On March 11, 2021, Shannon Lee Collins, a 48-year-old veteran, came back from a work trip to his home in Pottsville, Arkansas. He was working a part time job delivering packages, which sometimes took him on the road out of state.
He had been married to his wife Treasa for more than 20 years, and they raised their family together. They had their son Josh, who was in his early twenties, and Shannon’s step daughter Brittany, who was in her early thirties. But Shannon had raised Brittany since she was very young, and been a father figure to her. They were a close family - they attended a local church Russellville First Assembly, and were very active in their church community.
And yet, after March 11, 2021, when Shannon Collins walked into his family home in Pottsville that he shared with his wife, son and stepdaughter, he seemed to vanish into thin air. There has been no sign of him since then. How could a veteran disappear? And why did no one report him missing for nine months?
If you have a case for Catherine Townsend to look into, you can reach out to us at our Hell and Gone Murder Line at 678-744-6145.
School of Humans. On March eleventh, twenty twenty one, Shannon Lee Collins, a forty eight year old veteran, came back from a work trip to his home in Pottsville, Arkansas. He was working a part time job delivering packages, which sometimes took him on the road out of state. Shannon had been married to his wife, Teresa for more than twenty years, and they raised their family together. They had their son, Josh, who was in his early twenties, and Shannon's stepdaughter, Brittany, who was in her early thirties. But Shannon had raised Brittany since she was very young and been a father figure to her. They were a close family in general. They attended a local church, Russellville First Assembly, and were very active in their church community. And Yet, after March eleventh, twenty twenty one, when Shannon Collins walked into his family home in Pottsville that he shared with his wife, son and sie stepdaughter, he seemed to vanish into thin air, and no one has seen Shannon Collin since then. How could a veteran just disappear and why did no one report him missing for nine months? I'm Catherine Townsend. Over the past five years of making my true crime podcast, Helen Gone. I've learned that there is no such thing as a small town where murder never happens. I have received hundreds of messages from people all around the country asking for help with an unsolved murder that's affected them, their families, and their communities. If you have a case you'd like me and my team to look into, you can reach out to us at our Helen Gone Murder line at six seven eight seven four four, six one four five that six seven, eight seven four four, six one four or five. This is Helen Gone Murder Line. I talked to Blake, Shannon's brother, who is five years younger than Shannon, after he reached out to me a few weeks ago. They also have a younger sister named Holly.
We've then moved from the base Ville area to the Russellville area, which is northwest Arkansas. Hoopville little town, small community outside of Russellville. We lived there until I was the age eight to around thirteen, and then we moved closer to the Little Rock area. And I say that because at that time my brother is five or sixt years older than me, so he actually went to high school in the Russellville area. He basically built his roots in that area. He has lived where he has for quite some time when he disappeared because of those routs and those connections to where he went to high school.
Blake clarified that Shannon loved that little town so much that even when he enlisted in the military, he would make a seventy mile daily commute from Pottsville to the base in North Little Rock where he was stationed, just so that he would not have to leave the Pottsville area. He served in the military for twenty four years in the Army National Guard. Eventually he attained the rank of Sergeant Major SGM. Then, due to an injury, he received a medical discharge. This made him eligible for VA disability payments. Before his military service, Shannon attended Arkansas Tech University, the same university as his wife, Teresa. Teresa grew up in the small town of Delaware, Arkansas. She and Shannon had another property there near where Teresa's family lived that was on about twenty acres of land. Blake, Shannon's brother moved to Austin in twenty twelve, so he didn't have as much close contact with Shannon and Teresa. Over the past decade as the rest of his family, but he said that from what he could see, his brother was close to his wife, his son, and his stepdaughter. In twenty twenty, COVID hit hard and in many parts of the country people were under lockdown orders. Even family members living in the same area found it hard to maintain contact during that time. I remember that weeks felt like long days, and it made family members living across the country even more i Blake said that his father was battling cancer, so both he and their mother were in a high risk category. They were told by their doctors not to go out in public unless absolutely necessary, so they told Shannon they wouldn't be able to go to his stepdaughter's wedding that was in December of twenty twenty. Blake said Shannon was upset, and Shannon made a comment to his mother something along the lines of if they didn't show up to the wedding, she should not bother trying to talk to him again. Blake explained his parents knew that Shannon was annoyed, but they also knew his nature. They knew he would get over it. Before this argument, he usually talked to his parents multiple times per week. On the phone. He would also regularly talk to his sister Holly. But when Blake and Holly and everyone else in the family had not heard from Shannon for weeks and then months, Shannon's parents and everyone else started to get worried. Remember, Shannon had been working part time at a delivery job. This involved driving to deliver items, sometimes out of state, and sometimes these trips would last a few days. And on that last work trip, the one that ended on March eleventh, twenty twenty one, Shannon had another reason for going out of town. He had a girlfriend, and his wife, Teresa, knew all about it. I asked Blake about Shannon's relationship with Teresa, his wife. Blake said that over the years, his family was close to Teresa. He said they watched her children grow up, both her son with Shannon and his stepdaughter, who again he raised from a very young age.
