Gavin Grey: UK correspondent on the Labour MPs facing consequences over WhatsApp group comments

Published Feb 10, 2025, 7:34 AM

Over in the UK, a second Labour MP has apologised for comments made in a WhatsApp chat after Andrew Gwynne was dismissed over comments he sent to the same group.

Burnley MP Oliver Ryan said in a statement that the comments he made were 'unacceptable' and he regretted not speaking up about them sooner. 

UK correspondent Gavin Grey explains further.


We're going to get to Devin Gray shortly. He is our UK correspondent and he is with us now, Gevin, good evening hither Ryan tell me UK border staff have arrested nearly four thousand migrants what for.

Well working illegally in the UK. And those four thousand have been arrested just in the last seven months, so quite an astonishing figure. With four hundred businesses have been raided, a lot of activity in nail bars, car washes and takeaways. Ran I can tell you now it wouldn't have taken a genius to work out that those three particular sectors probably have quite a high level of illegal workers. I mean whenever I passed them, you know, you just see them and you think it looks like no documentation and I think it's all cash in hand stuff, So perhaps that's no surprise they were targeted. In total, three nine hundred and thirty were taken, and many of those, we're told were on small boats or small boat migrants that had come over to the UK illegally or those who had overstayed visas. And of course this cash in hand culture, living often in squalid conditions in large groups together, is you know, really awful for them, but all for our economy and society. Frankly, so it's going to be interesting what happens though, because the firms that hire these illegal workers can be fined up to one hundred and thirty thousand New Zealand dollars per worker, and indeed there have been some one thousand and ninety civil penalty notices since last July. July. That word is important because that's when the new government came in and you know that said they were going to get tough on immigration. Now the figures coming in still are still very high, but at least this does suggest something's being done about it. It comes as MP's debate the Border bills today that will give immigration officers counter terror style powers to flush out traffickers.

I was going to say, is this the result of some crackdown or is it just an an annual number that they're releasing and updating? It sounds like what It sounds like a bit of both. I suppose is it? Is it more? Are they targeting and getting to more then previously?

Yes, they are. The figures You're right, it is the release of some figures early, no doubt, to boost the government's reputation, but the figures are definitely considerably up. And then of course that makes the question, well, what were the last lot doing in power when you know, even I could spot that these industries could have done with that. Of course, there are no ID cards here in the UK, so it's not straightforward. If they do turn up unannounced, you know, people are perfectly entitled to say, well, I haven't got any idea on me actually, so you know what do you want? And that's been part of the problem in the past. But yes, numbers definitely up.

Another laboring p apologizing for comments made in a whatsep group.

Yes, and one begins to wonder just how far the tentacles of this WhatsApp group are stretching. So it's a newspaper here that has managed to find a WhatsApp group where a string of offensive and abusive messages were shared. Now it appears that many of those on the WhatsApp group are in the Labor Party, the current party of government, and their MPs and other senior figures. It's reported already one has been sacked as Health Minister, and now we learn of a second Labor MP who has apologized over message, saying and I quote that they were completely unacceptable and he regretted not speaking out at the time. He's the Burnley MP, Oliver Ryan. He follows the Health Minister Andrew Gwynn, but it's Andrew Gwinn who had to step down as a minister. Opposition MPs are saying, look, the comments are so well. First of all, they are very ageist, having a laugh at elderly people. They're actually quite homophobe big there's talk about although I haven't seen the relevant once, there's talk about others yet to be released which are quite potentially quite racist. So you know, I'm afraid it's a real mix. And for this to be a WhatsApp group potentially of MPs of the party of Government is obviously deeply damaging. And the opposition MPs and now saying all these people need to be rooted out and sacked and nothing else will do.

And do we know exactly Obviously you're making a decision. I'm assuming not to say what the what the details are, but is do we know exactly what is in the group or are we just getting reporting that it's really bad?

No, we do know. I am kind of just sparing because I think people will be quite offended by some of it. But for instance, it is talking about how the first time a black MP faced off the Prime Minister at Prime Minister's Questions times there was a whole loaded debate about that, including one saying, well, it's some equal opportunities dead or some such thing. I've toned it down, but you know it really is. It's just sneery stuff like that.

From the Labor Party. Goodness me, all right, a real first edition of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Sit to be Thrown Away has been sold at auction.

Yeah, isn't that amazing? And it's something that belonged to a gentleman. It was deceased and it was in a pile of stuff to be thrown from his home, and well you can imagine the delight of an auctioneer who was going through the belongings of this man to then have discovered something of quite such value. Now, these first edition books are incredibly rare nowadays. Sadly people either know their value and have stored them, or are you know, just to have thrown them away accidentally and they're in the bin. But this looks like it's been sold now to an auction actually over the weekend and it came minute some forty three thousand New Zealand dollars and this was down in painting in the Southwest England, with apparently very very great bidding on the phone, online and in the room, and was considerably higher than it was thought. The book, which incidentally was the Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone first edition was just of a print run of five hundred copies and was among three hundred distributed to public libraries. Incidentally, the misspelling of the philosophers the word philosophers on the back of the copy was among the things that helped the auctioneer identify it as a first edition.

Lucky mistake, Devin, thank you very much for Thatkevin Gray are UK correspondent with us.

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