WEBINAR - Medication Safety: Knowledge is Power
A link to the slides mentioned in the podcast: https://hcanys.org/doclink/kuebler-medication-safety/eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJrdWVibGVyLW1lZGljYXRpb24tc2FmZXR5IiwiaWF0IjoxNzMzNDIwOTE0LCJleHAiOjE3MzM1MDczMTR9.Xg5H1OS1UAio4gUrdriWHmecDx9uMOC-ZmB2Y-Rv9I8
Multiple Chronic Conditions vs Chronic Conditions - Dr. Eduardo Bruera
In the sixth edition of the MCCRC Podcast, Dr Kim Kuebler sits down with Dr. Eduardo Bruera to discuss palliative care in and how it is being used in the primary care setting for those patients living with non-reversible, symptomatic chronic conditions. Here is a link to the reference Dr. Bruera u…
Dr. Paul Ciechanowski discusses the benefits of integrated behavioral health models in primary care
In the fifth edition of the MCCRC Podcast, Dr. Kim Kuebler sits down with Dr. Paul Ciechanowski talks about the benefits of integrated behavioral health models in primary care, why integrated care is a preferable model to hiring psychiatrists or social workers as part of a co-located model, and muc…
Dr. Irina Koyfman discusses Chronic Care Management - Do’s, Don’ts, and Everything in Between.
In the fourth edition of the MCCRC Podcast, Dr. Kim Kuebler sits down with Dr. Irina Koyfman to talk about Chronic Care Management (CCM), getting in depth on what CCM really is, why specialists should consider doing CCM, and the future of CCM. Visit The Multiple Chronic Conditions Website here: htt…
Dr. Matthew Sorenson discusses how the human immune system relates to Multiple Chronic Conditions
In the third edition of The MCCRC Podcast, Dr. Kim Kuebler sits down with Dr. Matthew Sorenson to talk about how the human body is impacted by chronic conditions, the different types of cells in the immune system, and the factors impacting immune health. Visit The Multiple Chronic Conditions Websit…
Dr. Glenna Crooks discusses her research on helping overloaded people remaining in the workforce
In this second edition of The MCCRC Podcast, Dr. Kim Kuebler sits down with Dr. Glenna Crooks to talk about her most recent research on helping overloaded people remaining in the workforce, along with her most recent book "The NetworkSage: Realize Your Network Superpower." Order "The NetworkSage: …
Dr Julian L. Gallegos discusses the link between diabetes and low testosterone in men
In this first edition of The MCCRC Podcast, Dr. Kim Kuebler sits down with Dr. Julian L. Gallegos to talk about T2DM, Obesity, and Hypogonadism. Visit The Multiple Chronic Conditions Website here: https://multiplechronicconditions.org/ The MCCRC Podcast EP #1: Dr. Julian L. Gallegos, PhD, MBA, FN…