Our perspective is if they had a good relationship. Not only did they have good relationship, but my brother had an extremely good relationship with his only son and his stepdaughter. So again I talked in the story about the fact that he had decided that he was going to read his wife and that she was well aware of that. But the relationship itself over the years that we saw overall, we felt it was good. There were things that we saw it within her possessiveness, traits, jealousy, we saw those things. But outside of seeing that, I mean, if from the outside looking in, I think anyone would have said they felt like they had a pretty good relationship.
But eventually, according to Blake, Shannon started telling family members that his marriage was not working and that he planned to leave Teresa. Now Blake is clear about the fact this was not a secret. This was something Shannon discussed with him and with other family members, and as evidence will show, with his wife Teresa.
He had not only told us that that, he informed us that he had told her that, So she was well aware of that to our understanding, And we know that he was saying that he wanted to wait until his son graduating college, that he wanted him to have a good footing, and he wanted to make sure he was okay before he made that decision. I mean, this is a big decision to make, and like I said, that was their only son, so he was trying to do right by his son. And so I think he had maybe a year year and a half before he graduated college, so she was well aware of it before he disappeared.
The point that Teresa knew about Shannon wanting to end their marriage before is extremely important in my opinion. So I asked Blake if he was sure that his brother Shannon told Teresa about his plans to end the marriage, because if she didn't know, that would obviously potentially be shocking news. If we're looking at victimology, any big change in life is something we would definitely want to consider. But Blake says he has spoken multiple times to the police, and through what they have told him, he has learned that Shannon's wife, Teresa, allegedly had already consulted several divorce lawyers in the area before Shannon disappeared.
She had actually contacted divorce lawyers, So I think she might have done that to I guess because to protect the relationship. If someone reaches out to a divorce attorney, my understanding is that once one individual does that, the other individual in the relationship can't use that attorney to do to a conflict aventsiist. We don't know if that's why she did it, but to our understanding, she reached out to two or three different divorce lawyers not long before he disappeared.
When Shannon's family started not hearing from him, they of course reached out and talked to Teresa. Blake said when his sister Holly and his family asked Teresa about Shannon, she would tell them he wasn't around. At first, Blake said he believed Teresa, remember he had known her for over twenty years. He had been close to her family and watched her children grow up. But the family knew something was wrong because Shannon was, in Blake's words, a talker, not a texter. Blake was clear that his brother preferred to talk on the phone, and if Shannon missed a call, his pattern was to call back promptly to chat, even during the time when he wasn't speaking to his parents around the time of his stepdaughter's wedding. From late twenty twenty until March of twenty twenty one, when Shannon disappeared, he was still talking to his sister Holly fairly regularly, and he was talking to and texting Blake. Then came that fateful night March eleventh, twenty twenty one. Police had been talking to Blake and they have confirmed some facts to him. Blake said that they had figured out through electronic data police had verified Shannon did return from that work trip. He flew into the Little Rock Airport, where he had a car parked. He drove home and entered his house at around ten pm that night. That evening, Shannon, his son, and his wife, Teresa were all in the home. Police also confirmed Shannon's stepdaughter came to the residence the next morning. That morning, March twelfth, Shannon was scheduled to drive another delivery for the company, but he never showed up for that delivery. The last time Blake and Hally heard from Shannon was around the end of February twenty twenty one. They had both sent texts and heard back, but after March of twenty twenty one, all they got was radio silence. Eventually, in or around April of twenty twenty one, Teresa started telling Blake and the rest of the family that Shannon had, in her words, quote, walked out on the family end quote. Now, even though Blake was suspicious because it was not like Shannon to not respond to calls or text and he had not heard from him in a while, at first he thought, well, maybe that's plausible, after all, Shannon had said he was going to leave his wife. So Blake continued to reach out to his brother with no success. When Blake's sister Holly spoke to Teresa, Teresa again told her Shannon had walked away from the family, and now Teresa allegedly told them and police that Shannon had left on foot, but Shannon's stepdaughter allegedly told Holly that Shannon drove away. That's when Blake started to suspect something else was going on. Blake wondered, why would they allegedly be telling two different stories, so even.
