Lunch With The Producers

Published Nov 18, 2024, 5:00 AM

On this episode of He Said, He Said, Eric is on set in his trailer and lets his producers as the questions they have been wanting to know about, from why his real name is not on his trailer door, to how stunts work on The Rookie, to the new premiere date and where fans will find some Palm Republic Easter eggs on the new season. Rookie insights, missing Ros, and more on today’s show. 

This is, he said, a Yavi ho with Aeric Winter and Rodlin fantas.

All right, everybody, welcome back to another episode, he said. He said this is coming a way too comment. I need to get my wife back in town. But we listen. I had some guests lined up from my show. We're gonna do a lunch with the rookies, but that's gonna be delayed because of production issues on my end. So here we are with rapid fire questions for my producers putting me on the spot. This should be a lot of fun. I haven't done this yet, so welcome.

I haven't done it yet, so yeah, I like it. It's gonna be fun. I'm gonna start listen, don't be nervous. We got you, all right. So first of all, you're in your trailer. I want to know what is the one thing in your trailer that you have to have?

Like what are you snooty about?

My phone?

That's boring? Like what do they give you for? Like like is there like a bag of chips you have have to have or hair brush?

No, I don't have a lot of exciting stuff in my trailer. I mean I often I love this teethroat coat tea. My trailer is really boring. You know a lot of people. I remember when we started, the trailer was all decked out. People were buying stuff on Amazon and they were getting blankets and pillows and making it like home. And my trailer, as you can see, is very sterile. It's just the couch. I got my stuff. I'm in and out. I have a set of workout bands. When I'm feeling really awful about myself because I haven't been to the gym all week. It's probably one of my things. I don't have any other vices, believe it or not, where they stalk my fridge some waters. I mean, I'm super boring. I'm like a I'm not like, you know, I need to have all blue m and ms or anything like that.

It's no, your trailer doesn't even have your name on it. I can see in the back it says Tim Bradford.

Yeah, I know.

They don't do that. They don't. All the trailers just have the actors' names on them. And it's because you, I guess maybe so people don't go like, oh, there's you know that actor is in that trailer. But then if they're fans of the show, they already know that Tim bradforck trailers. They know who's in there when we're shooting on location, so you never know. We've been getting a lot of fans spotting us on location. It's been like crazy this season a.

Lot because if they don't know your name, they know your character Nick, can't they put like an initial on there? Like when I'm doing production we put initials, So it doesn't like make any sense.

Yeah, no, we're right out in the open. You can just come right.

It's that's terrible.

Are you shooting on location right now?

So we were This was the last two days. I've been like weird travel days. We're set up at our lot on Paramount, but we shuttled all the way to downtown LA and did something on our other stages at LA Center where we also shoot our sort of turn court of the police station. But we set up base in Paramount. So yesterday it was a similar deal where we were shooting on location on a football field. I can't say we had a special guest cameo. Somebody was a lot of fun doing a scene a football scene. I can't give too much context to it, but we shot there on location and then also moved everything back to Paramount to come back to Tim's house, which we get to see this season a lot which we didn't see before.

That's fun.

Also, I've been on that lot when you were shooting, and I saw how many cops were there, and that was one of my questions. Do you use the same cops all the time? Is it the same background guys all the time, or is it like different ones?

So every season some different ones will come in and out. But we do have a lot of regulars that have always been on the show, some since the pilot, honestly, and they've been you know, even brought up to some lines here and there, and people know them as certain officers on the show, and they're part of the Rookie family, you know, like they've Beenners at the beginning. We all see them when we're in the station. We you know, sort of interact in scenes in certain ways. So there are some that have been there right from the beginning. And every year, though, you do get a shift of new faces that are coming and out.

It's like the operating room on Grey's Anatomy. They have like the same people that are like to handle the tools and stuff all the time.

