Ros is back and she and Eric jump right back into their routine! She shares all about her time in Spain filming and they share all about finally being together for some holiday fun!
This is he said, A yeah d Ho with Eric Winter and Rodlin Fantag.
Hello, Hello, welcome back to another he said, he yet deal started already. Yeah who Hi, yeah d Ho back.
Hey, I am back. I am bringing Sexy back.
Yes you are, Yes you are.
What is happening? I've missed you, I have missed you, I have missed the audience or he said, a yadehoe listeners miss me very much.
There's always that. I wonder a lot of parents can relate to this. Right when you come home and then you see the kids and it's like, oh my god, you see your spouse and you're like hi.
Every single family. It's absolutely normal that you are actually more excited to see your children your spouse. And I was very happy to see everybody. I'm the doggies.
It was great having you back. And also how was filming overall? Tell us about the.
Experience, So, guys, I went tobill BA went to Spain for a month by Basco. I learned it was it's very interesting history, like the Basque country. They considered themselves past. They don't want to be called Spaniards. It's really interesting. In marm it was lovely. The crew was so fantastic, Hardivigen, Chris Gear, Chris.
Hoole, did you t I was like nerding out that you were in a movie?
Yeah, he loves he loves. No, he's awesome. He's awesome, and it was amazing. It's called Spicy Whale. Comes out next year. And in the middle of still editing my movie thee I'm going back to Puerto Rico in what next week?
How did the I don't think we talked about this at all, definitely on the podcast. How did the Latin Grammys go? Cause you look fantastic?
Oh my god, oh my god, thank you? What did you say?
Fantastical, FANTASTICA the Latin Grammy is It was incredible. Seventh time doing this. I went there for less than forty hours.
That people might find interesting.
No, I think everything ran amazing. The show was incredible. Was for me, it was like like a moss. It was like silk. I had a blast. I feel like I enjoy it. Every year. I get to be better, you know, because I'm more experienced and I just love hosting the Latin Grammys, And yeah, it was an incredible experience.
We finally got our home and then we ended up having our anniversary right after she got home, which was amazing, and Thanksgivings, we were able to actually do you know, I guess we were forced into doing a date night because we haven't done date nights and like I'm forced, we haven't done date nights on a regular basis because it was our anniversary, so we.
Had to come anniversary forced for you.
No, forced us to have a date night? Are we We talked about on the podcast before that we got to do better at date nights. We have to plan date nights. And then she was gone for like forever and she came back, so that was something fun to celebrate. We had nice dinner out one of our favorite places, Stake forty eight us. We've both been shopping for each other at the same place for our gifts, which was pretty funny.
I know, and then we both forgot the gifts.
We both forgot the gift, so we drive.
Into the restaurant. He goes, oh my god, the gift. I'm going, oh my god, your gift. And then we can back home and then we give each other the gifts. It was so nice.
It was nice, it was it was eating and again we got to start doing date nights more on a regular basis. Then you leave again for two weeks, so ear a week.
I just leave from nine days and then we go to New York.
We're gonna that's going to be fun. I'm actually looking forward to this, taking the kids, planning a trip to take the kids for the first time to New York.
I hope it snows.
I'll be nice to get a little bit. I think it'd be fun. We're going to do see the Rockets Radio City Music Hall, which I think the girls will love. Dylan may or may not. He might find it interesting. I want to all the twist stuff that your liberty. I want to do that. I'm trying to.
Work, what do you want to do this? Why do you want to do this liberty?
They should see it's a story we can.
See from the distance.
I don't know what I think that's what I'm changing to. That's that I'm I'm changing to. I think I want to we just like what Dominique my pub as I said, is that you just drive down to Dumbo. I guess it is New York and you can see it from you know, the other side of the bridge instead of going over. I'm fine with that. I think I might be fine. I just want them to see it and experience what that is in person, because they've learned, you know, Sebbius in particular, learn so much about it.