After all that time passed, they still had two inconsistent stories. They tell us the same story they tell the police. But the only problem is that both two completely different stories of how he left on March twelve, twenty twenty one.
By this time, according to Blake, as months went on, Shannon's wife began to say Shannon had been on pain medications and may have been confused. She also said that he had checked himself into a mental hospital. Blake was increasingly concerned that something might have happened to his brother. Shannon was not reported missing until November thirtieth, twenty twenty one, and it was Blake, not Shannon's wife or anyone in his immediate family, who reported him missing. So naturally, a lot of people wondered, why did it take nine months? Why did no one report this man missing. Blake said that for all those months, Teresa told his family Shannon was still in touch with them. Then things got even weirder. Suddenly, Shannon's wife, Teresa, told police that Shannon had gotten a new cell phone number, one that his siblings and parents were not aware of, and that Shannon was supposedly contacting Teresa, calling and texting from that cell phone, not the original number, which Blake said that Shannon had had for more than twenty years.
Something doesn't sound like. Then we all of a sudden hear about this new phone, and so that a few months later, my sister tells my brother's stepdaughter, are you saying that Shannon is calling you from a new phone? Is that what you're saying? And they have a conversation about this new phone that had mysteriously popped up.
In the only interview that Shannon's wife did with the police, Blake heard that text messages from this new phone were allegedly sent to the phones of Shannon's son and Teresa. But then police discovered the person who bought this new cell phone that Shannon was supposedly using was Teresa.
They know that she purchases the cell phone, and they know that these text messages are coming from the phone that she fought, So she's trying to make it look as if my brother is sending these text messages, but she's the one who has the phone.
That's Blake's working theory that Teresa is the one sending messages from this phone posing as Shannon. Blake said that once he got the police involved in his brother's disappearance, since that day, Teresa and her children have never talked to him or the rest of his family again. Detectives got a search warrant. They searched Shannon's family home, but there's been no report of what they found.
I do know that they took some electronic devices, which I believe they were able to glean a lot of additional evidence from. But I don't know outside of some electronic devices, I don't know when all the they did. I know that they did some searches in the property, the out backyard that the properties about an acre. The backyard was pretty close to being an acre, and I know that they had some cadaverdogs and did some searches in the backyard. I don't know all the details. What I do know is that there were good averdogs that did have a hit on something in the backyard that I don't know any specifics, but I know that, and I know that could averdogs were also hitting on and I won't say the type, but I know it a vehicle at their property outside of town the twenty eighth for property, there was a vehicle at that property that canaverdogs hit on as well. So I'm no expert when it comes to canaverdogs, but it sure is telling that those dogs hit on two different sins in two different places.
I have reached out to the Pope County Sheriff's Department. We've done a freedom of information request in addition to that. Police have publicly confirmed some details of this case, but they have not yet replied to requests for comment on the search, so I'm still working to confirm these details. Around June or July of twenty twenty one, Teresa said that Shannon was texting from this new phone number, and according to Blake, the story continued to kind of morph because she allegedly said at first that Shannon was calling and texting. Then she's said Shannon was only communicating with her via text. Blake said he did not believe that because, as we said before, his brother was a talker. He just did not have a habit of communicating like that only by text. And Blake also believed if Shannon did have a new phone number, why would he not call the rest of his family and let them know that. If he was able to call Teresa, why couldn't he call them? None of it seemed to make any sense. And then there was another twist. Because Shannon is a veteran, he was eligible for disability payments, so he got about four thousand dollars a month. These funds were being paid into a bank account until Blake reported Shannon missing in November. That money kept dropping into that bank account. Now would a veteran who has a history of needing medical care voluntarily leave thousands of dollars per month untouched?
Two weeks after reboarded Missing in the River twenty twenty one, bus payments were cut off. He's never had those famous turnback on. All he had to do is walking in ANYVA facility in the country, show an ID and those payments will immediately he turned back on. At this point it would be about one hundred thousand dollars in arrears that he would receive, not to mention the paint going forward, and he's never wants done that. And unfortunately, I think we know my ad done that.
Shannon had medical prescriptions and regularly saw a doctor. He had insurance through the VA. And yet since Shannon disappeared, his bank account has not been touched. He hasn't used any credit cards, he hasn't used his old cell phone, and he has not kept his medical appointments.