It's a great gig, you know, even with our background, right, they get to come to a place where we all treat everybody great. Here, they have fun, they know us all. Like I said, they're part of the Rookie family, and I think we make everybody feel very welcome on the show. We're an unusual show in that regard. We've talked about it before. We all genuinely get along. Even guest stars that come on, they're like, Wow, this is like a really great group of people.

What's the You just announced the air date, right, Yeah.

We just got the air date. I believe we are January seventh, if I'm not mistaken yet, January seventh at ten pm, which I wasn't super pumped about that time, to be quite honest, we were listen, we started the show at ten pm. You know, six seasons ago, we've jumped all over the place. ABC's put us from Tuesdays to Fridays to Sundays. We've been ten a lot. They put us at eight. One season we did phenomenal. I think it was season five. We just skyrocketed even war in the ratings. And last year we were at nine. So I don't fully understand why we went back to ten because it's just a tougher hour. But I think they want to give, like their newer shows a better shot out the gate, like High Potential is now leading us in and Will Trent's on before that. And they also moved Gray's Anatomy to ten o'clock because the first time that's ever been at ten.

Is it the content?

Maybe? No, not at all, because we've been an eight, like we've been at eight o'clock showing a nine o'clock show. I truly think listen eight o'clock is a more coveted hour, and I think they wanted to start their night with Will Trent to build follower you know, you know, viewers into High Potentials Lane because High Potential was a ten o'clock show and did decent at ten. I think they're just trying to help their newer show got it.

And then, what what are you like? What's your favorite thing you've shot so far this season?

This season's been one of my favorites all all around. I will say I don't know if I have a specific thing or show or episode that's been a standout, because I just I feel like my character has been very heavy for most of the season with a lot of great character development. They've really you know, you know, last season we left with Tim and Lucy breaking up, which was a huge blow to this you know, Chenford following that's out there, and I think they've done the work character wise on what does that look like in a relationship that seem to be you know, all together and Tim and all his baggage and trying to work that out, and me sort of you know, getting helped to work on myself and in a group therapy meetings, and I just I think the overall storytelling for my character this season has been great. I think for all characters. Really, we've been really focused on building out these storylines and I've just been happy all around. I have a lot of fighting this year, a lot of stunts this season. Badass and everybody's twice my size that I fight. It's unbelievable. I don't know how Tim Bradford does it, black guy. It cuts, Yeah, I did well, It's fake and I know it's like sometimes I'm going geez, I mean, how much bigger than a guy can I fight? One on one?

How did the stunt scenes work with with you? Like do you have to learn like fight choreography, do they what time do they bring in the stunt man, and.

Yeah, you know our stunt guy did route is he's a master. He's been on I think he's had three Emmy nominations on our show so far, and he's he's just badass and we you know, depending on the stunt. When I had this massive fight for the one hundredth episode, I think it was last year, I fought this guy called the Hammer, and I remember on the page it literally was a tiny, tiny paragraph saying Tim fights the Hammer. And I got there that day and it was four or five fights built into one. I mean it went all around this apartment and I looked at my stunt guy. I was like, dude, I'm not Jackie Chan. This is insane, Like how am I How am I going to memorize all this? It was literally four choreography and I did pretty much that entire fight sequence out, with the exception of I wasn't thrown around. I wasn't the guy that was thrown across the kitchen. I wasn't the guy thrown across the couch or kicked into the wall or karate kicking the guy into the closet like those moments were my stunt guy who's he's incredible and this year's same thing. I've had a couple of big fights and I do pretty much all of my own stunt work, with the exception of the throws, like I'm not getting flipped over onto my back and like I said, thrown across the room. But I take those punches and I take most of that that stuff and memorize all the choreography.

Wow do they use the body like the bodycam thing is actually the reason why I started watching the show because Easton brought it up. Does all the body camp stuff on the fight scene stuff.