What is a history of this touch of liberty was.
Given by the French. Why I have to go back after a war.
It was so like I really wanted to say, the kids to this touch of Liberty because of the history.
For I learned I learned, I don't know, I learned it at one point in school.
And then you want to go. You want to go to the Empire State Building, which I know that I.
Won't be able to go on, but they can see it. It'd be very fun to see that. I think it's these are like, you know, major landmarks.
I want to go to Burgdorf and I just want to go a shop, brought away shows and hour.
The Statue Liberty was dedicated on October of eighteen eighty six. It was designated as a National Monument in nineteen twenty four. And I know it came from France. The friendship between the people. It was a gift of friendship from the people of France to the United States and is recognized as a universal symbol of freedom of democracy and democracy? See interesting it was a piece right, I wasn't really following a war.
Okay, So what is the one thing you do not agree? Well? Thanksgiving pastor. I thinks even was amazing. Guys, I cooked the most amazing tricky started with mofongo and I think it was a hit.
It was friend's house and some great bartending was done, sipped on. It was a really nice things.
So what do you both do for each other when you are reunited after a while?
You know the truth is probably not enough. That's probably the truth. Don't you think very good of this morning? This is funny.
So hones sleeping. My alarm goes off, his alarm goes off. I'm not even like fully awake. And he crossed just to get the dogs out of the crate to take them party, and he goes, we're doing terrible. That was my good morning, No good morning money. He was like, we're doing We're doing terrible. And I.
Said, you realize you've been home for a week and we're already old habits.
No, we're doing terrible. That's exactly what terrible. And I was like, wow, what are you talking about. It's always doing terrible three times, and.
Then you said, maybe we're doing terrible again. She came back such a loving affectionate, just like there for each other present week since you were back. And then it was all of a sudden, like I got o from work, I said, I said hello, give her kiss. There was like no hugs, there was no conversation. She went in bed, she started doing a bunch of work. I was dealing with the kids. I go to bed. She's still doing her own thing, starts watching her own Netflix show. I fell asleep asleep. But I'm like, we're doing bad. We just in a week we went back to a bad habit. We didn't say final thoughts to go to bed, We didn't share any kind of like just conversations throughout the night. You just did your thing. I didn't. I think in a week you were gone for over a monthent okay.
And then after you said that, what was my response, Let's fix it exactly, Let's fix it practical to the point.
So the truth is when when when we usually come back from long trips, I think the truth is we don't do enough, Like we should probably do more of a celebration, we should always but this, like I said, we were forced in a great way into a date night because of our anniversary. But if we didn't have our anniversary, I bet you wouldn't have planned dinner right away. You'd have been like, oh, I don't want to go out to dinner. I just got home.
Really yea, I was very happy to go to dinner with you that night because it was our anniversary.
But I don't think you would have naturally said, like, let's go out to dinner. I just got home. You'd have been like, oh, I think.
Well, Jed lag is a real thing.
Well, there was that time change.
So what do you do with the kids when one of you are away for a long time?
Well, that's usually me because she's usually the one that's been gone for the post thank you true, when's the last time I was gone for a law long time? A long time ago. I haven't been gone. It was just a lot of keeping them busy with their with their activities and all that, and trying to find fun things to do on the weekend. During the week, Like I said, we have amazing support with my mom and our nanny, and it's been It was great. They had fun, but they missed mom. So it's awesome to have ros back, and now we had a fun family weekend the weekend after Thanksgiving, and then this coming weekend we're going to take them to see Mawana too and have a nice dinner the place we went to, because they were very sad that they didn't go to our anniversary dinner, so we're gonna try and do some famili stuff.
