Tactical Implementation of an Effective Falls Program
Part 2: Challenging and Inspiring: Beyond Common Fall Prevention Practices American Nurse Journal is thrilled to announce the second part of our two-part webinar series focused on enhancing nurses’ knowledge in patient fall prevention and the application of new best practices. This session will fe…
Challenging and Inspiring: Beyond Common Fall Prevention Practices
American Nurse Journal is excited to announce a two-part webinar series focused on enhancing nurses’ knowledge related to patient fall prevention and application of new best practices, featuring prominent patient safety experts Lillee Smith Gelinas, DNP, RN, CPPS, FNAP, FAAN, and Patricia A. Quigle…
Something’s afoot: foot health in nursing and beyond
Foot health is tied to our overall health in many ways. The foot’s complex structure, with 26 bones and 33 joints, works to properly carry you an average of 115,000 miles in your lifetime! Given this complexity, it will come as no surprise that 75% of Americans will experience foot problems such as…
Travel Nursing – How to ensure a good experience
Zac Shepherd, RN shares an impactful and emotional story experience. Learn more about what to expect if you are considering travel nursing as a career option. Get tips on getting started, interviews and contracts, assignments and living arrangements, and working with a new team. Learn More… This…
Navigating the latest Temperature Management guidelines
With the new AHA Guidelines looming, there are questions around how and when to use temperature management protocols and devices. This is occurring in all clinical settings, including the ICU, ED and OR. Join us in this educational webinar as we share the latest information on temperature managemen…
Safety & Science of Low- and No-Calorie Sweeteners
There can be constant questions and confusion from patients and clients about low- and no-calorie sweeteners (LNCS). How do I use them? Are they all the same? How do I know they are safe? How do LNCS impact my health? LNCS are being used more widely as new food, beverage, and supplement products a…
When there are no more nurses… a discussion to empower nurses to build a better professional future!
Nurses always have been…and will continue to be…at the forefront of healthcare. Pandemics, increased healthcare needs, and lack of resources have resulted in serious consequences for the nursing workforce, including staff shortages, compensation inequities, unrelieved moral suffering, burnout, and …
Strategies for Reducing Falls in the ED
As more and more patients enter the hospital through the ED, emergency nurses are not only tasked with saving lives in emergencies – but they’re also responsible for keeping patients safe from adverse outcomes such as falls. In this informational webinar we will share eye-opening statistics, discus…
American Nurse Heroes
Nursing has a long history in America and is one of the hardest and most selfless careers a person can choose. American Nurse Heroes looks into the lives and careers of these health care professionals selflessly working during the pandemic. American Nurse Heroes was produced during the Covid-19 pa…
Medication Safety: Protecting Your Patients… and Your Practice
Clinical practice is ever changing, especially related to medication safety and the prevention of adverse events. Are you using the latest evidence and best practices to protect your patients as well as your nursing practice? Learn about nurse accountability in today’s interdisciplinary, teamwork-b…