They do a lot of it on fights, Like I just did a fight my last episode that was a big sequence. Again. I mean, I'm throwing a dude across the room. I'm getting hit by a chair punch, just flipped over onto my back, he tries to step ont of my face. Mate, like all this stuff, And we did this whole body cam past the bat and we I remember on one shot it looks awesome like I you literally see a guy come out of nowhere across my body cam and I grab him and throw him over the side of of a countertop and my body camp cut the whole thing as he's going through the air, So it looked really good. And I think the body camp was a touch, you know, right from the pilot we established as something different that we do.

I love that. Well, how are you missing, raz I? Miss Roz.

I know it's crazy she's been gone. I guess it's been already like two and a half weeks. She's got a couple of weeks left. She's about to come back and host a Latin Grammys. I couldn't get out to Miami to meet her. It's it's tough, you know, this has been another month she's been gone again. We joked about it last year with like four and a half months. I said, Roz, you're already back on that count again. It's gonna be already three and a half months. I think she's been out of town, and it's it's tough. You know, she's missing a lot of things with the kids that have been going on, and you know, juggling in the house and tennis and soccer and work and I've been working like crazy, So it's been it's been tough. But I know she's enjoying it there in Spain's beautiful. And she's having a good time with the movie, but I know she's itching to get back, so it's we'll have her back on hopefully here in a couple of weeks finally.

But you're going to Miami, so you're missing each other in Miami. Yeah.

She goes the week before and I go the wee can after literally when she flies into La I'm gonna be in Miami, so I'll miss her another three days and I'm going for Miami. I'm going to Miami for Palm Republic, which I'm really looking forward to people coming out. You know, Palm Republic got into the Total Wines in a large scale in Miami. So we're gonna be at Total Wine Pinecrest from twelve to two on Saturday, November twenty third, and then we're going to be in the later afternoon. We're going to be at Total Wine I Grove Central from five to seven doing meat and greets, bottle signings, tastings, just all in Total Wine experience. You get to hang out the store and be involved with a group of us and have fun.

Are you mixing cocktails for the holidays, Yeah.

My father's for sure. I think even at the Total Wines we're doing cocktails, but I'll be diving in. You know, one of our investors, Matt Kaiser, is a freaking awesome home bartender, like Frust, you should be a bartender. Make so many great cocktails, and I just had another new one called Ward eight, I think is what it's called, an older drink that I never had even heard of before. Great mix but using them with a bourbon. He made an espresso martini with our silver, which was incredible, and I love espresso martinis and I know people are doing it now with tequila and all that and away from the vodka, but it was fantastic with our silver. So another one I'm going to be diving into for the holidays.

Who on set is getting drunk on Palm Republic?

No, just kidding, Wow, we're shooting nobody, but I'm telling you they're all yeah. I mean, like the whole cast loves it. They've been not just supporters but genuine consumers of the product. And I just did I'm doing a whole gifting for the entire crew, and I let everybody you know, pick one bottle, and I'm gifting everybody a bottle. It's like one hundred and sixty bottles. I'm going out with for them for the holidays, so I'm paying for it. It's not even free from Pome, but I'm treating everybody to a bottle, and a lot of them have already bought bottles on their own and just been, you know, supporting me out the gate and they really love it.

That's awesome, and.

It's got a great seating. The other day. By the way, I want fans will get a little Easter egg when we air. We have a couple of Palm Republic Easter eggs this season where I'm getting poured a drink at the bar at one party at a hotel, and I just did another at another scene with Lopez and we're I'm poor a little Palm Republic in my house and we're drinking.

Oh, that's awesome.

That was my question. I was gonna ask if it was ever made it into the Rookie. That's awesome.

It DD we made it, and it wasn't easy. It wasn't easy, but you know, I went through the proper channels and they were standards and practices were kind enough to allow me to put it on the show and it Uh, they've been super supportive. It was great. I was excited to get it on.

That's so fun. What did you have for actual lunch today?