They get really upset when we go and do things by ourselves and they're not invited. I'm going to share something with you guys. It's this Billboo trip. I was in Spain. I was working, which is an incredible blessing I had. I was working with the most fantastic group of people, but it was hard for me this time. I think I'm going through a midlife crisis because I just think everything is at the same time, like I'm there by myself. I'm right in front of the Goggenheim. How do you say that? Then of the museum, there's Bill Bowie's to gorgeous and there's so many things to do, but I didn't have anybody to do it with kind of so it was it was a little bit deflating because I was like, oh, I miss my husband. I miss my kids. What am I doing? I think my nephew's passing has changed everything in my perspective in life because my brother only had nineteen years with this wonderful kid, and Sabella is about to turn thirteen. I don't know when she graduates from high school. She's going to probably go overseas or go away for college, and that's going to happen so fast. We have five more years with Sabella, and I'm going, why am I away?
It's going to go so so fast?
Why am I away when I barely see Sabella as it is, because she's always from school to tennis, tennis, back home to go to bed, and I travel so much and it's been I cried so many times while in Bilbao because of my nephew, because of missing my children, because my dad is very sick, and I was like, my life is evolving so fast and it's crazy. I came back. I had this great opportunity for this show with two actors that I love, a list incredible actress, but it means relocating six months to Texas, and I was very shocked. Number One, I'm very proud of myself for saying, you know what, I'm going to pass. I don't think I can look to my family and that I was saying, guys, guess what. I just came back home and I'm going to leave again for six months, and it kills me because you know how ambitious I am, and you know how work is so important to me. Work makes me happy.
But I sounds like your family makes you happy more.
I guess, yeah, it sounds like very much.
But it used to be for sure. She was definitely a work horse, like you work hungry. Everything had to be work, work, work, So maybe, yeah, maybe you were maturing in that in that regard. I mean, but the work is important to get you gotta pay for your building. I pay life and you know.
No, I want to work, but I just told my team guys, I need to work in ideal.
You want to find the right gig and if you're going to do it, not back to back right away, maybe a movie, yeah, series. You never know how long it go. You could be gone six months every year for the next it could be the next five years. Like you said, you have five years left, and then you'd be gone the next six months, six months at a time for the next five years. That means you'd only have six months a year with your kid who's going to go off to college. That's crazy when you put in perspective, but it's also.
Lucky for you because you have a job in la.
It's anomally, it's super easy for me to say, but you know for a fact, I like manifested that for years. And I'm not a big manifest you know all that, But I turned down gigs when we first got When we first got married, you threw a fit. You were doing without a Trace in l A. And I had offered a pilot to shoot in Rhode Island, and you were like, Eric, how are you going to leave? We just got married, that's crazy? And I passed. Yeah, it was a Mark Gordon show, didn't go to series. And You're like, how are you going to do this? You just got married. And I passed on it never and didn't didn't do it. And then for years I would always walk away from stuff that didn't shoot in l A. And I'd always struggle with that and I was like, I can't relocate, I can't do this. Always.
Well, I'm struggling. I'm struggling with this one because this one is a huge opportunity, but I was like, what is going to make me happier? And I don't want to do things that will make me happy, so I just want to see my kids grow makes me happy.
Coming home and moving everything around that I've set up so neatly, all my Palmer public stuff gone and everything being moved everywhere. Yes, shifting things all around the kitchen and the house. Wants to get rid of the rug in the bedroom right away. Wants to paint a wall right.
On the dining tables. Bedroom is going to be painted a.
Game go home? How can I spend money and change things?
It was everything was going great and.
That wasn'tie anyways. Are you happy that I'm home? Of course, you're happy your wife is back, very ringing sexy back into your life.
When you were watching Speed on your on your netbreaks or Sprint and Mouthguard and I was bringing sexy ship Tooth.
I went to the dentist and thank you doctor Bieber, Thank you Ivy for accommodating me. Immediately. We we did the talk.
Tooth more than any person I've ever known.
