Welcome to The Heartbeat of Faith podcast, where we explore the profound connection between the Bible's narratives and the ultimate redeemer: Jesus. In this episode, Dr. Andrew Farley delves into the characteristics and attributes of Jesus, as revealed in Scripture. Have you ever wondered who God truly is? Look no further than Jesus. Join us as we journey through the Gospel of John, where Jesus is described as "The Word," a term that carries deep significance.
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"The Word" in the original Greek, known as "logos," signifies ultimate and transcendent truth. It was a title used to express the divine nature of God's word, dating back to the time when God revealed Himself through the Ten Commandments to Moses. This concept of God as "the word of God" connects to the very core of creation, where God spoke light and life into existence. Just as our words express our thoughts and intentions, Jesus is the expression of God's thoughts, dreams, and intentions. He is the embodiment of who God is, and through His grace and truth, we can understand the divine in a profound way.
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For more encouragement in God's grace visit AndrewFarley.org.
Let us pray. Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path, Psalm one hundred nineteen, verse one O five. Dear Lord, thank you that you are not a god who remains hidden from me. You have not left me alone in mystery, wondering who you are and what I'm called to do. You offer up your word as a lamp to my feet and a light for my path. When I feel lost and need guidance. Your spirit is always in me, ready to offer your counsel, and you have revealed your desire for me through your word. I ask you for wisdom as I read your truth. Thank you for giving me a new heart, a heart that is willing when you inspire me to love others, guide me and sustain me by the truth of your word. In Jesus name, I pray Amen. Thank you for praying with me today. Now discover the profound intricacies of scripture through pray dot COM's podcast The Heartbeat of Faith with doctor Andrew Farley. Stay tuned after this quick word from our sponsors. Does your money stretch as far as it used to? Most likely No, Here's why it took two hundred years for the US to print its first five trillion dollars today. Washington has done that in just three years. The problem every new dollar makes each of your dollars worth less. Our sponsor, Birch Gold Group, has helped tens of thousands of Americans protect their iras or four oh one k's from the dollar's loss in value with physical gold and silver. Now you can two get a free info kit on gold right now by texting the word heartbeat to nine eight nine eight nine eight. With an A plus rating with the BBB, You're in good hands with Birch Gold. So get your no cost, no obligation infoKit now by texting heartbeat to the number nine eight nine eight nine eight.
Do you want to know who God is? Look to Jesus. Do you want to know God's thoughts about the world issues and humanity, Look to Jesus. Do you want to know how God feels about you? Look to Jesus. He is the image of the invisible God. Hello, I'm doctor Andrew Farley with today's episode of the Heartbeat of Faith podcast. Our goal with this podcast is to showcase the innerconnectedness of the Bible. As we pore over the scriptures together, we find that each story leads us to the ultimate redeemer, Jesus. Today, we continue to look at the character and attributes of Jesus. Who is he according to the story of scripture, and how do we relate to him personally and intimately. One way the Bible portrays Jesus is as the Word. Now that's a peculiar way to describe a person. Listen as John describes Jesus in the first few verses of his Gospel.
In the beginning was the Word, and the word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him. Without him, nothing was made. That has been made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness hasn't overcome it. John one one through five.
In the original Greek, the word is translated as logos. It was an expression used to convey ultimate and transcendent truth. Jewish rabbis often referred to God in terms of his word, especially when considering his commands. They spoke of God himself as the Word of God. This idea traces all the way back to God revealing himself to Moses at the giving of the Ten commandments.
So Moses went down and told the elders of God's promises. They consecrated themselves and flocked to the base of the mountain to worship God. On the morning of the third day, thunder emanated from the peak of the mountain, and lightning lit up the skies surrounding the top. A thick cloud surrounded Sinai, and a bellowing trumpet could be heard from the top. The people trembled in awe and fear. Smoke could be seen at a distance, and Moses knew God had come in fire. The mountain shook, and the sound of the trumpet grew louder and louder. Moses began to speak, but was interrupted by thunder. Moses took a deep breath, looked back at the people, and ascended up the mountain. There God spoke with great power and authority. With lightning surrounding the mountain and the earth shaking, God poured forth his commandments.
The Greek philosophers saw logos as the power that put sense in the world, making the world orderly instead of chaotic. Logos was the power that set the world in perfect order and keeps it going. They saw the logos as the ultimate truth that guides and sustains everything. When John wrote his Gospel, he described Jesus as the word that formed the heavens and the earth in the beginning.
In the very beginning, out of nothingness, God formed and created the expanse of space and the details of earth. The earth was emptyaotic and without life. God's spirit hovered over the empty and chaotic void. Then at an instant, God spoke, Let there be light, He called out, and there was light, just as he commanded for. From God's lips springs forth reality.
Our words are an expression of our thoughts, dreams, and intentions. We use words to explain what we know, share what we're hoping for, and declare what we're about to do. In the same way, Jesus is the expression of God's thoughts, dreams, and intentions. Do you want to know who God is, Look to Jesus. Do you want to know his thoughts about the world, issues and humanity? Look to Jesus. Do you want to know how He feels about you? Look to Jesus. He is the expression and embodiment of who God is, and as we just learned, he is the ultimate source of truth. Just as he spoke light and life into the existence over the formless and chaotic void, he speaks life and light into you and me.
The Word became flesh and lived among us. We saw his glory, such glory as of the one and only son of the Father, full of grace and truth. John testified about him. He cried out, saying, this was he of whom I said, He who comes after me has surpassed me, for he was before me. From his fullness. We all received grace upon grace, for the law was given through Moses. Grace and truth were realized through Jesus Christ. No one has seen God at any time. The one and only son, who is in the bosom of the Father has declared him John one fourteen through eighteen.
The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and the living Word Jesus himself abides in us.
As we set our minds on his powerful presence within us and our intimate union with him, we see him expressing his light in and through us. Like a master painter. He inspires with beautiful brushstrokes of his life painted on the unique canvases of our lives. What a privilege it is to walk in truth and display the living Word to the dying world around us. Thank you for listening to the Heartbeat of Faith podcast. If you enjoyed today's episode, please leave us a review and let us know how this series has impacted your life. Remember to download the Prey dot com app, and for more encouragement in God's grace, visit Andrewfarley dot org. That's Andrew Farley dot org.