systagram people there. So that's a change, But it is sad.
Also, let's maybe take a second to just identify that you're talking about it so much, so you're kind of proving their point by saying, like maybe they're trying.
To grab some fascinating to me, Like, I get what you're saying. It's just so fascinating because before Paris Fashion Week was all about actresses models. I don't know, It's it's like a huge pivot that I'm just trying to wrap my brain around as somebody who loves fashion, just.
Like, oh wow, in a little bit of jealousy because you're.
Not, Oh my gosh, I would love to be in Paris. Are you kidding me?
But didn't you go to Paris Fashion Week? Like three years ago?
I was in Paris during fashion Week?
Gotcha not at Paris Fashion Different? Yeah, I understand.
SAGA Awards. We got a lot of great photos of celebs out of it. Margot Robbie, Ryan Gosling, Reese Witherspoon, Sleney Gomez, Ted Lasso. Stars wore matching track suits to the SAG Awards and that was pretty cool, Like the whole cast was marrying matching tracksuits and I really loved that they really stood out and that is just like the best show ever done. Actually hate that show, but one of the best shows ever.
Thanks for asking me.
Now you're yeah, it's an austing podcast.
Yeah, I'm just not a fan of the show, simply said.
It is such a good show. It's so happy, it's so joyous. But there's also like some sassiness because like it's not like a peer show. It's not like a peer show. Like I'm making it seem like it's like a Disney princess show. No, it is incredible, and it just makes you feel good. Like there's not that many shows that you walk away from the ending and you feel so good, you feel happy.
I don't feel happy when I watched that show. I feel like, why am I wasting my time watching this Dean. It's a silly, silly show. I do like Jason sadeikis a fair bit.
Dean doesn't like accents. Actually, that's what it is.
That's true. I can't watch Peaky Blinders because I have no idea what they're saying. And I also can't watch the subtitles on because then I just read the whole show instead of watching the show. So it's quite the dilemma. I'm faced with honestly, yeah, I.
Can't help you there, but I will tell you you're missing out on one of the best shows ever. Also, House of Dragons. I've been begging Deane to watch House of Dragons. Still hasn't watched it.
Not interested. I'll be interested in like five years to watch that show. I think.
Did you see the video on TikTok Melissa McCarthy or Billie Eilish signing Melissa McCarthy's face. That was a good moment from the Stack Awards. Huh yeah, but you didn't see it, so I guess we can't she stand it fun?
Why did she sign her face? Uh? Well, Billie Eilish has been everywhere lately. She's blown up. Well, she's obviously huge, but I feel like they're using her music and like a lot of TV shows and other like promotional campaigns, I just feel like I always hear her music.
Yeah, she's absolutely crushing it and she's making headlines beyond just her music. So doing what well, she was the one who was talking about influencer That's how we started this influencers at People's Choice Words, and then she signed meliss McCarthy's face on stage. What's a sharpie. But Melissa McCarthy gave her sharpie on stage and she just autographed her forehead. I don't know how well that came off.
Who would you let autograph your forehead?
That's a great question. I think of your or too well, I think of mine. Did you already have her ready? Who do I love?
My gosh, Hillary Duff, Oh my god, I've loved her since I was like seven. Your turn.
Ah gosh. It's tricky. I don't really like idolize anyone, so I can't really give an answer, but I have to.
I have to write like an athlete anyone, man.
I don't. I don't know, all right, No, I want. I want to answer this question like maybe Peyton Manning that's boring, okay, but Hillary Doff's not.
Yeah, Hillary Duf's a classic.
I don't have an answer.
Okay, Well we'll accept Peyton Manning and Patro Pascal, who we love from the Last of Us, and also Mandalorian. He didn't think he was gonna win, and he won, and he goes up on stage and he's like, I'm a little drunk. I thought I could get drunk, which I love. I just love how humble he is and funny he is.
He's done a good job of positioning himself to be a very lovable guy. Yeah, and I like him a lot.
Are you about to say you don't think he's that lovable.
I just think that there is something bigger going on that we're just not seeing. It almost is too it's too like, it's too like in your face, and you know how like contrary and I like to be and so just seeing everyone like go google gog over him. And don't get me wrong, he's very cute, very well spoken, a great actor, and I like him. But the more I see other people like him, the less I like him.
You know, that is so annoying.
I knew you're gonnay annoying. How is that annoying?
Because he's just a great guy And the way that Belly Ramsey, Belly Bella Ramsey talks about him makes me believe that he really truly is a good guy. Like no one has ever said a bad thing about him. If in ten years something bad comes out about him, you can say I told you so. But I think he is an.
Angel, Okay, I mean, look, I hope I think bad comes out about him. I like him, like I said, I just I just can't jump on the bandwagon like everyone else I can.
I think he's great. I think he's wonderful.
I'll watch anything he's in. I love Last of Us one of the best shows I've seen in a long time. Mandalorian was good even though you don't really see him act in it. He's just wearing a helmet the entire time.
But he still is good.
Yeah, No, he's it, he is. I agree.
Imagine how hard it has to be acting when you can't see their face. When he's in a full suit of armor, that's going to be even more challenging. So he's an even better actor than we thought.
Okay, it's a good one way to look at it. He's great in Game of Thrones.
Game of Thrones.
You don't even remember him the Game of Thrones? Do you're not even a true fan? Wait?
What when is he Bella Ramsey's in Game of Thrones?