I do because I clenched, because I'm always because you stress me out, and stress causes my TMJ and causes me to go to bed and clench and I break my teeth. Wow, that's what's happening. Anyways, So we're taping. We just came from taping the Talk, the CBS Talk Show. We had a great time. And yesterday afternoon, I have to take my car to Firestone or whatever, which is actually one of my pet peeves. Like I I take a picture of the dashboard to show Eric that the car is.
Telling me, which is basically saying Eric, fixing, You'll do it. You know, even at work, she knows that the tire is low. It says on the thing tire.
To go to a place.
Picture and it's like like like what Like, I'm like what I'm I'm working all day long. If you have a nail in your tire, you need to fix now. Did you stop? No? I didn't. I just went home. I had to drop stuff off. You realize you could just run out of air and bede your house.
I rather flat than coming up. Yeah, they can fix it in no way. They can go and fix the car.
Drive not like that. I had to drive to Oh my god, two seconds away.
I go on my place and say I'm my own firestone firestone.
Which is literally a mile and a half.
It doesn't I'm there. I'm going this is one of my pet pieces. But I'm here. Rose, just breathe. Okay, So the guy was lovely immediately to care of me. But while I'm waiting for a second, I'm so stressed and annoyed. Clack, I hear a crack my front. You're right here, chipped, and I'm going.
Flat tire, low air and a chip tee And what.
I have this talk show tomorrow? What am I going to do?
Like we were pretty good texting the first part of the day, and then all of a sudden when I didn't take the car because I was working, and then you chip to tooth, it was like the energy went downhill for and I received the branch.
I'm stressing out then, but I was able to go on Ivy and doctor Bieber. Thank you again for fixing me. Look they fixed me and everything is okay. Yeah, but it's been tricky for me. Like I'm opening up my heart. I'm telling you how how I'm going through a midlife existential crisis, and you have no compassion and you don't say anything lifting motivating.
I just said we're so happy you're home. I just say that a second. So you're happy I'm home. I said, so happy you're home.
Okay, what else, Like you went to school to study psychology like I could. I could use a husband's psychologist right now and say it. Ross is normal.
It's definitely, it's definitely normal. Maybe. First of all, I can't help that if you have low air and you're tired, that that's they're going to throw your whole day in.
I'm not talking about that.
I help that.
I'm not talking about that.
But that was what the first was talking about.
Nephew dad.
We talked a lot. We talked about your dad. We've talked about your nephew a ton because it affected us both so deeply. We've talked about all of that stuff. I know where you lie. I think when you passed on that show that was a huge shock to me. You send it to me on an email, said look at this opportunity I just passed. And I was like, I even said to you, are you sure. I'm also very careful what I say because I have to reverse passive.
Aggressive no, no, because if I would have emailed you or call you saying Eric, I just got this opportunity. Most likely I'm going to go. You would have flipped. But because I said, you know what, you're my priority, I'm going to pass. Then you guaranteed no. I think I can. I can.
You had a very good chance. You had a very good chance, very good chance, but it wasn't a guaranteed. Gig number one number two. We've been in this position before. You had another show and nobody.
It was really funny because you were like, are you sure? I mean, and Austin is not that far away, and I.
Was like, looking into how far away the flight is? I said, you'd be flying back every weekend. It would be a lot on you. But you have to fly home as much as you can. But I've learned my lesson. This is what you get after nineteen years. When it comes to work, I walk on eggshells. I want to make sure that you're making the decision because I don't want you resenting me for I didn't do this job. I get it, so I have to walk on eggshells. I have to be supported.
I don't want you to walking on eggshells. I just want to when it want you to be honest.
I sing on jobs. I tell you all the time. I've told you before. I said, you're not doing this. We're trying to develop a show right now. I said, you're not doing this if it shoots in Vancouver. There's no way a network show that shoots in Vancouver will never see you. And you were like, well, I don't know. And thank god your best friend was in town and she was like, raws, that's crazy. So you know when she was here and we were talking about the show we're going to develop, and you're like, I mean, I mean really, but maybe this is opportunity. I said, you're the star of a show going to Vancouver. There's no way that's gonna work. Let's talk about something a little bit nicer. Holidays are here, Christmas is coming for those who celebrate. Yeah, but we love this time of year, are we We're not doing a holiday party again, right? I get super stressed out when she she wants to do holiday parties all the time.
