The Huddle: What do we expect from Trump's inauguration?

Published Jan 20, 2025, 6:46 AM

Tonight on The Huddle, Trish Sherson from Sherson Willis PR and Josie Pagani from Child Fund joined in on a discussion about the following issues of the day - and more! 

What do we make of yesterday's Cabinet reshuffle? Do we need a Minister for the South Island? Is Simeon Brown a good fit for the Health portfolio?

It's a big day for the US tomorrow, as Donald Trump takes back the keys to the White House in his inauguration ceremony. What are we predicting for his return to the Oval Office?


We're moving on and into the huddle we go. And in the hudder we have Tris Chesson from Sharson, Willis p R and Josie PEGANI, the CEO of child Fun.

Hello people, Andrew, Happy New Year?

What about that?


I think it's too late to say that trash, isn't it? Is It almost too late?

No first show first, when you first see people, I go through to the end of January. I think it's fine.

You know what, I only packed down my Christmas tree two days ago because I've been on holidays, you know. So frankly, the New Year hasn't really happened for me. That James Meager fellow Josie PEGANI, he seems pretty good.

He's pretty impressive, isn't he. First time MP, first term MP. And look, if anyone can make this ghost Chips ministerial portfolio into something that means something, it's probably him.

I do think the problem why do you say it's a ghost chip portfolio?

Because I'll tell you why, Andrew, Because when in the last government we had a minister for Auckland and the problem with these kind of slightly vanity minister portfolios is that they sound great but they've got no leavers to pull, they've got no ministry, so they can't actually do much and all they can do is kind of represent Auckland or represent the South Island. So I don't think it's a it's a portfolio that means much other than that. You know, someone like James Meagher if he can make something of it, if he can make something of promoting the South Island, he will, But it's a ghost chips portfolio.

Do you agree with that, Trish?

I do agree with that.


I think if the job is being done by the senior ministers in the key portfolios, that means it's a job that's being done for New Zealanders in the places they care about, like can I get an operation? Am I safe? Is the economy growing regardless of whether you're in the South Island or the North Island. And it seems odd to me that you would have a minister for the South Island. There's no minister for the North Island. The Minister for Auckland issues was done away with, and as an Auckland I agree. I sense it's about actually showing the South Island some love and that there is some focus there. I don't know that it's going to be a huge vote winner because I think you know, as you've seen with Nationals reshuffle that's been signaled this year, it is all about the economy and it's all about growth, and that's not actually about the government's books. That's about the government getting out of the way of New Zealand business and get help, you know, making sure they can get cranking.

And Josie, the reshuffle is all about Sybby and Brown. He's the new mister fix it. He's the new Stephen Joyce. He's the new let's give a guy a job and even if it's a bad one, he's going to go. Yep, I'm up for it and I'm ready to go. But is this a sign that they don't have anybody else in their cabinet, in their in their caucus.


Yeah, you make a good point because I think they came into government with quite a small caucus, you know that is in opposition, it was a small caucus and they've come into government with one. So they do lack a bit of talent in that in the in the back seats there and Simeon Brown is the kind of mix it, mister fix it guy there. I mean, he's certainly made some inroads and reframing local government, transport, energy, and he's got a reputation for kind of holding holding government government departments accountable, making it really clear what his expectations are. He's quite tough, so I think he's a good choice for health. And certainly the drums were out for Shane Retty. A nice guy, but not wrong diagnosis. You know, he's a doctor, but he just wasn't quite sort of getting his teeth into the right problem for health. And I think this is a problem what Simeon is going to have to face here in the health portfolio. We're all blim and terrified of something happening to us or our families because can't see a GP, can't get an appointment. I've got an appointment for an MRI. I've got to wait about a year, you know. I mean, it's just crazy at the moment. So I think people are really terrified of this. And it can't just be chuck more money at it, and neither can it be cut spending and just rearrange the dack chairs and you know, cut spending in the health putment. It just got to be structural change and you've got to find a way to do it.

I totally agree. My neighbor actually just found out she has blood cancer and there's no way that she's getting anywhere near any treatment or any on cologies for six months, and she's going what was going to happen in that six months? That is the primal fear that mister Brown is going to have to counter. It is eleven to six. This is the huddle on news talks heb.

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Tris Sheerson and Josey PEGANI. And it's inauguration day tomorrow. So I actually had a fellow saying, Josie no sor Trisian, I'm going to go to Tristan now, a fellow on the radio just before saying, this will be the most powerful United States president ever because he owns the House, he owns the Senate, he's got the vote, and he's also got all of corporate America falling at their feet. And of course the Supreme Court says you can't actually sort of prosecute him. So do you agree with that?

Well, someone much smarter than me over the weekend, the analogy that this is like when when Caesar took Rome effectively for all of those reasons that you've said, like, you know, he can't be he can't be prosecuted. He will have incredible power over everything. I mean, I think one of the great spectacles this week will be all of the all of the tech bros bending the knee to Trump. You know, Corporate America throwing you know, it's sort of like terrible, terrible mental image, but you know they'll be sort of throwing undies and money at him is as fast as they can and and it just I think from here it's a it's a hold on to your hats moment. There has also been talk that Trump is going to sign something like one hundred executive orders in the first twenty four hours of office. So you know what an absolute lucky dip that's going to be.

And I love it, Andrew, I mean talking about the tech bros, I mean, they really have been sucking up, haven't they? To Trump? At Mara Lago and someone described Elon Muskers as channeling a kind of top gun meets goldfinger vibe, which, when you think about it, that's exactly what he looks like. And even like Mark Zuckerberg, you know who seemed like this kind of serial killer look that he had his dead fish eyes, you know, Julius Caesar haircut, and now he's become the simpering baggy T shirted, gold chain wearing kind of white wrapper.

Yeah, people have been watching too many movies. But yes, I agree. It's going to be very cinematic at six o'clock tomorrow and we'll have full courage. Thank you so much, Nutrician Josie. This is News Talks. He'd be at sixty.

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