I brought lunch today? They had they had a manu. I brought some some tacos from home and some uh, some green beans a little what do I have of them? We eat some squash fries that I had made. Yeah, I'm doing I'm doing home today. You know I got bad food poisoning. It was a little behind the scenes. I had bad food poisoning an episode, uh, halfway through the season. I don't listen. I'm not gonna say it was from catering, as that was the last thing I ate. And I don't remember the last time this has happened to me. But I got fully sick on set, like throwing up. And I'll be curious, what if people see the scene but and and see that I look like I'm dying in the scene. But I was so bad in the group scene, I had to go to the bathroom, throw up, come back and shoot, try to finish the scene. Turning just white and pale and looking bad. Try to knock out all my coverage, be there for everybody's coverage while not getting worse on set. And it was brutal. I haven't done that a long time where I've been sick that bad while acting on a show. Because a lot of times that's what it is. You get sick, you got to keep acting. People used to have, you know, buckets and things on the side if you had the bad fluid. If you can work, they want you to work.

I mean I was asking because you know, I was wondering if you were having turkey?

Yeah for lunch?

Well, what's the article the rookies?

Eric Winters sas he's not team Turkey when it comes to Thanksgiving?

How many people are Team Turkey? Turkey is terrible?

Easton and I are offended.

You both are Turkey fans.

Yes, yes, I'll.

Do a turkey dark meat if it's but it's gotta be special cooked. It's gotta be like done a different way. I find it so much more drier than chicken.

This diva, Eric Winter here, I have to have a special turkey.

Both of you are team Turkey. I can't believe it.

What do you have instead? What do you do instead? Ham?

Or I do like a good lady honey glazed ham?

I do you like that's easter? No for Easter?

They have ham on. They have ham on on Thanksgiving.

No they don't, Yes they do, although I'm Cuban, so we do have like a we do have like a pork shoulder for Thanksgiving as well as turkey.

In Puerto Ricans do a really nice turkey. And I'm not kidding when I say like the flavor is different. I do like the stuff in I always get a little bit of the turkey, but it's not my favorite. It's not my go to. I love the super potato cast role with the maut marshmallows on top. That's a good one.

I just think this episode is coming out before, like the week before Thanksgiving, and people should know that you don't like turkey.

I mean eat it. It's just not by any means. I would never order or pick out.

A turkey that's super funy.

I eat it because I have to on Thanksgiving.

Do you have a Thanksgiving cocktail that you're doing or mocktail cocktail?

For sure? Rouse love of mocktail. We were playing around with like the idea of what I want to try. It is a pumpkin spice, old fashion something like that. I just love old fashions too.

Or like a chai maybe like a child fashion.

It could be interesting.

That could be interesting. Isn't that like a Thanksgiving flavored chai?

Yeah, so it's I think a pumpkin spot. You don't thin pumpkin spices either. You think that's Halloween only there's pumpkins of Thanksgiving.

No, there are pumpkins at Thanksgiving.

I agree, Yes, there are pumpkins, and hay bales are still around and all that stuff.

Do you like the cranberry sauces? Do you guys like that stuff?

Yes? I like the jelly disgusting one.

The one that comes out of a can.

Yeah, I love it.

I like the cranberry I like the one that has chunks of cranberries in it. Oh yeah, that feels a bit more homemade if maybe's priced out of a can, but it's got more. It's not like the log. It just rolls out of a can with the lines still around it. Yeah.

I love that so good, and it's so hard to get out. Yeah no, but the bars around here have changed. Like That's when I knew it's like the Thanksgiving time, because the bars change and the cherries aren't out on top of the bars anymore. The cranberries are in the jars on top of the bars where they're like mixing. Now, so that's how you know the difference. That's when it's a change happens. Well, Eric, this has been fun.


You know something I was curious about The Rookie is an ABC show. I love synergy. That's something that gets me excited. Has there ever been like, have you ever had to do an episode where you guys like go to Disneyland or anything like that. Has that ever happened?

No, that would be fun, though, That would be fun. I'm trying to think if we've views you do.

The FBI thing with n C Nash. Isn't that a show on ABC?

