The Huddle: Are we being too hard on the C2 500 crew?

Published Aug 7, 2024, 7:45 AM

Tonight on The Huddle, Jordan Williams from the Taxpayer's Union and Jack Tame from ZB's Saturday Mornings and Q&A joined in on a discussion about the following issue of the day - and more!

Councillor Murray Chong has spoken up about feeling threatened after he found a bullet dent in his ute ahead of the Māori ward vote. How appalling is this? 

Are we being too hard on our C2 500 crew after their Olympic performance?


The Huddle with New Zealand Southby's International Realty unparalleled reach and.

Results on the huddle to me this evening, who we've got Jordan Williams of the Taxpayers Union and Jack Tame, host of Q and A Saturday mornings on Newstalk ZB two. Hello you guys, Jordan, what do you make of how ugly this Marti Ward debate has actually turned?

I am my heart think when I read the story this morning. It just yesterday, the Taxpayer Union we published a full page in the Dominion Post calling on political leaders to call out those political parties and political leaders using frankly violent and drawing on extremist rhetoric. What really concerned us was a series of means that leaned on violent references with muskets and things like that, and calling the government genocidal.

For example, you're basically talking about the Marti Party, aren't you.

Yeah, we are the era, and we were saying that actually Labor need to call that out and the Greens need to call that out, and simply saying oh well, I wouldn't have said that, but not calling it out for what it is. It's a dangerous precedent. And we said that The thing is is that for you know, it is only language, and you know, as you know, I'm a free speech absolutist, but it does mean you can call it for what it is and say New Zealand we shouldn't go there. And then just twenty four hours later we have this happen over this very issue. My heart thinks we have this is not the New Zealand I know and love when we have a democratically elected official standing up in tears and look, this isn't a shrinking violet. I mean, he's go. I've had death threats before, but now that I'm a father, I would have to be more timid because the game and someone's shot a bullet into the side of his truck and they drive by. Holy moly. Why isn't this leading when news? I find it alarming?

I agree with you Jack. How long is have we got to this point that people who are so pro Mary. Look, we don't know for sure that this is what's going on with Mary Chong. He believes it is. But even in Kuiperer, how is it that people who are so pro MARII Mary Woods have got so feral on it?

Well? Yeah, I think I think that is an important caveat first of all, we don't know for certain that this is related to Mardi Wards, and there are lots of contentious things happening in councils at the moment.

We do know the streets were we do know that earlier. Yes, we don't know that person.

Required to gon Yeah, and and and you know, I think universally we just have to condemn anything like this, any form of political violence. This is totally unacceptable in my so. Yeah, I agree, uughly appalling regardless of his of of marriy Chong's views on anything related to his counsel, business or political opinions, this kind of response is totally unjustified. Why do I think that the Maori Wards debates has become so feel what I think, as Sajohn Key alluded to it the National Party conference at the weekend. I think tensions around Ewie Crown relations and we trick that is being used is at a very high level at the moment because the government has moved very quickly to change direction from the previous government.

Can I say jack something on this because I was reflecting on this earlier, right, the government has yes changed direction really quickly, but the labor government previously changed direction on this very subject very quickly as well. And yet I don't live me just finished my thoughts, and the opposition to what Nanaima Hootera did did did not get this feral. So why is it the feral in one direction and not the other?

I think I don't want to speak to her, but I think actually Niamhota would have experienced some.

Would get about that. Talk about what we are seeing in public?

Right, Well, we'll hang on. When do me forget about that? That's the whole point you've just said, Because.

Okay, Jack, the point what I'm trying to say is forget about what I'm the who is personally experiencing, because otherwise we have to go and trall through what Sam and Brown is personally experiencing, and we don't know and what every other leading figure is so just just and I are winged about it in public? We don't know. But look at what we're seeing in public, what is in the news and public, and it is much more intense in one direction than the other.

I don't know that you can quantify it that way and say that's much more I mean, I think it's bad across the board. And I think all parties, including those parties using terms like genocide, all parties need to take the heat out of a conversation. I think the party are responsible even racist.