He did have prescriptions, I don't know what they were. I know that he had had surgeries in the past. He had a scheduled surgery that was coming up after he disappeared. He never shows up for the surgery. He never rebuilt any prescriptions, never goes to a doctor at all. But again, what's interesting about that. One of the text messages that my brother's wife said ends state something to the effect that he has checked himself into a mental hospital and he's needing help and he's trying to get his mind right, and he will let him know when he's okay. Well, of course we know. The police have checked every VA facility. My brother had helped her through the VA. Never has been checked into a hospital, never been to a doctor, no prescriptions, no surgeries, nothing. So again, yet another lie from his life from this cell phone that she purchased with the text message trying to pose as my brother.
Blake never met Shannon's girlfriend. He says he doesn't even know who she is, but police have confirmed that she lives in Tennessee. Blake says she has cooperated with police as far as he knows. Blake said he is extremely grateful for the public support he's received and for everyone sharing his story, but he said that since he went public and created the Facebook page Share Shannon's Story, some of the comments have been hard for him to read, and he takes issue with people who have made online comments about his brother. People who were saying things like hell, hath no fury like a woman scorned, or when you play with fire, you get burned, that kind of thing. Some people seem to be implying that because Shannon had had another relationship, that he somehow deserved what happened to him.
There have been people that have made comments about my brother and infidelities and the I guess trying to portray him as a bad guy. And I want to be completely transparent. My brother was not perfect, just like any of us, and he had his flags. But when you hear the relationship and where he was headed in full context, it's a completely different story than just he was a cheating husband on his wife, because that's not the case. I mean, he had made this decision, They had had their ups and downs. I guess I don't know all the ins and out in the relationship, but it was quite obvious that he felt like or it was time to move on. So this idea that he was doing something that she wasn't aware of is completely false. And again I'm not trying to make excuses for my brother. I'm not saying that what he did was okay. I'm just saying there's a vast difference between what my brother was doing and how ed informed his wife that he wanted to leave versus other scenarios.
But even if he did tell her whatever he was doing, nobody deserves to be nobody to be killed.
I mean, it doesn't matter.
What Blake has said. He would love to talk to Shannon's girlfriend. He wants to compare notes. He would love to know if she has any useful information. Again, I want to say this woman has cooperated law enforcement and there is absolutely no suggestion she knew anything about what happened to Shane. In fact, according to Blake, he believes that Shannon's girlfriend was shocked when he didn't get in touch with her. They had just been a week together. They were serious about each other from all accounts, but when Shannon stopped talking to this woman, there may have been some part of her that thought maybe she got ghosted, or that maybe Shannon changed his mind. By the way, that must be a very hard position to be in. I'm sure she asked herself should I call the police? And that must have been a hard call because technically Shannon was married to someone else. I don't know her story, but I will say that must have been a very difficult situation to be in.
I don't know how long the relationship and was going on when he disappeared. I know that she lived out of state. I know that the last time he comes home he has been visiting her. I know all this from the police, but I know that she lived out of state he traveled from seeing her. At one point he was doing something in regard to a delivery of some type of job. I'm not sure I believe he goes and does that job, because he's gone most of the week that he disappears. He comes home on Thursday, March eleventh. He disappears Friday in March twelfth. He's gone most of that week. I think he had done something for this, some type of delivery. And then he flies into the state where she lives and visits her, and then he leaves from there and flies into Little Rock, Arkansas, and then drives home from the airport to last night that he's ever seen when he comes home to his home in Posituble, Arkansas. So I don't know much about her. I don't know how long they were together. What I do know, and it makes me sad to say this, But the last picture that's ever been known take had taken with Shannon is the picture that the Pope County Sheriff's Office posted when they made a recent update on Facebook saying that this was now a missing persons with suspected foul play.
Just to clarify, you can't see the girlfriend in the picture but it's a picture that looks like it was taken while Shannon was standing next to someone else. You're only seeing half of it. So, even though he can't be sure, Blake believes this picture was taken in the last few weeks of Shannon's life, during that time that Shannon visited his girlfriend. According to Blake, during that last road trip, what he didn't know was that Teresa was tracking his movements.
He wasn't trying to hide this relationship from his wife. I think he was the type of person not to throw it in her face. But he also wasn't trying to deny it his way. He wasn't trying to be disrespectful about it. From the police's evidence, she one hundred percent was aware of this woman and knew that he was seeing her because she's tracking his movements, his credit card to minuderstanding there, or text messages between my brother's wife and the stepdaughter talking about this woman and this relatelationship that Shannon is involved in, so they were well aware of it.