And this is the thing with Eric. Eric gets super stressed out, and then we plan it and then people come and we have such an amazing time, and then you love every second of it. Is the planning, the part that you can suggest. But then when you're in it, you love it, and then you clean up perfectly, find and you go to better and we always look at each other that I did a really good job.
I don't mind a small guest, small gathering for Christmas. Eve. We're gonna do that.
We're gonna do a gathering for Christmas Eve. I don't I'm not interested. I'm not in the party spirit, like I said, because everything has changed since Kika passed, So I don't think any family member wants to do anything, to be honest with you. But at the same time, I feel terrible for the kids because I know they're going to be like, we're not doing it. I already have some recipes because my turkey was a hit. Now I feel like I'm a chef. Turkey, Chicken, I'm gonna chicken I'm gonna do, and meat I'm gonna do.
Let's geta let's get it sent over.
My mom has to panakay, I'll take care of that. I'll make Pana towston Is for you.
It would be excellent. That's the big thing that I mean. I'm excited for that.
But I read guys, for those of you who doesn't that don't know what pana is pana is in English called bread fruit. Can you say a bread I don't know if it's a vegetable. I don't know if it's a fruit. I think it's a vegetable. But it's this big green ball. It's a tree and it makes it Lydeu's fru it's out of If it's a tree.
Is also a fruit.
Because it's out of a tree kind of thing like a banana. Also, banaside is a fruit that's so weird we consider it a vegetable.
It's definitely not a vegetable. But just like avocados not a vegetable, Cucumbers aren't a vegetable. Tomatoes aren't a vegetable.
Cumbers vegetables.
They're fruit. Technically they seed, they have seeds inside, they grow in a vine.
Doesn't mean that's a fruit.
Yeah, Cucumbers, tomatoes, avocado, I think I said that already Mexico. Those are all fruits, I mean technically, but we treat them as vegetables. What what are you most looking forward to in New York besides I mean we talked about the shopping. Is that your biggest thing? Because I'm trying to get his tickets to a Knicks game. I'm not a Knicks fan. I'm a Lakers fan. But any live basketball event in Madison Square Garden, I bet once it's awesome.
It just it's all we're doing for Dylan of it too.
If we can make all that, you know, trying to make it all happen.
I just want to walk, you know what I'm looking forward to? What are you looking at?
My my spikes Someway broke.
Here always have some flyways anyways, my just walking down the streets like Fifth Avenue and them seeing all the windows decorated, and I think it's gonna be like sensory overloaded because Manhattan is so different from Los Angeles and what they're used to that I think for them, especially that time of year, that time of year they're gonna witness, I think it's gonna be magical. It might be overwhelming because the amount of people and they have never seen these amount of people walk in the streets and like Manhattan is a whole trip. You know, it's a vibe. So they're either gonna love it or they're gonna hate it. But I just want to see their faces when they just walk around and be like this is a brand New World. You know it fun and you know that I've been wanting to do this for years. I've been telling y'all, want to take them to Manhattan. Every time I go to Manhattan, I want to take them to New York City. I want said to experience this. I have a feeling that she's gonna be like, this is where I'm calling to college.
I hope not. I don't want to go to New York. That's fine.
I lived here for three years.
Are you ready to travel with me to Miami? This nuntil next year, but we're gonna travel together. We're gonna bring her out to Miami for a little public convention, going on some meet and greets. You meet some people, m Oh wow. She's excited. She gets very overwhelmed with like lines and people and it stresses her out. But it'll be fun.
You're loving it.