You know, the former New Plymouth mere It basically called anyone who justs agreed with him a racist. That's the sort of that's what started us on on the sort of path you know that we I mean, it's sort of the end result of cancel culture. Once you start calling people racists and trying to shut down that debate, you do inflame a sort of a sort of out the mob. And eventually what we warned about literally in the full page ad yesterday calling for people to sign the public Better is that you know this could lead to bad places. In less than twenty four hours later, here is a bad place. I think that that all parties, including the Maori parties, should be saying, look, we don't want to we don't want to go here. And look I I look at the we put an email to the couple of thousand people that put their name to that that letter and today pulling this out and I just said, you know, this is not the mu zeal on it that I know in mars and in that I've lost my train of sort sorry.

Hit about it.

Jordan jack Well, I I agree with Jordan. I think it would be impactful if political leaders like to party. Maldi said, Hey, actually, this kind of this this you know, if we are if we are having if we are having violence political violence, And I say, because we haven't had that one hundred concerned in this case, but if we are having political violence relating to this issue, that's totally unacceptable. The problem is that, I would say, the peoples on the fringes of this argument, some people in the friend of this argument see it as beneficial to their cause to throw fuel on the fire. On both sides can also say can I can I also say that, you know you just characterized in Anayama hooter is winging about it. I mean, just just think about your own language here the way, and that you have just very very quickly, very reflexively, just completely minimized her experience. She will have had some of the most appalling abuse of any modern modern place. I have to agree with her. I'm not saying you have to agree with her, but you've just said, oh, yeah, she's one is Murray Chong. Absolutely we all agree he's a victim. I agree, Marray Chong's a victim too. But then when you don't use that kind of language, I mean, it's it's you're playing into exactly the kind of problem you describe it.

Yep, thank you for that.

All right, we'll take a break the huddle with New Zealand Southerby's International Realty Exceptional Marketing for every property.

Back with the huddle, Jack, Tam Jordan Williams. Jack, do you reckon we're being too hard on the canoeists or was it the most embarrassing New Zealand performance at the Olympics ever?

I don't about ever, but certainly at these Olympics, I don't think we've been too hard on them. I think it was embarrassing. I think given the standards of the ENDOC supposedly said it around selecting for our other athletes and other sports, it was a disgrace. I mean, honestly it was. My wife always scoffed at me because I did that classic like mean thing where I'm like, oh, how would I fear if I was competing against these world class athletes in this extremely difficult event. But that was one sport where even she had to agree that maybe if I was out there on the course and I had to win at my back, perhaps even I could have been send them across the line.

What do you reckon?

Jordan? Your producer was trying to go me to say, this is an outrageous waste of tax payer money and all that sort of thing, which might all be true, but maybe it's not a conturion And it's probably my worst nightmare is sort of waking up and having to be having to be an all black and the embarrassment that I've got zero skilled in this area. But like these guys, knowing they were taking the proverbial, who've got a free trip to Paris, got to see the village, have all the fun, pretend to be elite athletes, knowing the whole time.

But more importantly, more importantly, they get to compete in the thing that they're supposed to compete in, which is kayaking.


Yeah, I mean, on the other hand, I sort of got it, like again, it's a problemmaking thurer in this. I'm like, god on you mate, what is it? What is more New Zealand and like a free CONTACTI through France village?

Do you realize though, that they're not actually canoeists like that, they're just to get into the kayak.

Taking the I understand that. I mean they by by competing in the C two they could also compete in the K four, in which they didn't totally humiliate themselves. I think they they made it through to the second round, right, but it was hardly like a totally dazzling performance. Look, I just watching that if the if the plan was not to try in the sea too, which I think that was the plan because they need to save the energy for the K four. I mean, it just makes for a bit of an embarrassing spectacle.

Is embarrassed on canoeing? Isn't canoeing? Actually? The thing that is the most embarrassing here that that that Jordan, that you can have people who don't even know how to canoe make it into.

Sports bodies at the Olympics are hardly covering themselves and.

Laurie, Yeah, surely the qualification standards. That's that's the truly embarrassing thing about this. The loophole is the most embarrassing thing you've brought me around.

Yeah, oh thank you?

How about that? All right?

That's the huddle this evening Jordan Williams and Jack Same. Thanks very much, guys for your times.

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