When Shannon arrived home on March eleventh, twenty twenty one, Blake said Shannon was talking on the phone to his girlfriend, and after that that she got one last message from him saying I'm okay, but Blake said he does not believe that that message came from his brother. We're going to get more into why Blake believes that someone may have been sending text allegedly that we're coming from Shannon in next week's episode. Blake said he believes his brother was truly happy in this new relationship. He said he's glad that he had a happy memory. Blake said, strange as it sounds, he can tell just by looking at the picture posted of Shannon, the picture that's used in those missing posters, that Shannon seemed to be in a happy place in what may have been his last days on earth.
I'm almost positive that picture is of my brother and this woman. And the reason I say that is I can see in his eyes how happy he is when I look at that picture. So it hurts me because I know he was happy. What I do know is he was obviously very happy with her. She was happy with him, because she has told police, to my understanding that she was absolutely shocked that she never received another call from it. So she does not know anything about his disappearance until the police call her and interview her. And that's when they inform her of what's happened.
Blake said, to protect the integrity of the investigation, and because he did not want to interfere with the police, he waited to go public, but he said police told him at some point they hit a wall. They encouraged him and his family to do whatever they needed to do to get Shannon's story out there. So eventually Blake went on social media. He launched the Share Shannon's Story Facebook page, which has attracted almost four thousand followers.
So the reason I did what I did is and the timing of it is because I wanted to create the Share Shannon's Story Facebook page and write this story. I wanted to do that for quite some time. And the only reason I didn't is because I didn't want to hinder any of the investigation that was happening with the Polk County Sheriff. I didn't want to hinder at the federal investigation that is pending due to the fraud charges. So I didn't want to hurt anything, and so I waited and was patient and didn't make any moves, didn't want to cause any trouble, and finally, just again being as transparent as I can. The police, the lead investigator tells us that they essentially hit a wall.
Blake wants anyone in the public who may have information about Shannon's last movements to contact the Pope County Sheriff's Department, and more than anything else, he wants people to spread the word about his brother being missing. He hopes that his brother may be out there somewhere, but he said, no matter what, his family wants to know what happened to Shannon. They'd want to be able to bring their brother home, one way or another. Lieutenant Yarborough with the Pope County Sheriff's Department has spoken to reporters, he told Dailymail dot Com. The FBI was working on the investigation. He told the paper, quote, we are still looking at any angle we can get to help us further than what we have already. Will take any help that we can get end quote. They said in a statement posted on the department's Facebook page that Shannon's wife and son told officers he had walked away from the home on March twelfth. A post on the department's Facebook page reads, quote, during the initial and only interview the wife participated in, she gave false and misleading statements to investigators. Investigators attempted to obtain follow up information from Shannon's wife and children, but we're advised that they had obtained council and wished to speak to investigators no further. They have provided no information since to help further the investigation. To this date, there have been no leads from the public, nor family or friends that would suggest to investigators that Shannon is living elsewhere or even left the Pottsville area end quote. In the next episode next week, we're going to go a lot more in depth on this. We're going to talk about the family's meeting with the Pope County Prosecutor, Jeff Phillips, and the state of the investigation right now. And there's another mystery that involves missing money in a church safe. This is a complicated case with a lot of moving parts. From what we know, Teresa has not been arrested or charged with anything, nor has anyone else in Shannon's family. No one has been arrested or charged in connection with Shann's disappearance. Teresa told the police in her interview that when she and Shannon went to bed that night, everything was normal. She said at some point he left the home and did not come back. But Blake believes, bottom line, that his brother did not leave that house voluntarily. He said he would never have walked away from his entire life with nothing. He believes that Shannon did not make it out of that house alive. We're gonna do everything that we can to help him get answers. I'm Katherine Townsend. This is Helen Gone Murder Line. Helen Gone Murder Line is a production of School of Humans and iHeart Podcasts. It's written and narrated by me Catherine Townsend and produced by Gabby Watts and Miranda Hawkins. Music contributed by Ben Sale. Special thanks to Amy Tubbs for her research assistance. This episode was sound designed and mixed by Noah Kammer. Executive producers are Virginia Prescott, Brandon Barr, and Elsie Crowley. Listen to Helen Gone ad free by subscribing to the iHeart True Crime Plus channel on Apple Podcasts. You can follow the show on Instagram at Hell and Gone pod. If you have a case you'd like me and my team to look into, you can reach out to us at our Hell and Gone Murder Line at six seven eight seven four four six one four five at six seven eight seven four four six one four five
School of Humans,