We did got canceled though, just kidding. Yeah, Ped's got cancel We did cross over with them. We it'd be fun to do something Disney. I mean we've done crossover a little bits with like ESPN stuff. Oh wow, I think more like the commercial space of like promoting. But we've had moments or mentions of things like that. But that actually would be a very funny way of I'm trying to think of that go away of pitching that be really cool. And I love Disneyland. That's one of my favorite places.

What's your favorite ride at Disneyland?

Probably incredit cost Oh no, no, no, I take that back Soaring Wow, a California adventure. I love story, but I love storing and I go classic Disneyland, like classic. Probably I'm a sucker for the Jungle Cruise since I was a kid and also pirates.

This is good data for my uh my Eric Wenter dossier and putting together.

Thank you, but you're I know you're a Disneyland person too. What's your favorite?

But I love the Matterhorn, That's that's mine. I love that Pride.

Really that would it feels so bumpy, but it's it is a it is a good ride. It's so jerky compared to the others. Have you done the New Star Wars Land, I'm assuming.

Right, oh yeah yeah, that's a work of art, the whole place.

Incredible, incredible.

Tim Bradford's take on a Jungle Cruise would be so good?

Actually would it? Actually would?

That would be so good.

There's the pitch.

There's the pitch, like Tim Bradford be like, yeah, it's a hippo over, here's the back of water.

Here we go.

Watch out.

Hey, yeah they have like the.

Fake you'd be firing all the time.

I don't think they'd probably do like a dead body at Disneyland or anything like there's like or like somebody like vandalizing Disneyland. Like, there's nothing that they would probably that you would need a cop for.

No, And it couldn't be seen in a negative light.

It have to be like a Tim Bradford date, Like Tim Bradford going on a date to Disneyland.

Yeah, exactly, he's going to Disneyland, but then some crime happens that he never makes it to Disneyland until the very end of the episode.

Yes, yeah, Or you take some kid that you found in the street to Disneyland.

It's like one of those, because you can't have crime at Disneyland.

No. We had an episode a few years ago about Disneyland relative, but I was thinking about like a kid and Da Da dah, and we did with the Rams that was a few seasons ago, which was cool. Again, I think tying in football and ESPN and sports and all that, and they like to cross remote in those ways. That's kind of like the guests we have coming up soon in an episode that I couldn't couldn't mention, but fun little cameo for that when.

You're watching you're watching football. I assume how many days a week do you watch football?

You know, I'm not as crazy as I mean, I just don't have me time, I feel like with the kids, but I'm always checking scores and I'm going through stuff on Sunday in college football on Saturday. But I don't get to spend his more time. The last thing I was, I mean, I was obsessed with the World Series and with baseball playoffs. And I know only because the Dodgers were in it that long. But I don't think I've been this excited about baseball in years, where I was like all in every night. And my kid was so excited as well. My son, he was obsessed. So it was so fun in that regard experiencing the World Series and the Dodgers with him like that, it was it was great.

Did he get the gold chain?

He got a gold chain for his Yeah, for his birthday. He was so happy. And then our nanny got him a little soccer boy charm of the soccer ball and he rocks his chain all the time. And he got Dodgers at and Dodger you know showay, you know jersey, and he's he's so happy.

I love that he wanted that so badly. That's the cutest thing.

I'm glad he liked it because you, guys, right before you gave it to him before runs left right exactly exactly.

That was well, thanks guys, it's just fun. Thanks Eric, glad we got to do it until next time, he said. A d O and producers, thanks, love you, bye, love you. Thanks for listening. Don't forget to write us a review and tell us what you think.

If you want to follow us on Instagram, check goes out at he said, as is that email Eric and Ross at iHeartRadio dot com, he said, is part of iHeartRadio's Mike wild Up podcast network.

See you next time, ye

He Said, Ella Dijo with Eric Winter and Roselyn Sanchez

This is HE SAID, SHE SAID like you won’t believe. Singer, dancer, actress and Latina superstar Rosel 
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