Our hosts delve into the complex and concerning rise in drug shortages affecting patients in the U.S. and around the world. They explore the intricate economics driving the scarcity of essential medicines, from the impacts of the Inflation Reduction Act to the raw material supply disruptions tied to over-reliance on China.
Listen as they discuss the severe repercussions on patient care, including delayed treatments and compromised health outcomes, and present thought-provoking solutions that challenge current pricing policies and distribution practices.
Among the highlights in this episode:
01:43: Dr. Popovian lists the three recuring topics he has been hearing about while attending conferences: the Inflation Reduction Act's impact on drug pricing, health care affordability concerns, and drug shortages
02:58: Dr. Popovian explains the perennial nature of drug shortages, highlighting manufacturing issues and the Senate's interest
03:50: Our hosts cover the range of drugs affected by shortages, from sterile injectables to high-demand medications like Ozempic, and distribution issues for chemotherapy drugs
04:46: Dr. Popovian dives into the economic factors behind drug shortages, including low profitability leading manufacturers to exit the market
07:02: Dr. Popovian shares a personal anecdote about a drug shortage which affected his daughter, emphasizing the consequences for patient care
08:15: Dr. Popovian reminisces about the history of drug shortages, focusing on a significant event a dozen years ago involving pediatric cancer medications
09:17: Conner and Dr. Popovian discuss possible solutions, including rethinking pricing policies to prevent manufacturers from exiting the market, diversifying raw material sourcing away from China, and regulatory safeguards to prevent shortages
12:14: Dr. Popovian shares some final thoughts
Contact Our Hosts
Dr. Robert Popovian, Chief Science Policy Officer at GHLF: rpopovian@ghlf.org
Conner Mertens, Patient Advocate and Community Outreach Manager at GHLF: cmertens@ghlf.org
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