Tonight on The Huddle, Jack Tame from ZB's Saturday Mornings and Q&A and Business Mentors NZ CEO Sarah Trotman joined in on a discussion about the following issues of the day- and more!
There's growing calls for David Seymour to apologise following his controversial comments about sending Guy Fawkes into the Ministry of Pacific Peoples after he seemingly doubled down. Should he apologise, or does ACT have bigger issues to worry about?
National MP Michael Woodhouse says he lost out on a good list placing due to diversity. Was National right to prioritise an equal spread of men and women? How important is diversity for political parties?
The Taxpayers Union has called for an immediate end to parties for bureaucrats after the Department for Internal Affairs spent $16,000 on a welcome party- does this need to be reigned in?
The Australian Government is considering banning bosses from contacting their employees outside of working hours- unless they’re getting paid for it. Could this work?