It's fun. It's fun to meet all the people that it's gonna be a good time. Miami will be will be great. We'll keep you guys posted when we're gonna make it out. It's gonna be the end of January, but we'll give you all exact dates. That'll be another fun, adventurous trip that we're gonna have as just the two of us. Okay, Oh my gosh, I'm trying to plan. We just did this like questionnaire on the talk. It was fun. You'll see it on social media. But I'm the one that plans the last minute trips.
This is not a plant. This is a work related.
Into something nice for the two of us.
I love it.
I'm striking out. I'm striking out.
So what are you watching lately? Because you know I've been gone, and then you start like looking at content that I don't really well.
I went through what we do in the Shadows. I think there maybe is maybe there's be it right, I've been going through that. I just started watching and you think it's boring, But it's re enactments. It's about Wiater and the cowboys back then.
No thank you.
It's kind of fascinating beause it it's like the shaping the history of our country and how we got to where we are, and that if you want to do that.
The best thing was The History of Us. That documentary that the Story of Us, the Story of Us. I think it was that it's unbelievable. But this one, all I hear is Yellowstone, Yellowstone Yellowstone.
Because they're talking about how pivotal Yellowstone was.
But no, can you watch Spring?
Is that Yellowstone? What are you talking about? Yeah? Yellow yellow Stones a TV show?
I know what they talk about Yellowstone all the time.
Tombstone, Yellowstone. Yeah, yellow Stones, that's the Kevin Costner show.
I know. But they talk about Yellowstone.
No, it's Tombstone.
Tombstone is a town I don't know whatever.
Tombstone is a town where whiter it was. And Ike I forgot his last name, Turner.
Let's talk about Turner.
But what was really interesting is this. It all started, this whole rivalries beef. Listen, this is fast name beef happened because this stage coach. The stage coach got hit up by these cowboys that robbed it. And they said why it was so pivotable? Listen, why you know why it was so pivotal because we were ushering Okay, let me say one thing. We were ushering silver back to the East Coast to pay off our debt to Europe. And the stage coach were two guys, Henry Wells, I forgot. The other guy's name is far that's how Well was far?
My god, Bravo Wells Fargo. I used to have my money.
You don't love has to do with it? The money in the bank that pays for all the nice things. And you're like, what's love got to do with that money? I want money has to do Doc Holliday was in it, Doc Holliday, Doc, who's Dug Holiday? Dude? You never saw the movie Tombstone.
No, guys, Oh my morales in Puerto Rico.
Tombstone is so good. That's like, I'm not a big country of that country western movie fan. Tombstone.
Okay, beautiful? So can you watch Kilmer.
Like he was doark Holiday? Oh he was dog Holiday in the movie? Too good?
Great, thank you for the history class.
Watch amazing instead of a sprint griping all that, Why don't you watch some of it tonight with me and cuddle with me and watch something versus ignoring me and turn on your side and watching.
Your iPad because I want to watch the sprint.
Well, I have to deal with all the lights blaring of somebody running like well, I'm trying to go to sleep.
Gabby Thomas Noah Lyles obsessed, obsessed with sprinters and how they accomplish being the fastest people on earth. The amount of dedication. I used to be very fast.
I don't believe any of it.
I believe I used to be a really fast runner like Gabby Thomas. I to do with it.
I'll pass it all right, enjoy your interests. We'll try to find someone to watch together.
Okay, I love you.
Okay, I guess that's it. It was fun having you back. Listen to everybody. If you will be happy to do some questions and stuff like that as well for the next episode. Hopefully we have a guest on here as well very soon. So if you have something you want to talk to us about, send it to our d ms and he said a ado Or email us at Eric and Ros at iHeartRadio dot com and uh, until next time. I love you, Thanks for listening. Don't forget to write us a review and tell us what you think.
If you want to follow us on Instagram, check us out at he said. Ajav Or sen as an email Eric and Ross at iHeartRadio dot com. He said. AJAB is part of iHeartRadio's Miculduda podcast network.
See you next time.