When is he he's in it?
No, he is not. Pedro Pascal Game of Thrones, Tell me which episode?
Tell me describe it for season three, episode eight.
Did you just look this up on TikTok or something?
You think you can look stuff up on TikTok. Yeah, like it's a search engine.
Oh, I actually do. I've stopped googling as much and I'll go to TikTok instead of Google.
That's so funny because you're so anti TikTok.
It's just I'm just confused. It's I'm getting older and I'm confused by this new generation. They don't love celebrities as much as we do. They love TikTokers.
Wow, Okay, it's just.
Type of celebrity I know, or Orburin Matural. You're right.
He was in Game of Thrones, which which episode?
It says, I have no idea, how did how did you know?
What? What?
Season one episode? So I like, do not remember him in this at all?
Yeah, he's not. He's he's got a small role. I listened to a couple of podcasts with him on that and he talks gets a start.
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. They have the snakes and.
Stuff, right, yeah, that show with the dragons and the Oh.
My gosh, no, but they went to this country and they used snakes to try and kill someone.
I think I'm right.
You're right.
Yeah, he was married to some bad girl. Okay, Well that's interesting. I learned something new that's going to do it.
That's it.
Well, there's not. I mean, I don't know. Ever since I started this pop culture podcast, there has been no pop culture. If we started last year, it would have been perfect. All we would talk about a skin of all.
But now there's got to be some other there's no skin deal. He's got to be some other drama going on.
I did catch up on vander Pump and Hariyanna is just mean. Like we said last week, you were right. You called it a year ago and everyone was afraid to say it, but you heard it here first. Actually, I think you were trying to say it and I was like, I don't think you should say that because people are so like on her, on her bandwagon.
We were at that party and I was kind of drunk and I was talking about it and You're like, Dean, shut up, and I was like, no, I won't shut up about this.
Do you love Schwartz you did not like Ariana?
Yeah? And everyone? Yeah, it was team Marianna because she's been through so much.
She has, but also you need you can be through. You can go through stuff and you can still be pleasant and kind and a good human, Like we said last week What's.
Going on with the Kardashians. Why don't we ever talk about them? Yeah?
What is going on with them? I don't know. Kylie's dating Timothy Shallomey. I saw her a video with her and Florence Pugh. Florence was just in Doune too with Timothy, so I'm I have to believe they met through him.
Josh wants to see Dune two this weekend.
I would love it. I was actually I'm on a E news right now and looking at Zinda's outfits from the Dune premieeres, like all across the world. You saw her robot outfit. Yeah, oh insane. She's like the only person who could pull it off. And then I guess people were giving Timothy shallowmy crap because he wore a T shirt. So then they came out at their next premiere I don't remember where this one was, and they're in matching jumpsuits and they looked so good.
I don't agree with that move, Timothy. You got to you gotta stick with what you believe in. As a T shirt guy, don't let the mass has changed you.
Zendeia is just like the most beautiful human ever.
I thought she was dating Timothy, She's dating Tom Holland. They're the same persons.
I think that is my I used to think it was Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds. I think it's Zenda and Tom Holland.
Are we know nothing about them?
We listened to him on I keep wanting to call it shameless because you've been watching shameless rights not shameless.
What is shameless?
I think that show with Jason Bateman is called shameless, Yes, but what's the show you've been watching Arrested develop survivor Arrested Development? Okay, so what's Jason Bateman's podcast.
Ca SmartLess Heartless?
I can't get shameless out of my head. We listened to Tom Holland on SmartLess and he talked a little bit about her, didn't he?
But I'm saying with Blake and Ryan Ryan, we see them like interact on the carpetal lot. You can kind of get a sense of their humor. With Tom and Zendeia, you don't really you see them walk, but you don't. They're just they don't have the same type of gravy toss as Ryan, and.
They're they're super public facing Blake and Ryan, Blake and Ryan yeah, but I just I kind of love that Zendeia and Tom protects their relationships so much, like they are so private.
That's fair.
Yeah, but I love them both. All four are great and Emily Blunt and John Krasinski those are my three. Those are my top three.
What about d m kaylon mm top ten? Top ten? Yeah, that's fair?
Are you who are your faves?
My fave celeb couples?
Just one?
M my fave celeb couple.
I'm gonna stop asking you questions because you can't get there.
I just don't really think I know that, I don't know enough. Could you name a couple more and I can maybe decide?
Patrick Mahomes, Brittany Mahomes, Travis Kelsey, Taylor Swift.
What about like a Russell Wilson and Sierra Oh?
Love them? Tell me? Don't love them?
They're okay? I really like I'm trying to think. I want to give you an answer. I want to give you an answer, Give me.
An answer, Give me an answer. You've got ten seconds left? Seven five two? Do you like Mike County?
Oh? I don't have an answer?
Dang Dean.
Okay? My favorite slupt couple as well as in Sarah, great answer, Thank you.
They are a great couple. Well, that's going to do it. Hopefully that's going to do it soon. We've got more more tea, more more gos hot gass.
I think you got to start coming up with your own I just heard that Jared unfollowed Ashley I can Eddie on Instagram.
Yeah, the drama.
Do you hear about that?
I did?
That's crazy. This guy unfollows his pregnant wife on Instagram for what reason?
For what reason? We gotta figure it out. Make sure you tune in next week to Suckers and Kaylin's Corner so we can figure it out, and maybe next week we'll suck just a little bit less.